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Old 1st December 2016, 13:59   #22351
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

5 killed and more than 45 injured, in a collision of 2 TNSTC buses near Villupuram, yesterday. I could find the Tamil version of the news in the below link -

A TNSTC bus plying from Kallakurichi to Chennai collided head-on with another TNSTC bus plying from Chennai to Kallakurichi. The driver of Chennai bound bus, while overtaking a stationary Private bus, waiting in a bus stop, lost control of the bus and rammed in to median. But the bus crossed the median and ran in the opposite side and collided with the Kallakurichi bound bus. On collision, the Kallakurichi bound bus has overturned and the other bus rammed into the rails on the service road and stopped.

Unfortunately, the bus towards Kallakurichi has paid heavy price for the mistake of the other bus driver who lost control.

There was a 2 year old child among the 5 persons killed - RIP the deceased.

Also, 45 persons are injured which includes 15 persons who are in critical condition - praying for them to recover soon.
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Old 1st December 2016, 14:54   #22352
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by ravimathi View Post
CCTV footage of a road accident that happened on November 5th, 2016 in Siruvachur, Tamil Nadu. Unable to get more information on this but looks like a fatal one. Because of the negligence of both the drivers, an old man who was crossing the road got hit by water cans. Hope he is ok. From the video, it looks like the car was driven at very high speed which the driver couldn't control.

The goods carrier braked once he saw the car coming towards him.It can be seen in the video. Had he not braked or rather accelerated , the accident would have been avoided.
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Old 1st December 2016, 16:32   #22353
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

This accident happened close to my place. Not sure who was in the wrong but all I saw was this Innova in the place you see it now and a badly bashed up Swift on the pavement. The Innova apparently crashed head on into the Swift and then drove over the pavement and crashed into the wall.

The impact was so severe that while I was driving by I happened to notice passersby picking up a part that was lying on the opposite side of the road. It was one of the vehicles compressor that was ripped out.
Attached Thumbnails
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161201wa0011.jpg  

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161201wa0012.jpg  

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Old 1st December 2016, 17:19   #22354
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
The goods carrier braked once he saw the car coming towards him.It can be seen in the video. Had he not braked or rather accelerated , the accident would have been avoided.
This is not always the case. Sometimes if the oncoming vehicle decides to make some moves to avoid the incident, and if he tries to come to the left lane, the effect will be nullified. Same issue happens when there is a pedestrian crossing the road and there is an approaching vehicle. We should develop some type of a convention, something like in such a situation target the back of the vehicle rather than the front. That time, it will be good and safe to accelerate in such an event. Else, it will not be a way out.

Personally, I follow the habit of letting go of the throttle and keeping foot ready on the brake in any intersection once I spot a gap in the median. Though however empty it is and how good the visibility might be, you can always expect all sorts of surprises from dogs till huge trailers. First hit the brake, and then think of steering. Holding speed when there is a gap in a median in Indian roads is a suicidal move
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Old 2nd December 2016, 13:18   #22355
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by perty View Post
That location is a real black spot.
A wide 3 lane road enters a dingy underpass and takes a sharp, almost 60 degree turn to the left, while coming from Gorguntepalya and going towards Hebbal.
Truckers who would have been frustrated at the railway crossing a few minutes earlier will push the throttle when they enter the wide road before this underpass.
From what i have heard, this took place while going towards gorguntepalya from Hebbal and hence the question of crossing the frustrated railway crossing doesnt arise. Both these drivers were yet to reach the railway crossing. I guess, the truck which hit the canter was doing good speeds on the empty 6 laned road (3 on either side) from hebbal till BEL circle.

Government should speed up the construction of peripheral ring road between hosur road and Tumkur road which passes through old madras road, airport road (hyderabad road) so that these trucks can avoid getting into city and face these poorly constructed roads. I am sure peripheral ring road will be much better than our ORR and avoid lot of accidents like these because trucks wont have to face railway crossing, confusing underpasses, wrongly aligned flyovers, horrible sudden speed breakers -- all of which can be currently found on ORR in plenty.
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Old 3rd December 2016, 20:42   #22356
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

A member of the Tiago Owner's Group shared these snaps of the "Most Well Built Maruti" S-Cross. This took place in Goa according to him.

Don't know whether the occupants are safe (I hope they are). Not much information is available, but glancing at the pictures, it looks like the car was involved in High Speed Collision. The left side pillars have deformed completely.

I would now be scared to travel in this car.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161203wa0013.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161203wa0011.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161203wa0010.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161203wa0012.jpg

Last edited by CarguyNish : 3rd December 2016 at 21:09.
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Old 3rd December 2016, 21:35   #22357
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by CarguyNish View Post

I would now be scared to travel in this car.

If you are going to generalize like this with a single incident without knowing the factors causing the accident, speed of impact etc, I guess we will have to refrain from travelling at all.

Remember the new fortuner crash? Now, will you also be scared to travel in one? Definitely, it is not a maruti, and has a very good build quality. But the driver died in that accident.

