Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available.

:Shockked: Horrible, this is the last thing we have to watch and first thing we have to learn in India.

I have seen a similar video few months ago, where a father stops his bike near a shop, and asks the kid to just sit and wait on the bike and leaves him unattended.

Kid started moving on the bike and he falls down and a dumper truck passes over him. I am not posting the video to cause another heart break.

But, here's the screenshot with which, we can understand the sequence of events.

Name:  Screenshot_202207150644342.png
Views: 753
Size:  265.3 KB

We take safety for granted in India. The incident in the screenshot is clearly an avoidable accident ; the father needs to take his kid with him, that's it.

After the above video clip went viral, I noticed a similar situation where, the kid is left unattended and she's playing on the bike. Nothing happened in this case, but its a potential accident scenario.

This got recorded in my dashcam, let me try to find out.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available. ( Don't know if this is an old video).

That biker who came the wrong way - I'd gladly contribute to the legal defence fund of anyone who dished out instant retribution to them.

How can they sleep at nights after this, I wonder.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)

I have broken the url so that no one accidentally plays the Video.

Can we have a little less of this sort of babysitting here? There is a content advisory. That is sufficient. There is no need to make the link crippled. If the contents are such that you could watch it, then the rest of us are also adult enough. If it isn't, then just don't post / delete the post?


Originally Posted by krishnakumar (Post 5358255)
I regret watching this. Folks who haven’t watched and thinking of doing so, think long and hard.

I agree 100%. No one should have to go through the suffering of that father. Puthra Sogam is one of the most painful of sufferings that anyone can be subjected to.

Thanks for the warning and also other curiosity prizes shared!
Usually I do have a high tolerance for gore, but cannot think to view such a heart breaking scenario involving kids.

One of the biggest benefit of this thread is to remain reminded of situations and remain alert while on the road with our family, friends and also others.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5358302)
That biker who came the wrong way - I'd gladly contribute to the legal defence fund of anyone who dished out instant retribution to them.

How can they sleep at nights after this, I wonder.

You might have to repurpose that fund to help out the bus driver.


The boy fell down and the speeding private bus ran over the child killing him on the spot. As people started gathering, the driver abandoned the vehicle and fled.
Irate over the incident, people in the vicinity damaged the windscreen of the bus.

I dont think there is anything the bus driver could have done to avoid this. But most probably he would be arrested and harassed, since he was driving the "bigger vehicle". That scooter driver should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, to set an example.

I feel extremely emotional looking at a child life taken by nonsense. I regret watching the video. It is a terrible feeling to have with tears in my eyes for the child.

Also, one more point is, we need to educate family, friends and kids that, not all cars that look same in color has same capabilities.
For example, a red Thar or a red BMW/Merc etc., is different from a red Maruti etc, in terms of quick acceleration, torque etc.

Picked few example companies, for reference. The list can be more or different.

For most of the people, Red car means Red car, that's all.

So, be double extra careful moving around or crossing in front of the vehicles which can accelerate quickly as there is a chance that, the driver may fail to notice or driver may not have time to respond for sudden situations.

I'm training my kid to identify car logos and she counts in the parking lot and tells me the count and which car is missing etc.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 5358302)

Can we have a little less of this sort of babysitting here? There is a content advisory. That is sufficient. There is no need to make the link crippled. If the contents are such that you could watch it, then the rest of us are also adult enough. If it isn't, then just don't post / delete the post?

Well, the breaking of the link was done by the Mods to save innocent users who want to learn from other's mistakes from seeing this heartbreaking video.

That's because in the world of click baits and discretionary advises which are soundly ignored, it's better to warn others of such events well in advance by making them take actions like joining of this link as an example.

Kudos to the sensitivity of Team-BHP Mods.

And I couldn't agree more on the Red shirted culprit.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Content warning: Graphic visuals. Viewer discretion advised.

Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available. ( Don't know if this is an old video).


Mod Note:

I have broken the url so that no one accidentally plays the Video. Combine the three lines and paste in browser url, if you must watch. But I strongly recommend against it.

This is why we need both the rider and pillion to wear at least a good quality helmet. It does not guarantee 100% safety but we can reduce the chances. My god I'm regretting seeing this video.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Content warning: Graphic visuals. Viewer discretion advised.

Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available. ( Don't know if this is an old video).

I am not exaggerating here, for a minute unknowingly tears started to flow from my eyes. Even my worst enemy shouldn't lose their beloved one like this. I really pray for his family.

Many things went wrong, no helmet, left side overtaking, and the worst of all wrong side driving. These videos needed to be played at the school level to bring in traffic discipline, only then atleast in 2040 our country will have drivers who drive with brains.

