Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by prajwalmr62 (Post 5357256)
Doesn't matter if entire country is running on 5 star rated tanks.

Yes, you are right. A safer car can keep the car driver safe if he's hit and what if due to poor driving skills, he goes and hits an innocent road user, who has an unsafe car or a pedestrian or cyclist?

He has to spend the rest of the time behind bars not behind 5* wheels, and it will haunt him for a long time.

As goes the saying in Spider man, " With great power comes great responsibility".

The safest feature of any car is the driver.

All this talk of GNCAP and driver responsiveness is great. Now, wipe your minds off and look at this report.

This indiscipline is in my opinion, as negligent as a sleepy driver. This kind of indulgence of technology makes me shudder frankly.


Originally Posted by fhdowntheline (Post 5357616)
All this talk of GNCAP and driver responsiveness is great. Now, wipe your minds off and look at this report.

This indiscipline is in my opinion, as negligent as a sleepy driver. This kind of indulgence of technology makes me shudder frankly.

From many years ago, truck drivers used a brick to keep the accelerator pressed on long journeys as a method to relieve the foot of pressure. Similarly, even normal cruise control can be misused to the point of causing an accident. Hence, as technology advances, misuse is unavoidable especially with our population with its show off frenzy and gross negligence. Premium cars have driver monitors and capacitive steering to prevent such misuse. But with the XUV as long as the driver will tug the steering slightly once in a while, it will continue driving.

I think its bizarre how a safety feature is now used in such a way that it would rather increase the risk of collision. Hopefully the collision avoidance system in the XUV will at least prevent damage to other vehicles during such misuse.


Originally Posted by fhdowntheline (Post 5357616)
This indiscipline is in my opinion, as negligent as a sleepy driver.

This is worse, because a sleepy driver is usually unaware or underestimates of tiredness. Here driver is willingly doing it. This guy should get his license cancelled.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 5357702)
Premium cars have driver monitors and capacitive steering to prevent such misuse. But with the XUV as long as the driver will tug the steering slightly once in a while, it will continue driving.


I think its bizarre how a safety feature is now used in such a way that it would rather increase the risk of collision.

I was under assumption driver attention warning system was in place. Looks like that is not the case. If it exists, then it is clearly doing a very poor job of it.

Safety features are always good. People like the one in article would have found some other way to do the same sans the safety feature. Right now, because of the ADAS, there is an article saying it is wrong. If that wasn't the case, there would have been an article of accident.


Originally Posted by prajwalmr62 (Post 5357793)
I was under assumption driver attention warning system was in place. Looks like that is not the case. If it exists, then it is clearly doing a very poor job of it.

Depending on the complexity(and cost) the implementation can vary. Most basic is to check for steering input once a while. Next level would be to monitor if the driver literally is touching the steering wheel. Above that comes using a camera to actually track the eyeballs of the driver. Mercedes has this their cars. The system can exactly know if the driver is looking at the road, the instrument cluster, each of the mirrors and the infotainment display and otherwise. But this driver camera could itself cost more than the ADAS package of the XUV. :D Hence the cheaper the system is, easier it is to fool it.

One way of preventing any inadvertent situation while engaging ADAS in this context is probably to require a manual input of steering or accelerator/ brake every few minutes, failing which the car gives out loud warnings and cancels ADAS on its own.

Content warning: Graphic visuals. Viewer discretion advised.

Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available. ( Don't know if this is an old video).


Mod Note:

I have broken the url so that no one accidentally plays the Video. Combine the three lines and paste in browser url, if you must watch. But I strongly recommend against it.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available

Graphic content, suggest not to watch.


Originally Posted by fhdowntheline (Post 5357947)
One way of preventing any inadvertent situation while engaging ADAS in this context is probably to require a manual input of steering or accelerator/ brake every few minutes, failing which the car gives out loud warnings and cancels ADAS on its own.

That's already present in all cars including the XUV700. After a minute of hands off driving it warns the driver to take over. After a while steering assist is switched off. But this can be easily fooled by just placing a bottle between the steering spoke and your lap. That's why I mentioned earlier that there's always a loophole except by using a driver camera based on infrared light.


Originally Posted by SKC-auto (Post 5358187)
Graphic content, suggest not to watch.

