Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Ramon (Post 4049745)
And the unbroken white line and yellow line is there for a reason.

It's not because the painters favourite colour was yellow.

All are bad drivers / riders including the Indigo guy.

Exactly my first thought when I saw the video. All around bad driving, all around - the car included. Most people get away with such things, here the biker is extremely lucky not to be hit by an oncoming vehicle. I have seen people blatantly abuse that unbroken line. That thing is there for a reason, you see.

Also, its simple, you have greater risk when riding a bike, why would you increase it even more with such antics?

Though, great reaction by the Apache biker to avoid hitting the man!


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4049509)
I had a long weekend last weekend due to some local holidays. So, I was free at home and so I drove to that address.
Unfortunately i didn't find anyone by that name in that address. I didn't pursue it any further.

Thanks for going the Extra mile clap:
This is the maximum anyone can do under given circumstances.


Originally Posted by GreaseMonk (Post 4049719)
More than the crash itself, the lightning reflexes of the Apache rider behind him was shocking. I tip my hat to him!


Originally Posted by honeybee (Post 4050255)
That tailgating rider not only crashed himself, but also put the life of the Apache rider in jeopardy. The Apache rider has been forced to brake and swerve around the fallen rider in the oncoming lane.


Originally Posted by pratyush6 (Post 4050257)
Though, great reaction by the Apache biker to avoid hitting the man!

Sorry for the sarcasm, but the Apache rider too, is no saint. He was already too close to the tailgating biker and even before the first biker crashed, he was on the wrong side of the road. As mentioned, had the tipper been one truck length forward, the super reactive Apache rider might have been history by now.
Even in crowded city roads, I've seen this phenomena of one biker following the other blindly at close distance and it makes me think of a saying in Christianity - "Not on our merit, but on His Grace". Really, many of these kind of bikers survive due to super reflexes of other road users.


Originally Posted by Acharya
Realistically speaking, how many people know the difference between a dashed white line and yellow line? Problem lies in lack of information among drivers, IMHO Government is solely responsible for this mass ignorance

Depending on the Govt is not a solution. Agree many folks don't know, but if we (who believe we know better than the average driver) can impart the knowledge (need to first confirm our understanding is correct, to avoid spreading wrong info, unintentionally) to those in our circle like family & friends, we can do our bit towards better road behaviour.

And most importantly kids - at their impressionable age, they will take in good stuff and follow it for life. Eg. while travelling with family, we discuss road-markings / traffic-signs / specific bad-driving instances etc and my kids (9 & 5 years) know what the lines are for, what the sign indicates etc. So, even if want to cross a solid line, they will let me know that I should not. :) And they also know the logic behind why a section of the road is painted with dashed or solid lines (straight road vs curves/bridges).

Saw this accident just a few minutes ago on NECE road near Bhannerghatta junction towards EC.
This Scorpio belonging to Zoomcar had rear ended a truck. The truck had no Visible damages. All people inside the car looked safe.

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Some more spottings.

According to the person who runs a hotel where the bus is parked, the bus driver failed to notice a truck carrying some iron rods or pipes in the night and got hit badly

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Are tractors so fragile ? Happened near the place i stay and does not seem to be a high speed crash. I could hear some arguments about who is at fault, with two white clad politico style folks fighting. No major injuries to anyone though.

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Either the bus was on the wrong side or he did a 180 degree turn and fell down. There was no rain or wet conditions during that time. I am surprised as i went in the opposite direction a few minutes ago and did not see anything then. Accidents happen in less than a second.

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There is actually a cop standing on the right side of my car and stopping the traffic. Not sure what happened but resulted in injuring the tractor driver badly, he was thrown out of the tractor and was taken away to the hospital. Hopefully he is safe.

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Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4051415)
Saw this accident just a few minutes ago on NECE road near Bhannerghatta junction towards EC.
This Scorpio belonging to Zoomcar had rear ended a truck. The truck had no Visible damages. All people inside the car looked safe.

