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Old 7th September 2016, 15:47   #21706
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by vivek95 View Post
Hi, this should be Amboli ghat (Maharashtra) right ??. I am 99% sure but please correct me if I am wrong. Western ghats all look same especially the North KA-MH belt ( so I am 1% doubtful). However, looking at the mangled Eicher truck and the shade of green and the road- it reminds me of Amboli. It was there in the same place in the same position when I passed Amboli ghat two months back but I didn't click any pic. Did you visit Amboli recently?? Wondering why this truck hasn't been towed away from the spot yet.
Very much Amboli. The last 5 seconds in this video should confirm that .

This morning I too saw that truck was more than sure I had seen that in one of my uploaded videos than my local copies.

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Old 7th September 2016, 18:02   #21707
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Have come across many accidents in my life that have happened due to high speed, low speed, rash driving, cutting lanes recklessly, misjudging a turn in ghats, driving / riding under influence, tyre bursts et all. , but this particular accident that I came across last year left me dumbstruck. Had heard of people slipping off the edges and falling off mountains, waterfalls etc. but never seen/heard of a 4 wheeler falling off a cliff from its "parked" position.

The below Tata Spacio ( right ? )accident was reported last year at Tilari hill station,western ghats, Kolhapur district,Maharashtra. View point you see below is the famous "Sunset point" in this area also called as "Lashkar point". I have visited this place umpteen times, it's very beautiful.

How this happened ??

This Tata Spacio belonged to a Govt. Primary health centre of the nearby Tilarinagar hamlet/village. The staff including one or two doctors visited the Sunset point (4kms away) post their duty hours. The said point is about 100 metres off the main road easily accesible by any vehicle. The edge of this cliff is guarded by railings and stands. There is a slope towards one end which is unguarded. Apparently, they had parked the vehicle facing in the direction of slope but not too close to it. The grass is heavily slippery though in monsoons. After enjoying the sunset, everyone got back into the vehicle waiting for the driver who was away for a loo. Somehow, somebody happened to meddle with the gear lever/clutch pedal or something that the vehicle was set into motion. Before anyone could react and step on the brake pedal, the ill-fated vehicle went over the slope and plunged into the 80-100 feet gorge below, within a matter of few seconds. I think 4 people were killed on the spot and 2 were seriously injured.

I casually happened to visit this spot 4 days later without any knowledge of the accident and a localite there told me about all this. I was with my friend and this person was still loitering around the spot warning everyone to be very careful. It seems he fully witnessed this unimaginable accident and later went down to the spot ( through an accessible path) to help the victims. Good of him. The survivors told him how it happened.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_20151018_164112.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_20160907_115609.jpg

Arrow mark showing the slope
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_20151018_163924.jpg

The spot below where the vehicle fell is accessible from this side.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_20151018_163943.jpg
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Old 7th September 2016, 18:06   #21708
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Another accident a few minutes ago on NECE road. This time near EC coming from Bhannerghatta.
A white sedan(looked like a Ciaz) was lying off the road to the left side. It was facing the opposite side. It was badly damaged and police were present with two cranes to lift it back. Injuries would've occured for sure but i hope it was not fatal. Damage to the roof suggested that it had overturned.
Since i was in my company cab going in the opposite direction, I couldn't take any pictures.
Has Anybody got more details?
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Old 8th September 2016, 08:59   #21709
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by vivek95 View Post
Hi, this should be Amboli ghat (Maharashtra) right ??. I am 99% sure but please correct me if I am wrong. Western ghats all look same especially the North KA-MH belt ( so I am 1% doubtful). However, looking at the mangled Eicher truck and the shade of green and the road- it reminds me of Amboli. It was there in the same place in the same position when I passed Amboli ghat two months back but I didn't click any pic. Did you visit Amboli recently?? Wondering why this truck hasn't been towed away from the spot yet.
Yes, that's true. I visited that side recently. Either there are legal complications or the owners discard. Worst case, the driver and owner were the same and if they ended up with serious medical complications post the accident then they might not be in a position to get back and pick the truck.
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Old 8th September 2016, 10:20   #21710
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
Another accident a few minutes ago on NECE road. This time near EC coming from Bhannerghatta.
A white sedan(looked like a Ciaz) was lying off the road to the left side. It was facing the opposite side. It was badly damaged and police were present with two cranes to lift it back. Injuries would've occured for sure but i hope it was not fatal. Damage to the roof suggested that it had overturned.
Has Anybody got more details?
No more details, but saw the mangled remains while on my way back home yesterday. Seemed to be a high speed crash as the car had gone into the bushes some 15ft away from the edge of the road. I passed the point before the cranes arrived. Another accident occurred at the same spot, few weeks back. That time, the car went into the ditch which is adjacent to the road.
As this is a slight curve to the left and the toll booth fast approaching, I think people misjudge the braking point. Most vehicles start slowing down at or just after this point and some fail to notice this.
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Old 8th September 2016, 15:11   #21711
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by arunmichael View Post
Maybe we don't deserve good roads.
Agree with you on everything in your post except the above. Just because some people drive recklessly, you are depriving other sane and sensible drivers of good roads. So, more than the offending drivers, you are actually punishing the people who did not do any wrong. Its pretty much like saying that since some students fail at school, we dont deserve a school at all. Sorry but does not make sense. No offence meant

What is required is more awareness and stricter laws along with enforcement. Make the punishments stricter including cancellation of DL and maybe banning from driving for life.
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Old 8th September 2016, 16:26   #21712
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

At 2:30AM last Sunday (4-Sep-2016), a Swift with 7 guys uprooted down 2 of those thick roadside milestones, then went on to hit & demolish the compound wall of my cousin's home, with the car finally ending up resting partly on the compound wall. Eye-witnesses say there was an 8th elderly gent who slipped away - he was driving the car and was drunk (as were some others too), which explains why he slipped off. 8 adults in a Swift ???

