Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by for_cars1 (Post 4254921)

In this case, the driver is maintaining the same high speed unmindful of the intersection, he should have slowed down on seeing the intersection and should have anticipated that someone is most likely going to come the vehicle's path and be prepared by slowing down to the right/controllable speed.

I completely agree that the driver probably didn't slow down enough. Maybe the cabbie didn't notice the scooterist or maybe he did slow down just not enough. It is not easy to judge that from the camera angle.

However one has to understand that according to law by the book, the cabbie here has the right of way here not the scooterist as the scooterist is crossing a major arterial road. It is an altogether a different matter that in this country it is always assumed that the bigger vehicle is at fault during actual accidents.


Most drivers are very reluctant to cut down their speed at intersections. Everybody expects the other vehicle to slow down and let them pass. High time for drivers to correct this attitude and drive more defensively being more mindful of their surroundings.
If you drive on that highway stretch, there are probably 40-50 such intersections in a distance of around 100-120km. While folks like us who practice defensive driving will do the same, the cabbies who are perenially in a hurry may not. Can't blame them fully as it is the duty of the merging traffic to stop and go only when the highway is empty. Imbeciles like this scooterist however do not have half a brain to understand the concept of self preservation.


Originally Posted by Arjun Reddy (Post 4254496)
Here is the view from another side. Looks like the car has been cut open for rescue. News reports say that the car skidded in rain and hit a stationary truck. 3 budding TV artists lost their lives. RIP.

Attachment 1668001

The car swerved into the median and then swerved off to the left to hit a truck... - a full night of working (till 0330) and less sleep- and the police also give what funny statements that they left Mumbai at 0930(?) and reached the accident spot at 1030- a distance of 100Km with 2 or 3 toll booths on a long weekend. What nonsense. They would have had to leave by 0800 to get to Chillar Naka at 1030.
The car hit the rear corner of a truck and sheared off the roof and the side of the car.
The rescue operation did not have to open the car. It was found as is in your photo.
Other than driver fatigue, I dont see any good reason for them to have crashed. We had over 20 superbikes on that road, and yes it was wet... raining- but this? Imagine the speed for that to happen.
Sad, IF people blame the weather, it will be another lesson gone abegging, that people will not learn to rest and drive or perish.

The Linea crashed into a trailer, the rest is tragic ...a life lost , so is the beautiful car.

The reporting is funny; one news report mentions car rammed into stationary trailer, another says the container hit a car, while one more mentions possible Drink and Drive case. How judgmental :Frustrati


Originally Posted by reignofchaos (Post 4254909)
This is most definitely the fault of the two wheeler. The rider should have waited to make sure it is all clear before crossing. These kind of intersections should not exist on four lane roads in the first place as they will most definitely cause accidents as most two wheeler riders especially in rural areas have zero self preservation instincts.

Don't think its an intersection, the woman seems to be riding off from a sloped pavement directly crossing the road. The pedestrian crossing is a weird one to add to that with barricades on both sides, really wonder who designs such stuff.

Coming to the cab, he was probably expecting the woman to go in his direction after she comes off the pavement, which did not pan out as expected. Defensive driving would have saved him some trouble.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4254468)
This happened on 11th August when I was returning home. The road is dug up and concrete is poured. So it's uneven. This guy had jumped over one such concrete thing previously. He didn't learn fast enough.

He isn't even wearing a helmet. He should thank his stars that he was able to get up and ride off immediately. Could have very well ended up with a very serious head injury.


Originally Posted by ravimathi (Post 4254808)
CCTV footage of a cab hitting a two wheeler near Vellore, Tamilnadu. From the footage, it looks like the cab was driven at a high speed and he was not concentrating on the road. The two wheeler, also crossed the road without judging the speed of the car. As per the news channel, the girl is admitted in a hospital near Coimbatore with multiple bone fractures.

Cab seems to have been going faster than necessary, but I would blame the two-wheeler for this mess. The rider just rode out into the road without even checking for traffic! And again, no helmet. I wonder will the cab driver be harassed for compensation (he should be booked for speeding though if the evidence checks out).

When will these morons ever learn?!


Originally Posted by centaur (Post 4254932)
Any pointers on how this can be brought to it's original glory without an entire replacement or repaint would help.

