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Originally Posted by RavenAvi (Post 4686209)
Dilpreet Singh was saved by his Tata Nexon's build quality.

No details on how the accident happened.

I'm not sure about how but I can guess why. Because it's a Tata Nexon! Agreed that Tatas have good build quality but if I go by statistics on the various types of all accidents I have heard of, or come across in various media, when you talk about rollovers in recent times, the Nexon seems to top the list. Even on this thread. I wonder if anyone else noticed this or it's just me. The funny part is, after the rollover everyone only seems to notice the build quality and forget everything else. :uncontrol


Originally Posted by pixantz (Post 4686403)
I'm not sure about how but I can guess why. Because it's a Tata Nexon! Agreed that Tatas have good build quality but if I go by statistics on the various types of all accidents I have heard of, or come across in various media, when you talk about rollovers in recent times, the Nexon seems to top the list. Even on this thread. I wonder if anyone else noticed this or it's just me. The funny part is, after the rollover everyone only seems to notice the build quality and forget everything else. :uncontrol

Frankly, any compact SUV's limits need to be respected and the Nexon is no different. The Ecosport also belongs to the same club along with the XUV 300. (Not pointing to any specific accident through this post or generalising)

These are at the end of the day, vehicles that stand tall, but with a relatively shorter wheelbase due to obvious reasons. It's better to keep these factors in mind while driving which most folks (graduating from hatchbacks) don't do. Even a Ford Endeavour or Fortuner can land on its roof easily but it doesn't mean they are unsafe or susceptible to accidents.

No offence meant to you or any other member, and I also agree that the Nexon tops the rollover list, but reasons for the same could be many and not the car only.

"Losing Control" is a common term used when a road accident happens. Causes are many - vehicle swerving to avoid another vehicle or a bad patch on the road or a 'brake failure' or panic acceleration instead of braking.
This accident in Denkanikottai in TN happened last weekend. 2 people were unfortunately killed. I wonder why the Professional Courier van lost control.
Related news:
(This reporter calls it road rage!)


wonder why the Professional Courier van lost control.
Very unfortunate that lives were lost.

Although it is solely the Van driver's fault who was probably over-speeding while approaching an intersection. However, I noticed 2 things, which may have caused this mishap:
  1. The Eco driver appears to be turning in without an indicator, and swerves at the last moment to avoid hitting the van probably. This could have cause the van driver to swerve left and loose control?
  2. The Grey Swift is parked too close to the turn, which may have left with little or no space for the Van driver to negotiate.

P.S - Boy, that Swift flew into a ditch like some carton box!! :Shockked:

So the Manic Monday struck this morning (not to me or my car) rather 4 cars that were to brave the first day of (in)famous Delhi Odd-Even scheme. I work from home, but drop my wife to office.

This morning, as I was returning home, there was super slow traffic at flyover (climb-up) ramp near 36 Toyota, Faridabad. When I reached nearer to the place I realised an accident involving 4 vehicles (all privately owned) had happened. There was a crane & DF Marshall Vehicle to two away the damaged vehicles.

It seemed there was an idiot (as usual) who climbed up the ramp only to realise that he had to take the service lane, so slowed down, but the Brezza, SX4 & i10 (in same order) behind could not. Now this is an 80 kmph zone that's rarely monitored for speed. I assume the 3 vehicles above were travelling at prescribed speeds, but too close for comfort.

Resultant, the Brezza was the most to be damaged, with significant damages to front & rear end (even the boot was badly damaged for 4-star safe vehicle). The SX4 had front & rear bumpers damaged & the bonnet was dislodged. The i10 looked good at rear but the front was more or less as damaged as SX4 (as both cars were being driven away unlike poor Brezza).

Thankfully, no human casualties involved as far as I could notice, but common civic sense was the biggest casualty IMO :Frustrati


Originally Posted by CARDEEP (Post 4686649)
...Brezza, SX4 & i10 (in same order)...
Resultant, the Brezza was the most to be damaged, with significant damages to front & rear end (even the boot was badly damaged for 4-star safe vehicle).

I am no Brezza fan, but two points:
1. Being the 1st vehicle to take brunt from both sides, Brezza was banged the highest amount of times.
2. 4 star is for safety of cabin occupants, not luggage. So there is no correlation that more stars will mean car will stay intact. It means that car will crumple and protect its occupants.


