Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by vinit.merchant (Post 4211662)
I am thinking of installing the DVR in my car. My home-office commute one way is 3 kms and it takes on an average 10 min at noon and 15 at night to cover this distance.
And believe me, I can put up at least one video every day on how maniacal 2-wheeler riders have become off late.

Something has to be done before our streets are littered with crushed flesh and our prisons are full of the innocent drivers.


I pity the horse here.
What I want to know... If the horse was only slightly injured, and fully concious, how did they get it out? A stuck horse with wildly flailing legs and hooves would be a dangerous thing indeed!


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4211681)
What I want to know... If the horse was only slightly injured, and fully concious, how did they get it out? A stuck horse with wildly flailing legs and hooves would be a dangerous thing indeed!

If you follow the link to the TOI posted in the message, you will see the picture of the horse finally out of the car. From the looks of it, he was pulled out. Maybe tranquilized, but if not I would say the horse was badly injured to be in this state even after being out of the car.

EDIT: There is also a video there on how it was pulled out.

Usual accident under the Bommasandra Flyover in BangaloreAccidents in India | Pics & Videos-1.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-2.jpg


Originally Posted by vinit.merchant (Post 4211662)
I am thinking of installing the DVR in my car. My home-office commute one way is 3 kms and it takes on an average 10 min at noon and 15 at night to cover this distance.And believe me, I can put up at least one video every day on how maniacal 2-wheeler riders have become off late.

Average speeds in Pune lines up pretty much on spot with Bangalore's, though here it may take a bit longer, my office one way is 6 kms and it takes 45 mins in peak hour and maybe, 10 mins less when off-peak (noon). I too, can put up 2 videos daily, if not more, if I've to post every violation then it can be over 10. Bikes have become errant, thuggish and almost zombie-like in the city.. and that's sad because they do not care one bit about their own safety, it isn't fun to fall down.

Another worrying factor is that bikes have way, wayyy better build than a car, a biker may fly off after an impact but bikes almost always are certainly in pristine condition, this is why they get the courage to scrape and dent a car in their mindless pursuit of chaos. Here are a few examples I've faced and it'll almost be heart-wrenching for a car driver who has faced it himself/herself :

- I start moving immediately after a green signal, as I progress over the junction a couple on a bike move on a red signal from the opposite side and turn, the woman pillion shouts at me to move? Why? They are a bike, poor them, I'm victimizing them by blocking their path and denying them the right to move on a red.

- The stereotype "look nowhere but straight" biker straight hops the 6 inch high median, cuts across 2 lanes and blasts off, scaring everyone in his path to hell.

- One bike with a couple (MOST dangerous) was hogging the middle lane in what was a clear, 2 laned road (Bangalore has no such thing as 3 lanes), I honk once for them to give way since they were going very, very slow (<20 kmph) and due to no response I give a longer honk while maintaining a safe distance behind.. no way was I intimidating them, boom the lady whips out her cellphone and starts *pretending* to record, I couldn't stop laughing on this one.

Whoever thinks that mankind is the purest interpretation of the creator should think again.. spending 7-8 hours on the city roads will confirm that most are spawns of the darkest evil itself. I say this based on our own road experiences which is also mirroring the experience of many members here. I voted for this government (which is an achievement in itself as I'm anti-politics and I think this country is a joke that never gets old) because it was symbolic (mere symbology mind you) of a citizen having a choice, a right to change the broken system.. as expected nothing has changed.

*Disclaimer - views expressed are that of my own based on real experiences and in no way generalizes those who do ride a bike/scooter and also does not mean to offend those who believe in the capacity of the democratic system to
change based on elected parties/leader.


Originally Posted by dark.knight (Post 4212180)
and that's sad because they do not care one bit about their own safety, it isn't fun to fall down.

Actually the thing is that, bikers think their safety is others responsibility and not theirs. Even the law is formed in such a way that the bigger vehicle driver is booked for an accident. Doesn't that say enough?

Its pretty much like if the knife falls on the butter or the butter falls on the knife, the butter is the only one to get sliced. Likewise, if a biker hits you, or you hit the biker, you will get framed in legal complication and it will take forever to come out of it.


Originally Posted by dark.knight (Post 4212180)

- One bike with a couple (MOST dangerous) was hogging the middle lane in what was a clear

I can relate to this. I am biker too and I have seen this very often. Having a women as pillion suddenly gives the bike rider (Male or Female) all the rights to break or make rules on road.

They are not flagged down by cops for not wearing helmets or document check. They can drive at their own pace. They can turn and bend as they wish. Rest of the world has to mind the distance and follow rules.

I have equally seen how the women pillion have fallen on the road due to reckless driving. Due to their seating position they are most vulnerable especially if wearing saree. Yet, they just flout all norms. The worst part is the sudden hand signal by the lady pillion which not only makes them off balanced, but their only strong anchoring point (the right hand) is free giving hand signal making them most vulnerable. The rider cares a hoot while the lady gives flash hand signal only to much disgust and surprise to others.

I also equally agree and sympathize regarding your thoughts of mindset that people have inculcated in themselves. Let's be honest. Times have changed and with it comes a life filled with hurry. When parent's don't follow road rules, how can we expect their next generation to follow what their parents flouted ???

Parent's take their children on two wheeler's without a helmet on. Zip past on roads not minding speed limits, break lane rules, honk and honk at everyone. We might think they are kids, but its nothing but molding a wet clay in wrong way.

