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Originally Posted by bejoy (Post 4687511)
Proves that in trucks, the rear brake lamps and the actual brakes works mutually exclusive. The lamps can be seen lit throughout in the video, but the actual brakes had failed.

Brake lamp on means driver has pressed the brake pedal, the wiring is there.
If something mechanical has broken down and brake is not functioning the lamp will still remain lit.


Originally Posted by Amity (Post 4687335)
I am attaching a picture clicked on 01.11.2019 near NHPC Metro Station for reference (please zoom in to see the jaywalkers). The nearest foot over bridge is less than 200 Metres away.

Just a Rant.

Probably, they are no able to see the foot over bridge due to poor visibility (air pollution) stupid:.
Jokes apart, even in Hyd, I see a lot of people don't bother going ahead and crossing the road, even when it is clearly marked on the divider railing (which they climb over) to not to cross there, and there is a crossing some meters ahead. It is just a mentality problem I guess.

Some people don't bother to read, and even if they read, may be, they think they can somehow cross the busy road using their hands. I think they care about their lives, but, they think that no one will hit them. Either the vehicles will brake on time, or, they'll swerve and go around them. They might not know it, but, It seems like they don't care about others's lives, because, 99% of time, when a vehicle sees a person (standing or crossing the road) ahead, the driver will either try to brake or swerve around them, but, not hit him. So, there is more chance of survival for that person, rather than for the occupants of the vehicle, or for the other vehicles around it.

In our country, may be, the only way to make people not to cross such medians, is levy spot fines, which, obviously will never happen.


Originally Posted by Rahul Rao (Post 4687930)
Brake lamp on means driver has pressed the brake pedal, the wiring is there.
If something mechanical has broken down and brake is not functioning the lamp will still remain lit.

I was trying to convey exactly that. The mechanicals have failed but the electricals working, including the bulbs, that too both the sides (hardly see any working/visible tail lamps in trucks on the road)

Was going through a Telugu regional news edition and found the news article below:

The summary of the report is that Mr. Muthukumar (deceased) today morning (6th Nov) started the car and immediately the AC has blasted resulting in fire. Within seconds, the fire spread rapidly. The locals after hearing the blast, initially thought its from a transformer. Later realized that a car is in flames and tried to rescue him from the car but by that time it was too late. Police have reached the spot and doubt that the short circuit in AC could be the cause of the accident and are currently investigating.

Left side of the photo is related to this accident. Right side is a separate incident.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-screen-shot-20191106-10.29.32-pm.png

Any AC related gas could be the cause of the blast?



Originally Posted by self_driven (Post 4687566)
Not a rollover test but moose test comes very close to this (what happens before a rollover). It is designed to test a vehicle's ability to handle an evasive manoeuvre in case an obstacle appears suddenly on the road.

Here's a related video:

I think it's responsible to also link these videos.


Originally Posted by rajendra2278 (Post 4688121)
In our country, may be, the only way to make people not to cross such medians, is levy spot fines, which, obviously will never happen.

I remember the Bangalore Traffic Police penalising jaywalkers who chose the risky way of jumping across a median with a grill erected on it and darting across 3 + 3 lanes of traffic that flows at a decent speed, instead of taking the underpasses that are provided close to bus stops. The BTP did not issue spot fines (which was only a hundred Rupees back then), but made them pay the fines after a court hearing. The ride to the court was free, in the police bus - the bus made a trip only when it's full. So the hapless guy who got caught just after the bus started a trip, had to wait until the bus returned and the cops caught another 15-20 jaywalkers. The sheer inconvenience of losing valuable time did have an impact.

It's another story that pedestrians are given the least priority on the same stretch now, because the Metro rail construction has resulted in all the underpasses being closed and practically no footpaths


Originally Posted by silversteed (Post 4688680)
It's another story that pedestrians are given the least priority on the same stretch now, because the Metro rail construction has resulted in all the underpasses being closed and practically no footpaths

Jaywalkers is one thing. Drunk jaywalkers will be at altogether at another level.
Once, when my in-law was driving, he approached a village, and when he saw no one crossing the road, he picked up speed. A drunk man suddenly jumped in front of the car (from the median). He had to brake hard to avoid hitting him. He was able to stop in time. But, a biker, who seems to be following too closely hit the left tail light of the car, and fell down. There were 3 people on that bike 2 adults (probably wife and husband) and a teenage girl. Luckily, there were only minor injuries. Had that accident been fatal, we would've been living with guilt for the rest of our lives (even though there is no mistake from our end).

Accident near Thovalai on 06/11/2019:

A TNSTC bus was coming from Tirunelveli to Nagercoil. At 8:45 am, the bus was crossing Visuvasapuram. A tempo was following the bus and it tried to overtake the bus. But it seems that the tempo hit the bus and as a result, the driver of the tempo lost control of the vehicle and the tempo fell into a channel.

At the same time, a Tata Zest and a two wheeler were coming on the opposite lane. The bus and the car collided, and on seeing that, the rider of the bike lost control of his bike and fell into the channel along with the bike.

Luckily, there was no loss of life, but only a college student, who was travelling in a bike, was severely injured.

I was on my way to my college at 09:15 am. I saw the damaged car and bus, and the tempo inside the channel, but I could not see the bike from our car.

