Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by pavi (Post 4561936)
...accident involving a truck and a mini truck.


Originally Posted by pratyush6 (Post 4562252)
The trucker seems to have forgotten the basic rule of keeping a safe enough distance so that it could stop even if the Bus stopped bang on the road.... Completely the truckers fault here,

It is ofcourse the trailing vehicle's responsibility to ensure that sufficient gap or stopping distance is maintained at all times in order to stop in time in case the vehicle in front abruptly halts for whatever reason. There is absolutely no excuse, in case of a rear ending, it is always the vehicle behind that is at fault.

Any seasoned driver on our roads would have sometime or the other experienced and have been caught off-guard by a bus in front that at one moment is zipping down the road and at another moment completely comes to a dead halt bang in the middle of the road to pick up or drop passengers.
Unfortunately, this situation / behavior of buses will continue to occur, anyone driving behind a bus should by instinct anticipate two things:
1) That bus in front will suddenly stop any moment so better be more alert.
2) Once the bus stops, there will be people crossing the road from the front of the bus (which is a blind spot for the driver behind).

The truck-trailer here is fully loaded with heavy metal beams and completely failed to anticipate the bus stopping. Given the heavy load, he should been a lot more slower apart from maintaining the gap. At the speed he was going, there is no way he could have stopped, even if there was no mini truck, he would'nt have been able to cross the bus given the sheer length and weight of the trailer and would have crossed the road and banged into the same spot. Given those heavy beams on the trailer, it would have been catastrophic had the truck rear ended the bus.

Indian driving funda completely missing here from the truck driver and yes, the bus driver cannot get away scot-free!

It is not as if the truck was tailgating the bus. He had loads of time to spot the bus stopping. The footage does not show whether the brake lights were working or not. The way the truck driver suddenly realized that the bus had stopped probably indicates a weary/sleepy/drunk driver.


Originally Posted by Arwin07 (Post 4556130)
taking 90°degree turn at the appropriate place but taking a 45° turn cutting across the opposite lane without indicating turn as I have tried to demonstrate in an amateur picture I created:

That is something we need to educate people via not just sign boards/newspapers/tv, but maybe even via paan/cigarette/beedi shops as well. It is utterly idiotic that people do not have this kinda common sense even and are loose on the roads. If you block a person's 'privilege' of making a turn at 45 degrees by bringing you vehicle ahead and cutting off the angle, your rightful action is met by glares as if the fellow has been asked to donate a kidney forcefully and he'll rip your guts open if allowed.

In a separate incident, I lost 12k due to 'civic' authority being foolishly ignorant. They opened a freshly constructed underpass and simply failed to make the streetlights operational. Me being a good samaritan, was driving without the high beams switched on to avoid blinding the oncoming driver from the other side of a concrete divider. Misjudged the slip lane divider on my side by an inch, and for a split second drove on the small divider's contour. The alloy wheel got disfigured, tyre ruptured, axle damaged and bye bye shocker. :Frustrati

Felt like entering the authority's office and thrashing the whole dept till heart's content.


Originally Posted by aerohit (Post 4562045)
1) Bus should give left side indicator before stopping in advance
2) Bus should also apply hazard light indicators
3) Truck should slow down, wait behind bus and pass when it is safe.

The bus should not apply the hazard lights. It is not a broken down vehicle. Neither did he do an emergency braking. From the video it is clear that there was more than adequate gap between the truck and bus when it stops.

The truck is going way too fast and probably distracted.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4562082)
That's his responsibility. We can wonder if the bus's brake lights, etc, were working...

A good 70% probability of these lights not working or not being visible in daylight.


Originally Posted by pratyush6 (Post 4562252)
The trucker seems to have forgotten the basic rule of keeping a safe enough distance ...


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4562315)
At the end of the cctv clip, the truck door opens and the driver gets or falls out. Does he then run away? I would not make that out.

Just looks like a case of distracted by the phone. Towards the end of the video before running away he does look at some device in his hand. Given the fact that absolutely no time passes from the time the truck crashes and the front door opens with the driver getting out, it's too little a time for the driver to have located that phone in the chaos that would have resulted in that cab.

