Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by coolboy007 (Post 3912551)
Its high time Zoomcar and other rental companies raise the security deposit and do not give high end cars to people below 25 years of age before innocent motorists get involved and killed.

In UK, you have to be over 25 and have held a full driving licence for two years before you can rent any car --- and companies renting high-end/powerful vehicles might demand that their customers are even older.

These policies will have been decided upon according to the experience of the companies, and in consultation with their insurers. Any company who tried to reduce that age, say, to 19, would probably be refused insurance cover, and that would put them out of business. Insurers have people (called actuaries) who crunch these numbers all day and every day: they know which groupings of drivers are most likely to have accidents. Likely does not mean will. But they know that it is the likelies that affect their bottom line, not those in the groupings that turned out to be safe.

Many, especially those who are affected, will say that it is not fair, or it is all wrong, or that they are the exception. Tough.

I don't know why Indian insurers are not catching up. One day they will.


Originally Posted by nkghai (Post 3911753)
Yes Archit, this happened last month near Khanna on Ludhiana-Chandigarh highway.
She was going on leave cum posting i believe. She was posted out from Rajouri going to Jodhpur via her residence in Delhi.
You would notice that the clerk has goofed up with SS in place of WS on the coffin.
Very sad indeed.

Seems like a new car purchased from Guj CSD. Was she driving herself. Any ways may she RIP. There is no goof up by the clerk lady officers are not given WS numbers any more they get SS numbers only.


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3900002)
So here is how this whole incident has finally culminated to closure.
The guy kept calling every alternate day, saying that his bike is fixed. He wanted cash to collect it, as insurance would take time to clear. I told him, I gave you money, use it. Post that his tone changed and he started going all sanskari, "you are not doing teh right thing. You should give me money. You promised. I will have to do something about this now."
This time I completely lost it, and told him, if you wish, I will start doing "wrong" now. Some choice expletives were heard, after which I told him very politely that all your conversations are recorded, if you are not aware. I also told him that I have teh original medical reports. I will submit them to the cops and the call recordings and file a case for blackmail.
Haven't got a call since, and I still went ahead and accelerated his insurance claim so that he received the money in 3 days. I did get another call from the police guy, and he told me to not worry, he'll "fix" these fellows. Even asked me if I wanted my money back :D...oooooh, tempting.

1. Get a DVR. I have.
2. Slow down, scrape the left side of the road/wall, if you have to, but be very wary of bikers, especially in such areas where locals utilize the route.
3. Stop if you can safely help, else get away to a police station, make a call to 100 proactively.
4. Get to a police station to work out details. The cops will manage settlement. Don't go for "yahin kar lete hain". It will results in fights, damages, and will be costlier.
5. You do not owe the monkeys anything. Whatever amount you have had to pay, is because you've been trapped. Let it go.
6. Again, you don't owe anything. If you get harassed, file another complaint.
7. If you have greased some palms, you CAN get a copy of the signed settling letter.
8. DO NOT disclose your address to the other guy. Only to the cops. Phone numbers can be changed later, yeah?

But all the above are applicable only when you are being victimised.

Take care, and drive safe ( as much is possible).

Damn, this is still not over.
I got a call from the PS that I need to come to the station tomorrow morning. Apparently the guy has made a complaint that they were not entertained. And now an FIR has to be filed. The cop says they are probably looking for some more money, and that the people are bedridden. I have their medical reports, which say otherwise.

The settlement letter, where they've agreed for no "karyavahi" is also with me(copy).

Can someone experienced, or maybe some lawyers can guide as to whether I should go to court? If so, what would be the procedure. I cant be available 24/7 for this.
They've also asked me to bring my car, both vehicles will need to be impounded. and should I carry original papers of the car, or copies?

Kind of urgent.


Originally Posted by virgopal (Post 3912681)
Noida shocker: Runaway car ploughs into school, kills a child, injures another

Drives in reverse gear at 70/80 kmph? Is that even possible for a car to attain a speed that high in reverse that too so quickly??


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3912991)
Can someone experienced, or maybe some lawyers can guide as to whether I should go to court? If so, what would be the procedure. I cant be available 24/7 for this.
They've also asked me to bring my car, both vehicles will need to be impounded. and should I carry original papers of the car, or copies?

Kind of urgent.

I don't have any experience nor the legal knowledge, but I suggest you carry the xerox copies of the medical reports and the settlement letter, don't take the car, and try and talk to the officer handling this case. If he is convinced, he might persuade the other party.

Legally if they do follow up with FIR, you may have to take the car, and then approach the court with the evidence you have, to prove that the other party is looking for extortion.

