Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Gannu_1 (Post 4271944)
Guys, in the entry level VAG cars, airbags' deployment does not have any link with the seatbelts. There are no electric connections with the seatbelt buckle that links to the ACU (airbag control unit). The crash sensors registering the hit is sufficient for the airbags to deploy.


Originally Posted by msdivy (Post 4271947)
I remember, some members had reported that on Skoda cars, airbags are deployed without seat-belts. Is that the case here?

It seems to be the case as clarified. Also, in the BTP page they've masked faces of (presumably) two minors whilst the faces of parents is not masked. Is there a law which requires the same ?


Originally Posted by hrman (Post 4271713)
They deserve this. I have no pity on these kids at all. One less moron who would have grown up and may have been responsible for the deaths of a few more innocents in the future.
The survivors and parents should be made to rot in prison for a few years to teach them a lesson.

That is such a bad thing to say. Never wish something bad for anyone especially the dead. These are young children. It could happen to anyone.

It is the system which is not in place, add to it cheap insurance or NO insurance, the licensing system and its driving standards, the poor road signages and so many parameters which have, are, and will be causes of many such incidents.

Before handing over the keys of any vehicle or when you know you have teens with hormones for speed, better to educate them with some driving lessons from the internet.

Safety as a parameter is totally absent in our driving.

I am sure there may be just 2% of Team-Bhpians who use safety gear when riding a two wheeler in India (includes short distances). This would certainly NEVER be the case if we were to ride a motorcycle say in UK or the developed countries.

It finally is the Rules and enforcement in each country which command how strict or how lax the driving will be. Period.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
That is such a bad thing to say.
Never wish something bad for anyone especially the dead.
These are young children. It could happen to anyone.

We I'm too not in favour of speaking ill of the dead, but such recklessness would have been a nuisance to others. What if they had ploughed into a foot path with homeless people or worse still crash into a late night eatery/tea stall?


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
It is the system which is not in place, add to it cheap insurance or NO insurance, the licensing system and its driving standards, the poor road signages and so many parameters which have, are, and will be causes of many such incidents.

You seem to absolve individual responsibility. We were taught that driving was a privillege with great responsibility as you have to to respect the laws of the land and courteous to the fellow users.

In our country where educated individuals brazenly flout traffic norms and have the temerity to argue when accosted, no amount of policing will be of any use.

I did not want to say this but maybe the natural order of things kicks in, and culls such indiscipline, albeit in a gory manner

"No matter, how safe your car is, or how strict the police are, if you dont tighten the nut holding the steering, you will end up with such news"


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
Safety as a parameter is totally absent in our driving.

Totally agree, with power comes responsibility, which is sadly lacking.
The net result, innocent lives were lost


Originally Posted by airbus (Post 4271872)
Without knowledge of parents 16 - 17 years teens don't become driver overnight

Just a while ago, some of our team members were having a discussion on driving schools and one guy came up, said he learned driving when he was 16 years old when his dad joined a driving school to learn driving. Without the knowledge of the parents, nothing really happens. If anybody challenges otherwise are just fooling themselves, honestly!


I see airbags deployed in the Skoda.... told me that driver must be wearing seat belt for airbags to deploy
Our cabbies put the seat-belt buckles fastened but will sit on top of the seat belts instead of wrapping them the right way. They do this to disable the alarm. I have rarely seen sensible cabbies who really understand.., but that's a whole different topic and let's not get there.

So, if the boy had done things similar, if there were sensors, obviously the airbag would have deployed, causing more damage than good.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 4271878)
Thinking of it, how can the kids sneak out of the house in the middle of the night that too with a car and still slip under the watch of parents/family members/pet/watchman and then go for a joyride and expect to come back without alerting anyone? Are the parents in such a deep sleep they they wont even realise all this?

I guess all of them were diesel cars (but I cannot comment since I haven't seen the badges). At least the Innova would have been a diesel and surely the guy couldn't have pushed it away from the house gates for a few hundred meters and started off from there. The moment these cars are cranked, they would wake up the entire neighborhood at times. Heck my Getz CRDi makes so much noise that I think a thousand times to crank it if I need to make an early start for outstations if any...


Originally Posted by shashank.nk (Post 4271932)
I just watched the news9 video and airbags in the Rapid have deployed, so i'm guessing he was wearing seatbelts and couldn't have put his head out like in the pic posted above

As I mentioned above, if he was sitting on top of the seat belt, he could surely do any sort of act. But I cannot comment since I do not know what really happened.


