Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 (Post 3914615)
Folks, just read this accident news. So so so shocking, brought tears to eyes.
Someone breathing his last, and asks the doctors to harvest his organs ! Massive Respect !!

After seeing this, I was reminded of a similar accident I witnessed in Mumbai long time back. The person's torso was split and was shouting in pain. Horrific sight. I saw this on etv news last night and have not come out of it till now. What really surprised me is no one went to his aid or made an attempt to move him :Frustrati When will our country learn to be sensitive and start thinking for others.


Originally Posted by sumathindra (Post 3914725)
After seeing this, I was reminded of a similar accident I witnessed in Mumbai long time back. The person's torso was split and was shouting in pain. Horrific sight. I saw this on etv news last night and have not come out of it till now. What really surprised me is no one went to his aid or made an attempt to move him :Frustrati When will our country learn to be sensitive and start thinking for others.

how the hell did they even air this? they censor Deadpool, but let this be aired? how many people would have been traumatized by the sight of the victim! :Frustrati

btw, what happened to the truck driver? fled as usual?


Originally Posted by IronH4WK (Post 3914730)
btw, what happened to the truck driver? fled as usual?

The news link says he was arrested and booked under rash driving.


Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 (Post 3914615)
Folks, just read this accident news. So so so shocking, brought tears to eyes.
Someone breathing his last, and asks the doctors to harvest his organs ! Massive Respect !!

Second that!

In such an incidence, other than blocking traffic, calling ambulance and informing police what else can be done? I can only think of blocking the part of road to avoid moving things from accident sight so that injuries don't aggravate. Managing the crowd, holding the ground until help arrives are just few things definitely doable for anyone. And may be give victim some moral support and if you can give water! But in this case, this brave-heart did not need any moral support. Regardless of whose fault it was, one life is lost and the one who lost it has chosen to continue to see the world through his donated eyes.


One of basic first aid tenets is do not move the accident victim till qualified help arrives. Yes you can help create safer environment by keeping crowd at bay and keeping other traffic redirected. At first this sounds stupid but when qualified people shared how improper handling harmed the victim more than the actual accident we had to agree.

Cannot say if this was indeed the best thing but before rendering help think about it.


Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 (Post 3914615)
Folks, just read this accident news. So so so shocking, brought tears to eyes.
Someone breathing his last, and asks the doctors to harvest his organs ! Massive Respect !!


Originally Posted by suresh_gs (Post 3914622)
The worst part of the news was that after the brave youth was lying on the road writhing in pain on the account of his body being sliced into two, onlookers were busy capturing videos of the same rather than attending on him immediately. :Frustrati:Frustrati


Originally Posted by sumathindra (Post 3914725)
After seeing this, I was reminded of a similar accident I witnessed in Mumbai long time back. The person's torso was split and was shouting in pain. Horrific sight. I saw this on etv news last night and have not come out of it till now. What really surprised me is no one went to his aid or made an attempt to move him :Frustrati When will our country learn to be sensitive and start thinking for others.

Latest information is that the one of the tyre of the truck burst and the rim of the wheel ran over the body cutting into two. Fearing the mob, the truck driver drove for 2 kms, parked the truck and ran way. will try to get the pictures.


Originally Posted by Sarvodaya (Post 3915072)
Latest information is that the one of the tyre of the truck burst and the rim of the wheel ran over the body cutting into two. Fearing the mob, the truck driver drove for 2 kms, parked the truck and ran way. will try to get the pictures.

No, please don't try to get the pictures. Respect for the man who in his dying breath wanted to donate his organs for someone else. May he RIP.


Originally Posted by naveenroy (Post 3915073)
No, please don't try to get the pictures. Respect for the man who in his dying breath wanted to donate his organs for someone else. May he RIP.

No No not the victim pictures, it is tooooo gory. The victim crying for help is still in front of my eyes since yesterday. I was talking of the Photos of the damaged bike, truck and the truck's bursted tyre.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 3913478)

>> Escalated it to Commissioners office with emails along with local police station in CC - They took out the notepad of the constable who lodged the offence - It was a green hatchback
>> Called and told them that mine was a silver sedan - End of the case. Within four days that offense was no longer present under my car registration

almost the same issue with me as well. I have two notices pending against my car, when I was with the car in a completely different city on that day. I asked for proof, and they do not have any. Can you please provide the email ID at commissioners that you mailed to? the station in question is Indiranagar.


Originally Posted by dass (Post 3915113)
almost the same issue with me as well. I have two notices pending against my car, when I was with the car in a completely different city on that day. I asked for proof, and they do not have any. Can you please provide the email ID at commissioners that you mailed to? the station in question is Indiranagar.

Its been a long time since I mailed them but I have one Id that I can share publicly - tmcbtp at the rate gmail dot com. Usually this should be sufficient enough.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 3915135)
Its been a long time since I mailed them but I have one Id that I can share publicly - tmcbtp at the rate gmail dot com. Usually this should be sufficient enough.

