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Originally Posted by prateekchanana (Post 4827635)
I think the insurance and the customer will have to pay for this as once the inspections is done and papers are signed, the car has been officially handed over to the customer and its their responsibility. Moreover the dealer is not at fault at all and can not be made liable to pay anything in this.

If the car was being driven by the dealers staff to be handed over to customer then the dealer can be held responsible till the handover is done but that is clearly not the case here. In all probability the other cars which are damaged will also be paid for by the insurance but yes probably they will eventually be sold off to customers.

Wouldn’t the Insurance cover the totality of the expenses as the car is new and must be under Zero Depreciation Cover? stupid:


Originally Posted by codroy (Post 4827752)
This brings me to my life rule “When in doubt don’t do it”. There is no shame in asking to get your new car delivered or atleast taken out of the showroom. Most of these showroom spaces are very tight or are filled with cars parked bumper to bumper.

My father was my first teacher. He would always get me to do things I thought I couldn't, but he had the experience to know that I could. He would never have told me, "you drive," in any situation that he wasn't certain of my ability. In fact, I was often frustrated by not being allowed to drive! First thing was that he made me wait a whole year after reaching the minimum British driving age!

I didn't tale my driving test before leaving home. On a later occasion, noticing a driving-school vehicle having some difficulty coping with traffic, my school instructor told me that the teacher should never take the student on roads they were not ready for.

Here, from the little we know, it seems that the elder of the family gave in to the junior. Perhaps that elder won't make this mistake again.


Originally Posted by alikidwhy (Post 4827775)
Wouldn’t the Insurance cover the totality of the expenses as the car is new and must be under Zero Depreciation Cover? stupid:

Hopefully the buyer had taken zero dep in that case yes, insurance will cover all the damages. Also the insurance will cover the damages done to another car polo/vento which was pushed before the car hit the date and turned over.

But it would still be really sad for the owner to send his car straight to workshop from the showroom for repairs. Hopefully lesson learnt for him and others as well.


Originally Posted by Venkatesh (Post 4827633)
Kia Carnival crashed into the wall right after the delivery. Airbags deployed

Such a sad thing to happen right moments after delivery.

But some observation i found.

1. The door was still open when the car lunged forward, I think the personnel there was trying to explain something to the owner. Maybe he did not realize it was in Drive?

2. The passenger-side airbag deployed on impact. It's very clear the driver steering wheel airbag had a very embarrassingly late detonation. I think even 5-10 seconds after it hit the wall. Car hit the wall at 0:18 and the pop from driver side airbag was at 0:28
Everybody was still thinking if what they witnessed was real or not then the driver side airbag deploys. That can not be normal for sure, the airbag deployment should be within milliseconds of detecting impact right. Did we just witness a major safety hazard in itself?



Originally Posted by krishnaprasadgg (Post 4827797)
2. The passenger-side airbag deployed on impact. It's very clear the driver steering wheel airbag had a very embarrassingly late detonation. I think even 5-10 seconds after it hit the wall. That can not be normal for sure, the airbag deployment should be within milliseconds of detecting impact right.

The driver side airbag has detonated long back during the impact itself. The sound you hear later is something else and simultaneously the driver pushes the airbag away which looks like it has detonated just then. But if you carefully notice, the driver airbag is already there.

The other shocking thing to me is that the impact is so strong, it has even moved the dashboard panel, which doesnt look like a simple repair to me. The dislocation can be noticed in the gap between the gear console and the dash where they meet in the center of the dash. I dont think that gap looks like normal to me. What is also surprising is that even though the coolant seems to have leaked, they are driving around that car :Frustrati


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 4827805)
The driver side airbag has detonated long back during the impact itself. The sound you hear later is something else and simultaneously the driver pushes the airbag away which looks like it has detonated just then. But if you carefully notice, the driver airbag is already there.

Oh, I thought I heard a loud pop too at the timestamp I mentioned. 0:18 was moment of impact and 0:28 was when we see that driver-side airbag moving up and a pop at the exact same time.



Originally Posted by Venkatesh (Post 4827633)
Kia Carnival crashed into the wall right after the delivery. Airbags deployed

Looks like the driver was unfamiliar with automatic gearboxes. Here's my casual hypothesis as to what might have happened:The Mercedes E-Class (and other cars I'm sure) has some mechanisms that might prevent this sort of thing from happening:Note that the gear-shifter of the Mercedes is the kind that always returns back to its starting position after you make a shift. This opens up the possibility to electronically shift gears (from say, D to N) internally, without having to physically move the shifter.

Such a feature might be difficult to implement in cars where you actually move the gear shifter to a different position and it stays there.


Originally Posted by Sree (Post 4827750)
I have bought 6 new cars over the last 20 years. Each time, I take delivery I have the irrational fear that I will crash the new car before reaching home.

I too have this irrational fear that I might screw up when bringing the car home after delivery.

