Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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I like the Indian Vehicle Safety Testing System.
We send out IDIOTS in the latest / expensive cars as Crash Test Dummies onto public roads, they go crash and we discuss the car's safety features.

As long as these morons kill / injure themselves and NOT anybody else, i'm ok with this system.

BTW, how does the manufacturer get the feedback?


Massive accident i spotted on the way to B'lore

Were they practicing for Monster Truck Racing?


Originally Posted by pgsagar (Post 1359701)
Quite right. A law should be enacted that if an underage driver causes an accident, his/her parents should immediately be put behind bars. Then see how many parents dare to let their kids drive.

I know you mean well but that law is absurd. There may be cases where the children take the family cars out without the parents' knowledge. And with both parents working and all, its easy to blame them for what's not their fault. However, cases where parents knowingly let their children drive is another issue altogether and one where punishment is definitely called for.

Sometimes a love triangle, starring a haryana roadways bus and a truck as boys and the tree as a girl, can go wrong as shown here.
The 3 shots that I captured on my way to gurgaon (aravalli hills) actually look straight out of a reel which can be used to make a movie.

Junior NTR, a Tollywood Super star and Grandson of NTR's safari crash last month:

Last 2 days I see a Santro absolutely crushed from the front, especially on the driver side. It is parked in front on the CBD Police station and MGM Hospital (Navi Mumbai)

Will post pics tomorrow when I pass it in the morning. Last two times mom was with me and would not allow to take picks of the horrific mangle.

First day of Mumbai rains and this is what it gets to. 22nd June '09, Mankhurd-Chedda Nagar bypass.



This Honda City probably could to take the off road well.

Jokes apart, it was sad to see it. obviously all attempts were made to remove it, but in vain. Could not locate the owners, probably they/ he had gone to bring help.



@ rajismine: why does the safari have alloys in front & plastic caps in the rear?!!!

@ echautnote: how did the city manage that? 4WD SUVs are better for mumbai rains!

Who is that Bloke on the crashed Safari's rear quarter glass?

Is it Jr NTR or the original NTR?


Originally Posted by raj_5004 (Post 1362909)
@ echautnote: how did the city manage that? 4WD SUVs are better for mumbai rains!

Raj, with so much of slush, will the SUVs (with 4WD ) be able to move out of that ? Supposing the front Left tyre was submerged at same ratio.

I guess should be, but I am not sure (no idea, dont have any type of SUV )


Originally Posted by raj_5004 (Post 1362909)
@ rajismine: why does the safari have alloys in front & plastic caps in the rear?!!!

Hehe Raj, May be the owner didn't had enough of money to install the alloys on rear :D


Originally Posted by prmd_cochin (Post 1362372)
Massive accident i spotted on the way to B'lore...

Oh!Thats real bad accident! :Shockked:
Any idea how did that happened?



Originally Posted by raj_5004 (Post 1362909)
@ rajismine: why does the safari have alloys in front & plastic caps in the rear?!!!

Must have been the spare tyre fitted. Many people buy only 4 alloys so that the spare tyre can still be fitted with the wheel cover at the back. I did the same for my safari.

Pics of the Indigo crash that killed three (i think reported a few pages back). Parked at the Ooty TATA service centre. Went straight into a bus and sheared the bus' tyre clean off. Not sure of the other details, not sure i want to know either. Ghastly, RIP.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-260620091373.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-260620091374.jpg


Originally Posted by prmd_cochin (Post 1362372)
Massive accident i spotted on the way to B'lore

When was this taken, coz i saw the same or very similar accident @ Thoppur ghat section about a month back. That place has become torturous, with zillion bumps to slow traffic. I think what i saw happened the previous day @ night when in rain and the trucks jumped the humps and lost control plowing to the wrong lane.

Very unscientific traffic system if you ask me.

People be careful while driving this stretch. Excellent surface but very dangerous.

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