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Old 19th January 2021, 12:18   #32266
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Originally Posted by DDiSLover View Post
Pardon my ignorance, but didn't the crumple zones on the Baleno work as expected? I thought crumple zones take the hit and absorb the impact, thereby protecting the cabin from the force of the impact. In that case, didn't the Baleno actually fair better than the TATA for safety of occupants?

Am I missing something here? I keep seeing posts like this and I wonder what I'm missing..

Nope. They have crumpled more than they could have. If the same accident would've happened at a much higher speed (or even in this case), I would rather me and my family were inside the Tata. But that's just me.
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Old 19th January 2021, 12:40   #32267
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Here is a video on the Youtube, that will open a lot more avenues for discussion.
  • Brand new Tigor - just imagine the over confidence on the safety the owner will have in the future
  • No airbag deployment in Tigor - either the occupants were not even buckled, or the Baleno took so much brunt that even the airbag sensors in the Tigor were not triggered. Since it is not a Toyota, I don't think that the rule of "needs to collide properly" is applicable here
  • Tigor is on the wrong side - The Baleno guy had a really bad day IMO!
  • Another probability - Was the Tigor parked at that opportune place for testing build quality?

In all probabilities, one thing for sure is that the Baleno owner is the one who will be facing trolling, sadness, and more damages. And Tigor owner, the guy must have retained so much confidence that he would start thinking of himself as invincible from today onwards.

Social impact of this crash
Since this crash has happened inside a cantonment (look surrounding houses, that military truck, army men, and that Gypsy). This accident is bound to have a few social impacts too:
  • Tata sales will pick up in the area. Present owners have earned back their glory, and must have emerged more confident. Now it will be safety above everything!
  • Maruti sales will see a drop. Multiple owners must have lost confidence, they are now vulnerable to trolling and being avenged by Tata owners
  • Multiple uncles, boys, and enthusiasts will stop advising against the Tata cars in that society

Originally Posted by nagr22 View Post
there is no photo showing the extent of damage to Tiago like it is shown for the Baleno in the last picture.
The above posted video will probably answer all your questions! Trust me, it's a dark day for crumple zone lovers.

But yes, Now Maruti, and crumple zone lovers can still feel rejoiced and say that "these cars are safer for other cars also!"

Originally Posted by Nalin1 View Post
One idiot in the Tata and one idiot in the Maruti.
Originally Posted by railfanwithk750 View Post
Considering airbags have deployed in both cars, there were two.
Since there was no airbag deployment in the Tigor (Maybe the Tigor was parked in the middle of the road on the turn), and the Tigor was on the wrong side too. My guess is that there was only one idiot, another one seems to be the victim!

Originally Posted by Turbohead View Post
owners think they're invincible.
This Tigor owner has just joined the bandwagon. I hope the performance continues!

Originally Posted by janakiram_m View Post
every accident involving a Tata car ends up on social media
I too feel the same, Tata owners and our social media loving crowd makes a bit more of brouhaha when it's the Indian 'T' badge. But still, this 'T' badge is living up to the promise of keeping the occupants safe.

Originally Posted by carrerastrax View Post
I would rather me and my family were inside the Tata. But that's just me.
Same opinion, no matter what's the tech and which chassis is more advanced. If I were to be a part of this accident, my preference would have been to stay inside the Tigor.

Last edited by VKumar : 19th January 2021 at 12:59.
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Old 19th January 2021, 13:30   #32268
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by VKumar View Post
  • Tigor is on the wrong side - The Baleno guy had a really bad day IMO!
  • Another probability - Was the Tigor parked at that opportune place for testing build quality?
I guess the Tigor driver lost control at the turning. Was the Tigor driver a learner as the vehicle is brand new? The position of the Tigor does not seem to be of a parked vehicle, unless the Baleno displaced it, although we can see number of vehicles are parked on the same side.
Attached Thumbnails
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-bt.png  

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Old 19th January 2021, 15:51   #32269
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This refers to Tigor Baleno face-off. This is what I have come to realize over the years, reading posts here and elsewhere.

If your favorite car has thin metal sheet then you say sheet-metal thickness is not guarantee of a safe car.

If your favorite car has thick metal sheet then you say built-like tank. I feel so safe in it.

If your favorite car folds up like an accordian, then you say crumple zone has done an excellent work.

If your favorite car doesn't buckle an inch on impact, you say look at its tank-like built.

My take on the above accident? I would rather be in Tiago.
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Old 19th January 2021, 16:34   #32270
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by S.MJet View Post
Another sad incident, 15 lives lost .

... the truck driver lost balance and his vehicle climbed over the sleeping people on the sidewalk on the Kim Mandvi Highway
Such a tragic loss of precious lives.
Extremely unfortunate that we as a nation continue to attach such a low value to lives and safety. Safety first should become a default norm in all our policies.

Though there are dramatic improvements in the recent years, earnestly hope that people (migrant or under any circumstances) having to sleep on pavements becomes a thing of the past.

