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Originally Posted by Axe77 (Post 5079588)
YES!! I wish more people appreciated this simple rule.

I even sometimes ease of the accelerator pedal to facilitate being overtaken quicker. After all, the sooner someone completes the overtaking move, the safer it is for BOTH parties.

In India many drivers do opposite. Not just truckers but even cars, the moment you try overtaking, all of sudden they show sense of urgency and accelerate harder. Once you over take, better sense prevails and they slow down.


Originally Posted by TSIVTEC (Post 5079300)
A tipper truck sideswipes an alto 800 in Kerala. The occupants of the alto got lucky!

That's a breathtaking incidence, I don't understand the logic of those operating such heavy vehicles, the truck won't surge past the traffic in front just by slamming the throttle, I understand that truck drivers have deadlines, but disconnecting your brain isn't a solution, these "courageous" maneuvers bring everyone's safety to a huge risk. I have this habit of keeping a gap between me and the vehicle in front, irrespective of its size, but some smart drivers think of it as a nice gap to pull straight in front me and it gets worse at night. Sigh!

One thing I follow in highways (mainly when I drive in Kerala) is always to keep a pace faster than the buses and trucks. Its always easier to overtake them than being overtaken by these bigger vehicles. Most of these private buses / KSRTC / trucks etc really does dangerous manoeuver while trying to overtake. Driving slow will only expose you to more and more such vehicles.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5079359)
If I had been driving the Alto, and IF I had correctly seen AND interpreted the situation (both big ifs) I'd have accelerated hard to get out of the way of the truck, giving it space to pull in. But that's very much my ideal-world suggestion: no idea if I'd have the presence of mind to do it.

I think the Alto driver is responsible as well, not equally, but quite. The driver had no business in maintaining that same pace once he/she saw the intention of the truck. The Alto should either have slowed further down or accelerated way ahead. I know it is the responsibility of the overtaking driver to be absolutely sure before overtaking, but sometimes the person being overtaken needs to assess the situation and act accordingly.

Seltos crash at Nagpur. All occupants died on spot.

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Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 5079907)
Seltos crash at Nagpur. All occupants died on spot.

Looks nasty! :crying

Did the rescuers cut the car in half to try and get to the occupants? If not, it must have been a really gruesome crash. Perhaps similar to the Alto+tipper incident discussed before but in this case, the seltos might have had more overlap with oncoming traffic when it was perpendicular to another lorry?

Can't think of any other way this could have happened. Since these are just speculations, I'll reserve my comments about safety rating and body shell integrity etc until more facts emerge.
May the victims rest in peace and their families get proper closure.


Originally Posted by TSIVTEC (Post 5079300)
A tipper truck sideswipes an alto 800 in Kerala. The occupants of the alto got lucky!

Omg, such a close call it is!


Originally Posted by VKumar (Post 5079314)

It's entirely the mistake of the truck driver,

Normally, whenever I am closely followed by an aggressively driven bus or truck (mostly buses), either I speed up, or simply slow down and wave them to pass by rolling my window.

Thats exactly what had to be done and the Alto did not do here. He did give way and moved to the side, but just did not do what a good driver should have done as you said.

In all driving lessons they say, if someone is attempting an overtake, let them pass. Either you go at a speed which do not demand an overtake, or else let the impatient ones pass.

Not trying to defend the truck driver in any way, but there are few who just won't let others pass AFTER midway of an overtake.


Originally Posted by sunikkat (Post 5079834)
One thing I follow in highways (mainly when I drive in Kerala) is always to keep a pace faster than the buses and trucks.

I do the exact opposite. I don't try to match pace with any segment of the traffic in Kerala at all. All are welcome to overtake me and reach ahead of me wherever you are going.

Plus I believe overtaking is a cooperative manoeuvre. The overtaker has to do their due diligence and then indicate to the overtakee about their intention (a flash of headlights). The overtakee then signals their acceptance of the proposal (a hand signal, the right indicator, whatever), and only then should the two parties go through the manoeuvre.


Originally Posted by VKumar (Post 5079314)
It's entirely the mistake of the truck driver, I don't see a reason to be this impatient on a single carriageway. He knew that the traffic is coming from opposite end and it's not possible to overtake, still he pulled in to the side of the car.

I agree, dumper truck is a construction vehicle and it must not be driven on road like a car. I have posted about this earlier.


Such construction equipment vehicles whose axle load exceeds 10.2 tonnes shall display permanently on the vehicle a placard indicating "NOT FOR PLYING ON ROADS". These conditions shall be mentioned in the certificate, issued by the testing agencies referred to in the rule 126, where the axle load exceeds 10.2 tonnes.
Secondly the spot where dumper truck started overtaking was definitely not for overtaking as there was a solid line. The dumper truck violated the solid line for good 8 seconds.

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Originally Posted by airbus (Post 5079983) there was a solid line. The dumper truck violated the solid line for good 8 seconds.

Only if that 'dumb'er knew what that line is meant for! With that, I am not saying that it isn't a violation.

This is notorious Kerala roads and I guess this one is the NH66 (yes, national highway) where road rage can go terrible wrong as there is no margin for error. Either you crash on to the on coming vehicle or a tree beside or fall into a river.

The Alto guy simply should have let it go instead he held his ego for those good 8 seconds, which was otherwise enough for the truck to pass over. The space was there.


Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 5079990)
The Alto guy simply should have let it go instead he held his ego for those good 8 seconds, which was otherwise enough for the truck to pass over. The space was there.

Yes the space was there and the truck could have gone ahead had the truck sped a little more and been a bit quicker.

Why would the Alto guy hold on to his ego? He's driving an Alto and possibly all the other cars except the one from that segment would be overtaking it most of the times. If it were someone in a much powerful car and was being overtaken by a truck then we can understand.

He did let him overtake but the truck took a LOT of time (as it feels from the video) And may be the Alto guy thought that if it's not overtaking him in time then may be I should speed up as there is a lot of oncoming traffic.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 5079907)
Seltos crash at Nagpur. All occupants died on spot.


Oh no what is this? Did someone meticulously cut open the car? We have seen engine portion dislocating from the car but half cabin for the first time.

RIP the occupants

Don't know if this has been posted here earlier or not, but this biker is your run-of-the-mill idiot whose license should've been suspended for general road safety. If this was a 4-wheeler instead of a bike, it would've been a carnage.


Originally Posted by saisree (Post 5080002)
Oh no what is this? Did someone meticulously cut open the car? We have seen engine portion dislocating from the car but half cabin for the first time.

RIP the occupants

The car was not cut opened. It split into 2 during the high speed crash hitting a concrete barrier. May the soul of the deceased rest in peace.

Check the news in the below link.

The pictures below are from Seltos Facebook page.
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Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 5079907)
Seltos crash at Nagpur. All occupants died on spot.

Horrible end for the deceased. May their souls RIP and may their families get strength to bear the loss. I wish the survivors recover soon.

Unbelievably horrible result for the vehicle. What is the chassis made of - metal or paper! I just can't believe it's cut in half like this. Probability of cutting for rescuing occupants is next to none as there is no reason to cut a chassis for that.

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