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Kerala doctor run over by car driven by minor, killed. The car's insurer declines to pay out saying that it was operated by a minor, so the doctor's family is forced to sue the owner of the car, who had hired it out to the minor.


Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 4283797)
Pull down the window for some exhaust route, take the foot off the accelerator, sneeze and continue.
Never had any fear of loss of control, at least while driving within the speed limits and in a safe condition. (Not while negotiating a hair pin bend, or high speed tight overtaking maneuver) Big deal :eek: ?

Big deal if you consider that the action in involuntary and you cannot plan for it. So slow down, roll down the windows etc really go out of the window! Stop accelerating - Yes, believe you can do that, even that might not be very safe on a highway though.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4283817)
With effort and practice you might manage to keep your eyes open just enough. This worked for me... But we are all different!


Originally Posted by swissknife (Post 4283832)
I agree. I can confirm that I don't shut my eyes when I sneeze.

For those who are yet to practice let alone perfect the art of keeping ones eyes open when sneezing, I would suggest that one looks all around to ensure where is what/who etc. before sneezing.

I have tried, just wan't successful at it.Or maybe I am being too paranoid about this perhaps?


Originally Posted by sparky@home (Post 4284015)
Naveen who suffered serious head injury was rushed to a private hospital but could not be saved.

Was he not wearing a helmet ?


Originally Posted by Vignesh_N/A (Post 4284483)
Was he not wearing a helmet ?

From what I came to know, the doctor was wearing a helmet, I think. It's actually not very clear.

Not sure whether this video has been posted before. A lane change maneuver gone wrong.

Never overtake from left.


Originally Posted by ecenandu (Post 4284920)
Never overtake from left.

... except when the vehicle ahead is turning right.

No signals from that truck, which should give rise to suspicion and caution, but the "body language" is of intending a textbook right-hand turn, as in, be just on the left of the centre line. In fact, I wonder if the left turn was a last-moment change of mind?


Originally Posted by ecenandu (Post 4284837)
Not sure whether this video has been posted before. A lane change maneuver gone wrong.

And never try to mount the median when there are other vehicles between you and it. I don't know why this driver would have wanted to ram/mount the median, but I can's see any other reason for what he did, which was to drive straight at it.



Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4283821)
..I really didn't understand how it was the presence of mind of the driver. it was pure luck IMO.
The Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta (HGB for short) has been closed for personal vehicles for long and all tourists have no other option but to park their vehicles at a parking lot at the foothills and take the KSTRC buses. all tourists are left to the mercy of the drivers. So with so many trips a day and many more over the weekends, the drivers would be overconfident. Also we all know that the buses are not always maintained at their peak. I feel that these 2 reasons created the situation in the first place. All 68+1 in this case are really lucky IMO

The last time I had been to HGB around 2013, it was a lovely drive up the mountain road to be greeted at the top with mist and dense fog all around the temple in the true spirit of its name (Himavad translates to mist and Betta for mountain) A truly magical experience.

Its unfortunate that private vehicles are no longer allowed since the end of 2015 possibly due to some untoward incident or simply in the name of conservation or someone in power felt like making this silly rule.

The alternate option of plying those KSRTC buses up and down the hill seems even more dangerous with so many lives at the hands of these bus drivers. Often it is seen that drivers doing sorties on hilly roads on a repeated basis tend to develop as negligent rash drivers due to monotony.

In this particular incident, the only good thing the driver did was not to jump off the bus leaving it to plunge down. The fact that he lost control shows he was not careful and possibly speeding on the way down. Does not make him a hero and needs to be rather reprimanded.

And it looks like the recent incident is not the only case, the link below shows a similar earlier incident (at 4 minutes into the video clip) and shows that these bus drivers are habitual offenders on this stretch.

It would be far safer and a better option to allow private vehicles up the hill.

Some of these videos are pretty scary to see. I always open this thread with hesitation. But i think it is a very important thread to see how quickly things can go completely wrong on roads and sometimes you can do nothing about it. Regular reminders are needed for us to always keep a margin of safety while on roads.

