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Originally Posted by honeybee (Post 4094080)
Also, the parents are primarily to blame in that they must educate the kids that motor vehicles are not meant for joyrides, and make sure that the car keys are out of reach of children, just like guns and knives.

I agree with you that parents are primarily to blame for the act of their kids, but please tell me which parent wants any harm to come to his kids. I read somewhere that in the last few years our society has changed i.e our threshold to suffer pain, emotional setbacks, stress etc.. etc.. has reduced. Parents also nowadays have become soft they don't want their kids to cry, put up tantrums etc so they give in to their wishes in spite of knowing the consequences an e.g. is seen by many of us in toy shops or fast food joints where parents relent.

Parenting now is more complicated than what it was 15 years ago, I for one was afraid of my father to the extent that I refrained from any unwanted activity for the fear of the rod ( I am sure a lot would disagree to this form of upbringing) or hurting his feelings. But I being a father of 10 year old now feel that my son isn't afraid of me or my feelings. He does what he wants in spite of listening to moral lectures patiently.

Coming back to this accident, I don't feel the parents are entirely to blame. I had friends who drove cars/scooters without their parents knowing about it by learning to drive from their peers. Also as someone has rightly said peer pressure is the root cause of many such adventures.


Originally Posted by silverado (Post 4094627)
The easiest way to do this is by Disabling the car / Geofencing the car by using OBD based trackers.

If such a system is made available how many parents would fix this in their cars. This I feel is not the solution to the problem but a delay tactic till the kid finds some way of circumventing it.
The solution in my opinion is a drastic change to views of society, parenting etc. But then if you tell your kid not to drive till 18 but your neighbor allows his 16 year old to do so then in your kids opinion you are un cool, stuck up and strict. I for one am willing to live with this but then how many more are??

PS: There are exceptions to my arguments but they are quite few.

I saw the police removing a dead body on ORR between PES & Nayandahalli turning at around 8:30 AM a couple of days back (16th).

Was it an accident or otherwise?


Originally Posted by bigben (Post 4094461)
Saw this on the ORR today. Not sure how this happened.

It seems the driver was too close to the railing and did not anticipate the approaching concrete protrusion.


Originally Posted by balenoed_ (Post 4094527)
As per another witness, two Infy buses too were involved in this and had happened just few meters after crossing the toll both, which means the speed could be very less and make us wonder how the car is in this state.

I left office around 5:30 yesterday, saw this huge traffic jam at the entrance of the toll, then saw a NHAI ambulance rushing , people made way, then noticed that the whole ramp of the flyover from ECITY phase 1 is blocked, and a bus had stopped at the front, dint take the flyover, took the hosur road, was wondering what really happened. Hope there were no serious injuries.

Anyone knows what exactly happened?


Here is some selctive reporting:

Though I agree that some clout may been brought to bear to have an "unknown" person at the wheel, but two points here.
No helmet, one. Two, it happened at a roundabout, so one of them was coming the wrong way, but no mention of that.
Another report mentions no alcohol involved, and that the guy took the victim to the hospital.


Originally Posted by Sankar (Post 4083343)
Actually everyone in that video had a role and none played it too well.
In retrospect it was a good learning experience for all involved. Hope others can learn from this. That is why i posted it here.

Was not able to find that video scanning pages front and back..was it removed?

New Fortuner met with bad accident and the driver has passed away. I do not have any more details.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161121wa0011.jpg
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20161121wa0010.jpg

Source : WhatsApp forward


Originally Posted by Dr.Naren (Post 4095994)
New Fortuner met with bad accident and the driver has passed away. I do not have any more details.

Attachment 1576864
Attachment 1576865

Source : WhatsApp forward

Wow, Newly Launched car involved in Accident. :Shockked:

Sad that driver passed away. Did the car topple ? Judging by the Roof, it might have toppled.

High Center of Gravity to be Blamed ?

Do you guys think that the shock is well absorbed in the crumple zones?? also I did not see the front airbag, must perhaps have been cut or not seen??

RIP, the driver.

I still cannot understand why people tend to push the limits of a new car which they are not familiar with.

This looks like a test drive vehicle. No temporary plates either.
The usual mentality of the test driving public is drive as fast as possible and then think since it is a new vehicle , they are safe and invincible.


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4096031)
I still cannot understand why people tend to push the limits of a new car which they are not familiar with.

This looks like a test drive vehicle. No temporary plates either.
The usual mentality of the test driving public is drive as fast as possible and then think since it is a new vehicle , they are safe and invincible.

Not a test drive vehicle - it has had a puja done on it, which is generally done after vehicle handover to the owner has taken place.

Many people will take delivery of the car and prefer to do the registration themselves (eg: buy it in a Delhi dealership and register it in UP or Haryana, use their cousin's best friend's distant relative who is an RTO clerk, etc)


Originally Posted by tharian (Post 4096031)
This looks like a test drive vehicle. No temporary plates either.

This is not test drive vehicle. Car was delivered one day before the crash. Accident took place at Dewas, MP.


Originally Posted by m3_07 (Post 4096017)
Do you guys think that the shock is well absorbed in the crumple zones?? also I did not see the front airbag, must perhaps have been cut or not seen??

RIP, the driver.

Crumple zones dont seem to have come into play in this case. She has probably flipped and landed, or maybe gone under something. Who knows? But definitely not a head on.

Looks like it veered off course and the road seems at a height. Should have rolled over too with impact on roof and curtain air bags being deployed ? Not sure why it resulted in fatality since it doesnt seem that bad. Not sure if seat belts were worn ?

Could be the case of novice driver or new driver for high GC vehicle. We can only speculate without further details on the accident.
It appears that Fortuner overturned during the crash, reminds me of following video. Why Toyota could not fix it?
While it's rivals in same UV space have much better road manners, under emergency conditions/ sharp steering inputs -

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