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Originally Posted by pixantz (Post 4036962)
No sir. Not at all. I'd say: LACKING THE BASIC ABILITY TO DRIVE(ABSENCE OF BASIC DRIVING SENSE). The person issuing a licence to this particular specimen of a driver should be re-evaluated on his authority to do so himself.

The main reason for the lapse is that she's drinking something - maybe coffee or water from a bottle; if you observe carefully in the few seconds before she hits the scooter, she just takes a swig of whatever she's drinking, and hence the lapse.


Originally Posted by arjithin (Post 4036994)
The fact the car moved forward twice indicate that its an AMT version and the driver not aware of how an AMT works if both legs are off the pedals

The lady driver cannot see the other lady in front of the wheels from her driving seat. On top of that she panicked. You can see that the driver was always looking to her left side to see what is happening ; not to the front.

She definitely panicked - she's probably tried every lever or button; for e.g she activates the wipers too


Originally Posted by aqualeo2040 (Post 4037001)
All good points.
But I have a query:
Was it just me or the victim didn't have the helmet fastened?

Good catch. Probably she was wearing it like a cap without the clasp put on. However she was lucky as the helmet came off after she hit the ground/car.


Originally Posted by schakravarthy (Post 4036969)
Security guard who was trying to push the car forward, when everyone else was trying to push it backwards... Where did you leave your brain at mate! :-|

Again probably panicked - initially he seems to be telling her to stop by knocking the rear mirror and then does whatever first comes to his mind probably.


Originally Posted by Herbie98 (Post 4037121)
Another Ecosport accident in which the Airbags didn't open.

A friend's friend and his family were travelling to Kodiakanal from Bangalore on Aug 13, 2016. They met with an accident at Dindigul by-pass, on the bridge that has a 'C' curve. It seems that they lost control and rammed into the bridge's parapet wall.

I always wonder why they decided on such a sharp curve on this bridge because its a good long straight stretch that leads to this curve. So, there is every chance that vehicles will be having a good momentum when they reach this spot and first-timers can easily miss this sharp curve.

Here is the accident spot, I have circled it ,

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-snap1.jpg

But I think recently they have put some rumble-strips before this curve, I am not very sure though.

Thank god that the car didn't fall off from the fly-over.


Originally Posted by ecenandu (Post 4036877)
Good point. Where do you wait before the turn, middle of the road or on the extreme left?

Technically, one waits to turn right just left of the centre of the road. I can see why a 2-wheeler might feel very exposed in this position, Comments from 2-wheelers, on how they see this situation, please?

If a 2-wheeler decides to take the right turn from the left, then they are crossing the whole road, and must observe/act accordingly. You can't blame a driver if you throw yourself under their car.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4037161)
Technically, one waits to turn right just left of the centre of the road. I can see why a 2-wheeler might feel very exposed in this position, Comments from 2-wheelers, on how they see this situation, please?

If a 2-wheeler decides to take the right turn from the left, then they are crossing the whole road, and must observe/act accordingly. You can't blame a driver if you throw yourself under their car.

Hey guys, in this incident did the two wheeler guy survive? I did not find this information any where?


Originally Posted by Satishtv (Post 4037169)
Hey guys, in this incident did the two wheeler guy survive? ...

I don't know; only saw what is on the thread.

It certainly looked bad though. And that makes it bad for the car driver too.

By the way. Is this the second similar incident in recent pages, or am I repeating myself here? Could be I forgot :eek:


Originally Posted by kiku007 (Post 4036869)
The driver was showing her ID Card to the security folks. She was busy doing that and didn't notice the biker.

If those were ribbons on the Nano's bonnet then she must be a newbie driver as well.

A newbie driver by all means. Not noticing the biker in front, not noticing that her car has struck something and she almost ran over the fallen lady!

Mind you, even a small brush of the car with another vehicle registers in your mind. So no way the lady could not have noticed such a big impact.

And I suspect towards the end of the video the driver lady is probably arguing with the security guard. If so, a big moron!

About the manja episode, government should probably ban people from being parents if they allow such things as peeping out of the sun roof of a running car or sitting a child in the lap while driving.


Originally Posted by Herbie98 (Post 4037121)
Another Ecosport accident in which the Airbags didn't open. It seems that they lost control and rammed into the bridge's parapet wall. The surprising thing is that the airbags haven't opened up, even though the front end has lot of damage.

Firstly, very sorry to hear about the injuries. It might be easy to say that its good they escaped with their lives, but one must acknowledge that orthopedic injuries take time to recover from, and sometimes don't offer a full recovery too. One can only wish the best for them.

Coming to the accident, definitely puzzling why the airbags didn't open. But do you know how it happened? There's damage on various sides, so its not clear where the accident started? I see the following damage:
  1. The front left has significant damage (with a wheel ripped off)
  2. The front right also has significant damage
  3. There is what appears to be secondary damage to the front itself. I say secondary damage because the damage on the front left and front right seems worse than purely the front
  4. And most apparently, significant damage to the roof area, along with crushed A/B/C pillars on the drivers side - indicating the vehicle toppled or fell from some height


Originally Posted by Herbie98 (Post 4037121)
The owner of the car is thinking of raising a complaint with Ford on the non-functioning of airbags in a major accident as this one.

Yes, this needs to be done. If we look at the fourth picture we notice that the front crash member (i.e. the horizontal bar in front of the radiator) is pushed backwards on the left side of the EcoSport. The sensors for the front airbags are placed around this member and are triggered by its deformation. So its well worth hearing what Ford have to say about it.