Chances are:
1. Phone was already in his hand
2. Phone was in his pocket (very unlikely)

Coming to the fact whether he braked or not: Simple answer he did not brake hard enough as its a tractor trailer and under heavy braking should jack-knife, which it did not. Which probably also saved everyone seated at the back of the bus.

A small dink thanks to this incident.

Bangalore, Vijayanagar
GPS - 12.968739, 77.536882
Around 9PM, 20/Mar/2019

Dont know if these guys were drunk, because when I indicated and came out my left parking spot I didnt see this scooter, but I was surprised to see them bang into my car. I am guessing they were drunk because the scooted out of the place before I could even think of stopping them.

PS - The beep you hear is me putting car into reverse instantly to ensure I havent parked the wheel on their feet.

Witnessed this crash couple of days back, couldn't post due to paucity of time. This Dzire overtook me, and guess they were doing pretty good speeds, since I was at my usual cruising speed of 80-85 km/h when they crossed me.

After a while, one of their front wheels burst, and the car took a full U turn at those speeds, with rear almost in air. They could have toppled but they crashed into a nearby drain construction. There was a nearby local rural market, and people rushed towards the car. I stopped to offer them help and water, but thankfully they weren't injured(except some minor bruises).

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-20190319_125411.jpg

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Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-20190319_125701.jpg


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 4562601)
Witnessed this crash couple of days back, couldn't post due to paucity of time. This Dzire overtook me, and guess they were doing pretty good speeds, since I was at my usual cruising speed of 80-85 km/h when they crossed me.

After a while, one of their front wheels burst, ...

This is the first time on this thread we've actually seen a confirmed tyre-burst accident!

The tyre treads on the car, when the 2nd pic is zoomed into, seems to be well-worn. I don't see much depth left. But I can't see any cracks on the sidewalls (and these are pretty high-resolution pics by the way).


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 4562601)
After a while, one of their front wheels burst, and the car took a full U turn at those speeds, with rear almost in air. They could have toppled but they crashed into a nearby drain construction. There was a nearby local rural market, and people rushed towards the car. I stopped to offer them help and water, but thankfully they weren't injured(except some minor bruises).

:Shockked: They should really thank their stars that they are alive.

I think that overspeeding on the worn out tyres is the main reason behind this accident. The tyres are well beyond their life.

Glad that they didn't crashed into the nearby market.

Glad to hear they are safe, a bit curious to know if they were buckled up? , am assuming yes since you say they didn't suffer any injuries.

Found the video of an accident that happened on Kerala roads:

Looks like the Wagon-R driver was distracted.


Originally Posted by The Observer (Post 4562654)
Glad to hear they are safe, a bit curious to know if they were buckled up? , am assuming yes since you say they didn't suffer any injuries.

I think the driver is not buckled up at least. See the hit on the windscreen.


Originally Posted by Leoshashi (Post 4562601)

The damage to the front of the driver on the windshield - is it because the driver was thrown to the front :Shockked:? If it's so, the unbuckled driver is lucky.

Crossed this bike accident site in Vellore a few weeks ago. This is a one way bridge and bikers often come on the wrong side. Looks like this may have been the case here too.
One biker had a head injury but was fully conscious and his friends were just flagging an auto to get him to the hospital which was a couple of minutes away.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4564953)
Crossed this bike accident site in Vellore a few weeks ago. This is a one way bridge and bikers often come on the wrong side. Looks like this may have been the case here too.

It may sound hard, but even the bikers going the right way in your video all seem to be trying to have an accident. The guy on the right is looking for a non-existent gap even though he has his foot on the pavement! Those overtaking the coach on its left obviously fancy life with one leg.

But, nothing will happen. Of course. Until the day it does. And then it will be somebody else's fault.

Driving on the wrong side, in the face of traffic like that, even on a bike, is just insanity. I wish the police would start catcing and prosecuting wrong-siders, regardless of wheel numbers.

Two people got badly injured in a bike collision in Kanyakumari, TamilNadu.

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 07:50.