Get a good lawyer asap.

Does anyone here have information on yesterday's 'Kerala Lines' Scania accident ? It appears that one passenger from the scania bus got killed. Any info will be appreciated.


Originally Posted by n_naik (Post 3913110)
Does anyone here have information on yesterday's 'Kerala Lines' Scania accident ? It appears that one passenger from the scania bus got killed. Any info will be appreciated.

No Passenger was killed/hurt. The accident happened after an iron bar laden truck suddenly changed lanes and came on to the right lane in order to avoid hitting a car ahead. The bus was in the process of overtaking the truck when the truck came right. The front left side of the bus hit the truck, and the bus attendant passed away in the accident.


Originally Posted by binaiks (Post 3913178)
No Passenger was killed/hurt. The accident happened after an iron bar laden truck suddenly changed lanes and came on to the right lane in order to avoid hitting a car ahead. The bus was in the process of overtaking the truck when the truck came right. The front left side of the bus hit the truck, and the bus attendant passed away in the accident.

Quite sad. May the Bus attendant's soul RIP.


Originally Posted by arvind71181 (Post 3913013)
Drives in reverse gear at 70/80 kmph? Is that even possible for a car to attain a speed that high in reverse that too so quickly??

Quite unlikely. Normally,in any gear,if ignition key is turned,vehicle will jump and stall.So,vehicle would'nt have moved backwards at such high speed as reported by Newspaper, unless he had knowingly driven in reverse,without checking the Rear view mirrors for anyone behind.

Another bad experience for me yesterday while returning back from Chennai near a place called Acharapakkam. A TATA ACE darted into the highway in an attempt to cross the road miscalculating the speed and distance with which I was approaching him. At the last moment,the driver realised it's too late and decided to brake after crossing 60% of the road width. I was startled due to his sudden, aggressive entry and sudden brake from a blind side road (though I was rolling at only 80 kmph with a mother-to-be at my side)and thought he will hit my car for sure. Thank god the idiot just stopped short of inches from the side of my car and I was able to squeeze my way between his bull bar and steel railings of the median. The desire and necessity to install a dash-cam just got even more stronger from the recent chennai trip.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 3850577)
Glad to know you guys are safe, and escaped with minor injuries. It could have easily been far worse.

More than driving long hours - it's not being overconfident that's important. Knowing one's and the vehicle's limits is absolutely crucial. Hope you guys get well soon.

After all your well wishes I am back to driving from last week,my wife's head injury wound had healed up a long back & my rib bone appears to have healed up too,I was on strap lumber support & advised no driving,had an x-ray done last week & found OK,though my wife & daughter is getting a bit nervous sitting beside me ...


Originally Posted by coolboy007 (Post 3912577)
Handling over a 170-180 bhp car to a young 19 year old, who knows that just 5000 is at stake, goes out on a rash joyride with his buddies seems fine to you? I am also 23 and know how kids of this age group are. There may be exceptions like you and me because we are a part of a forum like team bhp and have good upbringing, 90% are the other types.

No, posing that judgement as a fact seems wrong on your part mate :) Also let's not resort to exaggeration when dealing with such strong judgments. I don't know about you, but 9 out of 10 of my friends have definitely not crashed their cars that number is more likely the other way around.

Originally Posted by coolboy007 (Post 3912577)
Isn't it understood that you would find more rash drivers along the age group of 18-23 than some one around 28-31 as you are giving the example of that Ciaz guy? There is a reason why car insurance is expensive in america if you are young and the same reason that you have to pay a hefty extra "young driver surcharge" if you are below 25 and want to rent a car in Europe. Heck, some cars are not even available for renting if you are below 23-25.

Young age drivers are considered dangerous drivers world over for a reason. I do not care for the lives of such morons but dread that some innocent biker/cyclist could get killed due to their foolishness.

I did some reading up, did you know that drivers over the age of 73 are more likely to be involved in accidents than drivers under the age of 25? Did you also know, that women are more likely to be involved in accidents that men in all ages over 25? By your reasoning, I guess they ought to be banned too. So should Sallu Bhai and high payed lawyers and doctors and politicians no? ;) These are controversial things to bring up and I suppose it is more acceptable for insurance companies to get away with only charging a premium for younger drivers. Oh and I guess it is just a happy coincidence that the young drivers fall under the largest demographic that holds a license and requires vehicle insurance. Insurance companies are driven only by profit they don't care about what's right as much as they care about getting more money. So don't get taken so much by their most "relevant" statistics. Stricter licensing norms in my view are the need of the hour further decisions must be taken from there-on only.


