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Old 8th March 2018, 10:17   #25876
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Spotted this Ford Aspire at National Expressway-1 (Ahmedabad - Baroda).

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Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-2.jpg

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Old 8th March 2018, 13:01   #25877
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Five die in multi-vehicle pile-up on Mumbai-Goa #Highway; as a truck a tempo and a two wheeler collide early morning. Police work to clear TrafficJam, reports @PranabBhuyan #Accidents

Last edited by bblost : 8th March 2018 at 13:55. Reason: fixed url.
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Old 8th March 2018, 14:12   #25878
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Motorcyclist Does a 540° Flip After Being Hit by Car
I think this accident showcases very well an alternative scenario that could have happened to Driv3r when he narrowly missed getting hit by a Dost minitruck a month back.

Similar to his situation, the opposite vehicle veered into the car's lane, making the driver move to the visually clear road area (ie: right side). Then suddenly the opposite vehicles turns back into their lane!

The outcome was fortunate for Driv3R (thanks to very good reflex ), not so good for the above car and biker. I think beyond a point (skills, experience, etc), luck does play a key role when driving in India.

Last edited by bblost : 8th March 2018 at 16:09. Reason: removed embedded video from the quoted section. thanks.
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Old 8th March 2018, 15:18   #25879
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Happened near my office yesterday at Thiruverumbur, Trichy District, Tamilnadu. Happened to witness the entire incident, since I was caught up in a traffic jam for almost three hours. The situation turned tense when the protesters, about 3000 in number, started pelting stones on police vehicles. Slippers and sticks were thrown at the police. The police finally resorted to Lathi charge at 23:15 hours to clear the protesters. The mob which ran amok thrashed some 30 government buses and police vehicles in a mindless manner.

Read the full news article from New Indian Express here

A pregnant woman died on Wednesday In Trichy district's Thiruverumbur, after she was run over by a van after a policeman allegedly kicked the two-wheeler she was on.

The policeman was reportedly chasing the bike to get hold of the rider, the victim's husband, as he was not wearing a helmet. The victim has been identified as 30-year-old Usha, who was riding pillion with her husband.

Condemning the incident, thousands gathered in protest near the Trichy-Thanjavur highway and blocked the roads.

The protestors alleged that the accused policeman, Kamaraj, was drunk and demanded immediate action against him.

The situation turned violent as some of the agitators started pelting stones at some other police vehicles. The police too retaliated with lathi charge to clear the protestors, severely injuring many.

Last edited by GTO : 8th March 2018 at 17:33. Reason: Thanks for sharing, but would rather not upload any pics of the mortal remains
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Old 9th March 2018, 04:40   #25880
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Originally Posted by BLACKBLADE View Post
Happened near my office yesterday at Thiruverumbur, Trichy District, Tamilnadu. Happened to witness the entire incident, since I was caught up in a traffic jam for almost three hours.
This is utter arrogance from that cop and I should say the husband also should be equally blamed for not stopping the vehicle on the first place. In general most of the cops will ask the two wheeler riders to move if they are travelling with family at least in many places in TN. Innocent life lost because of some arrogant cop and a foolish husband.

Last edited by noopster : 9th March 2018 at 06:03. Reason: Quoted post has been deleted, thanks!
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Old 9th March 2018, 06:36   #25881
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Appalled by the quality of reporting in this incident. Almost all the articles from different sites give two scenarios - death due to a van running over her and death due to the cop kicking her after the fall. Seems to me like the publications were too lazy and no one cared to a detailed investigation. It's a tragedy undoubtedly. But I would blame the husband more than anyone else. He could have avoided this just by following the rules.
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Old 9th March 2018, 07:04   #25882
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The question is not whose fault it is, imo.

The question is, do the cops have the authority to stop an offender at any cost, no matter the offence? In this case the cop has caused the occurrence, at least partially, of the very eventuality that the helmet is designed to mitigate. If he did not try to stop the scooter, then there would not have been this accident.

I remember in Michigan,way back in the 90s, the rule was a cop cannot stop you for not wearing seat belts. But, in the course of stopping you for some other, greater, offense they can also ticket you for not wearing a seat belt.

While not wearing a helmet is on the edge, ultimately the person most affected is the offender. May be cops should only record minor infractions like helmets, number plate violations etc and focus on more serious stuff like signal jumping, driving on the wrong side, overloading etc
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Old 9th March 2018, 07:31   #25883
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IMO, not wearing a helmet is a more serious offence than wrong number plates etc.