I have sent them a mail asking for the proof, I had tried Twitter and FB earlier, no luck. Hopefully I get some response here. This is really irritating that a law abiding citizen is made to run around to get proof when scores of law breaking masses go Scott free:Frustrati

This crash is from Vadodara, and I have received the images as Whatsapp Forward.
Dont know further confirmed details. Seems to be a high speed crash.

First hand information of the Ambulance driver who reached on the spot to help Harish.


Harish's body split his torso from his pelvis and legs after a truck's tyre reportedly burst and the rim of the tyre ran over him. The youth suffered massive crush syndrome and succumbed to his injuries. It was 32-year-old Yadav - with the Highway Patrol Ambulance in Nelamangala — who was with him alone en route hospital.
And this is what caused the accident & death of Harish:


Preliminary investigations into the gruesome road accident that left 24-year-old Harish Nanjappa dead and his body split in two halves has revealed how the accident took place. Officials said the driver of a sugar-laden lorry applied brakes to avoid hitting the victim, whose bike had skidded and fallen on the road after the vehicle attempted to overtake him. The sudden application of brakes reportedly caused the front tyre of the lorry to burst, resulting in the steel disc going over the victim and slicing him in half.
As Harish was riding his motorcycle towards Bengaluru around 8.30 am on the Nelamangala-Tumakuru highway, the lorry attempted to overtake him. The rider slowed down and tried moving to the left but skidded and fell; and the speeding lorry braked hard, causing the front right tyre of the vehicle to burst.
Interesting to know how the right front tyre (rim) ran over Harish. Was he riding his bike on the fast lane, close to the median ? With due respect to Harish and all the members here, I am not playing any blame game.
So please refrain from pouncing on me for asking such a question. But I won't be surprised, if he was on the lane next to the median.


Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 (Post 3915371)
Interesting to know how the right front tyre (rim) ran over Harish. Was he riding his bike on the fast lane, close to the median ? With due respect to Harish and all the members here, I am not playing any blame game.
So please refrain from pouncing on me for asking such a question. But I won't be surprised, if he was on the lane next to the median.

Fair enough question. This accident should be a reality check for bikers and scooterists. They are not invincible and their bodies are as fragile as eggshells. Poor Harish was even wearing a helmet which was of no use to him in this incident. You may be a very diligent and law-abiding biker that follows all rules and you are still at the mercy of everyone else on the road. And when fate decides to mess with you, you lose - everytime. Frankly, we have reached a stage where we should seriously contemplate if 2 wheelers have a place on our roads, their time/space/money benefits notwithstanding.
RIP to the departed noble soul who pledged to someone, the gift of sight, in his dying breath. And a pox on "humanity" that seems more interested in uploading "sensational" pictures on their Whatsapp groups.


Originally Posted by green_wheel (Post 3915403)
Frankly, we have reached a stage where we should seriously contemplate if 2 wheelers have a place on our roads, their time/space/money benefits notwithstanding.

This is an interesting point to ponder. Our infrastructure especially the roads are in such a bad condition that even a helmet will not be of any use if one comes under a heavy & big vehicle. A couple of months back a couple met with an accident where the wife came under the bus/truck and the husband was charged with negligent riding. All this for avoiding potholes and attempting to ride on the road!

Having said that may his soul RIP and let his family garner the strength at this hour.


Originally Posted by green_wheel (Post 3915403)
They are not invincible and their bodies are as fragile as eggshells. Poor Harish was even wearing a helmet which was of no use to him in this incident.
we should seriously contemplate if 2 wheelers have a place on our roads, their time/space/money benefits notwithstanding.

With those time/space/money benefits, one can also have the benefit (or that's what they think) of being able to squeeze through like rats and cockroaches. No offense to bikers since I used to be one in the past, but I can't help it


Originally Posted by sumathindra (Post 3915427)
even a helmet will not be of any use if one comes under a heavy & big vehicle. A couple of months back a couple met with an accident where the wife came under the bus/truck and the husband was charged with negligent riding. All this for avoiding potholes and attempting to ride on the road!

The below incident happened yesterday which shows a stark contrast from what happened to the departed soul Harish

Small Incident

Here, the guy did not have a helmet and fell face-on. Some people helped him get up and this guy gets up and walks off as though nothing happened. In this incident, you can see negligent behavior from both the rider and the pedestrian. I guess this kind of an incident(s) make people feel invincible. Of course, as green_wheel mentioned, human body is fragile and anything can go wrong if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.

WRT the accident that happened to those couple, I take the same road and the flyover in it every single day. Even today, the problems haven't been fixed and it keeps getting worse day after day. Who in the world is that brilliant engineer who designed a flyover which has a huge pothole on top? :deadhorse Not to mention the linking material, the iron bar thingy (or whatever the civil engineers call it) which is between two pieces over the pillar shaking and making noise like crazy when the cars go on top of it. I sometimes get scared on the thought that the flyover might fall off!

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