Another day, another underage driver, another fatal accident.

Delhi teen dies

Quoting from the article :


A 17-year-old girl returning with friends after a birthday celebration was killed in Delhi when her car, speeding on the wrong side, rammed two other cars and a divider before flipping over, the police said. Seven people in the three vehicles were wounded.

Priya Shukla, a class 12 student, was in the car with three friends around midnight when the accident took place in north Delhi's Sarai Rohilla. She was killed on the spot. Dev, whose birthday was celebrated, is critically wounded and is in hospital.

It is not clear yet who was driving. Two others in the car ran away, the police say.

The police say the car was being driven at a high speed when it hit a tempo and a Hyundai i-10 car.
I seriously don't understand how the parents can give the keys of their vehicles to the teenagers even after reading/seeing accidental deaths of many teenagers. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by Vignesh_N/A (Post 4284483)
Was he not wearing a helmet ?

Came to know of another accident injury because of not wearing a helmet from my team junior.
He came late to office last week (it rained heavily that day). When asked he told that his brother fell off the bike due to a pothole hidden in water and had some minor head injury and had to go to hospital for bandage. Obviously he was not wearing helmet. I asked him to take this as a lesson but few idiots never learn. He told that it's nothing.

Now came to know yesterday that he had to go back to hospital with some pain that came back and the doctor told him for a full month bed rest as there are internal injuries.
So you might guess it would be a good time for a lesson learnt but even after telling him again, he kept quite and did not agree with me.
Seems he is still not convinced that helmet is necessary for his brother. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by vidyanand (Post 4285345)
Seems he is still not convinced that helmet is necessary for his brother. :Frustrati

I remember having a heated debate with a close friend of mine over helmet rule. They were adamant that first the roads must be improved and if they are good than helmets are not very much required as he is a sane rider. This coming from a guy who is educated. You can guess how many people with the same idea are roaming about and blaming government/others for their own misfortune.


Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie (Post 4285374)
I remember having a heated debate with a close friend of mine over helmet rule. They were adamant that first the roads must be improved and if they are good than helmets are not very much required as he is a sane rider. This coming from a guy who is educated. You can guess how many people with the same idea are roaming about and blaming government/others for their own misfortune.

To refute these kinda off nonsense, I use the advice given by Thad, I just ask them whether they are ready to walk in to a wall with their head first at walking pace.

May be a bit :OT to share in this thread-

Came across this article from a friend who is a member of 'The Automotive India' car forum.

70% of the Indian truck drivers have poor eye sight and the test has been done by NHAI people. Ophthalmologists have done this check up for approximately 700 truck drivers and 70% of them were reported to have poor eye sight and even few had eye sights ranging between 20-30 meter!:Shockked: That's less than the average braking distance of a fully loaded truck! I wonder how safe our highways are when these drivers drive, specially in the night!



Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie (Post 4285374)
I remember having a heated debate with a close friend of mine over helmet rule. They were adamant that first the roads must be improved and if they are good than helmets are not very much required as he is a sane rider. This coming from a guy who is educated. You can guess how many people with the same idea are roaming about and blaming government/others for their own misfortune.

I actually don't really care for the Helmet rule or the Seatbelt rule to be honest. Let's just make things clear though; I wear both. It's just that I feel it is a waste of energy having cops run after and enforce these rules on people who have made a choice for themselves. I'd rather have law enforcement chase after the idiots who cut lanes with no warning, or run around with the high beam on all the time, or have no working tail lights. These are the villains who affect other people's lives with such ignorance, and therefore I feel like these are the ones who need to learn how wrong they are first. Then we can go and take care of a dearest citizens by nannying them about and making it compulsory for them to wear seatbelts and helmets.


Originally Posted by Samba (Post 4285505)
70% of the Indian truck drivers have poor eye sight and the test has been done by NHAI people. Ophthalmologists have done this check up for approximately 700 truck drivers and 70% of them were reported to have poor eye sight and even few had eye sights ranging between 20-30 meter!:Shockked:

Its a viscous circle. I blame high beams for this.

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