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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4710125)
2. Driving is not about never making silly mistakes, it's about quick and effective realisation of what one did.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 4710153)
Speeding car hits a kid at a Zebra crossing.

Completely agree with realizing and accepting one's mistakes.

But now the next post itself shows why we should leave no room for any kind of mistakes!

So sad. Reminds me of anytime we are passing through a small village/school. Even though I am driving slow, Dad will add on and tell me to pay extra attention. And the above video is the exact reason.

Three riders on a bike being ridden erratically (apparently on the Faridabad flyover) ultimately crash into the divider. The video was shot from a car following them by a person who noticed the erratic riding.

Apparently the riders were drunk. It appears that they swerve too much to avoid a car overtaking them when they try to change lanes. They then almost hit the roadside divider 2 lanes away, overcorrect and end up crashing into the median. Apparently they fell 'into' the divider and were spared being knocked over by oncoming traffic.
I also hope that the person shooting the video was the passenger and not the driver of the car. He was a doctor and apparently helped the victims.
Related news link:


Originally Posted by SnS_12 (Post 4710229)

If you see the kid actually obeyed traffic rules by waiting for traffic to pass at a zebra crossing and looking around before crossing.

See it again. He did not check his left before taking off :Shockked:
And that's where the danger came from.
He being a kid is not expected to be as mature as he has already behaved by waiting.
The car was too fast and the driver didn't had any time to react. MISTAKE.

Hope the kid is fine now.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4710266)
Three riders on a bike being ridden erratically

I also hope that the person shooting the video was the passenger and not the driver of the car.

For all you know, it could be DashCam recording.
I have a couple of such videos with me too.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 4710153)
Speeding car hits a kid at a Zebra crossing.

Poor kid was way more alert for his age and he did wait for the safe crossing.

Lunatics on wheels and haphazard parking :Frustrati .

I don't see an end for these types of accidents in India.


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4710290)
For all you know, it could be DashCam recording.

Doesn't look like dashcam to me. Camera pans towards right at the end.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 4710153)
Speeding car hits a kid at a Zebra crossing.

For all the caution the child took while running across, he failed to give even a glance to his left to the other side of the road. It is not because of the parked auto-rickshaw the accident happened.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 4710153)
Speeding car hits a kid at a Zebra crossing.

I would blame the car driver entirely for this. The kid for god sake can't be blamed, kid made sure to wait for traffic to pass by (but not completely though). But being a kid we can't expect them to be thinking on adult scale. The car driver had plenty of time to see the kid and stop the car, the moment of impact is when the kid has already crossed 3/4th of the road. The car driver made no efforts to stop his vehicle, may be he just hard pressed his horn and expected the kid to stop/ give way. Even his input on the steering is last second reaction. Way too much speed and way too less thinking on part of the driver.

Again my personal opinion, people can disagree with me.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 4710153)
Speeding car hits a kid at a Zebra crossing.

This is just terrible, both the kid and the driver are at fault. The kid should not be running and the car seems to be very fast for a narrow road. Government school's used to teach "Walk in single file" and "Never run across the road" that was a great initiative which is lost here.

The kid did couple of things right, yet had to pay.

She waited to cross at the zebra crossing,
She waited for traffic to clear on her right, but forgot to look left and darted across. Can't blame her.

The driver should have slowed down for sure knowing it a crossing and there are people around.
Whenever I speed on the highway between Bangalore and Chennai, my biggest fear is someone walking or crossing the road on a two wheeler without looking. Invariably, it is better to slow down completely when nearing these crossings. It is only a matter of seconds to get back to that speed again.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4710390)
The kid did couple of things right, yet had to pay.

She waited to cross at the zebra crossing,
She waited for traffic to clear on her right, but forgot to look left and darted across. Can't blame her.

Very disturbing video, even I dread when driving through small town and villages and am ultra careful. I think the car driver was way above the speed limit for such a road.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4710390)
it is better to slow down completely when nearing these crossings. It is only a matter of seconds to get back to that speed again.

Agree; as a practice, I slow down to 40kmph while approaching intersections, look for potential hazards and then continue.

I also put on hazard warning lights whenever I see traffic slowing down ahead; do this just to warn vehicles behind.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4710125)
Done that before, no doubt will do it again. And the other way around. However, never hit anything, or drove through any windows, doors, walls etc (so far!) for two reasons...

1. I don't slam the accelerator when close manoeuvring.

2. Driving is not about never making silly mistakes, it's about quick and effective realisation of what one did.

Count me in that group. Have slotted reverse instead of first and vice versa when caught in a gridlock. But realized in a fraction of a second and the car would have moved a millimeter.

How much ever we concentrate, we can make silly mistakes sometimes because we are human. What counts is the level of alertness, as pointed by Thad, that can correct the mistake before anything untoward.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4710390)
The kid did couple of things right, yet had to pay.

She waited to cross at the zebra crossing,
She waited for traffic to clear on her right, but forgot to look left and darted across. Can't blame her.

It is only a matter of seconds to get back to that speed again.

Very nicely put. In just a few seconds we can get back to that speed.

Now it is going to take him a few years to get his life back to normal.

How could he not slow down at that crossing? Any road or a junction where there is even a hint of activity in the surroundings like people, parked vehicles, shops etc means the right foot HAS to go off the pedal immediately.

Absolutely no room for assumptions on Indian roads.

EDIT- Mods, please merge my back to back posts as I posted by mistake.


Originally Posted by Nalin1 (Post 4710448)
Very nicely put. In just a few seconds we can get back to that speed.

Now it is going to take him a few years to get his life back to normal.

How could he not slow down at that crossing? Any road or a junction where there is even a hint of activity in the surroundings like people, parked vehicles, shops etc means the right foot HAS to go off the pedal immediately.

Absolutely no room for assumptions on Indian roads.

EDIT- Mods, please merge my back to back posts as I posted by mistake.

Feeling miserable after seeing that video. I sincerely pray that the kid survives and is able to live a normal, healthy life. As for slowing down, I don't think anyone is slowing down. For instance, just look at the speed at which the auto is approaching the accident scene at around the 0:50 second mark and that too after seeing so many people huddled around the accident scene.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4710266)
I also hope that the person shooting the video was the passenger and not the driver of the car. He was a doctor and apparently helped the victims.
Related news link:

Of course it is the driver shooting the video.
You can easily see that camera angle swinging to right, where I don't see any "driver" sitting. Also dash cams are not that intelligent that they auto swivel.


Originally Posted by wheelguy (Post 4710153)
Speeding car hits a kid at a Zebra crossing.

Eerily, I was hit in the exact same way by a lady driving a Pugeot near talkatora stadium 20 years ago.

The kicker, she was driving on the wrong side hence I could not see what was coming.

9 fractures to the extremities and a bad concussion.

Hopefully, the kid makes it.

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