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This is the stunt video! Just don't get it

This is the paper clipping of the other accident



Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 (Post 3996338)
Stunting at marine drive has become really common and hence from the past 3 days its almost impossible to go town side with the amount of police check post kept at every 500 meters resulting in a traffic jam after 12 in the night!


Originally Posted by maddy42 (Post 3996352)
This is the stunt video! Just don't get it

There is no excuse for such behaviour.. none. Here we are in this forum arguing on safety in cars, using seat-belts, airbag efficiency etc and on the other spectrum bike riders who do wheelies, stand up on the seat when the bike is doing good speeds in major traffic areas, doing slides when vehicles are zooming past and treating the public road with every last ounce of disrespect possible to the law.

Such bikers must be rounded up when caught in the act and jailed for a few years at the very least (non-bailable). They are endangering the other motorists and in worst case scenario potentially can frame them for no fault of theirs. Such activity should be looked down upon as the lowest of the low. Reminds me another such video where a joker was entertaining the passengers of a Mumbai local train by high-fiving electric poles and basically playing a real life Subway Surfer just outside the compartment door, in a blink of an eye a part of the pole met with his noggin and down he went into the tracks. Unlike the Android game there are no restarts here.

I suppose the riders friends would not have learnt a lesson even now, bet they are doing the same stunts as a tribute for their martyred friend. Also it doesn't make a shadow of a difference if he wore protective gear or not.. those who take extreme risks as like the above video do not deserve any additional safety, they may as well be nude. Protection is only for whom true safety matters.


Originally Posted by maddy42 (Post 3996352)
This is the stunt video! J

If I can say, talent and potential wasted, very early. Definitely he had had a talent of his own, but on public roads, a complete NO.

I cannot imagine their guts in pulling of such stunts on these busy roads. I was anxious that he might hit someone on the road. Sad end, hope others learn from this please:

I think videos like these must be reported wherever they are uploaded!
I have reported this video on youtube for dangerous content.


Originally Posted by avingodb (Post 3996439)
I think videos like these must be reported wherever they are uploaded!
I have reported this video on youtube for dangerous content.

'Dangerous content' or absence of policing on an important thoroughfare in Mumbai?
It is worth asking why such events/incidents take place routinely on our roads.

Whats the point in reporting the video. IMHO, it should actually serve as a deterrent for other such "dare devils" wanting to do such stunts in a busy road because the end could at times be something that they did not expect or ask for. Even worse if someone else on the road is caught unawares and gets injured/killed for no fault of his/her


Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 (Post 3996338)
Stunting at marine drive has become really common and hence from the past 3 days its almost impossible to go town side with the amount of police check post kept at every 500 meters resulting in a traffic jam after 12 in the night!


Originally Posted by anupmathur (Post 3996484)
absence of policing+

Anup, see what Tanveer has said in the last post on previous page!

There are enough videos like these online. The real question is whether or not they work to deter those idiots.


Originally Posted by maddy42 (Post 3996352)
This is the stunt video! Just don't get it

If only the fool had worn proper gear he may have still been alive.


Originally Posted by maddy42 (Post 3996352)
This is the paper clipping of the other accident


I don't understand. Their friends fled the spot? What kind of friends are those? Earlier you said one boy lay bleeding for 2 whole hours before medical support arrived? What were the other kids doing? This is plain retarded IMO I find it so hard to believe that a group of friends would be so ignorant after such a dangerous accident. I even find it fishy to an extent. What kind of buddies are these?


Originally Posted by avingodb (Post 3996493)
Anup, see what Tanveer has said in the last post on previous page!

This only highlights the utter lack of awareness/common sense in our traffic police. They feel they haven't done their job if they haven't created huge traffic jams and inconvenienced the public.
It is not necessary to set up road blocks to do good traffic policing. A few mobike borne policemen with walkie talkies is all it takes.

I would say, don't report the video - as this video has a climax, that will deter lots of wannabes from attempting something similar. Rather, report all those successful stunt videos, that inspire wrong confidence to people.

Gear or no gear, he has no rights to do these on a public road. What if he hits someone crossing the road with a pram? or an elderly couple trying to cross the road?

No excuse for his reckless actions, and let the video spread, and act as an awareness.

Call me insensitive, but I'm relieved he's gone without injuring anyone else. Folks like him never learn a lesson and are a menace to the civilized society.

Nothing insensitive in it. Better one useless life less than many innocent lives at some point of time.
I wish police take serious action against such street racers and their parents too, on the likes of confiscating their vehicles and slapping heavy fines which they should struggle to bear. That will ensure that they will never ever entertain their children with such things.

Another spoilt son of rich father:

Look at his response after being caught.


Originally Posted by 2500cc (Post 3996583)
Another spoilt son of rich father:

Look at his response after being caught.

From TOI:

When a constable finally forced him to stop, he staggered out of the car and demanded a cigarette lighter. He then told the police to get compensation for the victims from his father.

This is height of arrogance.
His parents also should also be arrested for not teaching this idiot, some basic manners and behavior. (Of course, not possible legally)


Originally Posted by maddy42 (Post 3996352)
This is the stunt video! Just don't get it

These people are a nuisance to the society.
They are putting innocent pedestrians and motorists' lives at risk for their own kicks.
In his death, this idiot has saved some innocent from getting killed.
Definitely, if he would have lived, he surely would have killed someone innocent in future in an accident.

Another hit and run and another two people killed. How long before the government makes stringent laws to deter people from driving drink? You should be tried for murder if you are driving knowing you are drunk. An unfortunate loss of life yet again. How many more?

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