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[ATTACH=WhatsApp Video 2018-07-10 at 10.34.05]1780521[/ATTACH]
Is that how you make new friends.? stupid:

Jokes aside, the Omni couldn’t be more luckier. Thanks to the barricade which halted it from tripping over. Adding to it, the dashcam car looks like it wasn’t speeding and the driver’s reflex was spot on. 1st lane isn’t an apt place to exchange commentaries though. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by locusjag (Post 4426764)
Whoa! What happened there?
Did he pull the handbrake, maybe by accident?

He completed a full 'U' turn in front of the truck following him on his right. Looks to me like one of those handbrake-turns that Clarkson and Hammond keep droning about.

There was very less gap between the trucks on the LH and Center lane. The Omni driver overtook the center lane truck and did a sharp right turn. I am pretty sure the truck in the center lane would have slightly nicked the Rear right corner of the Omni, lifting its right wheels off the ground. This would have caused the Omni to first come perpendicular to the truck and then turn around completely. If the truck had not come in contact with the Omni, there is no way the Omni would have done a 180 degree turn on its own due to steering. When the car turns around and reappears in the dashcam FOV, its steering is straight, not even turned slightly to the right.

Here is what I feel has happened:

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-capture.jpg

Having driven the Omni for quite some time, there is no way you can turn it so sharp at high speeds so as to create a complete U turn, without either the handbrake or external force :D

Absolute fault of Omini guy to overtake across from left and then cut right in front of the truck in middle lane. The truck was aware of traffic on right hand side as well and thus did not swerve totally to right. The fool in Omini escaped not getting crushed under the truck.

This is not a planned manoeuver or anything but stupidity.

I couldnt find the video of the Omni accident - so took this from the zip file posted.
Here it is - you can see much clearer about what happened.

This happened yesterday in Hyderabad. The footage says it all!

Using mobile while driving + not wearing helmet + reckless driving = Disaster!

He was declared brain dead on arrival at hospital.

While the guy on the phone is surely at fault, the other guys are also at fault. They are on the other side of the double white line where they shouldn't be at all


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4427357)
....took this from the zip file posted.
Here it is - you can see much clearer about what happened.

Gujju to the T... Picks up the unbroken wheel cap and places it inside car safely :D

But seriously this is only lucky Omni accident victim.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4427357)
I couldnt find the video of the Omni accident - so took this from the zip file posted.
Here it is - you can see much clearer about what happened.


Originally Posted by Pferdestarke (Post 4427402)
This happened yesterday in Hyderabad. The footage says it all!

Using mobile while driving + not wearing helmet + reckless driving = Disaster!He was declared brain dead on arrival at hospital.

Watching both the clips one after another, I am unable to decide who takes the prize for the bigger idiocy. I haven't seen acts of so much bravery and stupidity at the same time in both cases.

For the Omni guy, this is what happens if you push your vehicle to its limitations. I am saying this because the guy should have applied brakes at least when he saw his LHS lane was not clear rather than moving into the trucker's lane. He might have (I am not sure though) but probably it was too much to ask from Omni's brakes. And if he didn't, and tried to push his luck by squeezing into the gap between the two trucks then I have no words. His guardian angels really love him. :D I hope he doesn't test his angels again and drives sanely now at least.

And for the motorcycle guy in the next clip, sorry to say, but I see a lot of such people everyday where they are riding without helmets, in a rash manner and to top it, with the mobile phone tucked between their shoulder and left ear. Probably the guy didn't survive but given the clip, he was asking for it sooner or later.

A month ago in our city, one such chap, with his helmet hanging on the handlebar of his motorcycle, lost his balance and fell on the road, only to have his head crushed by a bolero driving in the adjacent lane. I was driving through that spot after probably half an hour later and man, it was one of the most horrible sights that you will come across in your life.

I wonder when people will respect their own lives. You need to know that you live only once, and even die once as well. So, don't take it for granted if you haven't died. Don't push your luck that much on roads. Buy a lottery ticket instead.


Originally Posted by Pferdestarke (Post 4427402)
Using mobile while driving + not wearing helmet + reckless driving = Disaster!

He was declared brain dead on arrival at hospital.

Sorry to say this, but this very "taking for granted" nature of being carefree on the road, with a misplaced "nothing can happen to me, im tough" machismo and thereby totally disrespecting the value of ones own life and that of family - serves him right, what happened. Sad that this moron's family has to suffer. Let this footage spread like wildfire and send a chill down the spine of people who behave exactly like this on road.


Originally Posted by saket77 (Post 4427513)
I wonder when people will respect their own lives. You need to know that you live only once, and even die once as well. So, don't take it for granted if you haven't died.