I am depressed after seeing the kid's video. I couldn't complete watching the video for obvious reasons. The video should be cropped and deleted from 18 seconds onwards. Aftermath has nothing to learn. Plain sorrow of a grieving father.
Came here to share another video from cyberabad police. A jaywalker stonified (don't know if this is an actual word) on seeing his approaching death. Had he continued his jaywalk, he would have been safe.

Video could be graphic for some viewers.
Slaute the alto's attempt to save him.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available. ( Don't know if this is an old video).

Screenshot of the video tells the story. Please delete the later section of the video (18 second onward), it will not remain active on YouTube for long anyways in the present state.
The date shows that it happened two days ago.

Not going to see the video. I refrain from watching any such stuff especially if it involves kids.

Every time we move out I tell my wife, why are kids riding on a 2 wheeler. I get it, we aren't an ultra Rich country where everyone can afford a car so people use 2 wheelers more. But, why would you let your kid ride it with you. Knowing fully well how our roads are filled with morons breaking law left and right. A single slip will make the life of your kid in danger even if it isn't your fault. Take an auto rickshaw, take a bus, train, cab. All of these are much much safer than the 2 wheeler. It may or may not cost a little more but no amount of money saving is worth your kids life.

On top of it there are so many idiots who drive like they are in a rally race with kids hanging for their dear life holding them tight. I just don't get the mentality of such parents. Boils my blood everytime I see it.


Originally Posted by harry10 (Post 5359188)
Not going to see the video. I refrain from watching any such stuff especially if it involves kids.

Every time we move out I tell my wife, why are kids riding on a 2 wheeler. I get it, we aren't an ultra Rich country where everyone can afford a car so people use 2 wheelers more. But, why would you let your kid ride it with you. Knowing fully well how our roads are filled with morons breaking law left and right. A single slip will make the life of your kid in danger even if it isn't your fault. Take an auto rickshaw, take a bus, train, cab. All of these are much much safer than the 2 wheeler. It may or may not cost a little more but no amount of money saving is worth your kids life.

On top of it there are so many idiots who drive like they are in a rally race with kids hanging for their dear life holding them tight. I just don't get the mentality of such parents. Boils my blood everytime I see it.

I can't agree more. What's even more worrying is that purportedly educated and decently well off parents trying to save those 5 minutes or 50 rupees endangering their little ones on a two wheeler despite owning a four wheeler.

Slightly off topic, but ours is really a country of paradox. There are hundreds of events where people have died while trying to overtake from left, or zig-zagging. A few tens if not hundreds of fatalities with kids falling off a two-wheeler. And few fatalities involving signal jump, or kids or adults dying when putting their heads out of sunroof. Yet we keep people repeating the same mistake over and again. Everyone seems to think it won't happen to them?

And well, this infectious attitude is displayed by a person owning a hero Honda to a BMW/Volvo. Formal education, access to media, nothing seems to have a positive effect.

Have seen parents driving with kids on their laps. Have seen kids and adults craning their neck and torso out of the sunroof. Have seen parents driving a BMW stopping right in front of a school gate not leaving enough room for traffic to pass. Have seen people cutting into the opposite lane to drop off their kid to school while a train of other vehicles are patiently waiting on their lane. Have seen Mercs and BMWs and Volvo cars squeezing through the emergency lane putting themselves and others at risk. Just makes me wonder what education these people received, or what education they are providing their children. This, in my opinion is the root cause of most accidents. The indiscipline you see is a result of lack of civic education. All other reasons are just excuses. And the number of such excuses or people making them, just seems ro be increasing. Sad

Result of trying to overtake from the left at a junction and especially when its raining heavily. The car went over the median and got stuck on it. Luckily didn’t tip over on the right.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-3acc362a3c144a72b40f02959536a19b.jpeg


Originally Posted by harry10 (Post 5359188)
Every time we move out I tell my wife, why are kids riding on a 2 wheeler. I get it, we aren't an ultra Rich country where everyone can afford a car so people use 2 wheelers more. But, why would you let your kid ride it with you. Knowing fully well how our roads are filled with morons breaking law left and right. A single slip will make the life of your kid in danger even if it isn't your fault. Take an auto rickshaw, take a bus, train, cab.

I wrote a similar post, using similar words like: my blood boils when I see a woman getting killed by some senseless driver. The context was a video shared here in which a speeding BMW jumped the divider and killed a woman riding a scooty, waiting at the signal to turn green. She died for no fault of hers. The question I raised was why woman always get to ride a scooty when the family can afford a car.

The family car being used by the male counterpart in 99% of the case.

Safety of a two wheeler on our roads which are filled with morons and reckless heavy vehicles, whether a woman rides it or a man. I think we are an educated society and topics like glass ceiling etc are widely discussed. Discussing why woman gets the scooty when male gets the car, is something we should ponder upon. Nobody is questioning a woman's driving skills. Rather, we want her to drive a bigger, safer vehicle or take an auto instead.

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