Last edited by PrasannaDhana : 3rd December 2016 at 21:39.
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Old 3rd December 2016, 22:13   #22358
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Originally Posted by CarguyNish View Post
A member of the Tiago Owner's Group shared these snaps of the "Most Well Built Maruti" S-Cross. This took place in Goa according to him.

Don't know whether the occupants are safe (I hope they are). Not much information is available, but glancing at the pictures, it looks like the car was involved in High Speed Collision. The left side pillars have deformed completely.

I would now be scared to travel in this car.

Attached is a pic of the crash of the mighty S-class. The driver died on the spot. I am sure you are never going travel in an S-class now.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-imageuploadedbyteambhp1480782947.047022.jpg

As much as I appreciate the discussion and awareness about well built cars, In all this we forget one basic thing- the idiot behind the wheel. A country where people only wear seat belts to avoid a fine, drive on the wrong side, jump signals in the absence of cops, dance around lanes and over-speed like lunatics the only thing that can keep them safe is a tank. An actual tank because even cars built like tanks haven't been able to save these people.

Let people here first understand what safe driving is and how important having a car with safety features like abs,airbags.etc.

We as automobile enthusiasts first need to clear our misconceptions about safe drivers and safe cars. And by safe cars I mean the actual safe cars and not the ones judged by their kerb weight.
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Old 3rd December 2016, 22:24   #22359
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by CarguyNish View Post
A member of the Tiago Owner's Group shared these snaps of the "Most Well Built Maruti" S-Cross. This took place in Goa according to him.

Don't know whether the occupants are safe (I hope they are). Not much information is available, but glancing at the pictures, it looks like the car was involved in High Speed Collision. The left side pillars have deformed completely.

I would now be scared to travel in this car.

Attachment 1581963

Attachment 1581964

Attachment 1581965

Attachment 1581966
From the look of it, the car was sideswiped by a barge pole or something like that. Look at the front fender and the rear of the car. Completely untouched. There seems to be damage but it is confined only to the area of B-pillar. Perhaps he was drifting the hell out of the car at 60 kmph and hit the pole sideways (it may have started like a crash save manoeuvre but it went out of control).

But cars are not built to withstand such impacts at such speeds. Even the side swipe test is conducted over a large area of the side portion. If the impact is so concentrated, the car surely cannot withstand it and protect the occupants. Not even a car built like a tank can survive this. There is no need to doubt the safety of S-cross over this issue.

In an accident, you are really the safest when you crash the entire front of the car into the biggest balloon of cushion you can find travelling at the closest relative speed to you.
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Old 4th December 2016, 01:34   #22360
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I was driving from Hassan to Bangalore and somewhere near Kunigal, saw a white BMW in the ditch, on the WRONG side of the road [On my left side, but pointing towards Hassan]. I did not see any skid marks OR any breach in the median OR any clues at all. Could not take pics as there is sizable traffic. This sighting is around 6.00PM. Anybody saw this?

Last edited by FORTified : 4th December 2016 at 01:35. Reason: One wrong word to be replaced. And add time of sighting.
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Old 4th December 2016, 07:14   #22361
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Two more accidents witnessed in Gurgaon. Under the metro bridge under construction at the end of the Sunset boulevard where vehicles take a U turn to reach Gurgaon, an innova was parked with a crumpled bonnet. No idea how it happened as I didn't spot another car.

The other happened just past the Chhatarpur metro on the Delhi Gurgaon highway. Traffic had pulled up and as I reached the spot I saw a white line from the centre of the road towards the median and then saw some object lying on the road.

It took me a couple of moments to realize that object was a wheel of an auto rickshaw! And sure enough a few metres ahead an auto was parked by the median with its nose wheel missing.

A guy actually picked up the wheel from the road in front of my car. I stopped by to see if anyone needed help but there were a lot of people already gathered and the auto driver or passengers didn't seem hurt. So went on.
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Old 4th December 2016, 08:08   #22362
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by FORTified View Post
I was driving from Hassan to Bangalore and somewhere near Kunigal, saw a white BMW in the ditch, on the WRONG side of the road [On my left side, but pointing towards Hassan]. I did not see any skid marks OR any breach in the median OR any clues at all. Could not take pics as there is sizable traffic. This sighting is around 6.00PM. Anybody saw this?
I did see this at around 6.30 PM near Kunigal. At that time there was just the interceptor/NHAI van and no crowd. I had assumed that the BMW was using the service lane and then crashed into an oncoming good vehicle but I did not see any kind of deformation. It could also be a simple case of german engineering having an off day
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Old 4th December 2016, 22:28   #22363
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Slow speed saved the biker.

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Old 5th December 2016, 01:32   #22364
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Originally Posted by ecenandu View Post
Slow speed saved the biker.
Skids? Looks to me like he just fell over. Drunk or about as good on two wheels as I would be?

And video says "speeding car." What speeding car?
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Old 5th December 2016, 01:36   #22365
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Skids? Looks to me like he just fell over. Drunk or about as good on two wheels as I would be?

And video says "speeding car." What speeding car?
For that, I have to ask the uploader. Maybe this is a good example to have a dashcam on all the time, it will be helpful in case of fraud allegations.
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