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Originally Posted by india008 (Post 4632618)
Quote from the Newspaper translated to English

"The accident occurred 50 m away from the museum police station. When the officials of the museum station heard the sound of the accident, they spotted the injured Basheer being carried by Sriram Venkitraman. Sriram asked the police to call the ambulance. According to eyewitnesses, Shriram Venkitraman had also called the hospital saying an accident case is coming to the hospital, without anyone accompanying, and requested them do the needful."

One point in that article that caught my attention is that, the car that got into that accident, which belonged to the lady, was booked 3 times for over speeding before also. Sriram denied he was behind the wheels. so if you connect the dots, there is something fishy.

Link to the article :

Yeah we never know what really happened there. Big shot businessmen and a few media people have him in their enemy list. So a conspiracy cannot be ruled out completely.


Originally Posted by harikr (Post 4632645)
Yeah we never know what really happened there. He has almost all ministers in the cabinet as his enemies. Also big shot businessmen and a few media people has him in their enemy list. So a conspiracy cannot be ruled out completely.

I do not think there is any conspiracy issue, as it was clearly him in the car! Whoever the driver is was, it has hit and killed a man.

Although he is guilty, there is excessive media trial going on him, 24x7 coverage on him and the lady, the media were the one who made him a star, they are the same ones bringing him down. Also he is not in good terms with the politicians also. Anyway, even if he comes out of the jail 10 years later, no way can he regain the goodwill and the image he had created. His career as an IAS officer has ended.

The only way he can loosen is by proving that he was intoxicated forcefully by someone and made to drive the car forcefully. I do not think that is happening. Sad to see such a talent losing his path in his life.


Originally Posted by Aditya_Bhp (Post 4632687)
I do not think there is any conspiracy issue, as it was clearly him in the car! Whoever the driver is was, it has hit and killed a man.

That might be right, but he didn't ran away. He stood there,took care of the victim and made sure he is hospitalized and informed the hospital too. But nobody is talking about this. What if the lady was driving the car. Is it OK to crucify him even after all his good deeds.

Isn't there any difference between those who run away from the scene and those who help the victim?


Originally Posted by india008 (Post 4632720)
Is it OK to crucify him even after all his good deeds.

I believe he should be allowed to speak his version of story too in the public. He should make it clear whether he was drunk, whether he was driving, whether he was speeding, and what happened at the moment of crash!

Because right now random people are cooking up unbelievable stories. Some of them claim crashing him the car at 150kmph, but then seeing the condition of the car and the two occupants literally walking out without any harm, would only mean the witnesses are just lying or Volkswagen built a indestructible tank!

The media should also be warned not to run into vague assumptions regarding the crash.

Came across these pics just yesterday. Looks like Mumbai Pune E-way, don't know the details though.


Originally Posted by Maverick5490 (Post 4632846)
Came across these pics just yesterday. Looks like Mumbai Pune E-way, don't know the details though.

Oh man. this is not good and hope there were no casualties. Wondering how the swift got positioned like that, i guess it must have got hit from one truck from behind while it was behind the other one and got stuck in between.


Originally Posted by sumathindra (Post 4632917)
Oh man. this is not good and hope there were no casualties. Wondering how the swift got positioned like that, i guess it must have got hit from one truck from behind while it was behind the other one and got stuck in between.

Would there be a possibility of the swift trying to swiftly squeeze through two trucks and go into a slide and get squeezed between the two trucks?

Given the number of strange pictures of "accidents", anything is possible.



Originally Posted by sumathindra (Post 4632917)
Wondering how the swift got positioned like that, i guess it must have got hit from one truck from behind while it was behind the other one and got stuck in between.

Probably tried to snake between the two trucks or a careless lane change. Also on a wet road, the chances of losing control multiplies. Hence, the passenger cabin is ripped apart from the truck in front while the truck in the rear turned the car around and smashed it. A lesson well learnt for the driver, if he made it out alive.


Originally Posted by sumathindra (Post 4632917)
Oh man. this is not good and hope there were no casualties.

Looking at the picture,i don't think anyone would have escaped from this.It gives me shivers even thinking of the situation they got themselves into. Can't blame anyone without knowing what really happened there.


Originally Posted by Aditya_Bhp (Post 4632562)
The party where he got drunk may have been for a few hours, but its these hours that destroyed all his years of hard work took to achieve what he was till yesterday!

I am sorry to be cynical & picky here, its not in these hours he destroyed years of hard work. Its in that one moment when he decided to drive despite being drunk. Yes I have heard of him and his work. But a man of his stature should know better than to drink and drive, that too at high speed. It wasn't even his own car per the reports, the owner of the car was riding shotgun. So it beats me why he did what he did. Per a DC article [ ] he tried to pass the buck on to the women who had come to pick him up on his request. And if he did this, it is really pathetic. In any event, he overstepped one too many safety nets & deserves to be punished.


Originally Posted by Aditya_Bhp (Post 4632729)
I believe he should be allowed to speak his version of story too in the public. He should make it clear whether he was drunk, whether he was driving, whether he was speeding, and what happened at the moment of crash!

He was allowed to and he had tried to frame the woman.

Reports state that he was initially taken away from the scene in a police van to a nearby station. He had then been allowed to enjoy a luxurious stay at a private hospital. After the media furore, he is seen lying on a gurney with his face covered on his way to prison.

How can a guy who was seen actively trying to help the victim (who had been mowed down by him) be in such a critical condition hours later?

That too while still wearing a casual shirt, spectacles and a surgical mask. Link Link

That means either he was using his mobile or he was operating himself.

Had a common man tried to do something like this, he would have had his glutes massaged with police lathis.

Usually the rich and/or the mighty make a mockery of law and get away for such "misadventures".

Buttttttttt, just sometimes, their luck runs out and they land up in trouble.
Though it's very early days here, I am still optimistic that the investigation, legal process and finally the respected institution will be managed to ensure he gets zero or worst case, minimal possible conviction.

And then, even if convicted, there's still hope. Such connected people hardly ever stay for long durations in the prison. The will be furlough after furlough for various reasons, some real most imagined, just like a very loved Bollywood actor.

So, common citizens, don't rejoice yet. The rich and connected aren't surrendering to the laws just yet.



Originally Posted by COMMUTER (Post 4633368)
Had a common man tried to do something like this, he would have had his glutes massaged with police lathis.

He should definitely be punished if he has done a crime!
That is why we have courts and police in the country.

We do not need the media to conduct their own trials, they are more interested for their TRP ratings. The continuous reporting by the media, and creating new theories in the incident was really unacceptable. The reporting was so biased that people have started doubting whether there is any conspiracy against him.

If it was a common man, it wouldn't even be a news. You may be reading it in some corner of the newspaper.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 4632989)
Probably tried to snake between the two trucks or a careless lane change. Also on a wet road, the chances of losing control multiplies. Hence, the passenger cabin is ripped apart from the truck in front while the truck in the rear turned the car around and smashed it. A lesson well learnt for the driver, if he made it out alive.

Or maybe the truck in front stopped abruptly and the car was sandwiched between it and the one from behind?

While we are hypothesizing, why restrict ourselves to just the motorist's faults?


Originally Posted by honeybee (Post 4633481)
Or maybe the truck in front stopped abruptly and the car was sandwiched between it and the one from behind?

While we are hypothesizing, why restrict ourselves to just the motorist's faults?

I'd hold a car driver responsible for that. Remember: if you drive into the vehicle in front it is your fault, however suddenly they stop.

And a sandwich situation is absolutely to be avoided. Horribly dangerous. One should at least slow down to give plenty of room in front even if it is a little harder to get rid of a tailgater.

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