Originally Posted by venkyhere (Post 4427532)
Let this footage spread like wildfire and send a chill down the spine of people who behave exactly like this on road.

You two have nailed it right! IMHO, when on road, one should anticipate danger in all aspects and be heedful.

Foolhardy riders like this person must be forced to sit in a government hospital Casualty/Trauma/ER and witness the suffering of road-traffic-accident victims which shall scare the devil out of them!


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4427357)
I couldnt find the video of the Omni accident - so took this from the zip file posted.
Here it is - you can see much clearer about what happened.


Originally Posted by Pferdestarke (Post 4427402)
This happened yesterday in Hyderabad. The footage says it all!

Using mobile while driving + not wearing helmet + reckless driving = Disaster!

He was declared brain dead on arrival at hospital.

As someone said, don't know who was more stupid in both of these cases. Why is that we Indians take things for granted? It is our responsibility to keep ourselves and others safe on the road. Rather we think ourselves of Superman on the road!

In the first accident, the guy in the Omni must thank his lucky stars, there was enough conditions on that road for him to meet his maker and he was saved by a combination of sheer luck and some presence of mind of the guy with the dashcam, in the second the guy was not so lucky.

We have seen this countless times, tucking your phone like that and driving and I always wonder, how long before the guy runs out of luck. I am pretty sure these cases happen all across the country, it's just that some of them are now caught on camera and we can see and comment on. Also, the biker who ran into him was overtaking an Auto by crossing the double white lines :Frustrati

God knows when will we understand, I simply pray I do not run into them and the moment I see such guys on the road, I typically steer clear away from them.


Originally Posted by centaur (Post 4427406)
While the guy on the phone is surely at fault, the other guys are also at fault. They are on the other side of the double white line where they shouldn't be at all

If either of the riders were following any rules, this would not have happened. Surprisingly we all miss out on the fact that half the road is blocked with dead vehicles and debris, probably we take such things too much for granted.

Looking at the bike accident of the guy on his mobile (and others on this thread), its painful to see that at any time on Indian roads there are multiple people breaking rules and guidelines. Many times two of these factors gel together ending in horrible accidents.
Stuff like:
- Speaking on the mobile while driving and not noticing a bike overtaking beyond a double line
- Driving at 120 KMPH on a highway and hitting a pedestrian who is crossing the highway

- Making an illegal U Turn and not noticing a car jumping a red light
- Trying to make a quick overtaking maneuver on the left side without proper view and ramming into a truck parked on the left lane illegally
And also:
- Crashing into a barrier at 50 KMPH and passenger dying because he was not wearing a seatbelt
- Making an illegal U turn on a bike AND getting knocked down and brain dead because there was no helmet
There is a certain pattern in some of these accidents that is very disheartening to general traffic in India


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4427760)
Looking at the bike accident of the guy on his mobile (and others on this thread), its painful to see that at any time on Indian roads there are multiple people breaking rules and guidelines. Many times two of these factors gel together ending in horrible accidents.

When both the parties are breaking rules, at least we can say that both of them were asking for it, they deserve it or they are responsible for it.

But, what about the countless number of accidents where one moron decides to break rule and end up injuring or killing other innocent people who were obeying rules? What about those cases where trying to avoid accident with such morons result in other innocent people getting into accident and the rule breaking guy escapes? In my opinion these are more frustrating that the cases you mentioned.

I'm sure many would argue that we can avoid such cases by defensive driving. But just normal defensive driving is not sufficient, but we need overly defensive driving, be paranoid about accidents and leave a lot to luck on indian roads to avoid accidents. I myself do defensive driving to some extent, still once in a while some random guy would come and scratch my car mostly when I'm standing still at a junction/signal. Once I ended up toppling the car on a highway due to a rule breaking truck. Luckily we were belted up and escaped without any injury. That's when I realized that just us following rules and driving defensively is not sufficient on Indian roads. Some of you may think that you have been following rules, driving defensively and never had any accident for decades. That's what I also thought untill I got into that near-death accident for no fault of mine.

Until rule enforcement is made stricter and people have much better awareness of road manners & rules (mindset change), this thread will continue growing at same or higher rate.


Originally Posted by Midas (Post 4427954)
When both the parties are breaking rules, at least we can say that both of them were asking for it, they deserve it or they are responsible for it.

Yes, with so many people breaking the rules at any particular time, innocent people get caught too for absolutely no fault of theirs. This too is highlighted in many of the accidents in this thread and many fellow teambhpites have also been caught.
I was merely pointing to one of the many observations in this thread pertaining to the bike accident.
I'm also extremely frustrated that on most occasions, when someone shockingly breaks road rules, there is no ensuing accident or action and this just makes them repeat the same mistake more confidently.

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