Originally Posted by ani_meher (Post 4686666)
I am no Brezza fan, but two points:
1. Being the 1st vehicle to take brunt from both sides, Brezza was banged the highest amount of times.
2. 4 star is for safety of cabin occupants, not luggage. So there is no correlation that more stars will mean car will stay intact. It means that car will crumple and protect its occupants.

My only fear is that the damage might have reached the passenger shell, I believe the NCAPs concentrate on frontal & side offset but the rear integrity is still questionable in many cases.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4686435)
"Losing Control" is a common term used when a road accident happens. I wonder why the Professional Courier van lost control.

It is clear that Courier van was going very fast not to mention the approaching junction that was crowded.
Surprisingly even after the first hit, the van continued off course until brought to a stop naturally.
Something seriously wrong with the driver or the vehiccle I suspect.
"Losing Control" used by the press has become the norm to report all accidents including drunken driving.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4686435)
I wonder why the Professional Courier van lost control.


Quite a lot going on in the CCTV footage. Miraculous escape for the old man dressed in white, the scooter rider and even the dog at 11 second mark!

Shockingly there was no attempt to brake/steer even after hitting the bikes parked across the road. The driver must have got thrown around in the cabin after hitting the (badly parked?) Swift. Brake failure seems to be the most likely cause, but as with most cases, it is hard to predict the exact scenario based on CCTV visuals. RIP to the departed souls.


Originally Posted by vishy76 (Post 4686421)
Frankly, any compact SUV's limits need to be respected and the Nexon is no different. The Ecosport also belongs to the same club along with the XUV 300. (Not pointing to any specific accident through this post or generalising)

These are at the end of the day, vehicles that stand tall, but with a relatively shorter wheelbase due to obvious reasons. It's better to keep these factors in mind while driving which most folks (graduating from hatchbacks) don't do. Even a Ford Endeavour or Fortuner can land on its roof easily but it doesn't mean they are unsafe or susceptible to accidents.

No offence meant to you or any other member, and I also agree that the Nexon tops the rollover list, but reasons for the same could be many and not the car only.

NO offence taken and I agree with all your points especially the one about people graduating to SUVs from hatchbacks and the like. Most drivers don't actually realize the dynamic limitations of the car that they are driving and how far they can push it.

That said, I was not commenting on the general dynamic capabilities of SUVs or the lack of it or of driver induced or other error.

I was trying to say, that in my opinion, if there existed a rollover test(I'm not sure such a thing exists for all vehicles) and all the vehicles you mentioned above were put through the test in properly measured scenarios like in crash tests, I could bet on the Nexon that it would beat the other boys to a rollover any day. Nothing to do with a driver or anything.

NO offence to any owner/s or Nexon/Tata fans. Nobody can doubt the GOOD BUILD QUALITY here. It's an example for the other "crumple-zone" toting smartass cars you find all over the place these days (I call them "touch-me-nots"). Only, it's just a little too fun loving and loves to get its legs up in the air just for fun a lot more easily than it should is what I think. I'd love to know the reason.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4686435)
This accident in Denkanikottai in TN happened last weekend. 2 people were unfortunately killed. I wonder why the Professional Courier van lost control.


Originally Posted by Vik0728 (Post 4686491)
Very unfortunate that lives were lost.
Although it is solely the Van driver's fault who was probably over-speeding while approaching an intersection. However, I noticed 2 things, which may have caused this mishap:


Originally Posted by Habanero City (Post 4686859)
Surprisingly even after the first hit, the van continued off course until brought to a stop naturally.
Something seriously wrong with the driver or the vehiccle I suspect.


Originally Posted by self_driven (Post 4687028)
Quite a lot going on in the CCTV footage. Miraculous escape for the old man dressed in white, the scooter rider and even the dog at 11 second mark!

Quite a lot of feedback on this accident on this forum. It looks like the van driver 'lost control' even before he hit the junction. The junction itself was a little too cluttered at that moment unfortunately. The fact that the driver never regained control of the van till it literally crashed to a halt is quite gut-wrenching to watch.
Maybe the brakes failed or the driver panicked when he reached the junction for some reason and hit the accelerator instead of the brake - and as pointed out, may have slipped from the seat after the initial impact and not been able to control the steering wheel or apply brakes.

Here is another truck 'losing control'. The news article states its an overtaking maneuver gone wrong - not very sure which vehicle they are referring to.
The truck fell into a ditch. 3 vehicles were badly damaged, but no life was lost and, apparently, no injuries too. Have a look at the guy standing next to the bike - he missed being crushed by a whisker!