How many of us still remember the rule to come completely to stop at a junction and then proceed ? I have been honked at, abused at, stared at, even flipped a birdie at for following rules. But, I have to neglect all those for the greater common good.

Now days, life is hard for people who follow rules than those who break them and get away.


Originally Posted by centaur (Post 4212200)
Actually the thing is that, bikers think their safety is others responsibility and not theirs. Even the law is formed in such a way that the bigger vehicle driver is booked for an accident. Doesn't that say enough?

As per my observation, what constitutes this issue and the cause of it is absolute lack of rear view mirror use. Bikers have stopped using this important piece of equipment and it has become a vanity. Mindless lane changing, sudden braking (which in itself is a huge topic) and absolute lack of patience. Honking just for the sake of it and thinking all problems on road will vanish by honking at person ahead of you.

I have seen people saying "It's summer and I am sweating on a motorcycle while you are well off because you are sitting in a A/C car. How will you know the problem of a biker ?". I think they mean to say that people of bike are sufferers and those in car are well off.

It is this deep rooted victim mindset of Indian's that has always made issues more worse than what they already are.

A tragic accident in Jaipur. All the occupants in the car did not survive.
The truck was apparently over loaded.


JAIPUR: Five persons were on Tuesday killed when an overloaded truck tipped over and crushed their car near Chomu House Circle in the city.
Police said they discovered the car underneath the truck only after removing the heavier vehicle.
The car was badly flattened and it was hard to take the bodies out.
The accident happened at around 4 am today.


When will police stop harassing folks with out of state registration or folks with no PUC certificate and instead start harassing the overloaded trucks and goods carry autos which pose a threat in many ways first of which being they are prone to topple or off-load their cargo unexpectedly, secondly they also take too long to brake properly further making them a threat, thirdly because they cant accelerate and decelerate quick enough, they hog the fast lane as they find it less filled with obstacles and then slowly potter in the fast lane causing traffic jams. These vehicles are absolutely frustrating. Not to mention their tail lights not working half the time, so they completely block your view ahead of them and their brake lights don't work which makes your job of anticipating when to slow down, that much more harrowing :Frustrati god when will we see a stop to this nonsense?


Originally Posted by IshaanIan (Post 4212376)
When will police stop harassing folks with out of state registration or folks with no PUC certificate and instead start harassing the overloaded trucks and goods carry autos ....god when will we see a stop to this nonsense?

Do you mean to say that they plug and stop the only constant source of legal income and strong contributor to their illegal income ?

I am not sure if you have observed this, now days packers and movers (household articles) have started to add "Police Challan Fees" in their bill. This is like, Police will ask me money for breaking the law, so you better cough up from your pocket.

There is no end to it and that income is not obtained on city roads cause it will cause huge discomfort to public, instead this will happen close to city limits or prepaid challans.

Catching local public is Good Policing.

Terrible Accident.
Please follow the link.
One simply shivers seeing the condition of the Swift.

Something similar happened near Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh last month. A water tanker in a construction zone drifted away from the carriageway and hit a mound. It then turned turtle on an Alto which was in the next lane. All three in the car died immediately. One of them was my cousin's brother in law.

However, I don't want to put the blame squarely on the tanker. No one knows what happened there.

Having said that, it is pretty clear that you should spend as little time as possible next to a heavy truck. Either fall back or overtake; just do it quickly and of course, safely.

Rest in peace.


Originally Posted by shubhodeepdas@g (Post 4211364)
The video is a re-record from the original playing on a screen and then uploaded. Its not the actual video from the CCTV. Hence the panning of the camera with the truck.

You can't pan after it's recorded. You can only zoom in / out. That wasn't a zoom in either. Hence the question.


Originally Posted by prithm (Post 4212335)

Parent's take their children on two wheeler's without a helmet on. Zip past on roads not minding speed limits, break lane rules, honk and honk at everyone. We might think they are kids, but its nothing but molding a wet clay in wrong way.


I am actually more worried about this aspect. My son is 6 years and I always make sure he wears a full face helmet when I take him out on the scooter, irrespective of the distance. I follow all traffic rules and guidelines and all he sees around him are people flouting them. What if he gets all the good habits and is the odd one out? I see so many of his friends with their parents who care a hoot about either their safety or that of their kids.


Originally Posted by dass (Post 4212538)
I am actually more worried about this aspect. My son is 6 years and I always make sure he wears a full face helmet when I take him out on the scooter, irrespective of the distance. I follow all traffic rules and guidelines and all he sees around him are people flouting them. What if he gets all the good habits and is the odd one out? I see so many of his friends with their parents who care a hoot about either their safety or that of their kids.

There is nothing better than "Show and Tell". While you drive, show him the road ahead and tell how to deal with it. The more you talk, the more they will understand the situation.

Training starts young and that sticks like tar on bumper. Hard to remove.

In fact the training should start as soon as those young hips gain strength to support that body.

"Catch them Young" as they say in Military.


Originally Posted by prithm (Post 4212544)

"Catch them Young" as they say in Military.

My worry is the opposite. I am teaching him all the good habits and he will probably learn all of them as well. He may be only one of the few who are actually following the rules eventually and hence that may cause issues later on is my worry.

I guess I am going completely off topic on this thread though.

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