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Originally Posted by arighna.dutta (Post 4425444)
The car is extremely light and not suitable for highway drives.


Originally Posted by Added_flavor (Post 4425453)
How did you deduce that this is caused due to the weight of the car and how did you certify the highway worthiness?

I suppose what people don't understand is that there are many different ways to achieve a fast car. Some, like Nissan did with the R35, prefer extra weight providing more load onto the tyres thereby giving more grip. These are the sort of cars that feel effortless. Others who are more in tune with the forces acting on a car and are ready to constantly change the way they control the car in order to get around those forces, prefer lighter cars for the quicker response one can derive if they are ready to take absolute control and wring the neck of the car so to speak. That is why the Swift remains a highly praised car by many. Folks that cannot distinguish between the two will obviously be ready to come to unreasonable conclusions.


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 4425434)
I came across this video clip on twitter - shows how important helmet is for motorcycle riders.

This motorcycle rider tries to squeeze in the gap in between the truck and divider, ends up falling in front of the truck's rear wheel. The truck's rear wheel goes above his head, and he comes out without any scratches, thanks to his helmet. Else could've been ugly.

Tweet's link if the link above doesn't work correctly.

Video was posted on June 9th by rushlane.
An update at the bottom of the page says the biker died soon after. The follow up link takes me to a broken link.



Originally Posted by basuroy (Post 4425477)
I believe you gentlemen are not familiar with the law but when you hit someone , you are supposed to notify the police yourself even if you flee the scene out of fear of lynching without attending to the victim ( and considering he/she did exactly that , I doubt they have the average human's conscience ). As such , the driver is far from a victim and is guilty in the eye of the law . Otherwise , your rationale is correct that he could not have avoided the collision and girl's parents are the other guilty party here .

Well aware of that aspect of the law, thank you very much sir.
Remiss of the driver to not report it to the cops, not so to flee. Didn't mention that then - I can see how that could lead to the extrapolation you made.
Was empathising with the driver purely in terms of those few seconds when the incident occurred, and how he was branded as "speeding".

Also, I meant average human conscience in a different way - i.e., how a sociopath might not feel any guilt.
That said, my point was that it'd weigh on his conscience despite it not being his fault - regardless of whether he ran away and didn't report it to the cops. I would define that as very much as average still. YMMV.


Originally Posted by Mu009 (Post 4424796)
But the way I see it, the driver's the victim here. On top of everything else, it's easy to intellectualise stuff like I am doing, but there's a good chance that such an incident would weigh on the average human's conscience, no matter how the blame is apportioned.


Originally Posted by shaktisarangi (Post 4424797)
It is distressing to see how the headline implicates the car driver, despite the fact that he was not at fault at all..

I believe you gentlemen are not familiar with the law but when you hit someone, you are supposed to notify the police yourself even if you flee the scene out of fear of lynching without attending to the victim (and considering he/she did exactly that, I doubt they have the average human's conscience). As such, the driver is far from a victim and is guilty in the eye of the law. Otherwise, your rationale is correct that he could not have avoided the collision and girl's parents are the other guilty party here.


Originally Posted by Added_flavor (Post 4425453)
You entered the corner too hot and drifted on to the next lane and then blaming the car for that? Heard about a concept called 'understeer'?

How did you deduce that this is caused due to the weight of the car and how did you certify the highway worthiness?


Originally Posted by IshaanIan (Post 4425465)
Folks that cannot distinguish between the two will obviously be ready to come to unreasonable conclusions.

As I have mentioned, it was a long turn; well, no corners, didn't drift; front axles took off (for few milliseconds maybe), mid corner over a very very mild undulation, landed off the lane, had to feed few corrections to get it back around the corner. BTW, I was not driving really fast.

Fortunately heard about this rare concept, but please understand that you don't have to get personal and kindly watch your tone.

The above observation made me realize, how light the car was, and it felt lighter than the previous gen Swift. I have never experienced it before in other average cars that I have driven over the same stretch.
And I didn't certify the highway worthiness, just shared my opinion and observation about the car behavior. Though I enjoyed the steering corrections and that was fun and wanted to drive more, however for most this will get them out of the blue.

And before this get more off topic, just a humble request (in general and to everyone), please understand that any discussion can be done while being respectful and less judgmental to each other. Kindly understand that the other group members may also have their share of rich driving experience, and there is no need to get lost in the pseudo fact of being one of the better drivers around knowing all the theories and practicals of driving and delivering a sweeping judgmental statement about others.

Getting back to the topic, as hemant.anand mentioned, even I don't know how this happened. Just that it reminds me of the behavior of the car and the kind of undulations NICE road has at some stretches of it. Undulations on highways hold true even at present age in India, so I felt, if it helps, it is important for me to highlight this behavior for others to be aware of, that's all.



Originally Posted by fusionbang (Post 4424636)
I believe these rails are not sturdy enough to take the impact. I am thinking, as soon as the car hit the guard rails, one of the joints came off and went through the car.

Highly unlikely as if the car hit the guard rails, due to impact, it should get pushed outward and not inward. Most likely, the car hit the rails at a point where it was beginning or empty for a distance


Originally Posted by bhpfaninblr (Post 4425525)
Highly unlikely as if the car hit the guard rails, due to impact, it should get pushed outward and not inward. Most likely, the car hit the rails at a point where it was beginning or empty for a distance

Or the rail was joined at that point with the overlap facing the car. Looks to have hit on the right side .


