Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by aspire (Post 3919219)

Irony !
Cops, who reported the accident from near Kathna bridge, said a FIR has been filed at the Gajroula police station and that a complaint has also been made out against the driver of the mini-truck for rash driving

Akin to how Jeremy envisioned entering the pearly gates in a Koenigsegg, backwards, on fire?
Jokes laid aside, I would really like to know why the truck driver driver was arrested? The police seem to be a spree with anti-logic nowadays.
And 2, its high time that TOI and the group start putting their reports though a "is it professional?" filter. "Lover"??? Seriously man?


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3918490)
The third pic from top shows the bike tire skid marks on the wrong side of the yellow line.

Our cops as usual will take the easy way out. They cannot do anything to educate road users / enforce rules. So the simplest way is to blindly blame the larger / more expensive vehicle

I still don't understand why Dash Cams are NOT made least in big vehicles. To me it's straight-forward logic and common sense. Won't those devices free us up from guess work / eye witness accounts and settle a lot of disputes?

-- Torqy


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3919306)
Jokes laid aside, I would really like to know why the truck driver driver was arrested? The police seem to be a spree with anti-logic nowadays.

I was once listening to a radio program, on Bangalore FM where the Traffic ACP (perhaps Dr. Saleem), was asked a similar question. His response was that the concept in India is that of "defensive driving" where you have to anticipate anything and everything, and react accordingly. Their duty is to make an arrest (in case of a serious accident, obviously), and then it is upto the court to decide who was at fault, and what should be the quantum of punishment.



Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3919306)
Jokes laid aside, I would really like to know why the truck driver driver was arrested?

That is the cops' duty. They cannot determine who is responsible for the accident and who is innocent. If they don't make this arrest it will be dereliction of duty for them.

It is the judiciary that decides the relative culpability and it is usually reflected in the share of third-party claims to be paid by each involved vehicle's insurer (apart from other punitive measures like fines and jail terms).


Originally Posted by ajayclicks (Post 3919444)
heir duty is to make an arrest (in case of a serious accident, obviously), and then it is upto the court to decide who was at fault, and what should be the quantum of punishment.

In India the following rule only works. "Irrespective of who is at fault, it is always the bigger vehicle that will be held responsible for the accident".


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 3918715)
As gut-wrenching and apparently insensitive it may be, that oft-peddled statement in such cases is patently false. Parenting can and makes a lot of difference in how kids turn out, including their approach to driving/riding.

Maybe not buying your kid a powerful, light bike as his first would be a good start. As a 20 year old who rides an RE C350, I'm immensely grateful to my father for not giving in to my demands for a Duke 390. If he had relented and bought me that Duke, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be typing out this post right now, especially considering it would have been my first bike.

Notwithstanding exceptions, most guys my age are just waiting for that next adrenaline rush, which is amply provided by the KTMs and Kwackers that are so easily accessible to everyone now.

I know of a 16 year old who was gifted a D390 upon giving his ICSE finals, forget about doing well. This kid, for all practical purposes, learnt how to ride on it. I did ask his parents about it, and they said that its none of my business what their son rides.

Isn't this the biggest problem when it comes to "youngsters" crashing and losing their lives? What can the police and judiciary do when the givers of life themselves seem to have a laissez-faire attitude to their offspring?

And before I get flamed, this wasn't directed at any member in particular, merely a helpless rant at a most pathetic state of affairs.

Found this beside the entry toll gate at APPA on Hyderabad ORR.

Toll gate guy said there were no fatalities. But this is such a classic example of no seatbelts worn.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 3920086)
Found this beside the entry toll gate at APPA on Hyderabad ORR.

Toll gate guy said there were no fatalities. But this is such a classic example of no seatbelts worn.

The Sail parked haphazardly is without hazard lights and almost blocking one lane on this road !! Maybe one of those idiots we see regularly who are desperate to click accident pics and share on whatsapp


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 3920086)
Toll gate guy said there were no fatalities. But this is such a classic example of no seatbelts worn.

Exactly. But these two guys will surely wear seat belts next time or will at least have helmets put on their heads.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 3920086)
Found this beside the entry toll gate at APPA on Hyderabad ORR.

Toll gate guy said there were no fatalities. But this is such a classic example of no seatbelts worn.

Maybe not a fatality. But that steering wheel, must have broken a few bones, hand or ribs. Look at how much its bent! And the passenger, that would be the mother of all headaches at the very least, yeah.


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3920102)
The Sail parked haphazardly is without hazard lights and almost blocking one lane on this road !! Maybe one of those idiots we see regularly who are desperate to click accident pics and share on whatsapp

The concrete patch around the Google in this image is where the toll booth is.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-1.png

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-2.png

My car was neither parked in a haphazard manner nor was it blocking any lane.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 3920119)
The concrete patch around the Google in this image is where the toll booth is.
Attachment 1480323

Attachment 1480324

My car was neither parked in a haphazard manner nor was it blocking any lane.

Didnt see a sticker so didnt realise it was you! Then I am more disappointed here ! A moderator trying to defend what is actually a very dangerous situation

If we both are referring to the same pic , then the car pictured here is blocking almost half of the lane. Also I do not see any hazard warning lights here.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 3920119)

My car was neither parked in a haphazard manner nor was it blocking any lane.

The road markings say otherwise. Your car seems clearly outside the solid white line. And neither is it perfectly aligned behind the Tavera as your sketch suggests.


Originally Posted by speedsatya (Post 3920122)
Didnt see a sticker so didnt realise it was you! Then I am more disappointed here ! A moderator trying to defend what is actually a very dangerous situation

If we both are referring to the same pic , then the car pictured here is blocking almost half of the lane. Also I do not see any hazard warning lights here.

This is the entry from APPA on the Hyderabad ORR.

Its a two lane road with the toll guy sitting in a booth in the middle. The left hand side is entry. The right hand side is blocked. There are concrete barriers kept there. There is NO way anyone can enter from that side.
Every car that enters from the left has to take a toll ticket.
They then proceed in the same left lane towards the ORR.
The lane merges about 300 meters away.

To come next to my car, a driver will start from 0 kmph. Then after 3 meters turn a sharp right.

When I go down for lunch, I can get my dash cam video. That will show this much clearly. :)

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-1.png

If you refer my zoom out picture from before you will realize there is a long way to go before the road merges into the ORR.


Originally Posted by bblost (Post 3920135)
This is the entry from APPA on the Hyderabad ORR.

Its a two lane road with the toll guy sitting in a booth in the middle. The left hand side is entry. The right hand side is blocked. There are concrete barriers kept there. There is NO way anyone can enter from that side.
Every car that enters from the left has to

When I go down for lunch, I can get my dash cam video. That will show this much clearly. :)

I do not want to go offtopic and waste time trying to educate you the right way to park. There is a reason why that solid white line is seen on the road.
If the road guys had to go by your logic , then they should parked the Tavera in the middle of that lane. After all there is no way that any vehicle can pass through that lane :D

Hoping this is an one off case and please be careful when you park next time. One mistake on the road can alter so many lives.

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