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Damn! I had rented that car and that was my first Zoomcar rental. Too bad it met with such a fate. Looks like they were too fast that too on the left lane. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4051415)
Saw this accident just a few minutes ago on NECE road near Bhannerghatta junction towards EC.
This Scorpio belonging to Zoomcar had rear ended a truck. The truck had no Visible damages. All people inside the car looked safe.

Seems the first thing people do after acquiring a DL is to book a Zoomcar of various sizes to try their hands on, with. There are innumerable cases of Ford Figos, Scorpios and even Mercedes A-Class that have met with a similar frontal bender being part of the Zoom fleet. NICE Road is broad enough, straight and quite systematic, unless one takes risks of going too fast and tailing other vehicles too close, such an accident is impossible.

Here's a tip for the rash drivers.. that thingamajig which you push deep with your right feet all the time? Push it less, way less.


Originally Posted by dark.knight (Post 4051450)
Seems the first thing people do after acquiring a DL is to book a Zoomcar of various sizes to try their hands on, with.

This has been discussed ad nauseam. On average the zoom cars/self drive rentals are rather rashly driven far more often than other cars. I tend to stay away from them on the roads just for my safety really.

My educated guess is that most such drivers are college kids/newly in jobs (?) pooling money and going on a trip and have no qualms about abusing the car (it isn't theirs).

I have one suggestion to self drive rentals - please increase the risk premium for new drivers or those who do not have a longer driving history, which is in line with a developed insurance practice. And perhaps have a payback at the end of the trip where 50% of the insurance would be refunded if you have not met any significant incident. I completely understand it is controversial and needs more thoughts and workings, but the general gist remains the same - to reward good driving, penalize bad drivers and make the road a safer place.


Originally Posted by hemanth.anand (Post 4051415)
This Scorpio belonging to Zoomcar had rear ended a truck. The truck had no Visible damages. All people inside the car looked safe.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 4051449)
Damn! I had rented that car and that was my first Zoomcar rental. Too bad it met with such a fate. Looks like they were too fast that too on the left lane. :Frustrati

Look at the tread (of the lack of it) on that tyre. Looks almost bald to me, and most probably the driver din't care to check for its condition. If he did, he wouldn't have sped like this to end up on this thread..!

On an other note: All people in the car were safe, except for the front passenger, who seems to have got a proper whack on the head. Hopefully this would keep reminding the person to belt up, at least from now :D


Originally Posted by pratyush6 (Post 4051472)
I have one suggestion to self drive rentals - please increase the risk premium for new drivers or those who do not have a longer driving history, which is in line with a developed insurance practice. And perhaps have a payback at the end of the trip where 50% of the insurance would be refunded if you have not met any significant incident. I completely understand it is controversial and needs more thoughts and workings, but the general gist remains the same - to reward good driving, penalize bad drivers and make the road a safer place.

Zoomcar used to cap your damage liability at 5K - which won them tons of customers. And even that they're doing away with for regular customers who don't make accident claims.

Myles used to take a 25k deposit on your car and that'd make you extra careful for sure - but looks like, following Zoomcar's popularity, they did away with it and introduced a 5K deposit like Zoomcar.

5K is a very minor amount so people feel more comfortable abusing the vehicle.

Poor chaps in the scorpio. What a way to spoil a long weekend holiday and getting stranded on this road just for a stupidity of the driver. I can easily imagine how it ended up in this situation. The lane discipline in NICE road is terrible. The trucks move on the right lane, center lane and left lane as well. The speeding cars overtake from the left most bike lane. The bikers are sometimes seen on the center lane. The guys in scorpio must be tired after a long holiday, desperate to reach homes (5 minutes early??), return the car at the drop off point on time, to avoid hefty fines for late return, and probably the frustrations to pass through Mysore road protests.

These days, whenever I see a Zoom car on the road on a weekend going out of Bangalore, I wish and pray that these guys get back safely.

