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Old 18th July 2009, 21:37   #2821
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Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
This is exactly what I was also trying to highlight - the fact that cars in India go UNDER a truck when rear-ending them. New legislation IS in place for all trucks to have low-level bumpers at the back - but then, we love not to obey silly laws! And this happens...
Whatever happened to those bull bars at the back of the trucks that were supposed to block any incoming(!) two/three/four-wheelers?
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Old 20th July 2009, 08:23   #2822
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20 July - Morning 7 AM - From ITPL towards city - Whitefield Road - Stretch between Hoodi circle and Brookfields left turn (opposite ABB), Before Brigade Metropolis

Saw a truck on wrong direction head-on collision with tata Van

Very Nasty scene, couldnt take pic.
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Old 20th July 2009, 08:57   #2823
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Originally Posted by aerohit View Post
20 July - Morning 7 AM - From ITPL towards city - Whitefield Road - Stretch between Hoodi circle and Brookfields left turn (opposite ABB), Before Brigade Metropolis

Saw a truck on wrong direction head-on collision with tata Van

Very Nasty scene, couldnt take pic.
I also saw this accident. That silly truck driver was on completely wrong side and the Tata Van completely mangled. It was heart rendering scene. This must happened around wee hours when visibility is very less. I do not know what are the conditions of Tata Winger (or is it Sumo) occupants. Looking at the accident it was really fatal. It seems Truck driver might have switched off headlights too at the wrong side. It must be call center cab which go in the morning hours to drop employees.
Why this truck driver went on wrong side?

Same spot last week in the evening, I saw a motorcyclist knocked down fatally by some vehicle. I saw the person lying on road in pool of blood and Ambulance just arrived at the spot and many policemen were there. I just could not stop there.

I also did not click an pic as my camera in phone is not working.

Last edited by anujmishra : 20th July 2009 at 08:58.
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Old 20th July 2009, 10:50   #2824
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Originally Posted by anujmishra View Post
It seems Truck driver might have switched off headlights too at the wrong side.
Could be just the opposite, such drivers have the habit of using Highbeam whilst coming on the wrong side of the road completely blinding oncoming traffic . Have faced this several times on NH especially near villages / towns.
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Old 20th July 2009, 11:39   #2825
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Stray Dog Accidents

Has anyone been involved in an accident that was caused as a result of a stray dog darting onto a highway/expressway? I had one last Saturday, but thankfully my car escaped with very minor damage.

But an i10 that was just about to overtake me wasn't lucky and was totalled by hitting a light post on the centre median!
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Old 20th July 2009, 11:54   #2826
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Originally Posted by gpa View Post
Has anyone been involved in an accident that was caused as a result of a stray dog darting onto a highway/expressway? I had one last Saturday, but thankfully my car escaped with very minor damage.

But an i10 that was just about to overtake me wasn't lucky and was totalled by hitting a light post on the centre median!
Glad that you are safe. Sorry to hear about that i10 guy. I guess people run over stray dogs in such cases for the life of a stray dog is incosequential as compared to human lives in the car.
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Old 20th July 2009, 12:08   #2827
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Originally Posted by gpa View Post
.... but thankfully my car escaped with very minor damage. But an i10 that was just about to overtake me wasn't lucky and was totalled by hitting a light post on the centre median!
good that you were saved GPA, between, which car were you driving?

Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
... I guess people run over stray dogs in such cases for the life of a stray dog is incosequential....
Thats exactly what i do when i drive a car or a bike, simpy run over the dog , consciously not to apply brakes when running over the dog, they say, when you apply brakes while running over the dog, its likely that the tyres might skid and you are in for a trouble, never experienced the skid part and hence cant confirm that, if anyone has any confirmed info about that, please share.
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Old 20th July 2009, 14:34   #2828
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Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Glad that you are safe. Sorry to hear about that i10 guy. I guess people run over stray dogs in such cases for the life of a stray dog is incosequential as compared to human lives in the car.
Well, I ran over a dog once and I think that's because I had nowhere else to go. There was a median on right and a Skoda on the right. I was doing about 130kmph in my friend's 6 month old Civic (around 6:30am in the morning) driving from B'lore to Pune (was somewhere in MH at that time). I was overtaking the Skoda, which was going a lot slower than I was, when suddenly the dog appeared from in front of the Skoda. I knew there was no way I could stop in time and would have probably hit it at around 100kmph. Felt aweful. Damage to car - bumper had popped out from right side.
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Old 20th July 2009, 14:46   #2829
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Well, from what I have seen and heard, hitting a dog can sometimes be more messy.
I have seen an instance where a fella hit a dog and the mutt flung and crashed into the windshield of a six seater (dug dugi) coming from the opposite direction. It landed all bloody on the drivers lap.
In some other instance I saw a swift on mysore road which hit an adventurous flee bag which went air bourne and landed in the oncoming lane across the divider.
Imagine the plight of the drivers @ 80-100kmph trying to avoid a crawling crashed doggie.
I could hear loud screeches but, didn't have time to stop and have a look.

Yes, they are sometimes totally unavoidable and when that happens it not only endangers the car, bumper etc .of your vehicle. but some other road users as well.
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Old 20th July 2009, 14:51   #2830
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Thats something which i never thought of, hitting the dogs could cause troubles / inconvenience to other road users. But enough said and done, it is always better to do safe driving and expect the unexpected.
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Old 20th July 2009, 15:47   #2831
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Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Glad that you are safe. Sorry to hear about that i10 guy. I guess people run over stray dogs in such cases for the life of a stray dog is incosequential as compared to human lives in the car.
Thats what you think! Given a choice between you and a sweet li'l doggie, people like me will very like run over you, if such an incidendent presents itself.

That said, having driven a moderate amount over all kinds of roads, I have never ever hit a dog or any other animal. Humans can be unpredictable and are capable of doing the strangest things... but never a dog!
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Old 20th July 2009, 15:57   #2832
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
....That said, having driven a moderate amount over all kinds of roads, I have never ever hit a dog or any other animal. Humans can be unpredictable and are capable of doing the strangest things... but never a dog!
I beg to differ Raccoon, i have been in couple of situations where this idiot stray dog acts in a very confused way as to whether to cross the road / turn back / stay / sit and confuses you to slam the brake or de tour. You should also consider other animals like goat, buffalos which go in big groups and tend to jump in to the road suddenly (atleast goats / sheeps).

P.S. - This is purely my experience and i always tend to be cautious if i see an animal on the road and not to prove anything wrong @Raccoon.
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Old 20th July 2009, 16:48   #2833
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Well, at least I can always predict where they are going to go. Maybe thats why I'v succeeded in never ever hitting one.

The only exception is once I was on a bike and a cat attempted to dart at warp speed across the road... and collided with my front wheel! Nearly put me off balance.... There wasn't a thing I could do because it all happened in a nano second. Strangely, the cat just got up and ran off at warp speed again!! I got down and leaned across the compound wall where it darted off to... to see if it was hurt... but it was nowhere in sight by then. I can only hope it wasn't hurt.

Sheep are the best... they almost never break out of their flock to dart across.

I'd repeat - the 2 legged variety is the most dangerous animal on the road. All others are cool.
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Old 20th July 2009, 16:50   #2834
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I have herd many stories around karnataka & south maharastha that some people just walk besides their cattle ( usualy only one ) & when the truck approches very near They hit the cattle as it should come in the path of the truck & get injured or perphas die. they then ransom the truck driver to collect a huge amount to compansate for the animal. believe me they actually do it, sepcially if the animal is old.
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Old 20th July 2009, 16:54   #2835
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Originally Posted by SAHIR.KITTUR View Post
I have herd many stories around karnataka & south maharastha that some people just walk besides their cattle ( usualy only one ) & when the truck approches very near They hit the cattle as it should come in the path of the truck & get injured or perphas die. they then ransom the truck driver to collect a huge amount to compansate for the animal. believe me they actually do it, sepcially if the animal is old.
For all domesticated female animal species court can rule to pay fine upto lakhs.

Do not ever hit Cow, Buffalo, She Goat, She Pig, Hen. However you can hit male counterpart and get away with little fine.
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