Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by GTO (Post 4617825)
U-turn gone wrong :Frustrati. And the gent appears to just drive away :Frustrati!

If the road is busy and there is space on the side, the driver could have finished the turn by road side and merged with the oncoming traffic.


Originally Posted by rovingeye (Post 4618051)
The bus passengers look unusually calm. One passenger just continues to talk on her mobile as if nothing has happened. :eek:

She's not. Her face hit the window grill on impact. She's holding that.


Originally Posted by rdst_1 (Post 4618433)
My parents always taught me to walk on the side of the road where you are facing the oncoming traffic. Even if it is not a guarantee against a freak accident like this, but you do get a split second to react, unlike in situations like these where a vehicle hits you from behind.

Mine did too. But when I left home and became independent, I realized that the world does not follow traffic rules and in states like Ulta Pradesh, Harryana etc. its ok to drive on wrong side of the road. lol:


Originally Posted by rdst_1 (Post 4618433)
My parents always taught me to walk on the side of the road where you are facing the oncoming traffic. Even if it is not a guarantee against a freak accident like this, but you do get a split second to react, unlike in situations like these where a vehicle hits you from behind.

That is the recommended way. In an undivided road, pedestrians must walk by the side of the road, facing the oncoming traffic. This is from the traffic rule book.


Originally Posted by reignofchaos (Post 4618487)
The bus driver is solely to blame here. He had no business going so fast on a somewhat narrow, wet, concrete road. Yes the Scorpio guy potentially got into a position where the bus couldn't stop but the driver should have anticipated the same.

Somewhat narrow? :) Check again please, this is one of the widest roads in Udupi, and it was deserted when the SUV tried to inject itself into the right most lane. Since I drive on this road on a daily basis, I know what is the practical speed on this road. The speed limit on this stretch is 50kmph. If a crawling SUV suddenly jumps into the lane, there is very little a fully loaded bus can do, even if it was doing 40kmph.


Originally Posted by rovingeye (Post 4618503)
Mine did too. But when I left home and became independent, I realized that the world does not follow traffic rules and in states like Ulta Pradesh, Harryana etc. its ok to drive on wrong side of the road. lol:

It is not just restricted to a few locations. There are vehicles coming from everywhere in any busy street in India. I hope there will not be a day where we would need rear view mirrors even while walking.:D

Its got to be the bus anyway. It simply didn't stand a chance to stop even if it was doing 40 Kmph which surprises me because the same buses belting on concrete stretches of ghats manage panic braking at higher speeds than this, on an incline!

While the "SUV" is to blame for his act which is not uncommon, the Bus driver was probably distracted elsewhere and wasn't defensive enough to anticipate this move by that vehicle.


Originally Posted by arundeepbv (Post 4618422)
... ... ... This is one of the reasons that it is recommended for pedestrians to walk facing the traffic.


Originally Posted by rdst_1 (Post 4618433)
My parents always taught me to walk on the side of the road where you are facing the oncoming traffic. Even if it is not a guarantee against a freak accident like this, but you do get a split second to react, unlike in situations like these where a vehicle hits you from behind.


Originally Posted by rovingeye (Post 4618503)
Mine did too. But when I left home and became independent, I realized that the world does not follow traffic rules and in states like Ulta Pradesh, Harryana etc. its ok to drive on wrong side of the road. lol:

This is the rule that I was brought up with in GB, too.

Here, I find it makes one more liable to be hit from behind by a wrong-siding biker. No, I never have, but have had narrow escapes.

Thanks to the Team-BHP fan (he prefers to remain anonymous) who sent this video in. Heartfelt gratitude for sharing it with other enthusiasts via this page!


Here is a footage and related news article of an accident that recently happened in Udupi district.

Link to news article


Originally Posted by PrideRed (Post 4618046)
Knowing how private buses around Udupi drive, I think the bus was doing good speed, the driver forgot that bus doesnot come with ABS. That said the Scorpio had no business in jumping to right lane at such slow speed.

Who says a bus doesn't come without ABS. It is over 5 years since ABS and power steering for heavy vehicles became compulsory. Have you realized that ABS keeps you in control but actually increases braking distance. Having owned two cars (Innova05 without ABS and Innova 08 with ABS) I can confirm that.

But true its the bus drivers fault, he is supposed to brake lightly and hit the scorpio.


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Originally Posted by Rahul Rao (Post 4619359)
Who says a bus doesn't come without ABS. It is over 5 years since ABS and power steering for heavy vehicles became compulsory. Have you realized that ABS keeps you in control but actually increases braking distance. Having owned two cars (Innova05 without ABS and Innova 08 with ABS) I can confirm that.

May be the Volvo's/Scania and newer Tata/Leyland do have ABS but most of the bus that runs around Udupi/Mangalore are easily 10+ years old and would not be surprised if some even didn't have Power steering. In this accident ABS would have provided better control given the road was slippery. The tires of bus had locked which would have been avoided had there been ABS.


Originally Posted by Rahul Rao (Post 4619359)
...Have you realized that ABS keeps you in control but actually increases braking distance. Having owned two cars (Innova05 without ABS and Innova 08 with ABS) I can confirm that.


Well, this is not exactly true and I'm saying this witnessing actual ABS testing on the track. The below video also shows how ABS also helps reduce braking distance (watch from the 2:00 min point)

It can't be said that ABS would have prevented any particular accident. But it could have helped.


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 4618039)
Yesterday, there was an accident in Udupi.

The SUV driver doesn't have any sense at all.. Who joins a main road and moves to the right immediately? It doesn't look like he looked in the mirror too. I see a lot of these buffoons daily on my morning commute. Our office bus picks up decent speed on K R Puram flyover. There is a break in the road for service road users to join after this flyover with a bus stop right after this break. Some people don't have the patience to wait for a bus to move and join the main road, they move to middle lane. Some idiots have even less patience and join the right lane immediately. Daily our bus driver has to brake violently. I've also seen a few accidents happen at this point. :deadhorse

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