Found the crashed Innova dumped opposite the Sakthikulangara (KL) police station. Strangely, it was covered - which is unusual for crashed cars dumped near police station. Inspite of the cover, one can make out that the front part is mostly gone. And apparently only the driver was in the car and the sole fatality (not 4 fatalities as mentioned earlier).
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Originally Posted by supremeBaleno (Post 4014243)
A really bad accident happened today morning (early hours from what I hear) at Poovampuzha (which is between Kollam and Neendakara). This is supposedly a National Highway (NH45), but in reality is just a 1-lane each-way road. An Innova coming from Kollam hit a KSRTC superfast headon - 4 fatalities in the Innova reported (unconfirmed). The driver of the Innova apparently dozed off. The KSRTC driver tried avoiding the hit, but could not - possibly because the road is narrow and nowhere else to move away to.

My wife passed that way today morning on her way to work and was too disturbed seeing the condition of the vehicles involved. She said the front (engine-bay + front passeneger cabin) of the Innova does not exist anymore. The front wheels of the bus were detached. Both of which seem to indicate the high speed & impact of the crash.

It is disheartening to hear of so many lives lost in accidents daily. And makes one worried too about long-distance driving. There was a time 10-15 years ago, when I would just jump into the car after work and drive Chennai-Kerala through the night (14 - 16 hours). Today I hesitate to think of doing such a drive even during the daytime.

Every day we hear people complaining the conditions of roads in our country. Lately i must say the roads have improved tremendously. With even the 800cc cars easily doing triple digit speeds no wonder we see such a large number of fatal accidents. Maybe we don't deserve good roads.

One cannot drive thinking that he will drive slowly and carefully to avoid accidents. There is always another guy who is driving careless. Drunken driving leading to accidents are rare these days compared to accidents caused by people talking on mobile phones, not using indicators, over speeding etc. My Dad never let me drive till i turned 18 and got the license. Now we can see lot of kids (read less than 16 years) driving bikes/cars, unfortunately with their parents' consent.

May be along with DL test, the new drivers should be asked to visit any nearby hospitals to understand the importance of driving sensibly. Also i don't think we can go by NCAP ratings as they are performed in controlled environments. The other day saw a video in Youtube where some one ( i think Fifth Gear team) performed a car crash test at 120kmph (assuming 2 vehicles travelling at 60kmph colliding with each other). The end result was a metal ball having no resemblance with its shape before the crash.

Now do we have an solution to curb accidents? I cant think of any other than a change in our driving culture.


Originally Posted by sunishsamuel (Post 4051444)
Some more spottings.

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Hi, this should be Amboli ghat (Maharashtra) right ??. I am 99% sure but please correct me if I am wrong. Western ghats all look same especially the North KA-MH belt ( so I am 1% doubtful). However, looking at the mangled Eicher truck and the shade of green and the road- it reminds me of Amboli. It was there in the same place in the same position when I passed Amboli ghat two months back but I didn't click any pic. Did you visit Amboli recently?? Wondering why this truck hasn't been towed away from the spot yet.


Originally Posted by Lobogris (Post 4051686)
Great story. It is fortunate that everyone got out of it without any harm. Why are you assigning some blame to the truck driver? It was the bus that didn't keep a safe distance from the vehicle in the front. The person rear ending is always at fault. What should the truck do if it encounters an obstacle? It has to brake.

agree: I could be wrong in accusing the truck driver but somehow it felt that he deliberately braked hard ( again I could be wrong, who knows if a dog crossed his path ). Also, the way he fled the spot indicated that he knew he had done some mischief OR was he trying to avoid being manhandled by the people ?? Can't rule out this possibilty too ; makes sense from his point. He should have rather confronted our driver. The helper too didn't mention about any obstacle they faced ( this guy was too innocent and looked scared ). But surely, there was no such inevitable reason for our bus to be closing in on him. Our driver tried to do the ''sling shot'' as in F1 :uncontrol ( ''slipstream'' if I am not wrong is the official term for this overtaking maneouvre)

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