Originally Posted by LordSharan (Post 4425434)

This motorcycle rider tries to squeeze in the gap in between the truck and divider, ends up falling in front of the truck's rear wheel. The truck's rear wheel goes above his head, and he comes out without any scratches, thanks to his helmet.

At the end of the clip, the guy who was following him, continued to take that same gap next to that truck. Didn't even bat an eyelid, meant nothing to him :)

Vehicle: Hyundai Eon
Place: NH8
Date and Time: 04th July at 16:00

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-imageuploadedbyteambhp1531025934.722048.jpg


Originally Posted by arighna.dutta (Post 4425486)
The above observation made me realize, how light the car was, and it felt lighter than the previous gen Swift. I have never experienced it before in other average cars that I have driven over the same stretch.
And I didn't certify the highway worthiness, just shared my opinion and observation about the car behavior. Though I enjoyed the steering corrections and that was fun and wanted to drive more, however for most this will get them out of the blue.

And before this get more off topic, just a humble request (in general and to everyone), please understand that any discussion can be done while being respectful and less judgmental to each other.

True. Nobody is being judgmental, simply stating facts about how there are many different ways to make a fast driver focused car. One may have a preference and may not be too familiar with a particular approach that a car is taking to achieve its dynamic prowess. I also simply spoke from experience. Having spent many years learning to drive and then having several teenage adventures in my WagonR, and because of its awkward tallboy stance, I learnt the art of how to deal with inertia and shifting forces and how driving can extend way beyond the binary actions of turning the wheel and pushing pedals. For example, I learnt how to left foot brake when coming in too hot into corners in the WagonR, thereby adding more load and thus more grip onto the front tyres allowing me to carry higher speed. When you make all these minute corrective inputs, you realise the value of a light and quick to respond car. Imagine all this in the WagonR, and then imagine what a driver in tune with such aspects can do in a Swift? :D At the end of the day, the Swift has been praised by many for its dynamic prowesses first right? So perhaps you need to ask more questions before passing judgement on the car. No judgement or offense meant here simply posing likely questions that's all. One way I agree its light build has hindered its highway worthiness so to speak, is I do feel the car would perform very poorly in case of a crash (I prefer the 1st gen swift although that is primarily for its G13B heart). That said, I have found the Swift to always inspire confidence in me regardless of what the speeds are. Trust me, there is no one driving style for all cars out there. Sometimes we need to adapt to different machines. :)


Originally Posted by arighna.dutta (Post 4425444)
The car is extremely light and not suitable for highway drives.


Originally Posted by Added_flavor (Post 4425453)
How did you deduce that this is caused due to the weight of the car and how did you certify the highway worthiness?

It's neither the Car's fault nor the Driver's fault. Each car with each of it's power train is different and have to be driven differently. These are some basic things we tend to overlook while driving. I drive a Figo, Fusion and a Yeti regularly and each has its own characteristics. Yeti being a 4 wheel drive and a great power to weight ratio with the magical Haldex, can usually stick to any lane without a fuss in 5th or even 6th, however the same in the Figo Petrol will have to be achieved in 3rd where more power and torque is going into the wheels. Going into the same bend in 5th with the Figo will spell disaster. Coming to the Fusion Petrol 1.6 which is the essentially the same Fiesta 6 underneath but with 50% more power has a much smoother transition on these bends. Add turbo lag to the above mix and you have a complex problem at hand.

This does not make the Figo an "Unsuitable Car" for the highway, it's just that one has to always keep to the thumb-rule by the book that your momentum in a turn should never be more than the power you are putting down to the wheels, and this has to be decided before you get into the turn for cars that do not really have the magic of ABS and EBD. If it is more, then momentum wins and you are in the next lane or worse. There are other aspects like tyre pressure, suspension age that will impact this behaviour as well.

And yes, the Figo, not surprisingly is the most fun to drive of the three, but not the most relaxing.

Lorry-jeep collides killing 5 in Kasargod

In an early morning road accident, 5 people lost their lives when a jeep hit a lorry at Uppala in Kasaragod district. The jeep was going towards Mangalore.


A fatal accident involving a 2 wheeler in Mumbai.
Video is disturbing.

Road looks bad and the clip is too short to make out why the 2 wheeler and bus are so close to each other.


Originally Posted by nairrk (Post 4425978)
Lorry-jeep collides killing 5 in Kasargod

In an early morning road accident, 5 people lost their lives when a jeep hit a lorry at Uppala in Kasaragod district. The jeep was going towards Mangalore.

May the departed souls rest in peace.

Seems like a Force Toofan to me. The impact must have been real hard to make a a Toofan crumble like that.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4425979)
A fatal accident involving a 2 wheeler in Mumbai.
Video is disturbing.

Road looks bad and the clip is too short to make out why the 2 wheeler and bus are so close to each other.

News channel dramatized the video so much with effects that it's not clear what happened there :banghead:. They should've shown the raw footage. This is one of the biggest dreads I have about 2-wheeler riding. Running over by vehicles nearby/following.

It is very saddening to see these kind of accidents repeating which could've avoided with proper infrastructure.


Originally Posted by nairrk (Post 4425978)
Lorry-jeep collides killing 5 in Kasargod

Just watched this in the news. It said, the truck had a tire burst and lost control and collided with the Jeep coming in the opposite direction.

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 05:50.