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Spotted this accident today morning at Ranchi, two chaps who fell on the divider looked badly injured/dead

I didn't stop to offer help because A. I was getting late and B. By not using helmet, triple occupancy and riding recklessly, I did not feel like helping them. :sadface


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 5166867)
Spotted this accident today morning at Ranchi, two chaps who fell on the divider looked badly injured/dead

Oh God!. Idiots are dime a dozen on our roads.

Even if you had been a few meters closer to them, all those people on the road who only witnessed the aftermath of the crash would have immediately come to a conclusion on who the culprit is!. Yet another example of a dashcam's necessity.


Originally Posted by Nalin1 (Post 5166874)
Even if you had been a few meters closer to them, all those people on the road who only witnessed the aftermath of the crash would have immediately come to a conclusion on who the culprit is!. Yet another example of a dashcam's necessity.

True, the first thing I did after reaching my destination was download the video.

BTW PCR Van once tried to blame me(last year), since from their POV it appeared that my car hit the bike. The bikers then tried to lie too, that they "felt" a push from behind. In reality is was a dog which caused them to fall. Only after I showed the camera and footage to police, they got convinced and let me go.

Video of the incident:


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 5166867)
I didn't stop to offer help because A. I was getting late and B. By not using helmet, triple occupancy and riding recklessly, the chaps deserved this. Hence had no pity for them. :sadface

I guess sharing this video footage with the chaps on the Yamaha Fascino? would have been really helpful if you had exchanged numbers. As if any of those three guys on the other scooter are badly injured or worst dead then the footage would greatly help them with their legal troubles that will follow next.


Originally Posted by SnS_12 (Post 5166931)
I guess sharing this video footage with the chaps on the Yamaha Fascino? would have been really helpful if you had exchanged numbers. As if any of those three guys on the other scooter are badly injured or worst dead then the footage would greatly help them with their legal troubles that will follow next.

True, but stopping there for long didn't seem safe to me. I was told that the locals came later and had blocked the road for some time. You never know which way a mob would go.

I'm glad the non erring scooty rider who was hit from behind, was wearing helmet and got up unscathed.


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 5166950)
True, but stopping there for long didn't seem safe to me. I was told that the locals came later and had blocked the road for some time. You never know which way a mob would go.

I'm glad the non erring scooty rider who was hit from behind, was wearing helmet and got up unscathed.

Absolutely right thing to do - best to avoid a crowd / mob forming immediately after the accident.
If you are not involved and the accident is in a public area with more people around, better to leave the scene. I have seen car windshields being broken by mobs just because 1 car ran into the bike of a local boy (he wasn't even hurt much)

However, I would urge you to share this video clip with the local police station.


Originally Posted by sanchari (Post 5166580)
A speeding BMW driven by a drunk driver on Banda-Worli bridge hits celerio from behind seriously injuring a 30-year old lady-advocate. Any idea if Celerio has airbags?

The implication being that air bags are supposes to protect from a rear ending? I think not. Headrests are supposed to protect from a rear-ending.


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 5166867)
B. By not using helmet, triple occupancy and riding recklessly, the chaps deserved this. Hence had no pity for them. :sadface

I don't like this thought process unfortunately.


Originally Posted by bharat4ever (Post 5167426)
I don't like this thought process unfortunately.

To each his own. I was more furious about the risk these idiots pose to other road occupants. Glad the other Activa rider had helmet on and could walk away without much injury. What if it was a pedestrian? I experience this nuisance on a daily basis, have been once at the receiving end once when a reckless rider spun out of control and his bike came towards me. Thankfully I was alert and could escape with minimal injuries.

Thus it may be personal, but I'll perhaps never have any sympathy towards such fellows who are inviting trouble for themselves. That is what it means if you are venturing outside home without safety on and still drive like a maniac.



Originally Posted by bharat4ever (Post 5167426)
I don't like this thought process unfortunately.

Even god can not help those who do not help themselves!
I also carry the same thought process. If one is not interested in living, who am I to try saving them?

This accident is in the news in Assam recently. Unfortunately, the system did not work initially as expected and required intervention of the Chief Minister, who took cognizance of the public outrage.

Assam Model Who Knocked Down Labourers Rearrested After Medical Board Debunks Her Health Claims.


Model Rajkanya Baruah from Assam, a 2016 Miss India finalist who had reportedly knocked down eight PWD workers on the night of October 2 in Guwahati has been arrested again. She was taken to the Dispur Police Station directly from GNRC hospital immediately after The Medical Board constituted by Guwahati Medical College submitted its report on October 6th.
. . .
The Guwahati-based model was granted bail under questionable circumstances within 12 hours after she was arrested on the night of the incident. On the night of October 2, the Miss India finalist of 2016 was allegedly driving back home in inebriated condition after attending a birthday party at Vivanta Hotel in Khanapara. She rammed her vehicle into nine PWD labourers in the Down Town, GS Road. The injured were immediately rushed to GMC. Doctors had to amputate both legs of Joseph, one of the grievously injured labourers. The others have been discharged after they were treated.

Earlierl, questions were raised on the role of the police when the sections slapped against the accused model were bailable and no criminal charge was filed when she was arrested on the night of the incident. Later Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma had to intervene as Assam Police drew flak for its apparent lackadaisical attitude. Later two Sub-Inspectors- Sahir Ali and Abha Rani Gogoi were recalled to the Police Reserve in Guwahati for their role in letting the accused slip the clutches of the law with lighter charges.

Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 5167515)
If one is not interested in living, who am I to try saving them?

Exactly, if some idiots are on a suicide mission, who am I to help? I actually consider such idiots as potential organ donor.


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 5167496)

Thus it may be personal, but I'll perhaps never have any sympathy towards such fellows who are inviting trouble for themselves. That is what it means if you are venturing outside home without safety on and still drive like a maniac.


I am 100% with you on this.

My parents and wife are often miffed with me when while driving I say such things that such morons deserve what happens to them. I don't blame them as they don't have to encounter such idiots on regular basis.

Due to such morons innocent people get injured or trapped in legal system without any fault of theirs. I am always ready to help who deserve our help but these people sadly don't.

On this topic of helping people, during a trip to Goa in 2017 we encountered an Omni fallen inside a gutter with some people trying to help. This was on a pretty lonely stretch. We stopped the car and ran towards them. Lent a helping hand. So far so good!.

One of the guys in the Omni opened his mouth and let out a tsunami smelling alcohol lol:. Four of my group helping them lost interest immediately on getting to know that it is a case of drunkards 'losing' control :p.

That was the end of the rescue mission. Now that might have been an accident not caused by a drunkard, but it is the thinking here that I am highlighting. We just felt no need for sympathy or empathy once alcohol came into the picture.


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 5166867)
I didn't stop to offer help because A. I was getting late and B. By not using helmet, triple occupancy and riding recklessly, the chaps deserved this. Hence had no pity for them. :sadface

You absolutely did the right thing. The only purpose that could have been achieved by you staying there was getting your car and your face smashed.

IMHO, in a densely populated spot (which most areas in our country are), even if it is your mistake, you should absolutely NOT remain at that spot. If your car is still driveable, then use it to make some distance between the accident spot and yourself. In 9 cases out of 10, if you remain at the spot, you and your vehicle will not make it out unharmed. The bigger your car, the higher is the ire of the mob. Just surrender at the nearest police station to assuage your conscience. The cops anyways invoke all sorts of sections from the IPC at first (which then get dropped if you have connections/good lawyers/deep pockets). The point is, if you want to live, leave.

Absolutely agree, no point in helping people who do not value their own lives.

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