Last edited by for_cars1 : 19th January 2021 at 16:36.
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Old 19th January 2021, 17:56   #32271
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this accident yesterday on NECE Road Bengaluru. I was returning home and saw a block. I could see a toppled vehicle on the right side on the median. It was a Dost. Didn't see any other vehicle. My co passenger saw a Linea on the left side.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-20210118_17112501.jpeg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-20210118_17112502.jpg

There were tyre skid marks on the Linea on the Left suggesting that it has not moved after rear ending the Dost. I couldn't imagine how it could've happened and the Dost ended up on the right side. All the occupants seemed safe.

This had happened just moments before I reached that spot as the Linea was just in front of me just before I entered the toll and within the next 5 minutes it was in this state.
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Old 20th January 2021, 01:54   #32272
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Starfire View Post
What happens when a Maruti Suzuki Baleno and a Tata Tiago crash head on.

I can imagine what would have been the scenario had it have been a truck that banged into the Baleno.
Since there have been many pictures/videos related to Baleno crashes like this, where almost the whole front is pretty much or less done away with, are these cars (Baleno) ever restored back to the original shape/condition ?

I have never seen follow ups or if such cars were made road worthy again. Also is it possible to re-engineer Crumple zones akin to the original state ?

Last edited by TrackDay : 20th January 2021 at 01:56.
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Old 20th January 2021, 08:21   #32273
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Originally Posted by TrackDay View Post
I have never seen follow ups or if such cars were made road worthy again. Also is it possible to re-engineer Crumple zones akin to the original state ?
Ideally, alot of people think that once the crumple zone is gone, the car is declared a total loss which is not true. Depending on the intensity of the damage, a crumple zone can be repaired, but don't ever expect the car to run the same or have the same sturdiness like before.

Total loss is only declared when the cost of damage is more than the insurance derived value of the vehicle, so unless the chassis is damaged heavily, there is always a fix. Here is a brief but useful description:
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Old 20th January 2021, 08:33   #32274
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by TrackDay View Post
Since there have been many pictures/videos related to Baleno crashes like this, where almost the whole front is pretty much or less done away with, are these cars (Baleno) ever restored back to the original shape/condition ?

I have never seen follow ups or if such cars were made road worthy again. Also is it possible to re-engineer Crumple zones akin to the original state ?
If the structural elements and body are replaced rather than brought back into shape, the car should have the same strengths as before.
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Old 20th January 2021, 11:20   #32275
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Every time we come across accident pics where Airbags did not deploy and then starts the discussion of whether they were faulty or whatever the reasons could be.
In my recent drive, I met this gentleman who was using this to prevent seatbelt alarm in his brand new Ecosport.

I was shocked seeing it, I mean for the life of me I cannot understand the purpose of using such a gadget just to override the warning and create a high risk situation just to avoid wearing the Seat-Belt??

This will be catastrophic in case of a crash because the airbags will deploy?

Shouldn't such a contraption be deemed illegal and sellers stopped from selling such stuff? At present it seems to be easily available

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-seatbelt-stopper.jpg

Am sure, if this is discovered inside a vehicle during a post accident examination by an Insurance surveyor, this would be sufficient to deny the claim right.

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Old 20th January 2021, 16:11   #32276
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Originally Posted by Trojan View Post

Shouldn't such a contraption be deemed illegal and sellers stopped from selling such stuff? At present it seems to be easily available

Attachment 2110961

Even if such products are banned, folks will still strap the seatbelt into the buckle and sit over that.

Meanwhile Cap would'nt be too happy to see his shield on this thing which endagers a life instead of protecting it.
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Old 20th January 2021, 20:58   #32277
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I came across this accident with ecosport, where car hits a scooter and topples. Its pretty clear that scooter is at fault.
Can someone help me understand how this can happen to a safe car like ecosport? Is there any mistake by ecosport driver that made the car topple? like turning off some security feature?

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Old 20th January 2021, 21:03   #32278
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Originally Posted by ramki.grandhi View Post
I came across this accident with ecosport, where car hits a scooter and topples. Its pretty clear that scooter is at fault.
Can someone help me understand how this can happen to a safe car like ecosport? Is there any mistake by ecosport driver that made the car topple? like turning off some security feature?
The ecosport overturned when he hit the median at speed and his wheels climbed the curb. It's not the scooter that 'caused' the toppling.
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Old 20th January 2021, 21:17   #32279
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I think the car hits the divider and maybe goes over it too for a short span of time, as Ecosport driver makes a last ditch effort to save the scooter, maybe that is where the Ecosport lost it balance and toppled.
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Old 20th January 2021, 22:08   #32280
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Originally Posted by ramki.grandhi View Post
Can someone help me understand how this can happen to a safe car like ecosport? [/url]
The Ecosport's left wheel climbed the scooter and toppled to the right. The front corners of Ecosport has less overhang and can easily climb at the right speeds. The divider also might have helped to anchor the right side.
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