News link:


Originally Posted by CARDEEP (Post 4686649)
This morning, as I was returning home, there was super slow traffic at flyover (climb-up) ramp near 36 Toyota, Faridabad. When I reached nearer to the place I realised an ac accident involving 4 vehicles (all privately owned) had happened. There was a crane & DF Marshall Vehicle to two away the damaged vehicles.

Posting with reference to this incident as I also happened to pass this stretch just after accident. On my way to office in the morning on 04.11.2019 (around 8:15 AM), there was traffic buildup from Sector-28 Metro Station itself. I was surprised as usually vehicles are zooming through this area. It took me around 5-7 minutes to reach the ramp (normally its covered in seconds). At that time, there was no crane or marshal vehicle. The fourth vehicle was a white Toyota Yaris (may be the first vehicle in this pile up) which was parked a bit ahead on the left most lane with a damaged bumper and misaligned rear light IIRC. On the rightmost lane, there was a Vitarra Brezza followed by a White SX4 in the middle of right & middle lane and then i10 on rightmost lane. There were no occupants in any of the vehicles and presumably owners were clicking photos of their vehicles. It was moving traffic so I could not click any pictures.

As I have been born and brought up here, I have seen this highway (known simply as Mathura Road in Faridabad) from the days when it was a 4 lane highway with no flyovers and service roads. This is the main thoroughfare for anyone going from Faridabad to Delhi/Noida and it has many factories and establishments on both sides with Delhi Metro running parallel to it. It has recently been upgraded to a signal free six lane highway with service roads on both sides and flyovers at all main junctions. Comparatively, Faridabad has less traffic than Delhi/Gurugram. Therefore, vehicles zoom through on this highway without any care in the world. However, there is another problem with this signal free stretch. There is no proper barrier to restrict movement of people across the highway and the steel barriers put up by NHAI are ludicrous as they are about 5 ft with a line running in the middle as if to assist people in jumping them. As people go to their workplaces (after being dropped by Autos on the main highway/service road), they simply jump over the barriers onto the highway, show their hands to vehicles as if ordering them to stop and just nonchalantly cross over to the other side. :Frustrati

I have written this whole story as I thought that accident may have happened due to these jaywalkers who just come out of nowhere and vehicles (being driven in excess of 80 Kmph) have to screech to a halt to save these jaywalkers. Also, they come in hordes of 8-10 usually and cross in a line or haphazardly leaving vehicles to zig-zag around them. It is really astonishing to see people take their lives so casually and coming in the way of vehicles as if it is nothing. It is to be noted that there are a lot of foot over-bridges on the stretch (constructed by DMRC as well as NHAI) which are never more than 500 Metres from each other or junctions. It seems that people are too lazy to climb up the stairs and cross through these foot over-bridges. Even NHAI and local body should take steps to increase the height of barriers to prevent people from crossing highway like this as it seems people don't value their lives enough and treat the barriers as a challenge which is stopping them from taking their lives. :deadhorse

I am attaching a picture clicked on 01.11.2019 near NHPC Metro Station for reference (please zoom in to see the jaywalkers). The nearest foot over bridge is less than 200 Metres away.

Just a Rant.

Found this on Facebook. Kudos too build quality of this little hatch! There were no deaths reported.
Location: Ramgarh

The brake of the truck failed and dragged the Tiago for 200 meters. It went ahead further for 500 meters and crashed


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4686435)
Causes are many - vehicle swerving to avoid another vehicle or a bad patch on the road or a 'brake failure' or panic acceleration instead of braking.
This accident in Denkanikottai in TN happened last weekend.

Proves that in trucks, the rear brake lamps and the actual brakes works mutually exclusive. The lamps can be seen lit throughout in the video, but the actual brakes had failed.

This is a hilly terrain and the truck might have been on a downhill path.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4686435)
(This reporter calls it road rage!)

Probably "road-rage" means the "thrashing" that ensued after the accident.


Originally Posted by pixantz (Post 4687103)
I was trying to say, that in my opinion, if there existed a rollover test(I'm not sure such a thing exists for all vehicles) and all the vehicles you mentioned above were put through the test in properly measured scenarios like in crash tests

Not a rollover test but moose test comes very close to this (what happens before a rollover). It is designed to test a vehicle's ability to handle an evasive manoeuvre in case an obstacle appears suddenly on the road.

Here's a related video:

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