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Weight has nothing to do with floating. By that 'logic' oil tankers should sink!

Volume and shape are key to floating.

Almost all cars will float until the seals fail.

Yes, I guess your prejudices are showing!


Originally Posted by pixantz (Post 4850227)
That said, the seals and firewall etc you're saying about is present in all the cars and not just the Dzire here. Of course those are factors but at the time of the post I quoted there was a discussion about how comparatively the Dzire appeared to float comparatively more than other cars before tanking. It will tank eventually, of course, as we all know.

That longer floatation period (I dont see what you are comparing it with. Has there been another accident on the thread where a car is floating away in a canal?) is in fact a testament to Maruti using much better seals and fittings as compared to the europeans.clap: . Full marks to Maruti there then.

I don't get why some people are so hell bent on pushing their own opinions on all else with their elaborate arguments. Stay happy guys. You keep your opinion, and I'll keep mine. Peace.


Originally Posted by pixantz (Post 4850868)
I don't get why some people are so hell bent on pushing their own opinions on all else with their elaborate arguments. Stay happy guys. You keep your opinion, and I'll keep mine. Peace.

Please understand that no one is trying to push their opinion on you (besides it looks bad on a public forum if no one counters the guy implying weight of object influences buoyancy rather than weight of the fluid displaced).

The way Buoyancy (or buoyant force) works is not an opinion,.. it's science.


Originally Posted by JithinR (Post 4850944)
(besides it looks bad on a public forum if no one counters the guy implying weight of object influences buoyancy rather than weight of the fluid displaced).

The way Buoyancy (or buoyant force) works is not an opinion,.. it's science.

Quoting from a physics handbook:

Weight and Buoyant Force: "Weight is a measure of the force of gravity pulling down on an object, whereas buoyant force pushes up on an object. Which force is greater determines whether an object sinks or floats."
I still don't get how weight is irrelevant. Weight is the measure of the force of gravity. Are we trying to defy gravity here? It acts as the counter to buoyant force. So the amount of weight doesn't matter? That's news to me. Anyway, I think we're getting off the subject as to the title of this thread. Someone who has a different science book can pm me on this interesting new find. I'm serious. I don't think we should be doing it on this thread. Right mods?


Originally Posted by pixantz (Post 4851023)
Quoting from a physics handbook:

Weight and Buoyant Force: "Weight is a measure of the force of gravity pulling down on an object, whereas buoyant force pushes up on an object. Which force is greater determines whether an object sinks or floats."
I still don't get how weight is irrelevant. Weight is the measure of the force of gravity. Are we trying to defy gravity here? It acts as the counter to buoyant force. So the amount of weight doesn't matter? That's news to me. Anyway, I think we're getting off the subject as to the title of this thread. Someone who has a different science book can pm me on this interesting new find. I'm serious. I don't think we should be doing it on this thread. Right mods?

Just one last one. All cars float. The displaced weight is always more than the weight of the car.
Why do they sink eventually? Because the displaced weight becomes lesser than the cars weight. What is happening? The cars weight is increasing. Why? Because of water coming in. Why is the water coming in? Because the seals are allowing it to.
Why will a heavier car sink faster? Because less water has to come in to overcome displaced weight.
Please, no one is trying to force an opinion. This is science. Your physics quote is correct, but it has to be applied as well.
That a Maruti may or may not be lighter than other brands is a fact, easily verified. It very well may be. I think it is, going by the bashing it gets.
But hey, in case you crash into the water, then you should be in a Maruti... (that's not a fact, though :))

An object sinks until it has displaced it's own weight in the liquid. Yes weight is very relevant!

So why don't heavy ships sink? Because they're ship-shaped, and displace their weight in water long before being immersed in it. We all learned this at school, right?

But then there's... Leaks. And if your car didn't leak you'd suffocate. But hey, your car wouldn't sink.

If two objects of different weight are dropped off a tower together they both hit the ground at the same time (big... All other things being equal) (Galileo?)

Make two sealed boxes of different weight, same size leaks. Do they sink at the same speed? According to gravity, yes (ask Galileo). But maybe higher pressure forces the water in faster?

Crazy conversation: cars are not built to float ;)

Crossposted: Mayank said it all


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 4851047)
But hey, in case you crash into the water, then you should be in a Maruti... (that's not a fact, though :))

On a lighter note
If in case I'd crash into water, I'd better be in a damn boat or any amphibious vehicle.

On that note, let's cut it out now guys.


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 4851047)
Your physics quote is correct, but it has to be applied as well.
That a Maruti may or may not be lighter than other brands is a fact, easily verified. It very well may be. I think it is, going by the bashing it gets.
But hey, in case you crash into the water, then you should be in a Maruti... (that's not a fact, though :))

Thanks for clarifying it. May be this is a naive doubt, but could not resist asking this. Consider constant/ equal seal strength, wouldn't the seals of a heavier car given away faster than a lighter car , since it has to bear with more upword force from water or more weight from above ?

A WhatsApp forward. Lucky escape for the biker.


Originally Posted by padmrajravi (Post 4851088)
Thanks for clarifying it. May be this is a naive doubt, but could not resist asking this. Consider constant/ equal seal strength, wouldn't the seals of a heavier car given away faster than a lighter car , since it has to bear with more upword force from water or more weight from above ?

I'd think that if there are stages to going into the water t, t+1, +2, +3 etc. , the heavier car would already be at t+2 or 3 or 4 stage of equalising weight, rather than the t+0 stage of a Maruti. By extension, the forces in the seals would also be more.
Everything further, I think an expert would be better suited to answer rather than someone who remembers his high school physics.
And this is seriously going in a completely different direction, as happens brands collide, do, bowing out, and self-reporting for the mods to clean up if required.


Originally Posted by crdi (Post 4851117)
Lucky escape for the biker.

The biker should write a blank cheque to that bolero guy for saving his life in that last second.

JCB was coming down after a downhill and had a brake failure, per reports.


Originally Posted by crdi (Post 4851117)
A WhatsApp forward. Lucky escape for the biker

That's the first time I've seen a bulldozer doing the "Tokyo Drift" or a "Hand Brake Turn"! The Bolero took the encounter in it's stride and the biker will have to be treated by a shrink to put that experience behind him: now that he has this video evidence as to how close a shave he had with death...

The biker's guardian angel came in the form of Bolero to save him. Had that Bolero not been there, that excavator would have probably toppled on him. BTW, Bolero pushed that heavy machinery off but still suffered minimal damage. Even the Bolero driver walked out safe. No airbags though. May be a base variant. The biker would never wait by the roadside, in his life again. If you are not driving/tarveling/riding, you have no business to be anywhere near highways. If you have to wait by the roadside, park your vehicle 50-60 feet away in a filling station or dhaba. Even road shoulders are not safe.


Originally Posted by pgsagar (Post 4851133)
If you are not driving/tarveling/riding, you have no business to be anywhere near highways.

What! why?

Yes, It may be advised to stay away from a road, but then classifying it as a rule is quite dictatorial.

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