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Originally Posted by Gansan (Post 4942878)
Look at the "road" in which he is doing such speeds. It is more like a street.

Many doesn't know the difference between a Road and Street. It took me some 30 minutes to make a known acquaintance understand the difference and how he is supposed to drive and expect some unexpected things.


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 4942879)
I feel for the poor cow. Can't make out if she was using the horns properly (pun intended).

What's a cow gotta do these days to be able to cross the road without fear? :uncontrol

+1. I too feel for the cow. Poor soul.

OMG! These images are horrifying gives me nightmares. Not sure whether I would like to see these images on this forum.


Originally Posted by india008 (Post 4936713)
Its almost 9 month old incident. Was returning back from Mumbai to Nellore. It was a long non stop return drive. I was behind the wheel and was feeling a bit sleepy. But had to reach destination for some important work. Thought its ok, i can control the sleep. Just because of luck, that decision haven't turned to be lethal.

The turn of event
-- Feeling sleepy
-- Controlling my urge to close eyes.
-- No idea when my eyes closed.
-- Car goes sideways| Both sides.
-- Scrapes the highway divider.
-- Sound of alloy hitting the divider.
-- Sound and car shaking opened the eyes.
-- Eyes opened fully with a heavy heart beating.
-- Analyzing what happened

Three ways it could have gone wrong.
1. A lorry was there in front. Could have hit that.
2. Could have jumped over the divider.
3. There was a cut in the divider, just in front where i hit.

Anyways i am here to tell the tale, with some proof.

Leason learned.
Don't think you are GOD and can control everything. If you feel sleepy better take a gap / rest and continue.

Glad that you are safe mate. I have done my share of long distance driving and some tips in general.

1- Worst time to drive is 2 am to 6 am - this is generally when normal people have REM sleep. You are more likely to sleep at this time.
2 - Rather than putting music however loud put a movie/ programme/ interview/ YouTube ( listen don’t watch) I have experienced it helps more as it is a conversation and you tend to be a part of it.
3 - take a break when your body signals you. Better still take a break every 200 kms or 2.5 hours.
4 - stay hydrated. Cant stress this more. Coffee / red bull are diuretics and will dehydrate you. My ratio is typically half litre of water per cup of coffee( red bull is like 4 cups). Dehydration makes you sleepy (doctors here please advise)
5 - have a banana - serotonin (I think) activates dopamine receptors. Helps you stay alert.
6 - break your drive into multiple drives with a 30 min break at every stage. (Think it is a Rally).

The longest drive I have done is 20 hours straight (alone) and 18 hours straight (with family). The most difficult drive was from Cleveland to Pittsburgh (3 hours on the most boring roads) after attending meetings on landing flying economy from
India. Meaning I was horribly jet lagged in an unknown car in an unknown place. But this kept me safe.

On a side note - NHAI should have rumble cuts on the side of highways. They make your tyres rumble if you go to the edge typically there is still some runoff area available after thus rumble edge also. Helps in such cases.


Originally Posted by TorqueKnight (Post 4942834)
Biker vs Stray Cow. Sadly the biker lost his life.

All it takes is just one bad moment in time when fate decides to play a cruel game, for a life to be lost and pain to be endured for family and friends.

With speeds and people (and animals?) on road increasing i guess it's just a matter of when rather than if for accidents.

And someone replied, kids these days...well kids in all days i would say and heck even adults do it too.

OT: I hate those circles they put on such videos :Frustrati


Originally Posted by vvivek85 (Post 4942844)
... I feel for their parents who would have had great dreams, may he RIP.

Don't. The parents brought him up to drive that way. Driving is about attitude, first. And attitude comes, first, from... ... ...

That is not to say that I am cruel and have no feeling: it is a tough way to learn the lesson. I am sorry for family and friends. And cows.

I was thinking, we haven't used the word squid much recently. Time it had a resurgence!


Originally Posted by ecenandu (Post 4942676)
I am not disputing the claim that the front end crumples easily than rear. But, there is empirical evidence that Suzuki cars fare badly in a crash than Tata cars, GNCAP results for example.

An anecdote, there was one crash where the Nexon rear-ended a Ciaz, in this case, Ciaz was the one with more damage.

Yes. I agree with the fact that Maruti Suzuki cars are not built great. For me, none of their cars make it even to the short list. However, the star ratings are based on the impact to passengers - not how much deformation happens. Which is proportional to the speed. This looks like a low speed impact.

The height difference between the chassis of the ciaz and nexon shows here. And for hatches, the rear is built really tough. If it were a low slung car behind, the ciaz would have looked better, I'm guessing.

But the nexon has done really well. Respect to that focus by home grown manufacturers.


Originally Posted by arungeorge (Post 4942255)
Received via whatsapp.

Attachment 2087108

Attachment 2087107

After seeing several Tata vs. Maruti accidents, I believe that even god wants to pit them against each other and laugh at the outcome.


Originally Posted by Keyur Shah (Post 4942911)
OMG! These images are horrifying gives me nightmares. Not sure whether I would like to see these images on this forum.

Not sure which images you are referring to here. If there are dead bodies and body parts etc. in the images we remove them if the post is reported as it would be too gory to be shared here. Otherwise, they are fine. Reminds one of the brutality involved in these accidents and plenty of lessons to be learnt from the views of the members.

If anything, this thread has at least deterred me from speeding past 120 kmph on my car. :)


Overloaded Truck Turns Over Tata Nexon, All Occupants Live To Tell The Tale.

Brace for Tata's build quality discussions!

Happened to pass the KSRTC accident site. Pretty extensive damage. Heard the driver lost his life. RIP.

Happend in Kerala, Car guy was lucky. Later the driver was caught by authorities.


Originally Posted by arungeorge (Post 4943930)
Happend in Kerala, Car guy was lucky. Later the driver was caught by authorities.

It appeared like the bus driver was on a mission to kill :Frustrati

This kind of reckless drivers with murderous attitude must NOT be allowed to drive.


Originally Posted by arungeorge (Post 4943930)
Happend in Kerala, Car guy was lucky. Later the driver was caught by authorities.


I am already feeling scared of driving in Kerala. The bus zooming past all those hapless two-wheelers and cars is insane.


Originally Posted by arungeorge (Post 4943930)
Happend in Kerala, Car guy was lucky. Later the driver was caught by authorities.

The Wagon R was turning right with indicators on, otherwise there's no way he would stay in the middle and the bus driver have the guts to overtake.

Totally reckless driving. Hope the RTO would revoke his license and send him for social service at a hospital (This was being practiced by Kerala police in DUI cases a while back).


Originally Posted by arungeorge (Post 4943930)
Happend in Kerala, Car guy was lucky. Later the driver was caught by authorities.

Oh my did he get away without any accident. Ridiculous driving. Thankfully he got caught.

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