Originally Posted by Gannu_1 (Post 4271944)
Guys, in the entry level VAG cars, airbags' deployment does not have any link with the seatbelts. There are no electric connections with the seatbelt buckle that links to the ACU

If this is right, thanks for sharing. This is information to me :) And all the more reasons to make sure one wears seat belts properly as airbags would do more damage without the primary restraint system.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
It finally is the Rules and enforcement in each country which command how strict or how lax the driving will be. Period.

If I'm not wrong, even we have the rules. The problem is with the enforcement.

Dad used to tell me stories of his childhood. During late 1950s and the early 60s, when my dad was a kid, he had seen my grandfather pouring pot full of cold water from head-to-toe many times when he had told a small lie to another person... Lies such as him not having 5 or 10 paisa when he actually did have that kind of money in his pocket to lend. People were guilty of even the smallest of things those days. But what's happened today? Rules? Who cares? Enforcement? Bribe them and get out. Easy!

People have stooped down to such levels where every Tom, Dick and Harry follows two rules which are:
1. I'm always right
2. If you think I'm wrong, see rule No.1

Systems, laws and their enforcement are not perfect anywhere. People still get hurt or killed in traffic accidents all over the world, not just third world countries like ours.

It ultimately comes down to personal responsibility. If there's anything one could've done to prevent an event and didn't do it, then one is personally responsible for the consequences. No amount of blaming external factors is going to change that fact.

If one is incapable of accounting for external factors and adapt their driving habits, they aren't fit to drive until they acquire that capacity, age notwithstanding.


Originally Posted by shashank.nk (Post 4271962)
It seems to be the case as clarified. Also, in the BTP page they've masked faces of (presumably) two minors whilst the faces of parents is not masked. Is there a law which requires the same ?

It is required by law


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
That is such a bad thing to say.
Never wish something bad for anyone especially the dead.
These are young children. It could happen to anyone.

I appreciate your sentiment, and the good heart with which you say this, and certainly I don't wish death, injury, or loss of children on anyone, but no, it is not right that it could happen to anyone. It could only happen to the parents and youngsters whose ignorance and arrogance gets them into this.

And it could, and does, happen elsewhere too. It's just that the Indian systems put the bar to getting on the road so low it makes it easy.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
It could happen to anyone.

Before handing over the keys of any vehicle or when you know you have teens with hormones for speed, better to educate them with some driving lessons from the internet.

Safety as a parameter is totally absent in our driving.

I have seen my father being in bed rest recovering from a severe fracture for a few months, losing his confidence and becoming half the person he was after an accident. He was crossing the road and perhaps the only mistake he made was not to watch out for that young moron who came on his bike from the wrong side of the divider and knocked dad over. The biker didn't even have the courtesy to take my dad to the hospital.

I have absolutely no sympathy for those who break rules, ride rashly and as a result meet their maker. Driving lessons from the internet for young hormones? Really? Can any parent today say with confidence that they have full control over their child's every movement and internet lessons will really calm them down?

And who is to blame for lax implementation of road rules? Those who are maimed or killed for no fault of theirs? I agree, its not right to speak ill of the departed, but I don't see any solution to this, unless the young ones are not refrained from using modes which can endanger their's or pedestrian's lives.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272369)
when you know you have teens with hormones for speed, better to educate them with some driving lessons from the internet

Wait, what? I can't believe I'm reading this on tbhp!! I mean, am I missing something or everybody(who posted the last few posts here) thinks it's perfectly OK to hand over a car key to an underage kid who doesn't even have a licence and then blame it on the HORMONES?!?!? Seriously?

Does anyone know if they even had licences? I heard they were 17. And who would have been to blame if these kids had killed a couple of humans or maimed them or worse? Oh, of course, the HORMONES! Right? Phew.

Nobody even cares about if they had licences, and everyone's blaming the law and how lax or weak it is? So the dad's who got arrested we're just poor victims of race hormones! Oh God, bless us.


Originally Posted by hrman (Post 4272604)
Driving lessons from the internet for young hormones? Really? Can any parent today say with confidence that they have full control over their child's every movement and internet lessons will really calm them down?

And who is to blame for lax implementation of road rules?.

Well no parent can control a child's every movement whether it's today or 35 years ago, my personal experience. I am a bike freak.
The only difference is then I was a retard for 8 years on the road and sane rider post that, once I learnt to drive / ride in Dubai, Bahrain and now in UK. In UK, at 49, I had to learn some more rules to drive which were non-existent in the Gulf.

I have been showing videos off an on to my children and making them aware of what is legal. It's like school, each time you drill it in your head it stays there. This will surely reduce but not eliminate.

