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Old 5th April 2018, 00:08   #26071
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by chiranjitp View Post
According to onlookers the Duke was doing going in excess of 100 kmph, also by looking at the damage the Bolero suffered we can be sure that it was a high speed crash.
Here is an article on the crash from today's TOI:

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-toi-article.jpg

It seems there was a pillion too, who also died in the accident. Even the Bolero guys are said to be critically injured, most likely they were not wearing seat belts. I have driven through the area (where the accident occurred) many times over the last few years. The roads are being widened in that area (2 lane to 4 lane), so the tarmac is pretty good, but there are no proper markings on the road & only one lane is open at a time. In short, this area is not a place to be speeding, even in the early hours of morning. Judging from the location where this accident occurred, it seems like an overtaking maneuver gone wrong.


Last edited by chiranjitp : 5th April 2018 at 00:15.
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Old 5th April 2018, 17:11   #26072
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
Something almost comical to break the intense discussions.
I don't know how this car got its windshield and front damaged, but the driver seems to still find a way of driving it - with his head sticking out of the window!

Attachment 1748826
The car is being towed and the driver probably is tall to fit inside after the accident. Easier option would be to remove the windshield and drive.
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Old 5th April 2018, 19:43   #26073
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by V.Narayan View Post
In most areas of life where a law places restrictions on a matter or instrument or material it is usually illegal to manufacture or sell or use that. Two things which seem the exception and where we lean heavily on the consumer exercising restraint are - Sale of alcohol and speeds/horsepower of automobiles (both 2 and 4 wheelers) for personal use. In both cases hope is placed on the discipline, maturity and good sense of the consumer in the name of freedom. If 100 kmph is the speed limit in the country why should we permit manufacture and sale of bikes and cars that can exceed that speed in a heart beat and more so when that violation is on a common usage asset ie the road. For example all electrical equipment in the country has to abide by the norms set by the electricity distribution bodies on voltage current etc. You cannot sell or install in violation of those parameters. Or take radio telephony band width - it is a common use national asset that is parceled off for various users. You cant say because my ego & machismo demands it I want a cell phone that operates on the Army's bandwidth. Period.

Roads are common use property just like a garden or a water supply. It is meant for all sorts from pedestrians to carts to cyclists and further down the chain from most green to most un-green. I firmly believe (and others are welcome to disagree and jump) it will take two generations or more for us Indians to learn road discipline and an automobile is needed only to lug our 80 kilo backside safely and reasonably. Why do we need cars and bikes that can go faster than 100 kmph for any reason other than our egos and sense of thrill. Not a popular point to make on a forum of young car & bike fans.

These two young men have not destroyed just their own lives but also those of their parents.
At the risk of going OT (and hence limited to this one reply) , let me try to answer the question. The need to go faster than others is primeval (the 'thrill' that you mentioned). Its an innate human need (or instinct, even) to be able to be "exceed" the ability of his neighbour, be it health, wealth, food, shelter, clothes and what not. If this need was absent, there will be no luxury homes, luxury cars, luxury hotels, expensive clothes etc.... heck, there is no need for a non productive activity like sport. This "im better than you" is a primeval need, which cannot be curbed by active thought. Hence, unless there is an ironclad law which restricts manufacture of vehicles in the country to do only 80kph ; the "why do we need fast vehicles" question will never get popular support, not because people are stuntmen, but because going faster is something of a primeval need inbuilt into us.

Last edited by venkyhere : 5th April 2018 at 19:50.
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Old 5th April 2018, 19:46   #26074
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by venkyhere View Post
At the risk of going OT (and hence limited to this one reply) , let me try to answer the question. The need to go faster than others is primeval (the 'thrill' that you mentioned). Its an innate human need (or instinct, even) to be able to be "exceed" the ability of his neighbour, be it health, wealth, food, shelter, clothes and what not. If this need was absent, there will be no luxury homes, luxury cars, luxury hotels, expensive clothes etc.... "im better than you" is a primeval need, which cannot be curbed by active thought.
Well said Venky, and hence the need for legal and physical constraints.
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Old 6th April 2018, 17:27   #26075
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by chiranjitp View Post
I just received these photos from a friend of mine, a massive head on collision between a KTM Duke & a Bolero. The accident occurred on the outskirts of Dibrugarh, Assam at the early hours of today. Sadly the guy on the bike didn't survive the accident, no idea about the occupants of the Bolero. The deceased was a Junior of my friend, so I guess he was in his early 20s.

