Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 3982603)
Some of the accidents in this link looks to be at the same spot as the alto accident reported above,

Its definitely a very poorly designed intersection. Those triangular medians seperating the lanes at the crossing are so huge making the lanes so narrow.

Also the main road appears to be curving which seems to be hampering visibility of the vehicles that are cutting across to the side road.

Almost all the cases clearly show the failure of the motorists to slow down before the intersection in the first place and of cutting across the junction without even bothering to look around.

Its surprising to see the huge number of mishaps at this place and yet nothing being done to address the same.

At a minimum, installing very low rumble strips (with proper sign) about 50 meters before and after this intersection would ensure that people atleast slow down at this junction.


Originally Posted by tanwaramit (Post 3982516)

As someone said here, if the first truck wouldn't have tried to move right, and concentrated on stopping in the same lane, may be these lives could have saved. Like the instance mentioned by me. However, the truck driver thought of moving to right as his best to avoid the crushing the car.

The sheer momentum of a truck at highway speeds ensure that it will take atleast 500/600 meters to stop when the driver applies full brakes. I believe he didn't have any other move except to move right as far as possible, to try and avoid the alto/save the alto. Its the foolish alto driver that caused an unnecessary accident involving two other trucks, merely because he wanted to overtake a truck and turn right, he may have slowed down tot he left lane, waited for the truck to cross him then taken the right turn.

It could be also that someone in the car would have shouted "right right right" and this alto driver would have reacted instantly without realizing the vehicles around. Or he would have missed the right initially, realized it at the last moment and took this stupid move. If this was the situation all he could have done this, go and take the next "U" turn.

At times, I have seen people braking hard when they miss left/right turns, this is dangerous as well even if it is few meters only(especially on the highway). Or they slow down and then come reverse, this I regularly notice on the NICE road, bangalore:Frustrati.


Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 3982723)
Or they slow down and then come reverse, this I regularly notice on the NICE road, bangalore:Frustrati.

I've seen this regularly when travelling from Hosur road towards Mysore road junctions. The Bannerghatta road junction is not clearly marked, and it's easy to miss the exit. And then to save a few bucks, they try to reverse.


Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 3982603)
Some of the accidents in this link looks to be at the same spot as the alto accident reported above,

There is a thead on this infamous junction -
This is on NH7, Shadnagar bypass, Mahabubnagar district, A.P.

Alto tried to turn right from middle lane and paid the ultimate price.

Very unfortunate and sad to know about this Alto accident.

I personally feel it's the Alto driver who was completely at fault

1. Overtaking truck from left

2. And that too while taking a right-hand turn

3. I'm guessing he saw the truck coming from opposite direction and tried to out-gun him with that wrong overtaking maneuver and failed miserably

IMHO, this is nothing but, reckless driving by Alto guy and due to which he killed himself and four other passengers. I won't be surprised if it was a bunch of young teenagers in the car

May their soul R.I.P


Originally Posted by msdivy (Post 3982731)
There is a thead on this infamous junction -
This is on NH7, Shadnagar bypass, Mahabubnagar district, A.P.

Alto tried to turn right from middle lane and paid the ultimate price.

What a mad, seemingly possessed, junction! Everyone is blind as soon as they enter?
Especially bikers and buses, CRAZY!! One doesnt seem to care about himself, the other about Noone else. Geez, better go the long way around just to avoid this place.
And no preventive measures at all, even after that volume!

PS: Spot the apathy at 21-25 seconds. So nonchalant.


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3982775)
What a mad, seemingly possessed, junction! Everyone is blind as soon as they enter?

Its unfortunate to see such bad design roads still exist even after repeated accidents. After so many accidents, the authorities should have done something to that spot.

I see lot of similar bad designs in many TN roads. Also in Bangalore Mysore road, there are couple of 'surprise' junctions. If you are new driver to these roads speed will be a recipe for disaster.

Before people are taught alphabets, they should be taught manners, etiquette, discipline and of course, physics of driving and accidents. Till then we will continue to see such type of accidents.

