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Originally Posted by ask_017 (Post 5090899)

Drunk car driver and horrifying to see the auto rickshaw violently thrown around. Sadly the auto driver lost his life.

A horrifying accident indeed.

Btw, as per the Hyderabad Traffic Police tweet, it was the passenger who died. (Or maybe the auto driver died as well. The accident was certainly brutal.)


Originally Posted by DriverR (Post 5090928)
A horrifying accident indeed.

Btw, as per the Hyderabad Traffic Police tweet, it was the passenger who died. (Or maybe the auto driver died as well. The accident was certainly brutal.)

Sometimes I feel that medieval punishments of a public nature should be implemented in these situations. Thats the only way to instill fear amongst the people for committing drink and drive offences.


Originally Posted by fhdowntheline (Post 5090946)
Sometimes I feel that medieval punishments of a public nature should be implemented in these situations. Thats the only way to instill fear amongst the people for committing drink and drive offences.

Well its because of such incidents and poor implementation of law and incapable judicial systems that the Public believes in Mob justice.

Our law and order and the mob justice are both wrong and its going from bad to worse. There is no fear amongst the rich and there nothing to lose amongst the mob.


Originally Posted by DriverR (Post 5090928)
A horrifying accident indeed.

Btw, as per the Hyderabad Traffic Police tweet, it was the passenger who died. (Or maybe the auto driver died as well. The accident was certainly brutal.)

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-capture1.jpg

The CCTV footage has captured the airbag explosion.

A really bad accident, the way autorickshaw was tossed after the impact


Originally Posted by ask_017 (Post 5090899)

Drunk car driver and horrifying to see the auto rickshaw violently thrown around. Sadly the auto driver lost his life.

Horrific accident.

To me it appeared as if the right indicator of the auto was on, and he was probably trying to make a right turn at the junction ahead. It would also explain him being ever so slightly in the right most lane, and not completely in the center lane.

If the above is correct, you have a sane person here losing his life for no fault of his. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

The driver of the car should certainly be booked for murder, not just drunk driving.


Originally Posted by ask_017 (Post 5090899)

Drunk car driver and horrifying to see the auto rickshaw violently thrown around. Sadly the auto driver lost his life.

Some follow-up update on this incident. The culprits tried to cover up the crime but were caught.

The father of the Audi driver tried to deflect the police from his son and has been arrested as well.clap:


A preliminary probe into the accident revealed reckless speed and drunk driving as the cause of the accident, police said.

The two accused, Sujith and Ashish tried to escape but one of the tyres was punctured after the accident. Sujith and his friend then drove ahead a few meters and parked the Audi.

They removed the number plates and threatened security guards in the area who confronted the two. The two, however, ran away with the number plates.

Later, Sujith’s father Raghunandan Reddy approached the police, saying his driver was behind the accident.

CCTV footage, however, helped police ascertain the identity of the two accused, police said.

Police arrested the father, son and his friend in the case and sent them to judicial custody.


Originally Posted by ask_017 (Post 5090899)

Drunk car driver and horrifying to see the auto rickshaw violently thrown around. Sadly the auto driver lost his life.

Quite a spine chilling accident. Feel sorry for the innocent, lone passenger who was killed. Also, for the injured auto driver doing his duties during odd hours and in inclement weather. Their near and dear ones need to sue the Audi owner for a huge compensation. The competent Accident Claims Tribunal passes orders in such cases quite soon, as compared to other dragging court cases.

As a precaution, slow moving vehicles need to always be at a good distance as much as possible, away from the road divider. This enables the speed demons /morons and law breakers drive recklessly or show their antics as they please on a wider stretch of the road. Here there was a lot of vacant space to the left and the auto driver was nearer to the divider.


Originally Posted by tazmaan (Post 5090955)
Well its because of such incidents and poor implementation of law and incapable judicial systems that the Public believes in Mob justice.

Our law and order and the mob justice are both wrong and its going from bad to worse. There is no fear amongst the rich and there nothing to lose amongst the mob.

No- I am not advocating mob justice. The punishment should be torturous enough to induce fear-and it should be made visible to public. Sounds harsh, but sometimes there is no other way.


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5091135)

As a precaution, slow moving vehicles need to always be at a good distance as much as possible, away from the road divider. This enables the speed demons /morons and law breakers drive recklessly or show their antics as they please on a wider stretch of the road. Here there was a lot of vacant space to the left and the auto driver was nearer to the divider.

