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Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4545078)
Saw this accident today morning. Idiot biker almost got himself killed. :Frustrati
Hope he has learnt the lesson not to squeeze in every possible gap and to give all vehicles the space they require.

After all the harassment I go through due to these kind two wheelers, I have reached a point where I have started hating each and every two wheeler out there. This video is so satisfying to watch lol:. Call me sadist-I don't care.


Originally Posted by itwasntme (Post 4545100)
Ideally, sharing this video clip with the cop would have cleared him immediately.

Ideally yes, I could've done that. But didn't occur to me at that point of time.

Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4545118)
Please consider sharing this video with the police.
Truck number is visible in the video and you can easily find out the police station where he was taken to.delay will reduce its usefulness.

I've posted it on Bangalore traffic police Facebook page and they've acknowledged. Not really sure if anything will be done at ground level.


Originally Posted by PrideRed (Post 4545212)
After all the harassment I go through due to these kind two wheelers, I have reached a point where I have started hating each and every two wheeler out there. This video is so satisfying to watch lol:. Call me sadist-I don't care.

oh oh! I am a biker too :).

Serves him right. Nincompoop is the best word to describe him. He could have easily been run over and the next day's headlines would read-

Rash truck driver runs over a two wheeler rider :Shockked:.

The truck driver would not have had a clue on what is happening in the rear left corner and he would have accounted for the space on the road alone and not for a cockroach along with it!

Yes bikers tend to overtake or pass vehicles at the slightest opportunity and I am no saint either. But what is important is elementary traffic sense. If I squeeze in to the gap now and stop, what is going to happen next once all the vehicles start moving or maneuvering? Will this gap close or lessen? These are decisions made on the fly. Well if he could...why would he be a Nincompoop?


Originally Posted by Nalin1 (Post 4545293)

If I squeeze in to the gap now and stop, what is going to happen next once all the vehicles start moving or maneuvering?

I see much worse behavior.

Switched the left indicator, on the left most lane and stopped at a signal. Left around 1 feet gap between my car and the footpath so as to execute my left turn once the signal turns GREEN.

It turned green, I moved few feet ahead and started turning left. so, the distance between my car and the corner of the footpath is decreasing and one two wheeler bozo gets into that crack and settles :Shockked:.

He gives me a death stare, as if I CARE.

I stop and let him go because a dent on my car will be much more expensive than his bike.

Then, I learn that he wants to go STRAIGHT and trying to over take me from left, while I am turning left and I already signaled my intention.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4545078)
Saw this accident today morning. Idiot biker almost got himself killed. :Frustrati
Hope he has learnt the lesson not to squeeze in every possible gap and to give all vehicles the space they require.

I doubt that person learned any lesson from this, they never do. Probably blamed truck driver and harassed him for money to repair his bike or filing a police complaint.

As many others have said and as primarily a rider myself, I passionately hate 2 wheeler riders in this country since last few years. List all possible road offenses and most likely you will see them check off all those offenses in a span of 5 minutes within you start observing them. Wholesale menace to the other vehicles on the roads.


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4545300)
I see much worse behavior.

Then, I learn that he wants to go STRAIGHT and trying to over take me from left, while I am turning left and I already signaled my intention.

Yes! This is very very common in Namma Bengaluru! Two wheelers behind will be looking at every single gap to fill and if they 'successfully' fill it or move ahead what happens next? Their Hayabusa will transform into a 50cc TVS at 10 KMPH ahead.

Got this on WhatsApp today. Another idiot of a rider. :Frustrati
This happened in Bangalore's ecoworld this Tuesday. It was a lady as per reports. Luckily she also was spared of her life, thanks to the Traveller driver who braked just in the nick of time.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4545484)
Got this on WhatsApp today. Another idiot of a rider. :Frustrati
This happened in Bangalore's ecoworld this Tuesday. It was a lady as per reports. Luckily she also was spared of her life, thanks to the Traveller driver who braked just in the nick of time.

Thank God she was saved. However, this is perfect example how most two wheeler riders ignore basics on road :Frustrati.
PS: it seems the video is playing at faster speed.


Originally Posted by DragonHawk (Post 4545123)
Himself and most of two wheelers are not aware a blind spots.... may have never heard of the term altogether.


Originally Posted by PrideRed (Post 4545212)
..reached a point where I have started hating each and every two wheeler out there.


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4545300)
I see much worse behavior.
... learn that he wants to go STRAIGHT and trying to over take me from left, while I am turning left and I already signaled my intention.


Originally Posted by Yieldway17 (Post 4545309)
I doubt that person learned any lesson from this, they never do.


Originally Posted by AutoNoob (Post 4545497)
.. perfect example how most two wheeler riders ignore basics on road

Unfortunately its a systemic issue. Drivers/riders are plain ignorant. It is a natural result of the way licenses are doled out without any stringent driving tests.