I don't think much drastic is require other than some rubbing compound. I have got rid of many such superficial marks using rubbing compound and followed with soft swirls of Auto-polish.
The directions on how to use them are given on their respective containers.
Happy weekend DIY. :D



Originally Posted by reignofchaos (Post 4254909)
This is most definitely the fault of the two wheeler. The rider should have waited to make sure it is all clear before crossing. These kind of intersections should not exist on four lane roads in the first place as they will most definitely cause accidents as most two wheeler riders especially in rural areas have zero self preservation instincts.

It is a four lane highway and even a legitimate 80km/hr would seem the same as in the video. One can't expect a car doing highway speeds to stop on a dime if a two wheeler suddenly appears in front of it!

True this won't stop till people get some sense. I hardly use the horn for cars cutting my lane, at traffic signals etc but out on the highway I prefer a small beep at crossings where I see anyone/vehicle around, even if I am not at high speeds.


Originally Posted by reignofchaos (Post 4254959)
If you drive on that highway stretch, there are probably 40-50 such intersections in a distance of around 100-120km. While folks like us who practice defensive driving will do the same, the cabbies who are perenially in a hurry may not. Can't blame them fully as it is the duty of the merging traffic to stop and go only when the highway is empty. Imbeciles like this scooterist however do not have half a brain to understand the concept of self preservation.

Completely agree that the two wheeler should have waited for the car to cross. In the same way, the cab should also have slowed down near junctions like these. Both are at fault.

Slightly off topic. IMHO, we should stop referring to following rules while driving as "defensive driving". It is actually "driving correctly". Even as per law, in intersections like these, speed limit is not high (mostly around ~50 KMPH). Another term that is heavily misinterpreted by many is "Enthusiastic drive".


Originally Posted by ravimathi (Post 4254808)
The two wheeler, also crossed the road without judging the speed of the car.

Going by the video clip (00:13), the two wheeler rider looks to have been blinded by some poles/ objects on her right. This was all the more reason for her to have kept looking to the right, unfortunately she was gazing straight ahead, blissfully unaware. Seeing the video frame by frame, she luckily lands on the car bonnet and roof after doing several somersaults, and fortunately the two wheeler itself took the brunt of the impact.

Hope she is recovering.


Originally Posted by mooza (Post 4255532)
Going by the video clip (00:13), the two wheeler rider looks to have been blinded by some poles/ objects on her right.

Absolutely; More over, the lady first looks to her right (thru/over the railings), then to her left and fails to check to her right again before riding her 2 wheeler across the road.

Better clip of the same video:


Originally Posted by batman (Post 4255580)
fails to check to her right again before riding her 2 wheeler across the road.

Not sure if the car driver was paying attention to the road properly. Why did the driver not apply the brake earlier? Tyre marks started right at the point of impact.

I was watching images of this accident link below and I suspect it may be severe whiplash, along with the seat belt getting entangled with the truck and yes the pillar being slammed in to the cabin.


Originally Posted by ravimathi (Post 4254808)
CCTV footage of a cab hitting a two wheeler near Vellore, Tamilnadu. From the footage, it looks like the cab was driven at a high speed and he was not concentrating on the road. The two wheeler, also crossed the road without judging the speed of the car. As per the news channel, the girl is admitted in a hospital near Coimbatore with multiple bone fractures.

The girl on the scooter is not even looking to check for any oncoming traffic, and that too when entering a national highway. The car should have rightfully slowed when approaching an intersection, as you can expect these kind of people, to cross without the least concern.


Originally Posted by airbus (Post 4255630)
Not sure if the car driver was paying attention to the road properly. Why did the driver not apply the brake earlier? Tyre marks started right at the point of impact.

Tyre marks starting at the point of impact doesn't necessarily mean that the driver didn't do anything. It just means that his wheels didn't lock up up until the point of impact. He could have been braking more progressively and trying to shift down the gears until he hit the woman at which point he may have just stabbed the brake pedal fully and caused those tyre marks.


Originally Posted by sparky@home (Post 4255705)
The girl on the scooter is not even looking to check for any oncoming traffic, and that too when entering a national highway. The car should have rightfully slowed when approaching an intersection, as you can expect these kind of people, to cross without the least concern.

The girl has stopped before entering the road, and looked at both sides, at least to her right from where the car approached. So she did look.

The car driver may have been distracted, may have been speeding etc etc, however he is to squarely blame for the mishap. He has been carrying way too much speed. The spot where he hit the scooter has a zebra crossing, which means he absolutely must slow down to account for any pedestrians or otherwise crossing the road.

Additionally the image of the road makes it clear the road passes through inhabited areas. National highway or not, the speed limits must be around 40kmph in this case, which the driver has exceeded too.

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