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Originally Posted by amrutmhatre90 (Post 4209200)
This happened not once but twice in my Office.

This is clearly a case of bad design. You should push your office to have this resolved before any further damage or injury occurs.

The discussion on the technicalities of bike riding is fascinating and highly instructional. To those of us who do not rife bikes, it is even illuminating!

But there is a bottom line on both accidents, the collision with an oncoming biker and the collision with the Innova. Whether by bad tracking or bad overtaking, both the offending bikes were on the wrong side of the road.

If only people could get into their heads: "Left side, mine. Right side theirs." Then overtaking, cutting corners, etc etc would be viewed with an entirely different attitude.

Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 4209228)
This is clearly a case of bad design. You should push your office to have this resolved before any further damage or injury occurs.

This is absurdly dangerous to people, let alone cars.


Originally Posted by amrutmhatre90 (Post 4209200)
This happened not once but twice in my Office.

Attachment 1645024

Attachment 1645025

Both these examples shows that the drivers were not keen on seeing what is ahead of them and just blindly followed the color of the floor thinking it will lead them to exit. The height of the parked cars on the other side clearly shows that the driver is at higher elevation.

As suggested by someone, barriers or atleast cones should be placed to help these hapless drivers.

I hope you should suggest for a eye check camp in your office for the greater good.


Originally Posted by Vik0728 (Post 4209169)
I think the commuters are to be blamed equally.
P.S - If your documents are clean and you do not have any 'Illegal Stuff' on you, it does not hurt to stop when a cop flags you down. MOST OF THE TIME, a quick chat is all it takes for you to get going. :thumbs up

Oh no way I can agree with you on this. As someone who is always wearing helmet/seatbelt always carries all documents, I find it annoying that I have to stop for some guy who talks to me like as if he already made up his mind that I have done something wrong and it is upto me to prove my innocence or pay up. Although I have generally spoken my way out of things nearly all the time, I do feel hassled and see no reason for me to have to deal with these goons. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? If you walk up to your car in an underground parking lot and see someone sitting on the hood jump off and run away, will you chase after them? Or will you do so only if you see that they have caused some damage or you see a knife or a can of spray paint in their hands? You aren't even a man in uniform yet one can argue that you behave far more professionally and nobly. You think that man deserved to lose his wife in such a tragic manner simply because he may have tried dodging the cops because he wasn't carrying a PUC or some trivial nonsense like that?

At the end of the day, cops are appointed by the government and paid by the tax-payers. These are uniformed 'officials' and no one can argue that they were compelled to fall to unethical and illegal methods to stop someone who for all you know might not have even done anything wrong. Whatever happened to stopping someone on the basis of some evidence or under some reasonable suspicion? What happened to our rights? Our freedom? These policemen have no right to behave like thugs and for all I care I am paying them to show some courageous restraint as the job requires. Afterall they are here to protect us. Yet they act like we are the enemy :Frustrati Cops need to be able to distinguish the trouble makers from the good citizens and the job requires that they do so correctly with no mistakes. This is no game. You cannot hand an officer of the law so much power over people that he has absolutely no rules to follow in carrying out his task.

Next one will argue that civilian casualties in countries like Syria is understandable because they walk, talk, and dress the same as the enemy as well as run away just like the enemy. What separates uniformed officials from the thugs out there if they don't enforce what is right in the correct manner?


Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 4209228)
This is clearly a case of bad design. You should push your office to have this resolved before any further damage or injury occurs.

These two incidents occurred almost 10 months apart. After discussing with my friends and colleagues according to me it was both times the drivers fault.

1) Indigo was parked without a handbrake, as one of my team mates was leaning on it during break time, and the car started to move :Shockked:. My guess is someone leaned on it so much that the car came off. 2nd Guess is the driver did not realize about no platform to get down so floored it.