In our country, everybody assumes that once they turn 18, its their birth-right to get a driving licence immediately after applying. This has has to change big time. Everybody needs to work hard at earning a driving license and need to prove via a well designed comprehensive test that they are qualified and eligible to drive on the road. Driving is indeed a big responsibility and nobody has the right to put other's lives at risk because of their ignorance and disregard to the rules.

Its no rocket science to implement, all the authorities need to do is copy and enforce the exact manner in which driving license tests typically done in most European countries that are designed to weed out/fail any applicant who fails to demonstrate that they are completely aware of all the safety hazards, rules and have to pass the practical driving tests with a high score (not just a simple pass will do, if they don't qualify they should be failed again and again with loss of fee during each failed attempt as well until they take it seriously and pass the test with proper effort).

Issuing driving lcenses (and for that matter Registration, road tax and anything related to vehicles) have to be centralized nationwide for convenience of people and for easier centralized tracking of traffic offences and anything related to a vehicle. All these state barriers have to go and the nation should have a centralized database for all transactions related to vehicles.

The "chalta-hain" attitude of our people and lack of enforcement has to stop. Its not impossible, just needs a strong will and an iron fist to implement nationwide. Only then there will be a positive change.


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4545300)
Then, I learn that he wants to go STRAIGHT and trying to over take me from left, while I am turning left and I already signaled my intention.

I face this almost every other day, if I need to turn to my lane, I need to take a left, so, I turn on the indicator, take a slight right to execute the left turn, as it is a narrow single lane road, and the idiot biker behind me tries to pass me on the left and inevitably, I have to brake or have that idiot blare his horns.

It is so annoying. I think it is more so because, these impatient bikers have never driven a car, and do not know that it is impossible for a car to turn in a certain way. As soon as some of my friends have graduated to driving cars, they can now relate to this ignorance.

It is a simple manner/courtesy to let the person in front of you pass. I still don't get why that is lacking in a lot of people, including some car drivers. If I had stopped for a pedestrian to cross, some of the times, the car driver behind me would have honked and then would have started in overtake maneuver right on to the path of the crossing pedestrians, scaring them. Why don't people grasp this? I especially find it annoying when they do this to older people trying to cross the road. Few of the times, the drivers/riders behind would understand and would stop as well.

Two wheeler don't give an inch of leeway and are found squeezing between vehicles to their own peril, wonder what's the hurry to get ahead. Of late the two wheeler riders are becoming more and more suicidal day by day.


Originally Posted by Durango Dude (Post 4545595)
Two wheeler don't give an inch of leeway and are found squeezing between vehicles to their own peril, wonder what's the hurry to get ahead. Of late the two wheeler riders are becoming more and more suicidal day by day.

And what's with all those riders who don't have even a single rear view mirror? They put the onus for their safety on vehicles coming up on them from behind. They're living the bug life. They're here today, getting squashed tomorrow.


Originally Posted by govigov (Post 4545574)
It is a simple manner/courtesy to let the person in front of you pass.

As a culture I feel we have lost this battle completely. This is just not on the roads but in every walk of life. There is a whole generation of people who think it is ok for them to get ahead because they have been taught to do so from a very young age. Every parent pushing their kids to get ahead of every other in front no matter their capabilities are or what the sacrifices might be, usually health.

This directly results in a person that values a phone call more than their life, overtakes even when there is no space, or bribe and get things done or get that startup money and that Audi in their garage. After all, somewhere they need to be ahead to please their parent as they have been trained for 18 hard years.

They have simply not been taught to relax, unwind, live life, follow rules because 'they are rules' and not because 'dad is around the corner and watching you'. Later in life they look for the speed camera to slow down, and speed up right after that, or jump the red light when the cops are not around.

We cannot help that biker. He will overtake again from the left. He did not understand the logic or science behind what happened. What he took away from this incident was: "Do not overtake a large articulated truck from the left on a bend", and precisely that much, nothing else.

No matter how many 4-wheelers (pebbles) are there on the road(in a jar) ; there is always room for 2/3 wheelers (sand). Even in a gridlock (filled up jar), there is still room for more. A traffic signal (vigorous shake of the jar) will easily demonstrate this -- sudden deceleration prompts the 2/3 wheelers (sand) to squeeze in even more to the front (bottom), disturbing the homogeneous nature and lending the mix heterogeneous back to front (top to bottom) ; opening up more room , and hence inviting the next set of 2/3 wheelers (sand) into the mix at the back (top).


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4545484)
Got this on WhatsApp today. Another idiot of a rider. :Frustrati
This happened in Bangalore's ecoworld this Tuesday. It was a lady as per reports. Luckily she also was spared of her life, thanks to the Traveller driver who braked just in the nick of time.

Unfortunately, she succumbed to her injuries on the spot is what I heard from a colleague who was also returning home at the same time.


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