I was thinking the same and probably think that the autorickshaw kept to the centre to avoid the pools of water on the left lane.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 5091106)
To me it appeared as if the right indicator of the auto was on, and he was probably trying to make a right turn at the junction ahead. It would also explain him being ever so slightly in the right most lane, and not completely in the center lane.

I think the auto had its hazards on which makes it more noticeable in the dark and rain.

For an unsuspecting vehicle or pedestrians no part of the open road is safe from a speeding reckless car driven under influence.This accident reminded me of the Singapore incident in 2015 where a supercar (Ferrari) destroyed an unsuspecting Hyundai Sonata cab at a traffic light. Its a different matter that the Ferrari driver also died in that crash.


Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 (Post 5091135)
As a precaution, slow moving vehicles need to always be at a good distance as much as possible, away from the road divider.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 5091181)
I was thinking the same and probably think that the autorickshaw kept to the centre to avoid the pools of water on the left lane.

I agree, self preservation is the key. Particularly during late night or early morning people using roads should try to keep themselves safe from this kind of lunatics. While chances are still there that one might get hit by a drunken driver anywhere on the road, but probability may be more on the right side.

Horrific accident indeed. May the departed soul rest in peace.


Originally Posted by DriverR (Post 5091108)
Some follow-up update on this incident. The culprits tried to cover up the crime but were caught.

The father of the Audi driver tried to deflect the police from his son and has been arrested as well.clap:

More details on this horrific incident.

Source : Indian Express


“Raghunandan Reddy tried to mislead us, but we have CCTV footage from various places which show that his son Sujit Reddy was driving the car. When we confronted Raghunandan and questioned him strongly, he confessed. After speeding away without stopping, he had asked his son and the other passenger, Ashish Reddy, to hide in a flat. They were returning home from an all-night party when the incident occurred. We have arrested the father as he lied and tried to mislead us,’’ Madhapur Police Station Inspector P Ravindra Prasad said.

They went into hiding as police began an inquiry into the accident.

Prasad added that though Sujit and Ashish were caught 24 hours after the incident, their blood samples were sent for a test to ascertain if they were driving under the influence of alcohol. “We have collected footage from the liquor store as well as statements from eye-witnesses,” he said.
Caught after 24hrs and then tested, the DUI charge won't stand in court as blood alcohol levels would have dropped significantly. So, part of their plan worked. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by AutoNoob (Post 5091406)
Caught after 24hrs and then tested, the DUI charge won't stand in court as blood alcohol levels would have dropped significantly. So, part of their plan worked. :Frustrati

Laws need to be changed. In Europe it does not matter when you are caught. If you leave the scene of an accident with bodily injury or death, you will lose your drivers licence for life. The rest of the charges are added on in court.

For drunk driving it is a 2 years ban if there is no accident. For fleeing, you get a life long ban even if you are not drunk.

Even damaging a parked car and fleeing is enough to lose your licence for 6 months and a fine.


Originally Posted by Indian2003 (Post 5091439)
Laws need to be changed. In Europe it does not matter when you are caught. If you leave the scene of an accident with bodily injury or death, you will lose your drivers licence for life. The rest of the charges are added on in court.

For drunk driving it is a 2 years ban if there is no accident. For fleeing, you get a life long ban even if you are not drunk.

Even damaging a parked car and fleeing is enough to lose your licence for 6 months and a fine.

Unfortunately such laws will only trap those that cannot pay bribes or those without political connections here in India. With a pervasive culture of loose implementation and lax attitudes each one of us are susceptible to being guilty of breaking of law in some way or another a few times a month - it just happens unconsciously.

There is a good reason so many westerners quit their society 6 months at a time per year or more to roam APAC countries or find an alternative career and lifestyle - they simply find all the strict rules and enforced order of their own countries too oppressive to deal with an entire year.The oh-so-happy faces of them all over YouTube roaming shirtless and pissing anywhere they feel like in Asian countries are an expression of their feelings of liberation when they get out of their own system.

I wonder if this is the same Madhapur police who bought that a driver was responsible for the Megha Engineering Ferrari GTC4Lusso crash in Madhapur. Seems like the quality of footage scraped from CCTV this time on this rainy night, was much better. :Frustrati

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