re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos I thought I would share a rather unfortunate incident where I was the victim of an accident.
About a month back, I had picked up cycling as a hobby. I consulted with a friend of mine who is a serious cycling enthusiast. Bought a cycle and all the necessary accessories including helmet, reflective bracelets, led and laser lights to alert other fellow road users about my presence.
Today morning at around 6:30 AM, I was calmly cycling along Thrissur-Shornur road. I was occupying the left most part of the left lane. I had all my safety gear on. I was just enjoying the rush of morning breeze across my face as I pedaled along when BAM! An impact from behind sent me and my bike crashing to the ground! The fall seemed rather long, as I can recollect the intricate details of what happened next. A Hero Splendor writhing away from me, swaying violently, sliding and finally crashing and grinding on to the tarmac that was ahead of me. It was then that I realised what just happened. A surging pain shot off from my right leg. I just lied and twisted in pain as people came rushing to the scene. They slowly picked up the two guys who were riding the motorcycle. One was bleeding from his face, and the other was apparently shaken. I slowly stood up, albeit painfully and was relieved to see that my leg was still in one piece. I had some abrasions and contusions throughout my body, especially my right side. I was wearing the team bhp jacket as well, which soaked up some of the road rash! But the worrying factor was the leg. The onlookers arranged an auto into which the motorcyclists were accommodated. They asked me to get in too , to which I politely refused, seeing that they're much more in need of medical attention than I am. I am a doctor myself so I decided to treat my injuries myself. Also, my parents were waiting for my arrival back home. They had come to visit me and was preparing to leave when I came back after my cycling session. I couldn't let them get anxious. I collected the numbers of the Splendor riders and their friends who were following on another motorcycle. Took some photos of the involved motorcycle and it's license plate. After some time, some of the riders' friends also showed up who apologised and was ready to settle any financial claim that I may have. I told them I will inform them later after evaluating the damage and sent them back to their injured friends.
Now, I wanted to be angry, really angry at these people for harming me (although accidentally) and ruining my cycle, my leg and my day. But the looks on their faces, it reminded me of myself a couple years back. They were apparently sorry (or at least looked that way), in pain, and afraid. Somehow I couldn't bring myself to boiling point. They were just a bunch of teenagers with lousy driving skills. But if I consider the big picture, I consider me and those boys immensely lucky. There was some traffic behind us and this could have ended really, really bad for the both of us. I later called them up to check if they are ok, which they were, luckily.
Now I ask my fellow team bhp members, was I too naive? Should I have been more stringent? I haven't yet informed the police either. Some of my friends with whom I shared this experience weren't too keen on me letting them go so easily. But to tell the truth, I almost thought that this was the end for me. It all happened so fast and so violently. And I really am grateful for me being able to pen this down over here today. And that kinda trumped whatever anger that was spooling up in my mind. I do feel upset, but not angry.
I hope this serves as a reminder to everyone reading this. No matter how skilled you are, how prepared you are, how safe you think you are, there's some unexpected incident waiting to unravel an unfortunate turn of events. That's the unpredictability of our Indian roads. Drive safe!
OT: Everyone asks us to be optimistic, so here's a light moment that happened in between all that commotion. While I was picking myself up from the ground, hazy, confused, and in pain, I noticed a white car which pulled over. I was just looking at those wavy LED patterns in the car's tail lights as if I were in a trance and wondered 'Hmmm! This seems familiar. Is that a BMW 3-er or a 5-er?' Suddenly one of the on-lookers shook my shoulders and asked me if I was alright. Reality stormed into my head and among my cries of pain and despair was a tiny bit of disappointment when I realised ' Ah damn! that's just a Cruze with a modified tail light!!'
Last edited by GKR9900 : 19th February 2016 at 18:47.