That said, the manner in which the accident unfolded might also influence whether airbags are deployed. So, for us armchair analysts, it'll be good to know the sequence of events. Naturally, the people best placed to provide this are either recuperating or recovering from the shock, so details might remain sketchy.


Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 4037138)
Thank god that the car didn't fall off from the fly-over.

Very true - the height involved is scary - what is it - about 40 feet?

However, I notice that the roof has taken a hefty impact - whether this was caused by a rollover or fall we cannot tell. What we can tell from the absence of scrape marks on the paint of the roof is that the vehicle didn't slide on the roof for a distance.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4037172)
By the way. Is this the second similar incident in recent pages, or am I repeating myself here? Could be I forgot :eek:

Fortunately its just the same incident, this was discussed a few weeks ago on p1417.


Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 4037138)
I always wonder why they decided on such a sharp curve on this bridge because its a good long straight stretch that leads to this curve. So, there is every chance that vehicles will be having a good momentum when they reach this spot and first-timers can easily miss this sharp curve.

As much as bad design of roads, I would put equal blame on the drivers also. I drive out of Bangalore through Hosur-Krishnagiri-Dharmapuri-Salem-Dindigul and Mysore-Nanjangud-Gundlupet-Sulthan Bathery on a regular basis. Have seen lot of people speeding, when they see some good road surface. Many of them are first timers on these routes and don't know what lies ahead. Seen lots of panic braking, veering off the roads etc when they encounter the unexpected. Many people drive to holiday destinations as if the world is going to end. I would advice people to enjoy the drive as well and not only the destination.
I do the following when I drive on the highway.
  1. If there is someone trying to raise your Adrenalin (honking, tailgating, trying to pull you into a road race etc), let him pass, smile to yourself and say that you are not a boy racer; I'm mature enough to ignore the taunt.
  2. If you are driving on a highway which you have never traveled before, expect the unexpected and drive defensively. On Indian roads, you can expect anything from a blind curve to no road at all.
  3. Look out for road signs. Many people don't do that and they are life savers. Many of the highways have good number of sign boards, warning you about the dangers ahead.
  4. On long highway journeys, it's better to have a co-driver to keep vigil. Many a times, a second pair of eyes help to spot dangers which you might not see.
  5. If you are feeling fatigued, stop immediately at a safe spot. You will be jeopardizing yours and others' life by continuing driving in a semi awake state.
  6. And always be within your limits. I know it's subjective, but still.

Saw a lot of people and cops with ambulance gathered on Western Express Highway south bound at the end of the airport flyover. I was on my way to the airport but could not see much from opposite side. This was around 5:30 AM


Originally Posted by tazmaan (Post 4037299)
Saw a lot of people and cops with ambulance gathered on Western Express Highway south bound at the end of the airport flyover. I was on my way to the airport but could not see much from opposite side. This was around 5:30 AM

This is probably the accident that you are talking about


Originally Posted by Herbie98 (Post 4037121)
Another Ecosport accident in which the Airbags didn't open.

A friend's friend and his family were travelling to Kodiakanal from Bangalore on Aug 13, 2016. They met with an accident at Dindigul by-pass, on the bridge that has a 'C' curve. It seems that they lost control and rammed into the bridge's parapet wall. The vehicle is badly damaged, the driver and a rear seat passenger suffered severe injuries and had to undergo orthopedic surgeries at a hospital at Dindigul. The surprising thing is that the airbags haven't opened up, even though the front end has lot of damage. Both the driver and the front seat passenger had worn seat belts.

The owner of the car is thinking of raising a complaint with Ford on the non-functioning of airbags in a major accident as this one.

Sorry for the injuries. But by looking at the pictures, there is no major damage to the front end chassis or on the lower part of both the sides. Just the front bumper is damaged which is not enough to trigger the crush sensor mounted on the crumple zone of the chassis. Yes! The left wheel is ripped apart, but again that wont trigger the airbags. Its not airbag fault for sure, atleast from the pictures.


Originally Posted by arjithin (Post 4036994)
The lady driver cannot see the other lady in front of the wheels from her driving seat.

In a Nano? :Shockked:

On any vehicle with extended front, I buy that, but on a NANO?
I think you can see that lady lying on the ground too, from the driving seat.
By design, Nano should give equal, if not better, visibility of an Auto rickshaw.


Originally Posted by ninjatalli (Post 4037132)
The main reason for the lapse is that she's drinking something - ...

Mate - You just took the saying "Don't drink and drive" to another level :D


Originally Posted by kiku007 (Post 4036869)
The driver was showing her ID Card to the security folks. She was busy doing that and didn't notice the biker.

If those were ribbons on the Nano's bonnet then she must be a newbie driver as well.

No doubt it is the fault of the Nano driver but the scooterist should not have stopped in the middle of the road as well. Why did she not pull over to the extreme side of the road AND keep an eye on what is coming from behind? Since people drive crazily, it is always important for a two wheeler or a pedestrian to stay out of the way of bigger vehicles and to constantly monitor what is behind them. Even if you have the right of way, why put your safety in someone else's hands? If I stop on a two wheeler on a small road and I am blocking about 30% of it, I am taking a a chance that the passing vehicles would swerve to avoid me. What if one of them miscalculates? Why risk it when you can pull completely off the road and behind some sort of protection if possible?


Originally Posted by arjithin (Post 4037070)
Rear tire of a KURTC low floor bus burst, opening the floor beside rear tire and a passenger suffered broken leg on the impact.

The floor caving in due to tyre bust: Is it due to some design flaw in the TATA low floor buses or lack of proper maintenance ? I hope the authorities do a proper investigation about the matter.

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