Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Hickstead (Post 4494553)
A speeding Alto rammed into a divider on ORR Hyderabad, today morning. Three lives were lost in this accident including a three month old baby. The car already has multiple pending challans associated with it.

If you look at the chalans, one thing stands out prominently : Rash driving. Majority of the folks have the mindset if the road is empty, drive rash disregarding safety. Who knows that guy would have been involved in near fatal accidents earlier.


Originally Posted by StarrySky (Post 4494657)
The last challan in that list was issued in Dec 2017 - 11 months back. Are we sure the car was registered to him when they were issued? If it was, with the last challan issued 11 months back and information about the 3-month old baby he seemed to have stopped rash driving around the time they found out about the pregnancy.

Ooh, I really wanted to believe this please:

But as per todays update in the echallan website, the vehicle was trapped overspeeding in ORR II at 11:51 on the fateful day. I guess minutes later everything was done and gone.

Well, how about we stop judging and calling names about the deceased? Have some sensitivity. We don't exactly know how the accident happened. They are dead for heaven's sake!:Frustrati

It's even more sad when kids are dead in accidents. We all will agree on the fact that the father must have loved his kid as much as (or more than) we love our kids. It's just that it was a big bad day for him and the family, and he was ignorant of the real facts. I think rather than discussing on 'the accident could have been prevented if the driver maintained legal speed levels etc', we should rather think 'Is there anything that needs to be changed to my driving style to prevent such accidents from happening to me and my family'. I have read a lot of comments in this forum itself stating 'I did not feel any vibrations in my car while travelling at 140/180 kmph, and the car was so much settled, the manufacturer have tuned the suspension...... bla bla bla'. Then a moderator will remove the mention of speeds and leave a note for the same and then??, those people keep on driving at high speeds as the suspension and chassis are so awesomely tuned on their cars :Frustrati.

I have first hand experience with a lot of proper 'team-bhp sticker' bearing cars which were extremely rash driven, one time three cars including mine were barely escaped from an accident because of one car (yes having team-bhp sticker) driver did not indicate while suddenly making a right turn. Actually it was these incidents which kept me away from registering in team-bhp for a long time. I think we should also take the team-bhp policies (some of them related to speeds and stuffs) to heart and rather than complying to those only while posting comments, apply the same in real life.

I may sound philosophical and completely :OT. For those who find the above comment logical 'be the change'.

For those who want to judge me 'Who are you to advise me or You do first and then advise', I always make sure I drive my car under 90 kmph, always put my indicator ON on the correct side even while at the parking lot, I have been using child seat for my kid even for short distance journeys (yes, only after being enlightened about the positives of the same) etc.

Disclaimer : No, I am not the 'perfect' human being.

Yes, it is very unfortunate to loose valuable lives in accidents, which could have been generally avoided with some basic precautions. Just minutes before the accident, one more over speeding challan was issued on the same car. Hope he could have estimated the limitations of the machine that he was driving sorry:.


Originally Posted by pavi (Post 4494893)
I think rather than discussing on 'the accident could have been prevented if the driver maintained legal speed levels etc', we should rather think 'Is there anything that needs to be changed to my driving style to prevent such accidents from happening to me and my family'.

Very good point, and that is the key reason for this thread, not to satisfy any voyeuristic need to look at accidents. I admit that - like any Internet discussion - people get a bit passionate about their views and opinions, and on a topic like this it comes across callous and judgemental. That said, there's always something to be learnt, as you've called it out.

For instance, in the image in Hickstead's post - which appears to have been taken the same day as the accident, it appears that the wife is in the front seat, appears to not have belted up (seeing the area above the left shoulder) and most likely had their baby with her in front.

It also goes to show that while the driver holds a lot of responsibility for the car he/she drives, the occupants of the car can also influence safety.


Originally Posted by Hickstead (Post 4494917)
Just minutes before the accident, one more over speeding challan was issued on the same car.


Originally Posted by paragsachania (Post 4494752)
I clicked opened the images and […]one of the photos captured from the front also hints that the driver never wore seat belts

I wonder if some manner of ad campaign promoted by the government might help in raising awareness about child seats? Parents want the best for their kids, and I'm sure its ignorance - not arrogance - in most cases that is leading to children being victims in accidents.

Maybe even spin personal safety via seatbelts on the back of that theme - "Yes, you've safely belted your child into a child seat. But who'll belt him/her tomorrow, if you don't buckle up today?".


Originally Posted by arunphilip (Post 4494973)
I wonder if some manner of ad campaign promoted by the government might help in raising awareness about child seats? Parents want the best for their kids, and I'm sure its ignorance - not arrogance - in most cases that is leading to children being victims in accidents.

Maybe even spin personal safety via seatbelts on the back of that theme - "Yes, you've safely belted your child into a child seat. But who'll belt him/her tomorrow, if you don't buckle up today?".

Awareness is definitely a problem. Many still treat helmet and seat belt are for saving fine. In such a situation, how many would care for a child seat?


Originally Posted by arunphilip (Post 4494973)
Parents want the best for their kids, and I'm sure its ignorance - not arrogance - in most cases that is leading to children being victims in accidents.