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3912991)
Damn, this is still not over.
I got a call from the PS that I need to come to the station tomorrow morning. Apparently the guy has made a complaint that they were not entertained. And now an FIR has to be filed. The cop says they are probably looking for some more money, and that the people are bedridden. I have their medical reports, which say otherwise.

The settlement letter, where they've agreed for no "karyavahi" is also with me(copy).

Can someone experienced, or maybe some lawyers can guide as to whether I should go to court? If so, what would be the procedure. I cant be available 24/7 for this.
They've also asked me to bring my car, both vehicles will need to be impounded. and should I carry original papers of the car, or copies?

Kind of urgent.

And so, another event materializes dramatically, unfolds like sludge.
The father of the "victim" complained to the CP office that they got into an accident and were dismissed by the police station, and hence, they did not get any remuneartion from me. This was why the cops had asked me to come over, with my car, as the "victim" had put them in the docks, and they will have to file an FIR, my car will be seized, as will the "victims", and I will have to present bail, and engage the insurer's lawyer, file a claim(?), and appear in court.
Headache, yes?
Guess what the dirtbag wanted?
Money. A 100k of it.

I had a lawyer, and my doctor father with me, who fortunately is a rehab specialist.
The father was there, making a case, "I want justice", bla bla....The lawyer saw the MLC report, my father saw it, and he also checked out the Xrays, and other reports, and told our lawyer that there is no need of a plaster, or even the 45 days laid-out bedrest the "victim" is claiming. The cops were told of this, and they see such stuff 10 times a day, with "victims" rolling up in fresh plaster.
After the "insaaf chahiye" naatak, the father was told to go home, get his son, for a statement. And he was asked to bring the 10k giver earlier, as someone cannot be punished twice for same crime. The creep moved off, but started talking to someone over the phone, we could see him, and then came back, said he cant give the 10k back, so work something out. My lawyer then stepped in again and asked him how much he wanted. He said 1 lac, at which point he was told that he will not get a penny. file a case, we'll see you in court. The cops took him to his house to get a a statement from the "victim", who then decided he could hobble, and brought him to the station.
In a fresh plaster.
Not even a trace of dirt even on the heel.

Mind you, the cops are as pissed with these crooks now as we are, since theyve been put in a spot.
The SHO told me that you made a mistake giving him anything the first time. Now if you give anymore, it'll be even bigger.

Again, the same crap, with an added twist from the "victim".
"You didnt even check up on me", "you didnt come to see me", and "you blacklisted my number" which point, our looks of incredulity could have been used as acting school case studies! for incredulity.
This was translated amply by the SHO as, "Why B#****, are you his girlfriend?", in hindi, in the correct dialect.

So on an official piece of paper, they prepared a response to the CP office.
Did you take money as settlement? yes.
Are you giving it back? no.
Therefore, no FIR can be registered.

They were then sent packing, hobbling after having spent 400 bucks on a new cast. And the "victim" was asked why is he so delicate???

We checked with the hospital, they never put the cast on him before, or yesterday, or ever.
Their was no case, it would have been thrown out at first hearing.
The car would have been seized, and released same day. If required, just the keys and papers would be deposited.
Bail is immediate in such a case.
Hearings happen after 45 days on average.
The general opinion is they've been speaking to some lawyer who has shown them the gold of MACT.

reminds me of amitabh's muses from "hum". 2 type k...:)
This after I had expedited clearance of his insurance claim NEFT in 3 days from date of filing. (Edit: of which the father knew nothing since his broken boy didnt tell him!!:D )
May you rot royally.

PS: I am hoping I will never ever have to make a follow up to THIS post.


Originally Posted by mayankk (Post 3914238)
PS: I am hoping I will never ever have to make a follow up to THIS post.

You tell the story wonderfully. But I too hope you won't have to tell any more!

Folks, just read this accident news. So so so shocking, brought tears to eyes.
Someone breathing his last, and asks the doctors to harvest his organs ! Massive Respect !!


Youth was cut into halves after a truck hit his motorcycle and ran over him on the Tumakuru-Bengaluru road on Tuesday morning. As he clung on to life, he pleaded with those who took him to hospital, and the doctors, to harvest his organs and donate these to those in need.


Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 (Post 3914615)
Folks, just read this accident news. So so so shocking, brought tears to eyes.
Someone breathing his last, and asks the doctors to harvest his organs ! Massive Respect !!

The worst part of the news was that after the brave youth was lying on the road writhing in pain on the account of his body being sliced into two, onlookers were busy capturing videos of the same rather than attending on him immediately. :Frustrati:Frustrati

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