:crying That idiot who came in wrong direction. :mad:


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available.

if only the wrong side idiot had been more sensible instead of forcing the father to brake in the loose sand, the innocent child would've still been alive!

This scenario happens to me everyday in my cycle where these wrong side riding brainless things ride fast and don't mind my existence and force me to get into the main fast lanes. I usually don't move a bit and make them brake at the last minute or give a minor bump, after which they make way and move


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available.

An extremely graphic video.
Depicts so many things that we Indians got wrong. Both sides of road are 20% on each side covered by mud, as is the case with most roads. Wrong side driving, something that we need to strictly eliminate. HCV plying on narrow roads. However, this road may not be as narrow as it seems, but both side of road on extreme edges are covered in mud as mentioned earlier plus could have encroachments for shops, etc. That bus driver wouldn't even know that the accident happened. Devastated father, the guy who came on wrong side just walks a bit away from his fallen two wheeler.

As a society, we are simply not disciplined or civilized enough (mob justice is a prime example). Daily while I drive to office, I need a long clear vision on one stretch of road else someone coming from wrong side would hit me. Just way too bad and this is from someone who drives to Ahmedabad, a city known for dense traffic with poor traffic sense, atleast twice a month.

Day before yesterday it rained heavy for an hour or so in my city. Water logged roads, huge traffic jams. 1.5 hours for 5 kms., people literally got aggressive and traffic cops just couldn't do anything. If they indicated someone to stop, he/she would just inch ahead ignoring cops.

All over India I think its same scenario. Very heartbreaking video effectively stating we take safety for granted.


Originally Posted by kvsneela (Post 5358160)
Got this video from WhatsApp; no details available. ( Don't know if this is an old video).

I regret watching this. Folks who haven’t watched and thinking of doing so, think long and hard.

It’s not like one of those Cyberabad Traffic Police videos if that’s what you’re thinking. Nope.

My heart sank. Oh my god, why did I watch! :sadface

I’ll explain here so that you don’t have to watch it. Reading will be less graphic than watching while getting to know what happened.

There is a very narrow two-way road. The scooter on the shoulder is forced to brake hard because of a stupid red shirt guy coming wrong way along the shoulder. The scooter skids because of mud and falls down. A bus runs over the kid but the father is fully conscious. The red shirt guy sees this and moves out of frame but he realizes how its not just his shirt that’s red, it’s his hands too, with that kid’s blood (figuratively, he kinda sinks down). The father drags his son’s body and wails while everyone around are just holding their heads in shock.

Trust me, you don’t need to watch this. The video is worse than what I have described. But that paints the picture for what you’ll see. I wrote that to satisfy your curiosity, the reason why I clicked. Now need to find a way to sleep.

If you absolutely want to watch, please ensure you have something/someone that you absolutely love next to you.

I really don’t understand why people in India like to drive up everyone’s rear. I get really frustrated. We have a zero concept policy of keeping at least a bare minimum of a two car gap. Everyone just likes to stick up everyone’s rear while driving or riding. I have been in a bad accident because of this stupidity where my entire car was rear ended by a tuv 300 taxi on the Mumbai Pune expressway. Also another thing is driving in the wrong lane. These offenders should be jailed for life or tortured in prison. That’s the only way we can learn. It’s not just on the road but also off the road. For example, when you go to the bank or when your in queue at the cinemas to buy a ticket, people just tend to stand so close to comfort that it really gets frustrating. Its not just the commercial vehicles but also educated people in luxury cars that tend to drive in this fashion. I’ve seen cars with team bhp stickers do this too. Can anyone decipher this kind of driving habit and what is the science that leads to driving like this ? I have noticed it’s 99% of our road users that drive like this. Oh and don’t get me started on the honkers !

Just witnessed the aftermath of a head-on collision between a TATA Ace and a pulsar bike. The rider was severely injured and the bike is totalled. This happened about 2kms ahead of Bagalur police station on the new international airport road, approximately at 11.30pm.

The section of the road is temporarily a 2 way as the other side of the median is under some repair. The biker was taken to a hospital in a taxi. I am sure the biker had no clue about the sudden two what usage of road and no barricades etc.

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