As much as this is painful to say, I have seen and talked to folks and mostly its the "Nothing will happen to me or my family" nonsense justified with some more nonsense like travelling in low speeds, only within the city etc. And I am also not sure if all the parents want the best for their kids, unless it means giving in to their tantrums as the number of kids as young as 2 sitting sandwiched between the parent and the steering wheel is increasing :Frustrati. Many times, I have to end up being careful to ensure that the kid stays safe on the bike/car even as the parents care 2 hoots.


Maybe even spin personal safety via seatbelts on the back of that theme - "Yes, you've safely belted your child into a child seat. But who'll belt him/her tomorrow, if you don't buckle up today?".
+1 awareness is the way to go, I am not sure how to bring it in though. Unless there are cops, I dont see folks buckling, though I am happy to say that the number of instances of belting up is increasing. Car seats for kids though is an entirely different matter. There are people who dont buy car seats as it eats into the available space in the car!! :deadhorse

Sorry for quoting your post, this was not meant as a response to what you typed but I am increasingly frustrated by the apathy we tend to show towards safety, for everyone, be it themselves or their near and dear ones

Drunk cabbie in Bangalore drives at a high speed and doesn't even notice that his front tyre has been ripped off and the car is going along on the brake drum. Hits several vehicles before other motorists stop and thrash him, and is too drunk to answer questions when the police finally arrive and try to interrogate him.


Originally Posted by hserus (Post 4495583)
Drunk cabbie in Bangalore drives at a high speed and doesn't even notice that his front tyre has been ripped off and the car is going along on the brake drum. Hits several vehicles before other motorists stop and thrash him, and is too drunk to answer questions when the police finally arrive and try to interrogate him.

A similar accident took place here recently, wherein a Innova Crysta, driven by a very sozzled chap, hits 13 motorcycles and 7 auto rickshaws. He injured 2 people seriously, the local people caught that chap and thrashed him before handing him over to the police. He might be out on bail by now.:Frustrati

Five young lives were lost yesterday when their car rammed into a bus on ECR yesterday. Reports are conflicting as one report says bus crashed into them when overtaking and another says car crashed onto bus when overtaking. Anyway 5 young lives stands list all in their early 20's. As per the pictures I saw, the car is. Honda Civic

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-imageuploadedbyteambhp1542343529.735481.jpg.

Image taken from The Hindu website.

According to my friend, the Etios rammed into the Honda while it was taking a U-turn.

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Originally Posted by arvind71181 (Post 4495293)
As much as this is painful to say, I have seen and talked to folks and mostly its the "Nothing will happen to me or my family"...

Various creative reasons I have heard so far:
  1. Grandmother / Mother's lap is the best place for the child
  2. Travelling at low speeds
  3. Travelling in the city
  4. Baby will feel hot in the car seat
  5. Seat belt will ruin my dress
  6. With seat belts I feel suffocated
  7. You can stop the alarm by buying this small thing that fits the lock
  8. Airbags are there, they will save
  9. My tyres have a better speed rating
  10. Kid does not cry when he / she is holding the steering
  11. We are in the back seat
  12. Baby will grow out of the car seat / booster seat in few years, it's a waste of money


Originally Posted by hserus (Post 4495583)
Drunk cabbie in Bangalore drives at a high speed and doesn't even notice that his front tyre has been ripped off and the car is going along on the brake drum....

Once saw a woman and 4 of her friends driving around at city speeds on Brigade road oblivious to the fact that her from tyre was not there. They were so busy talking, they completely ignored passing motorists asking them to stop.


Originally Posted by Satish Pari (Post 4496100)
Five young lives were lost yesterday when their car rammed into a bus on ECR yesterday. ...

On ECR, many a times both vehicles are actually overtaking something or the other completely ignoring the solid white line. It is possible that the car and the bus were both overtaking a larger slower vehicle.


Originally Posted by Raj_RD (Post 4496523)
According to my friend, the Etios rammed into the Honda while it was taking a U-turn.

Cars taking a U turn often do not manage to turn into the right most lane and vehicles passing gaps in medians do not keep to their left. With a turning circle of 5m most cars should be able to complete the first with some practice. In any case, the car taking the U Turn should wait for the road to clear before making a turn, but in many cases they have to nudge ahead due to poor visibility of the oncoming traffic thanks to another list of things.


Originally Posted by ecenandu (Post 4489221)
How not to ride, be cautious while brake checking other vehicles.

That was no brake check. That was almost like a deliberate attempt to murder. If the camera bikes' foot peg had not got snagged on the fallen rider's pant and dragged him away this would have ended differently. Also NOTE Lorry Driver tries to run over the bike that's under it.


Originally Posted by aadya (Post 4491034)
With due respect to the victim, even though it was his foolishness leading to this situation, Had anyone watched the doggy in the video?

The Cute little puppy...LOL Yeah! Scampers away for dear life!:D


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4491681)
Yes, true. But it is even more depressing that people drive into the back of something the size of a bus.

The Back of that bus is too damn high. Saving on sheet metal perhaps? That Car had nothing to stop it from going under the bus. Car are deigned for frontal impact. Not his. Lots of trucks also do not have a low bumper to prevent these type of accidents. Annual Vehicle Inspection and passing by the RTO. Yeah! My RE!


Originally Posted by boohooper (Post 4497317)
That Car had nothing to stop it from going under the bus.

Except its driver.

(yes, yes... I do agree about the safe construction stuff. I am all for safety precautions of all kinds)

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