I was literally crawling at snail's pace while bringing the Mercedes home. Fortunately I had prior experience with automatics that creep, and somehow the E-Class doesn't feel that big once you are behind the wheel.

Now, there are two Honda Citys in my household. I was the one who took delivery of the 2nd City, and even though it has the exact same engine, gearbox and interior controls as the other City which I drive daily, I was still slightly overwhelmed while bringing her home lol:


Originally Posted by rayjaycleoful (Post 4827669)

2. With regard to this video and the polo video, what's up with perpendicular turns right after delivery (not that it should cause such accidents :Shockked:)?

Now that I think about it, nearly all delivery bays I've been to involves a sharp perpendicular turn. I wonder what's up with that.


Originally Posted by tj123 (Post 4827664)
Surprised to see both airbags deployed on such a low speed impact :eek: Its going to be a costly fix.

The speed is slow but the Acceleration is rapid due to which there’s a lot of force exerted.
Also the damage seems to be big due to crumple zones. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Originally Posted by voldemort (Post 4827839)
Looks like the driver was unfamiliar with automatic gearboxes. Here's my casual hypothesis as to what might have happened

Your hypothesis more or less seems to be correct.

May be during that conversation with the staff he moved it to drive mode and he wasn't ready and his head was down like still searching for something. He did not realize the vehicle moving forward. He would have thought that it would move only if he press on the accelerator. Probably transitioning from Manual to Automatic.

That Carnival accident could have ended even worse. The utter imbecile behind the wheels might have pinned someone against the car and the wall, if he had started pushing pedals a bit earlier.

How do these people who from the looks of it is absolutely untrained to drive these vehicles, jump in and decide to give it a go? Tells us more about how even after decades of the automobile revolution in India, car driving skills are heading backwards.

However in both cases it is good that they made the mess inside the premises!


Originally Posted by avishar (Post 4827854)

How do these people who from the looks of it is absolutely untrained to drive these vehicles, jump in and decide to give it a go? Tells us more about how even after decades of the automobile revolution in India, car driving skills are heading backwards.

However in both cases it is good that they made the mess inside the premises!

People drive manual for ages and then decide to switch to automatic since that is the trend now. Many feel that it is super easy as there is no clutch involved. Maybe this person falls in this category and he was exploring the pedals and before he realized, he landed the car on the wall.

While moving from manual to auto, people should get the feel of the change in a safer environment.

May be the newbie driver was way too excited to start his Polo like a F1 car from a pitstop and after looking at the road ahead he just couldn't control his over excitement of jumping on to the road and vanish within seconds like Michael Schumacher. Thankfully he crashed it just before hitting the road, otherwise it would be a different story altogether than this.


Originally Posted by Venkatesh (Post 4827633)
Kia Carnival crashed into the wall right after the delivery.

I sympathise with the owner and his folks who were there to take the delivery of the MPV but some of the youtube comments had me in splits:



*Delivery to the Kia servicing center.

*The driver side door is still open and the staff is explaining how the automatic control works, But the driver uncle is like : Hold my can bro!

*He is just testing his car airbag.

*The wall be like : "Tootegi kaise, Ambuja cement se jo bani hai"

*Lucky owner! Delivery and insurance claim same day.
rl: rl:


Originally Posted by rayjaycleoful (Post 4827669)

3. Is it just me, or is that A LOT of damage for hitting a wall at maximum 10kmph?


Originally Posted by krishnaprasadgg (Post 4827797)

2. The passenger-side airbag deployed on impact. It's very clear the driver steering wheel airbag had a very embarrassingly late detonation. I think even 5-10 seconds after it hit the wall. Car hit the wall at 0:18 and the pop from driver side airbag was at 0:28
..... Did we just witness a major safety hazard in itself?


Originally Posted by krishnaprasadgg (Post 4827816)
0:18 was moment of impact and 0:28 was when we see that driver-side airbag moving up and a pop at the exact same time.


Although the MPV hit the wall at relatively low speeds, after making contact with the wall, it continued to push into the wall with the driver's foot still on the accelerator. That massive torque from the engine was continuing to crush the front of the vehicle even after making contact with the wall.

Explains the delay in the driver airbag deployment when the slow crushing action reached the sensors as the engine continued to plough into the wall.

That chap who was eagerly filming the drive luckily moved away in the nick of time thankfully. Was a real close shave for him.


Originally Posted by SnS_12 (Post 4825968)
How not to drive your brand new Polo after taking delivery :deadhorse


Originally Posted by Venkatesh (Post 4827633)
Kia Carnival crashed into the wall right after the delivery. Airbags deployed

Is it just me or were there any social distancing / safety norms followed? I did not see any person in the above videos wearing a mask correctly and following the distancing norms.

Sorry if it is of topic, but it is the need of the hour and far more important than busting a few cars (having said that the cars that went down induced a lot of pain for they were innocent)

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