I would blame the Alto guy. The first truck looks like a loaded long-distance runners which do not enter small towns so abruptly. I'm sure he turned right to avoid running into the maniacal Alto. On highways, the most disciplined people are long-distance truckers who never make sudden moves and generally drive straight and unhurried. As for Alto, we may be praying for his dead soul now but I'm sure he is one hell of a head-strong guy. Only such guys behave so recklessly on roads. I see his type all the time. They drive recklessly and after causing accident , would get into fights with other party. I may get a lot flak here but I only feel sorry for this guy's family but not for him. See the stupidity of this guy. Overtaking from wrong side and that too in a turn where vehicles take up more road space.


Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 3982603)
Some of the accidents in this link looks to be at the same spot as the alto accident reported above,

Seems there are a few set of common locations.
Also, there are a lot of commonalities between all the crashes.
1.People are alien to the concept of STOP-LOOK-GO.
2.Absence of road signage.
3.Road humps and traffic signals sprout up like mushrooms in the country. These few junctions desperately need those and well, the authorities have done zilch. Well not completely zilch, they did release the videos.
4.Patience and the absence of it.
5.Trucks,LCVs, Buses NEED lights all along the length of their body.
6.Don't think I need to mention overspeeding

Also, while some may call me names, I believe most of these victims had it coming;pure Darwinism at work.
I have run some road safety sessions at work where these videos do highlight the insanity on the roads and what not to do.

Major accident in Perumbadi near Virajpete (Coorg District) Karnataka earlier today. 3 die on the spot, 6 seriously injured. Head on collusion between Tavera and Lorry!


Originally Posted by schakravarthy (Post 3982529)
Even if the Alto wasn't in that scene, it looks inevitable that the two trucks would've crashed. Shouldn't the trucks have slowed down at the intersection? It's one thing to talk about the right of way, and who's wrong, but quite another to go charging into an intersection, hoping the other person will stop. Wonder how those two failed to see a thing as big as a truck; both being high seaters!

Don't think the truck next to the Alto intended to go right. He actually was trying to avoid as per my inference from the video. Assuming if incase he did want to take a right, with such speed and the load to accompany, the truck would have fallen on it's side, not requiring the second truck to help him in an accident.


Originally Posted by LoneRidder (Post 3982860)
Major accident in Perumbadi near Virajpete (Coorg District) Karnataka earlier today. 3 die on the spot, 6 seriously injured. Head on collusion between Tavera and Lorry!

The deceased are students of MHES college, Vadakara, Kerala. This happened early morning today at perumpadi on the Virajpet-Kannur road, at the start of the Makutta ghats. As per malayalam newspaper reports, the tavera was stationary and the lorry carrying some agricultural produce capsized onto the tavera. It seems it took two hours to rescue the trapped survivors.
The road immediately after the checkpost at Perumpadi has a sharp downward 'S' curve and there is a small hotel between the curve where a lot of drivers stop to have a sip of tea. I guess the lorry would have capsized after losing control at the curve and fell on the tavera which had just stopped in front of the hotel.


Originally Posted by arun_josie (Post 3982603)
Some of the accidents in this link looks to be at the same spot as the alto accident reported above

I can't speak about the location. However; at 5min15sec, there is an accident involving a Tractor and what looks like a Innova. At the intersection, the Tractor cuts across, Innova coming from the opposite direction is at speed and ram. Innova takes a spin and falls off the highway. Tractor chap jumps off his moving tractor and runs off. The tractor and trailer roll off the highway too. You have to deal with these guys on your daily commute to work and they put lives at risk on the highway.

I know there are consequences when you commit a mistake. Atleast when you know you are at fault, help the victims.


Originally Posted by sandsun7 (Post 3982877)
The road immediately after the checkpost at Perumpadi has a sharp downward 'S' curve and there is a small hotel between the curve where a lot of drivers stop to have a sip of tea. I guess the lorry would have capsized after losing control at the curve and fell on the tavera which had just stopped in front of the hotel.

Your comment reminds me of the phrase "only paranoid survive". If there is any chance of reducing probability of an accident, please do it. This might mean parking few yards away and walking extra steps or waiting at an unmanned junction for few more seconds and reaching the destination few seconds late.

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