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A biker lost his balance and fell down from the bike in a nearby drainage. After the fall he got up himself, took the bike and flew away. Place of accident - unknown.
That was a serious fall. - Source: Kerala police official FB page and they are warning to be careful at turns.


Originally Posted by deemash (Post 4749415)
A biker lost his balance and fell down from the bike in a nearby drainage. After the fall he got up himself, took the bike and flew away. Place of accident - unknown.
That was a serious fall. - Source: Kerala police official FB page and they are warning to be careful at turns.

I love how he picks up the bike and goes back in the opposite direction. Must've rounded the corner, bought some painkillers, cried a bit and stuck back all that skin that must have peeled off from the skid.


Originally Posted by naveenroy (Post 4749652)
I love how he picks up the bike and goes back in the opposite direction. Must've rounded the corner, bought some painkillers, cried a bit and stuck back all that skin that must have peeled off from the skid.

The dude did not even spare a second to review the damage he had done to himself. That is one tough dude!

That said, the road barely curves, he gave up too soon, he could have held his line with ease. Especially on clean dry asphalt. It was almost like he saw his mother in law walking in the middle of the road. Which also explains why he did a u-turn. lol:


Originally Posted by GutsyGibbon (Post 4749681)
It was almost like he saw his mother in law walking in the middle of the road. Which also explains why he did a u-turn. lol:

While those two lines might or might not necessarily be true for the biker, they do tell a lot about you if put in such a situation I guess :uncontrol :uncontrol

P.s. *Above observation from a bachelor*

To me it looks like he wanted to scoot before Uncle could assess the damage to his plants which actually saved his backside and who knows, he must have lost it at the same curve before too.


Originally Posted by shubhodeepdas@g (Post 4749273)
I have heard insane reasons like:
  • "When I brake suddenly, it pulls me back, that's why I don't wear"
  • "I cannot reach other parts of the car"
  • "I cannot turn around"
  • "Nothing will happen, we are in the city"
  • "There are no checkpoints on the way"
  • ...and my favourite, "Ghutan is hoti hai (I feel suffocated)"

My favorite is "No body catches us" :Frustrati
I heard it from very highly educated people, and people who had head injuries in the past because they weren't wearing the seat belt :Shockked:

Lamborghini driver crashes into police kiosk & takes selfie with it.

This Lamborghini Gallardo owner, crashed the vehicle into a traffic police kiosk in Bengaluru. The vehicle went out of control at the CTO Circle, across the Cubbon Park Metro Station at about 2:30 PM on Sunday. The car hit the kiosk at a high speed and the impact caused the wall of the kiosk to break down.

At the moment of the accident, the owner of the car abandoned the vehicle and fled from the scene and also removed the registration plates of the vehicle so that it cannot be traced back to him. However, a few hours later, the owner returned to the location and posed with the severely damaged kiosk. He also posted the pictures on the social media platform. Soon the post became viral and had to take it down.


Originally Posted by RM Motorsports (Post 4749783)
Lamborghini driver crashes into police kiosk & takes selfie with it.

More on the crash here:


Originally Posted by sridhu (Post 4749684)
There is a video of the crash on WhatsApp. Truly a nincompoop behind the wheels. It is a miracle nobody was seriously injured

The video


Originally Posted by ChiragM (Post 4749785)
More on the crash here:

He's arrested from his house and immediately given on the spot bail for Rs.2000. Pocket change.

Just what it is to be so rich and powerful.


Originally Posted by hserus (Post 4749819)
He's arrested from his house and immediately given on the spot bail for Rs.2000. Pocket change.

Just what it is to be so rich and powerful.

Idiots and Supercars don't mix well... let us just be thankful that he didn't end up injuring or killing anyone, apart from his ego.

There are numerous similar videos of people showboating supercars and superbikes in crowded city roads. Some are truly shocking in terms of the risks they take to blast through crowded traffic.

It is not so long ago that India's posh cars were driven with care by professionals. Now they are rich boy's toys.


Originally Posted by deemash (Post 4749415)
A biker lost his balance and fell down from the bike in a nearby drainage. After the fall he got up himself, took the bike and flew away. Place of accident - unknown.
That was a serious fall. - Source: Kerala police official FB page and they are warning to be careful at turns.

I think he was not happy with the outcome of his first attempt and wanted to try again, hence turned around. lol:


Originally Posted by ChiragM (Post 4749785)
More on the crash here:

This turn is actually rather funny and poorly engineered. In the sense, lanes don't smoothly turn. They sort of get mixed up. Particularly for those on extreme right - like the poor Lamby in this case.

The guy hit it off only to realize he is heading into bunch of waiting cars on the other side. He over-corrects his mistake and ends up where he eventually did!

Thankfully (for him) the others were not so eager for a quick acceleration. Else, he would have had it much worse.

The thing with Bangalore roads is this - if one is not familiar with the roads already, it's best to slow it down. One never knows where the speedbump gets in the way; what potholes await; where lanes merge; where a divider begins; where a biker is liker to appear unnoticed. Every road here gives an impression a disaster is in the offing!


Originally Posted by Miyata (Post 4749956)

The guy hit it off only to realize he is heading into bunch of waiting cars on the other side.

This is the biggest mistake, Period. These are public roads and not race tracks. 'Hitting off' should not happen in the first place.


Originally Posted by grevvity (Post 4749933)
I think he was not happy with the outcome of his first attempt and wanted to try again, hence turned around. lol:

I have a feeling that he was practicing cornering there and after the fall he went back to his bunch of road ricers

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