It is barely two months since Subashree of Chennai lost her life when she lost control of her vehicle and was ran over by a truck after an illegal roadside banner of political party fell over her. Yet another incident happened in Coimbatore, where Anuradha Rajeswari, who was riding a two wheeler, was hit by a truck when she tried to avoid a falling flagpole of political party. The truck's front right wheel ran over her legs, causing fractures in her legs.


Originally Posted by Tom Sooraj (Post 4691480)
It is barely two months since Subashree of Chennai lost her life when she lost control of her vehicle and was ran over by a truck after an illegal roadside banner of political party fell over her. Yet another incident happened in Coimbatore, where Anuradha Rajeswari, who was riding a two wheeler, was hit by a truck when she tried to avoid a falling flagpole of political party. The truck's front right wheel ran over her legs, causing fractures in her legs.

It wouldn't take long before the truck driver is arrested and charged with multiple offenses including, but not limited to, over speeding, rash and negligent driving, culpable homicide and what not. It may need the courts to question why those flags were there in the first place.



Originally Posted by swissknife (Post 4691488)
It wouldn't take long before the truck driver is arrested and charged with multiple offenses including, but not limited to, over speeding, rash and negligent driving, culpable homicide and what not. It may need the courts to question why those flags were there in the first place.


Yeah. And how long are we going to lose people for no fault of theirs? And how long will the truck drivers alone be arrested? Only if the person, who is responsible for such roadside banners, is arrested despite of his political background, we can stop such incidents. But it will not happen:Frustrati.


Originally Posted by swissknife (Post 4691488)
It wouldn't take long before the truck driver is arrested and charged with multiple offenses including, but not limited to, over speeding, rash and negligent driving, culpable homicide and what not. It may need the courts to question why those flags were there in the first place.


You predicted the future! He's been arrested and charged with "rash and negligent" driving. Seems he "confessed" to over-speeding too! :Frustrati Poor guy! As expected, no mention of the pole anywhere.


Originally Posted by Tom Sooraj (Post 4691480)
It is barely two months since Subashree of Chennai lost her life when she lost control of her vehicle and was ran over by a truck after an illegal roadside banner of political party fell over her. Yet another incident happened in Coimbatore, where Anuradha Rajeswari, who was riding a two wheeler, was hit by a truck when she tried to avoid a falling flagpole of political party. The truck's front right wheel ran over her legs, causing fractures in her legs.

If I remember correctly, there was an order from high court to remove the flex boards and other advertisement boards in Kerala. Not sure whether the order was implemented by local authorities.

Many times, while walking in the footpath, there would be a Flex board mounted between the wall and lamp post for which we have to walk around or crouch underneath. After few weeks of outside weather, only parts remaining would be wood or metal structure which will turn dangerous for pedestrians.

3 teens die in New Town car crash in Kolkata.

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Excerpts from the link below :



Three teenagers died after the Honda City in which they were travelling with two others hit a median divider, rammed into a pillar of the Airport-Garia Metro corridor and crashed into a pavement in New Town early on Tuesday, police said.

“All three were on the rear seat of the Honda City,” an officer of the Bidhannagar commissionerate said.

The teenager at the wheel and the boy beside him, both residents of Salt Lake, had their seat belts on. A forensic officer said the front airbags had deployed and possibly that’s why the two survived.

“We had to use a gas-cutter to open the car’s doors and bring out the passengers. The three were taken to Bidhannagar Sub-divisional Hospital, where they were declared dead,” the officer said.

The survivors were taken to Charnock Hospital in Chinar Park. One of them was later shifted to Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals. The boy’s father said his son had fractured his spine and was undergoing surgery.

The police said after a preliminary investigation that the car was speeding towards the airport from New Town along Major Arterial Road. In front of Westin Hotel, near Eco Park, it took a U-turn and started speeding back towards Salt Lake.

“Seconds after taking the U-turn, the 18-year-old boy at the wheel lost control of the car. The vehicle veered left and hit the median divider separating the road from the service lane and rammed into a pillar of the Airport-Garia Metro link. The car darted across the service lane on its left wheels — the other two were in the air — and smashed into the pavement,” the officer said.

The tyre marks on the road stretched at least 15 feet, suggesting the driver had braked in a last-ditch attempt to avoid hitting the divider.

The survivors have apparently told the police that they had partied at the house of one of the teenagers in Salt Lake till late on Thursday.

“The car belongs to the father of one of the boys. The survivors told me that they went for a spin after the party,” the officer said.

Family members of the boys, however, said they had left home to play cricket.

The control room of the Bidhannagar commissionerate received an alert around 5.15am. A team was sent to the spot but the members failed to extricate the passengers from inside the mangled car.

Some cops went to a construction site and asked workers to accompany them to the accident spot with a gas-cutter. “We had to slice open the doors and bring out the boys. The inside of the car was reeking of alcohol,” said the officer.

A head on collision between a Bolero Camper and a Taxi on the Manali-Kullu resulted in one death - the driver of the taxi.
The Bolero swerves onto the opposite lane for some reason - not sure if he was trying to get into a side street or reach someplace on the opposite side of the road.
The head on collision is quite nerve wracking. I'm not sure if the taxi had airbags or if the driver was wearing seatbelts. The driver succumbed to injuries and the couple in the back seat (a newly married couple) attained serious injuries.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-kulluaccidentcctvfootage.jpg
The Bolero cabin looks OK. The taxi cabin is not too bad, but there appears to be a windscreen shatter like the driver hit his head there - can't make out clearly.

News item:

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