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CCTV footage of above mentioned accident.
There is no need of discussing about the speed of the bike, even hitting a divider at 80kmph with out a helmet is fatal.


Originally Posted by ashbhat2 (Post 4273624)
Found this photo of a badly mangeled Vitara Brezza on FB. Have no additional info as to where it happened or what is the fate of the occupants.

I don't get a good feeling when I see the new range Suzukis in this shape. Why is the cabin not able to protect occupants and the sheet metal just folds up instead of crumpling?

At this rate MSIL should really plan to install a crash roll-cage as an option :Frustrati

another FB sourced pic

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-21752173_10154640502307693_3592217383112643372_n.jpg


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4275586)
From the link, it is a KTM Duke.
It also mentions the speedo was stuck at 170 kmph, on a digital speedo too?

These deaths are so unnecesary. everyday we are just mute witnesses. Riding without helmets is a fad, i see so many chaps holding it in their hands instead of their heads. Basically i think its that they get away most of the time breaking the rules but that once is enough for a serious accident. It does not matter if its a KTM or a Bajaj. Overspeeding kills, period.


Originally Posted by Moto$apien (Post 4275851)
I don't get a good feeling when I see the new range Suzukis in this shape. Why is the cabin not able to protect occupants and the sheet metal just folds up instead of crumpling?

At this rate MSIL should really plan to install a crash roll-cage as an option :Frustrati

another FB sourced pic

Such massive damage is possible only in case of a head on collision with a Heavy Vehicle OR at very high speeds.

Even strong build vehicles end up being a pile of metal in such scenarios.


Originally Posted by Moto$apien (Post 4275851)
Why is the cabin not able to protect occupants and the sheet metal just folds up instead of crumpling?

If you do not know what happened, you should probably not ask this question.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4275586)
From the link, it is a KTM Duke.
It also mentions the speedo was stuck at 170 kmph, on a digital speedo too?

Riding at 170 kmph speed, and that too at night and most importantly, no helmet!
In any case, his probability of reaching home alive was just less than 10% in my opinion.
So the more probable outcome under the given circumstances occured naturally.

Not sure whether it was DUI too, since they were returning after a late night party.
Even without alcohol, it was a sureshot recipe to disaster.

Such people deserve no sympathy at all.
Still, not getting into those details since the person is dead.

Such news have become so frequent nowadays, that I often wonder why the authorities are not thinking about implementing speed governors for private cars and bikes too?
Atleast in the case of fast & sporty bikes, majority of them are driven by youngsters in the 20-25 age group who are more likely to be influenced by their hormones than logical reasoning.

Why can't there be a control mechanism in place for private vehicles too?

Why do the authorities think that only commercial vehicle drivers are law-breakers and need to be controlled by speed governors?
Private cars and bikes are equally or even more dangerous, because most of them can easily attain more than double the speed of an average commercial vehicle.


Originally Posted by VinodDevil81 (Post 4276081)
Such news have become so frequent nowadays, that I often wonder why the authorities are not thinking about implementing speed governors for private cars and bikes too?

Any accident at any speed can be fatal to any road user.
Instead of speed governors the authorities should be implementing and enforcing:-

Systematic driving / riding licensing system (follow the developed nations licensing theory & practical tests).

Increase Insurance premiums for under 25.

Just the above 2 points will make a huge difference, if not for the present generation, the next will certainly benefit.

Oh yes, and enforcement should be an enforcement, whether you are a star or a government official.

For an example Wayne Rooney's case.

If the authorities can not change and implement, we can continue to moan forever.



Originally Posted by sparky@home (Post 4275899)
It does not matter if its a KTM or a Bajaj. Overspeeding kills, period.


Originally Posted by VinodDevil81 (Post 4276081)
Riding at 170 kmph speed, and that too at night and most importantly, no helmet!

My post was more on how on a digital speedometer, it showed the speed 'stuck' at 170 when the digital screen will turn off in most probability in a case like this.

Student killed after being dragged under car for a kilometer.

Student gets stuck under a car after the bike he was on was rear ended by the car. The car doesnt stop but continues to drive with the boy stuck under for around a kilometer after which the boy came out of the car but the damage was already done.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4276181)
My post was more on how on a digital speedometer, it showed the speed 'stuck' at 170 when the digital screen will turn off in most probability in a case like this.