My parents received numerous complaints from my neighbors on my speeding. My parents gave me a scolding. That's it. No one taught me safety, traffic sense, there was no Google.

Now if the GOVERNMENT cannot make a change to Traffic Rules, safety gear, law enforcement like they did with DEMONETIZATION, then, It is OUR moral obligation to our children to show some safety videos etc before handing over the keys to a crotch rocket. The rest is DESTINY.

@pixantz. License I know is not possible at that age. You are absolutely right. It's just some form of gyan to these youngsters in our society. Every teen is not the same. I am not saying to hand over the keys to an underage.

Some form of precaution to those hormones


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272672)
Well no parent can control a child's every movement whether it's today or 35 years ago

Yes, they can. They absolutely can.

I had my first experiences at the steering wheel long before my feet would touch the pedals, sitting on my father's lap in fields. In a way, he was teaching me to drive every time I went out with him. But he would not allow me out on the roads until a full year after I reached the legal UK age. Heck, I got up to all sorts of mischief. I messed with his tools, I even broke his camera one day. Stuff I quivered with fear until the the day he found out. But mess with the car? Oh no. If I had done that, quite apart from anything else, I think my first real driving lesson from him would have been never.

Discipline, attitude, being tough when necessary. Parent's job is not to spoil the child and then give in to his every whim or turn a blind eye when I he goes out to potentially kill himself or others.

There are big cultural issues here, from RTO to parenting. Whether this stuff ever gets fixed or not is a big question, but keeping at least some of the spotlight of blame on the parents who let these happen just might help. Turning it off certainly won't

Thad, what you did not, I did. Without my parents knowledge. Opening double kitchen door, opening my porch gate, getting the RD350 off the main stand, starting it 150 meters away all the caution to get it out and back stealth mode. Never getting caught. I thank my Guardian Angel. This is what happens a lot not only in my youth but in majority.

I am not and never will promote anything illegal, however this is pretty common back home. I rest my views. Time to move on, I guess.


Originally Posted by Jr Godzilla (Post 4272737)
Thad, what you did not, I did.

Sometimes one speaks as if everything was black or white. I didn't leave much room for grey in my last post. Some kids are going to get themselves out with the car or the bike. All being well, the parents may never even know about it. Many parents are not going to know, and, of course, not all youngsters are going to do maniac things.

Perhaps parents should keep vehicle and keys locked up like guns. Somehow.

I regularly see kids on bikes near my home. They are riding in their home area, and their parents can't not know. Quite likely they are even being sent on errands. They not racing, doing stunts, anything, really, other than driving, and their driving, if imperfect, is no worse than that of their elders. That does not make it right, of course, but... shades of grey.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4272779)
Perhaps parents should keep vehicle and keys locked up like guns... Quite likely they are even being sent on errands.

It is by being sent on little errands around the house that the parents try to teach driving/riding to their wards. 10, 11, 14 and 16 are the ages of the children in my locality who regularly ride two wheelers with the full blessings of their proud parents. The first two use gearless scooters, the third one rides a Splendor and the last a Bullet along with an Alto and Innova. Just the other day when we went visiting a relative in the evening, their 11 year old daughter was dispatched on an Activa to get milk for coffee. On enquiry I was told that it is their way of making her self reliant at the earliest :Frustrati. All I could do was to request them not to handover the keys of their S Cross to her!

Most +1/+2 students riding two wheelers to college do that without a DL, helmet or RVMs. I am really afraid of passing in their vicinity. The further I stay from them, the safer I feel.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4272779)
That does not make it right, of course, but... shades of grey.

There are so many shades of grey. Our maid always hitches a ride from her 14 year old on a moped, as the husband is a drunkard. We ask our maid to never get a ride from the drunkard. There are so many corners they are cutting in life that not allowing the child is the least of anyone's concern.

In my opinion, the bigger issue is that of racing on public roads. And equating speeding on public roads with fun. There are tons of YouTube videos with grownups giggling while they race other cars on Indian expressways. As this subculture grows, it rubs off easily on youngsters. I hope such mid night racing is not a sub culture with a Whatapp group, forum, and regular races with bragging rights like the Rice burners, and rice rockets in Southern California. This is not coming out of affluence alone, but out of a sub culture that craves for this activity. There has been a heavy handed crackdown on such activities in So Cal. This has also given rice to ample facilities where hobby racers can hone their skills and race in the sanctity of a closed circuit, where everyone involved understand the risks.

I sincerely hope, schools, colleges and parents crush the menace of street racing in the bud.

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