Having a wrong number plate will not kill the people on the road or themselves. But not wearing a helmet is a threat to their own lives. Due to this negligent behaviour, I am sure the husband would live in regret his entire life having lost his wife and unborn child. If only, he would have worn the helmet that day.

I really do hope that the husband now not only makes it a habit to wear helmets but also tries to make his friends and family understand the importance of the helmet. If he is able to convince even 10 people in his circle to start wearing a helmet, it might help him to reduce his guilt. Again, this is just MO.
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Old 9th March 2018, 09:16   #25884
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sbkumar View Post
Appalled by the quality of reporting in this incident. Almost all the articles from different sites give two scenarios - death due to a van running over her and death due to the cop kicking her after the fall. Seems to me like the publications were too lazy and no one cared to a detailed investigation.
There's hardly anything we can do about the falling standards of reporting. It's always high decibels and sensationalism that find takers and consequently TRPs and advertising revenue, than sensible and factual reporting. One look at the popular "hashtags" churned out by some so-called best in the industry is enough to understand what's being done.

In this specific example, the pregnant lady and her unborn dying in an accident is way less sensational compared to the gory death that a vehicle running over another live body, or the tyranny unleashed by a loutish policeman - the latter two are click-bait, the news website can churn out story after story to keep the traffic (and ad revenue) flowing.

It's a tragedy undoubtedly. But I would blame the husband more than anyone else. He could have avoided this just by following the rules.
Indeed it's a tragedy. Most of the time, being a law abiding citizen will go a long way in ensuring peace, not just on the roads, but everywhere.
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Old 9th March 2018, 14:19   #25885
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An Innova with just married couple rammed into a tree killing 5, including the groom. This unfortunate accident happened on early hours of Friday in Khammam district of Telangana.
Attached Thumbnails
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-capture2.jpg  

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Old 9th March 2018, 16:28   #25886
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Someone trying to commit suicide under a Bolero/Commander (not sure).
Honestly, this looks more like an "insurance scam" attempt - which in India would just be a "hand over some cash" scam attempt.

Very common in other countries like Russia & China.

(Fail) Examples:

Originally Posted by mikem View Post
This scooter just tipped and fell over at Parel.
Holy smokes man... please stay away from that bridge!

The day you posted your previous video from there I had a super close call at exactly the same spot (was in an Uber).
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Old 9th March 2018, 16:37   #25887
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Usually, you're programmed to drive with enough margin of safety to avoid running into careless people oblivious of their surroundings. But what happened to me recently makes it seem that you can't even rely on other people to care about their own lives after they sense impending & imminent danger.

I recently had a narrow escape when I was driving down from Bangalore to Hyderabad.
Cruising along comfortably at about 100 -110 KMPH on the divided & closed-from-both-sides highway, I saw an old lady begin to cross the road. I immediately started braking gently and honked to let her know that she was in my path. As she was looking at me already, I expected her to stop well before crossing my path. However, to my utter dismay, she continued to cross the road at her own leisurely pace, staring at me the whole time!

As soon as I realized that she had no intention of stopping, I stood on the brakes. ABS kicked in multiple times and the gentle downhill slope meant that I was not getting as much deceleration as I needed to come to a full stop.

As I came closer and closer to her, she finally realized that she was really in trouble by then, and that it was no time to be playing chicken. She froze for a second before deciding to jump back, just as I swerved to the left at the last minute to avoid her.

I thanked my stars for braking just in time and not swerving too early, as it could have resulted in me losing control of the car. Had I been just 10-20 kmph faster, or had decided to start braking just a little later (I did have the right of way, after all), the consequences could have been quite dire.

She carried on with her life as if nothing had happened. I tried to do the same, but this incident really did shake me up.

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Old 9th March 2018, 20:52   #25888
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by d3mon View Post

She carried on with her life as if nothing had happened. I tried to do the same, but this incident really did shake me up.
That's scary! 95% of the people in this country including people who drive and ride can't judge speeds and have no spatial awareness. Either she is poor sighted or just another one of those surprisingly common people who have the attitude that a 1.5 ton vehicle has to stop for them at 120Kmph, physics be damned.
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Old 9th March 2018, 23:46   #25889
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Another NICE Road accident. 3 young souls gone. 2 souls in hospital.

Why cannot they drive sensibly. Looks like a rental car. Judging by the car skid marks the car must have been doing some high speeds.

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Old 10th March 2018, 06:12   #25890
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Originally Posted by d3mon View Post
(I did have the right of way, after all),

Actually, it is the pedestrian who always has the right of the way. Even if it is a green light for you, and the pedestrian crosses in front of you, it is still the pedestrian who has the right of the way.
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