Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 4091107)
Last month I was driving on a state highway near Manipal. And this is how a biker merged into the highway from the side road.

Holy cow. This one was scary. I shudder to think what would have happened if the car had only touched this moron in this whole episode.

Had one such incident long back, near Mandya on the way to Bangalore from Mysore (Before the Nice road came up). This bike guy suddenly merged from the left lane came in front of our car and then stopped even more suddenly since there was a tractor in the front. Our car just touched the bike and the locals stopped us; created a ruckus. The scene was starting to get ugly. We didn't speak the local language. We quickly apologised to the biker (:Frustrati) and moved on. Was feeling really really angry and frustrated, but thought of letting it go. Drove on slowly for quite some time to avoid any road rage from my side.

One needs to be extra careful when you are in a different state and you can't speak the local language.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 4092797)
The car *may* have been cut up at places after the accident to retrieve the children. Which makes it look a lot worse than after the impact. Just guessing.

Really unfortunate to see young children perish like this. When will the parents realize it's not money kids need the most. :Frustrati

Pictures of the accident collected from local media reports. Clearly a case of overspeeding and loosing control. Ghastly accident, as per reports occupants and their body parts were thrown out of the vehicle. Parents are to be blamed for their careless parenting :Frustrati


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 4091107)
Last month I was driving on a state highway near Manipal. And this is how a biker merged into the highway from the side road.

I would totally expect it on any state highway.
There are ample number of blind turns (not this particular one) and there's no shortage of blind drivers/riders.

I think he's completely used to freaking out car drivers.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 4092797)
The car *may* have been cut up at places after the accident to retrieve the children. Which makes it look a lot worse than after the impact. Just guessing.

Really unfortunate to see young children perish like this. When will the parents realize it's not money kids need the most. :Frustrati

Very sad to note the loss of young lives.

However, how do we know the parents let them drive?
I have a bigger car and smaller daughter. The keys to the car will be hanging on the wall. If she becomes adventures while I am sleeping, I will end up with huge loss [not counting the car here] and to add to that should it be counted as my mistake? I guess we should refrain till it is ascertained that its the parents who encouraged them to do so. I know how 9th class boys will behave. They must be only looking at the fun part of it and the bragging rights. I will give the benefit of doubt to the bereaving parents.


Originally Posted by airbus (Post 4092965)
Pictures of the accident collected from local media reports. :Frustrati

Somehow, to my eyes, the car doesn't look like it was cut open. It might have ended up in this state upon impact. Thats how the body parts might have been sprayed around.


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4093274)
...I have a bigger car and smaller daughter. The keys to the car will be hanging on the wall. If she becomes adventures while I am sleeping, I will end up with huge loss [not counting the car here] ......

Let me ask a simple question. :)

Why does one keep a gun in a safe?

I have a licensed gun and leave it by the bedside, my kid picks it up for "adventure", and shoots someone *accidentally*. Whose fault/carelessness is it?

Keeping these things out of reach of young children is absolutely essential. More important than anything else. As this case shows, they might not realize it, but their lives are at stake.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 4093283)
Why does one keep a gun in a safe?

I have a licensed gun and leave it by the bedside, my kid picks it up for "adventure", and shoots someone *accidentally*. Whose fault/carelessness is it?

The purpose of existence of a gun is to inflict grievous injury on someone (often intentionally). The purpose of a car is to transport people from point A to point B. There will be a difference in society's expectations on the handling of the two.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 4093283)
Let me ask a simple question. :)

Why does one keep a gun in a safe?

I am sure you have your own logic in comparing Guns with car keys lol:
When is the last time you kept your car keys in locker?
There are very few places that will be unreachable for 9th grader [its not 9 month olds that we are talking about, here]

I doubt if anybody hides their car keys secretly. Atleast, I am not.

To extend this logic, there will be many more objects at home that a 9th grader can misuse.
So, its the 9th grader that should be put in locker, not the other way around :D


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4093297)
I doubt if anybody hides their car keys secretly. Atleast, I am not.
To extend this logic, there will be many more objects at home that a 9th grader can misuse.
So, its the 9th grader that should be put in locker, not the other way around :D

The fact that they were taking the car that too an SUV to highways itself shows that they were learning driving or knew driving. Without the knowledge of parents, a 10th standard student don't become a driver overnight. I am from the same part of the country, and have seen number of cases where boys don't want to go to college if parents don't get them a bike after passing class 10 exam.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 4093293)
The purpose of existence of a gun is to inflict grievous injury on someone (often intentionally). The purpose of a car is to transport people from point A to point B. There will be a difference in society's expectations on the handling of the two.

They did reach from A to B or did they, to put it mildly, die?


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4093297)
I am sure you have your own logic in comparing Guns with car keys.....

You can have own logic for keeping it wherever you want. :)
This is an accident's thread not parenting 101. We can discuss it else where.

But I don't agree to parents/owner of the car (if they are different) having no responsibility in this accident. I wonder, what the other parents are feeling whose kids were also in the same car. My sympathies to them.

We can agree to disagree. :)


Originally Posted by airbus (Post 4093306)
Without the knowledge of parents, a 10th standard student don't become a driver overnight.

You may be correct.
However, there is absolutely no clue if parents encouraged these kids to take a SUV and get onto highway. I was only giving benefit of doubt to the parents who lost their kids. If the parents did it themselves, they only have themselves to blame for the outcome.