According to onlookers the Duke was doing going in excess of 100 kmph, also by looking at the damage the Bolero suffered we can be sure that it was a high speed crash.
Very unfortunate. But somehow KTM is almost becoming synonymous with guys in 20s driving like madmen. My kid couz jokes that whoever buys KTM in his friends circle ends in hospital eventually.
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Old 6th April 2018, 17:31   #26076
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

A toll plaza employee is run over by a car in Thane (Maharashtra) - please see the video:

(Rediffnews 05.04.2018)
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Old 6th April 2018, 21:23   #26077
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by anjan_c2007 View Post
A toll plaza employee is run over by a car in Thane (Maharashtra) - please see the video:
People are losing their sense and it's sad to see these. Money can't buy everything.
I still wonder if you can afford a car by paying a million rupee, what will it take to spend few rupees for toll

I think the toll employee shouldn't have risked his life when everything is captured on a CCTV.

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Old 7th April 2018, 01:49   #26078
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They usually throw a road block in front of the vehicle for such scenarios. You can see one kept between the two lanes. Wonder why he didn't, instead risked his life.
Hope he's okay though.

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Old 7th April 2018, 12:28   #26079
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
Something almost comical to break the intense discussions.
I don't know how this car got its windshield and front damaged, but the driver seems to still find a way of driving it - with his head sticking out of the window!

Attachment 1748826
Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post
That's straight out of Ace Ventura

Would it not be easier to just break the glass off from the windshield and drive normally?
He doesn't seem to be driving per say, the car ahead is towing it. The rope is clearly visible in the photo. But yeah, given the windshield will be replaced anyway, might as well shatter it completely.

Common sense isn't too common!
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Old 7th April 2018, 19:22   #26080
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Got this through mail. No details. Overtaking gone wrong??? Judging the condition of the Truck, it looks like the Truck was stationary. The vehicle must have tried over take at high speed and could not notice the standing truck on the opposite side Could not make out which vehicle it is.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20180407wa0007.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20180407wa0008.jpg
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Old 7th April 2018, 19:36   #26081
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Close relatives of a friend of mine met with this accident two days back at Bidadi, on Bangalore - Mysore highway. The car was was brushed by a truck from the rear and it jumped the median, toppled and rolled over to opposite lane. Fortunately the passengers sustained only minor injuries. Also, they were extremely lucky that there were no oncoming vehicles crashing onto them. The front air bags did not deploy. (Probably because there was no frontal impact)

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsapp-image-20180405-8.47.23-pm.jpeg Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsapp-image-20180405-8.47.24-pm.jpeg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsapp-image-20180405-8.47.25-pm.jpeg Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsapp-image-20180406-7.19.23-pm.jpeg

As if the mental trauma of being involved in this unfortunate incident was not enough, they had to further deal with the hassles to get the FIR registered and obtain RTO clearance for insurance purposes. My friend narrated the experience of spending many unpleasant hours at the police station in completing the legal formalities.

Of course, not everything is followed as per the books, but is it that we have to pay the police (an undefined amount) to get these formalities done?

Last edited by balenoed_ : 7th April 2018 at 19:46.
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Old 7th April 2018, 19:45   #26082
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Sarvodaya View Post
The vehicle must have tried over take at high speed and could not notice the standing truck on the opposite side Could not make out which vehicle it is.
looks like toyota innova - D pillar and the door handles.
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Old 7th April 2018, 20:15   #26083
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by PrideRed View Post
The car is being towed ..... Easier option would be to remove the windshield and drive.
Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
.. given the windshield will be replaced anyway, might as well shatter it completely.

Common sense isn't too common!
...Or if the service center/body shop is quite far away, it would make sense for the driver to retain the windshield and avoid all the dust, small stones hurled from tyres of vehicles ahead, raindrops(in case it rains), bugs flying/hurling in and hitting him and not to mention the powerful draft of wind blowing straight at the driver's face
It is quite difficult to sit inside without a windshield and face the elements in a moving car.

Last edited by for_cars1 : 7th April 2018 at 20:27.
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Old 7th April 2018, 20:28   #26084
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by venkyhere View Post
looks like toyota innova - D pillar and the door handles.
Yes it is Innova. Here is another picture i got.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20180407wa0003.jpg
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Old 7th April 2018, 21:27   #26085
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
this car got its windshield and front damaged, but the driver seems to still find a way of driving it - with his head sticking out of the window!
Looks like he had a bigger fish to fry Even roof had caved-in, so he might not have had enough space to drive normally.
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