2) Volkswagen was a non-sense case, as it was raining cats and dogs, the Girl who got the car her parents came to pick her up in office. Dad decided to drive and went straight down. After the incident Girl was shouting the Security Guards and Drivers from our office. :Frustrati

Now I have attached a Image sharing how the design is of my office. The 1st thing when you enter the office through the gate, you can see the parking which is a bit on elevation. Which can be seen in the 1st pic (Indigo). To park the car on the elevated part you need to go through the turns I have noted in the image, also their is a slope between 2nd and 3rd turn.

On the other hand their are cars parked right in front of the elevated zones. Which can be seen on the image attached. In both cases the cars were not present so drivers might have drove off.


Originally Posted by adrian (Post 4208475)
Nice driving, great reflexes and lots of luck:)

I felt the biker in white shirt was trying to stall the over take of the other. He had lots of space on his left, but deliberately held his course. We see a lot of identical behavior in roads now a days.

Attachment 1644695

I Agree and I also feel the Baleno driver need not have crossed the median,

Check out the distance between the Baleno and the Yellow Vehicle.

I have a feeling he (Baleno) didn't want the biker to overtake and hence was driving a bit defensively, ofcourse the message originator would know if that's the case.

All said and done the it was the bikers mistake to go so much in to the opposite lane without checking for oncoming vehicles, Not wearing protective gear.

- Slick

I witnessed the aftermath of a gory accident involving a two wheeler. The bike was at the far left corner of the road and the rider was at 50 meters distance in the far right besides the center median. It is a wide road connecting the city with byepass (Oyamaari intersection of Trichy). The accident must have just happened. The bike was heavily damaged.

No signs of the other vehicle involved in the accident. Looked like a hit and run case.

The rider was dead on the spot. People have just started running towards the body. While I crossed him, i saw his skull was broken into two. :(

He did not wear a helmet. It was quite a warning as i used to do triple digit speeds on my 390 over that road as it was always free and 4 laned.


Originally Posted by PrasannaDhana (Post 4209341)
It was quite a warning as i used to do triple digit speeds on my 390 over that road as it was always free and 4 laned.

RIP the deceased! Well IMO, one should never do any speeds beyond 80-90 even on empty highways. One because the official speed limit of most of the highways do not cross 80kmph , two because one is never sure if they will reach their destination at all even at slow speeds leave aside triple digit speeds. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by amrutmhatre90 (Post 4209200)
This happened not once but twice in my Office.

The parking lot is poorly designed.

Simple orange plastic poles at about 3 feet distance bolted to the floor will stop such accidents. Does not cost much. There are plastic triangles that are bolted to the floor to avoid vehicles rolling over if the driver fails to put the parking brake or if it does not work.

Both are needed. Orange poles create a visual barrier for the driver. The plastic triangles arrest inadvertent vehicle movements.


Originally Posted by honeybee (Post 4209225)
Surprisingly the cars don't seem to have suffered much damage.

The ledge is pretty high so the front wheels would have rolled off the ledge with the underside taking the first hit and then scraping along the edge of the ledge till the front wheels made contact with the ground.


Originally Posted by amrutmhatre90 (Post 4209200)
This happened not once but twice in my Office.

Attachment 1645024

Attachment 1645025

They should build a wall around the parking space. This can repeat again with this type construction.


Originally Posted by mydevil (Post 4209766)
They should build a wall around the parking space. ...

Right now, at minimal cost, they can string that striped tape across the gaps. More permanent solutions can then come as and when.


Originally Posted by amrutmhatre90 (Post 4209200)
This happened not once but twice in my Office.

But, Simple question, why the owners donot leave the car in first gear? OR parking brake?


Originally Posted by gkveda (Post 4209820)
But, Simple question, why the owners donot leave the car in first gear? OR parking brake?

I don't think I will be able to answer this question, as its common sense to park in a gear or parking brake. Only the Indigo was parked without a parking brake.

On other note have escalated it to the responsible people long back, they already have started using a " VLC " cone with chains.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4209804)
Right now, at minimal cost, they can string that striped tape across the gaps. More permanent solutions can then come as and when.

Or at least these plastic bollards:

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