Originally Posted by binand (Post 4093293)
The purpose of existence of a gun is to inflict grievous injury on someone (often intentionally). The purpose of a car is to transport people from point A to point B. There will be a difference in society's expectations on the handling of the two.

Both are not necessarily correct. Gun can be owned just for prestige or even as part of tradition! Car could be used for transport, sports and other purpose too. For every requirement there is certain method to be followed to maintain safety! If not followed the end result would be disastrous.


Originally Posted by FORTified (Post 4093319)
You may be correct.
However, there is absolutely no clue if parents encouraged these kids to take a SUV and get onto highway. I was only giving benefit of doubt to the parents who lost their kids. If the parents did it themselves, they only have themselves to blame for the outcome.

Come on, let us be serious. Do you stop at Red because the signal is Red or Cop is around? If I was taught by my parents, school or the licensing authority (in this case licensing authority is not in reference) to be disciplined and follow rule, I would stop at Red irrespective of Cop being around or not.

Definitely parents play a major role in up bring of kids, including driving. In case of driving, the learner starts with a reference till he becomes independent. Most of the parents want their kids to learn driving. But sometimes fail to give the right direction. The larger picture is missed and parents realize their mistakes when it is too late.

Sympathizes to the parents!


Not sure if blaming the parents is really correct. Two examples from my life:

- I myself took the company car which was parked at home without my father's knowledge when I was in the 8th with no training. We had a long drive way and I went up & down on it a few times and then ventured out on the road. (Also convinced another friend of mine to accompany me). This was done with no knowledge or encouragement from either of my parents and driven purely by the 'need to drive', fueled in no small measure by what I had seen in Sholavaram. I am happy to report that nothing untoward happened and both of us reached back without incident.

In this instance, no blame can attach to my parents. It was caused by pure youthful idiocy. I am mighty glad that nothing happened and I shudder to think of the possibilities now.

My dad also handled it very well, IMO - he called his driver and asked him to teach me to drive properly and ensured that the key was not lying around after that. This was in Madras

- About 6 years ago in HSR Layout a few 10th standard kids crashed into a tree in a park in front of my house. No serious injuries but the car was majorly damaged. I rescued the kids and made the kid driving the car (his father's car) call his father and confess. (He was planning to convince his driver to confess to the crime! Managed to talk him out of it) His parents were out of town and the kids had got hold of the key and went on a joy ride. With reasonably serious consequences.

The kids dad came home after he came from wherever and thanked me. Also made the kid apologize to me (dunno why!).

In both instances, hormones are probably at the root of the issue and not necessarily bad or even faulty upbringing. Youth does not believe anything will happen to it.

So, I suggest we back off automatically blaming parents without knowing details.

PS: Please do not flame me; I will not respond. Happy to engage in constructive discussion though.


Originally Posted by sridhu (Post 4093581)

Not sure if blaming the parents is really correct. Two examples from my life:

My dad also handled it very well, IMO - he called his driver and asked him to teach me to drive properly and ensured that the key was not lying around after that. This was in Madras

- About 6 years ago in HSR Layout a few 10th standard kids crashed into a tree in a park in front of my house.

In both instances, hormones are probably at the root of the issue and not necessarily bad or even faulty upbringing. Youth does not believe anything will happen to it.

So, I suggest we back off automatically blaming parents without knowing details.

PS: Please do not flame me; I will not respond. Happy to engage in constructive discussion though.

How did you learn to drive? Who taught you to drive at illegal age? Were you parents aware that you are able to drive at illegal age? In that case please explain why Parents are not Liable?

Your dad asked his driver to teach an under aged son how to drive properly but sorry to say at that age our mind is not developed enough and our hormones are out of control like you said. Good that your dad hid the keys but what about your friends dads car? If you have learned how to drive what will stop you from taking someone else car which is accessible.

Minors are Parents responsibility and there are no two ways about it every other argument is just an excuse.


Originally Posted by sridhu (Post 4093581)

Not sure if blaming the parents is really correct.

In both instances, hormones are probably at the root of the issue and not necessarily bad or even faulty upbringing. Youth does not believe anything will happen to it.

So, I suggest we back off automatically blaming parents without knowing details.

PS: Please do not flame me; I will not respond. Happy to engage in constructive discussion though.

I tend to disagree. Irrespective of whether you are trained or not , Isn't it against the law to drive at that age ? If it's against the law, I am sorry but your father too didn't handle it properly. Eventually, parents are responsible for the kids one way or other.

It is going to be tough to protect kids and keep them out of all sorts of trouble as they grow up. The influence of their friends/classmates/neighbors especially will be critical in how they behave.

However it is definitely the responsibility of the parents to talk to the kids and explain why kids shouldn't drive before the legal age / without proper training from a driving school / without getting a license. Same goes for drugs/drink/sex/other thrill etc. etc. Giving them all the comforts of life and money to spend is not the end of their responsibilities.

I have had this conversation with my son already a couple of times and hope to keep having such conversations on not just this but other topics as well. I hope it will sink in and he will remember these conversations and make the right decisions both for him and for his friends.

From personal experience getting to know way ahead of time that underage+unlicensed driving will not be tolerated from my father and knowing that he will support me in getting my license and teaching me to drive after I turn 18 kept me going till the time I finally got my license a few months past the date.

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