I own an RC390 and the top speed ranges between 176-180kph depending on wind speed and direction. I highly doubt it can reach 170 with a pillion in the first place. Secondly, yes the bike automatically switches off based on wheel speed sensor and lean angle so it knows when it has fallen on its side and there's no way the speedo would be stuck at 170kph if it is still in working condition, it will just simply do the regular rpm sweep when turned on. Unfortunately this how news treats stories like this in India.

:OT Going a little off-topic here. (Mods, please move this post to the right thread if necessary)
Here's an interesting long read from the publication Quartz, on how Vietnam, yet another crowded two-wheeler market with similar demographics drove the adoption of helmets: Vietnam has some lessons for India on how to get bikers to actually wear their helmets
TL;DR, the article can be summarised eloquently using the last line: "Over the years, the Indian government has made similar efforts to promote the adoption of iodized salt and combat polio. Increasing helmet usage will require that kind of sustained commitment once again."


Originally Posted by VinodDevil81 (Post 4276081)

Atleast in the case of fast & sporty bikes, majority of them are driven by youngsters in the 20-25 age group who are more likely to be influenced by their hormones than logical reasoning.


Why not restrict youngsters from using such bikes? Bring in licensing system based on cubic capacity.


Originally Posted by Moto$apien (Post 4275851)
I don't get a good feeling when I see the new range Suzukis in this shape. Why is the cabin not able to protect occupants and the sheet metal just folds up instead of crumbling?

Totally concur with your observations here. Just look at the A-pillar how it has got bent which shows its structural strength.

I saw this Baleno last Sunday.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_20170924_174033.jpg

On further inquiring about this with the owner of the vehicle, the driver had slowed down for a speed breaker but unfortunately, a TATA Sumo could not slow down in time and kissed it around 10-15 kmph speed.
It was only a month old car.According to him, three passengers were in the rear seat when the incident took place and none of them was injured.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4276126)
Any accident at any speed can be fatal to any road user.

Agreed.But that exactly is not the point here.
Higher the speed, greater is the fatality & lesser are the chances of survival.
Or do you think the outcome is the same for accident at 50 kmph and 170 kmph?
There is a greater chance of survival in accidents at moderate speeds.
That is a fact and can't be denied.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4276126)

Instead of speed governors the authorities should be implementing and enforcing:-

Increase Insurance premiums for under 25.
Just the above 2 points will make a huge difference, if not for the present generation, the next will certainly benefit.

Sorry, but I don't think this will work out.

Considering the fact that majority of the riders in the age group that you have mentioned ride bikes that are purchased with their affluent parents money, I don't think they would care if there is an increase in the insurance premium.
Afterall, if the parents could afford an expensive bike, they would very well afford the insurance premium hike too.

And frankly I didn't understand your last point that the next generation will benefit, if not the current generation.

In any case, we are talking about an immediate measure to control such deaths.
Not a long-term plan whose benefits will start to appear after generations.


Originally Posted by Savitar (Post 4276279)
Why not restrict youngsters from using such bikes? Bring in licensing system based on cubic capacity.

agree: That is a more practical solution.
We still follow the age old system when 350cc bullet was the highest capacity machine available in the country.
Today we have litre-class bikes in plenty and still the same licensing system is followed wherein you can ride a Platina and Hayabusa with the same license.:Frustrati


Originally Posted by redcruiser (Post 4276280)

On further inquiring about this with the owner of the vehicle, the driver had slowed down for a speed breaker but unfortunately, a TATA Sumo could not slow down in time and kissed it around 10-15 kmph speed.

I also hate the direction Maruti is taking with their new vehicles doesn't feel future proof at all. I thought they were actually making a heavy comitment when they offered the Kizashi, and even though the name meant ' good omen ' and the car itself did not sell well, I thought it was atleast a sign of good things to come from the Suzuki stable. The Kizashi when launched in 2010, was still out performing VWs and BMWs in 2014 in crash tests. Now they are just going backwards; The Baleno, Brezza, Ciaz etc such poorly built cars.

That said, so much damage at 10-15 kmph? Seriously? I don't think so.

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