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Originally Posted by Digital Vampire (Post 1394286)
Sometimes these morons use the same dead chicken multiple times to fleece people.

Damn! If this happens to me, I'd pay up what the carcass is worth and take it along with


Originally Posted by prince_pervez (Post 1394291)
Damn! If this happens to me, I'd pay up what the carcass is worht and take it along with

Reminds me of a scene from the Hindi movie Namkeen.


Originally Posted by tanwaramit (Post 1393762)
Hold on, there is nothing to get personal here. I havent yet encountered such situation, thank God. No one is intentionally hitting the so called sweet li'l one.

Not so. There are people who will happily do it intentionally. It takes all kinds to make this world.

Well, years back, our own driver did it. It was somewhere on a ghat behind Mahabeleshwar. It was night time. I was sitting next to the driver and parents behind. Suddenly in the headling, both of us saw a fox (so something that looked like one) on the road righ ahead. The fox got startled and started running ahead. The driver could very easily have braked and avoided the fox as he was trying to run ahead. But what what he did made me speechless - he just floored the accelerator and went over it! :Shockked: There was a moderate thud under the car. It took me few secs to find words to spew out at him. What was most amazing was his attitude. He said (in Marathi): "Animals don't die so easily... don't worry. I know because I butcher them often for food".

I got my pop to fire the driver in the morning itself... refusing to get into the car again with him.

Well, thats just a personal experience. I have few times seen people going over animals deliberately.

I can still vividly picture the look on the Fox's face and his desperate attempt to outrun our car.


Originally Posted by balajird (Post 1392037)
good that you were saved GPA, between, which car were you driving?

I was driving a Alto and doing about 60-65 kmph.


Originally Posted by Raccoon (Post 1392672)
Well, at least I can always predict where they are going to go.

I have dodged many mutts in the past using this technique but this one darted out from the centre median so suddenly, I had absolutely no time to react :Frustrati


Originally Posted by Raccoon (Post 1394388)
- he just floored the accelerator and went over it! :Shockked: There was a moderate thud under the car.
I can still vividly picture the look on the Fox's face and his desperate attempt to outrun our car.

Shucks! Thats just heartless! :deadhorse


Originally Posted by gpa (Post 1394392)
I was driving a Alto and doing about 60-65 kmph.

Thanks GPA:thumbs up, i did saw your other thread on ALTO ownership and this highway experience. anyways, thanks for the reply.:)


Originally Posted by Raccoon (Post 1394388)
"Animals don't die so easily... don't worry. I know because I butcher them often for food".....

I got my pop to fire the driver in the morning itself... refusing to get into the car again with him....

What an inhuman attitude the driver had, its good that you got rid off him the very next day. I wonder, what will he reply when somebody gets hurt by his driving, will he say the same "dont worry, you will not die soon, i have done many such hits in the past"lol:. Horrible to hear about such people. Thanks for sharing this with us.


Originally Posted by Raccoon (Post 1394388)
Not so. There are people who will happily do it intentionally. It takes all kinds to make this world.

IBM EGL cab driver. Very notorious for killing stray dogs.

My wife was in tears when she came home. She had to stay back and since no cabs were available from the company rental had to take a cab provided from the call center division. This cab was passing her route and they accomodated her on it. She had never travelled by these cabs but had to take it as there was an issue with the normal cab guys.

What happened during her drive of 30-45 mins as she described was the most horrible time she has faced.

This driver first ran over only the outstretched legs of a sleeping dog. And then hit another who was on the side of the road. He then stopped and reversed to drive over the poor injured fellow killing it.

My wife almost puked in the car due to this. She spoke to the others in the cab and asked why no one complained. She then asked the cab to be stopped and asked the security guy to call his boss. The security guys at best are a scared lot and do not act unless asked to by their seniors.

She then called me and asked me to pick her up. She could not go any further in that cab.

Next day she bought the whole building down to get the obnoxious driver changed. Later we got to know he is another contract driver and IBM per se cant do anything.

Sad part is that low life is probably still doing it.

Anyone from IBM ERC department would know this driver quite well.


Originally Posted by Spitfire (Post 1394742)
IBM EGL cab driver. Very notorious for killing stray dogs.
Anyone from IBM ERC department would know this driver quite well.

I am fuming... that all I can say! What a pathetic excuse for a human being! I wish I could be there and beat him to pulp so that he isnt able to drive again ever in his life!

You cant judge in an instant, i can give an example to this behaviour,
When in college (college was next to highway) in break times, i have personally seen truck drivers doing the same with the dogs, when i asked them how can he just act like this, what he said was really acceptable,
He told me the only reason behind this is that the injured dog has to suffer a lot without its limbs and die one day, it would be better to die in one instant than going thru hell before reaching hell.


Originally Posted by balajird (Post 1394662)
Horrible to hear about such people.

I agree. I'm appaled at the attitude of such people and it disgusts me to the core. :deadhorse


Originally Posted by sumanth_mk (Post 1394796)
You cant judge in an instant, i can give an example to this behaviour,
When in college (college was next to highway) in break times, i have personally seen truck drivers doing the same with the dogs, when i asked them how can he just act like this, what he said was really acceptable,
He told me the only reason behind this is that the injured dog has to suffer a lot without its limbs and die one day, it would be better to die in one instant than going thru hell before reaching hell.

The point here is that driver deliberately ran over the dog and then ran over it again to kill it.... in one case he just ran over the legs of the dog.... Argh I feel like killing the bast^%& even as I am typing this!


Originally Posted by extreme_torque (Post 1394986)
Argh I feel like killing the bast^%& even as I am typing this!

I share the same emotions buddy. I felt horrible when I knocked down that dog on Saturday in the accident. But this guy is just the limit of being a sadist!:Frustrati

Hey guys

Can we expect some new "PICS" . The last 2 pages are just becoming chat room posts...


Originally Posted by aerohit (Post 1395469)
Hey guys

Can we expect some new "PICS" . The last 2 pages are just becoming chat room posts...

Looks to me more like, no one has met with an accident since the last 2 pages, which is good, in a way, isn't it ? It would not be a good thing to expect a crash and have someone posted it here. :D

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