It's a straight road at this stretch, so no idea how he ran off the road. It was a rent-a-car (private car rented out for a daily rate) Swift.

In pic below, the circles mark where the pillars used to be. And the rectangles indicate where they ended up after hit by the car. The damaged wall is to the left of the Yamaha ray.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_0734.jpg

Close-up of the damaged wall.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_0732.jpg

The car resting on the wall was quite a sight, drawing a big crowd. But by the time I heard about this and reached there, they had moved the car from the wall. In pic below, you can see the car being towed away.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_0733.jpg

Miraculously, none of the guys were injured. Inspite of it being a hi-speed crash, evident from the fact that the two milestones were uprooted and thrown many feet away.

Since we see "expert" comments on this thread about safeness (or lack of it) of a car merely by looking at the accident photos/fatalities, can we crown Swift as the safest car to be in, given that there were not even any injuries to the occupants ? Hope not.
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Old 8th September 2016, 17:12   #21713
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post

Miraculously, none of the guys were injured. Inspite of it being a hi-speed crash, evident from the fact that the two milestones were uprooted and thrown many feet away.
8 adults in the car might have helped them
They are so tightly packed that there is no room to move and hurt themselves.
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Old 8th September 2016, 17:16   #21714
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post
Since we see "expert" comments on this thread about safeness (or lack of it) of a car merely by looking at the accident photos/fatalities, can we crown Swift as the safest car to be in, given that there were not even any injuries to the occupants ? Hope not.
The swift was not really safe. The wall was weak.

And the momentum( cars speed x additional weight of 8 men) could have helped. A swift with 8 men = A Creta (by weight).

Last edited by PrasannaDhana : 8th September 2016 at 17:21.
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Old 8th September 2016, 17:34   #21715
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post

Since we see "expert" comments on this thread about safeness (or lack of it) of a car merely by looking at the accident photos/fatalities, can we crown Swift as the safest car to be in, given that there were not even any injuries to the occupants ? Hope not.
Putting my expert hat on, it looks like your cousin needs to reinforce his compound wall. Or build a moat perhaps.
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Old 8th September 2016, 18:00   #21716
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by PrasannaDhana
The swift was not really safe. The wall was weak.
It's a single-brick wall - so yes, not very strong. But before hitting it, the car uprooted 2 of those thick concrete pillars too. And if you notice closely, the concrete gate-pillar has a crack at the base too - that's a serious hit.

Originally Posted by smartcat
Putting my expert hat on, it looks like your cousin needs to reinforce his compound wall. Or build a moat perhaps.
There is actually a moat (no water though) like depression between wall and road, since the road is at a higher elevation than the home - can be seen in the last snap.

BTW, if these guys were going in the opposite direction, where the road curves onto a bridge, and had ran off the road, they would've found themselves in the river.
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Old 8th September 2016, 18:30   #21717
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post
At 2:30AM last Sunday (4-Sep-2016), a Swift with 7 guys
Glad that it happened at the wee hours, it would have been more serious had it happened during the day. Thank God.

BTW did the swift guys compensate your cousin?

Absolute morons, when you need to move 8 people, why don't you rent an MUV or 2 hatch backs
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Old 8th September 2016, 18:52   #21718
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^^^Yes, they have agreed to pay for rebuilding the wall - estimated 30K.
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Old 9th September 2016, 00:13   #21719
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Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post

Since we see "expert" comments on this thread about safeness (or lack of it) of a car merely by looking at the accident photos/fatalities, can we crown Swift as the safest car to be in, given that there were not even any injuries to the occupants ? Hope not.
Haha. You're right. Actually this is the most uncontrolled thread I've come across on tbhp. The name distinctly says "Pics" which means ideally sharing the pics with a small detail, but in reality there are roughly 50-100 posts between every pic on an average :banghead: . Our repected mods have tried and failed umpteen times to get people in line but to no avail. Reminds me of the guys occupying the wrong side of the road during peak traffic times to get ahead but creating a gridlock instead.

I think the mods should try "Strictly Pics Only" or then change the thread name itself to "Accident RND Thread." If you cant beat 'em, join 'em. Eh? Also, then the car makers can shut down their own costly RND facilities and just subscribe to our thread and be sorted. Who needs costly scientists. It's free here....
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Old 9th September 2016, 08:12   #21720
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by pixantz View Post
The name distinctly says "Pics" which means ideally sharing the pics with a small detail, but in reality there are roughly 50-100 posts between every pic on an average :banghead: . ....
I dont mind going through 50 posts between pics if I find useful information in them. Anyways useless posts are flagged and deleted here.

Pics alone, without any discussion on them is not going to help anyone. People learn a lot through discussions that follow. I do agree they deviate some times, but not always.

If we can tolerate useless crap on our Facebook newsfeed, we should be able to tolerate minor deviations on this useful thread now and then.


- A scientist.
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