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Old 6th October 2015, 22:35   #18856
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
Caught on my dashcam this afternoon, at the crossing next to the Gymkhana Club / opposite the Air Force Station, New Delhi.

Watch the scooter to the left of the screen. Who do you think is at fault here - the scooterist or the driver of the Swift?
1) CAR - if you do miss a turn go ahead and take a U-Turn. Never make abrupt maneuvers (especially without checking the side view mirror)

2) BIKE - Never squeeze besides vehicles. Instead, stay behind the vehicle and occupy the space as if you were a car.
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Last edited by Gannu_1 : 7th October 2015 at 10:39. Reason: Removing video from the quoted post.
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Old 6th October 2015, 22:52   #18857
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I don't know how many people here ride motorcycles hers but want to say that if you are on a 2 Wheeler you are responsible for your own safety. I always practise defensive riding on my bike and stay far away from moving traffic even if it means slowing down or speeding up. Also when stopped at signals I am usually in gear keeping an eye on the rear view mirror in case the car behind me forgets to brake. Most people on 2 wheelers in India think its the car drivers responsibility to watch out for them when they have so much more to lose. I've had people try to merge into me because they have not opened their ovrm and idiots trying to race with me because I'm riding in full gear on my superbike. It's no use, its extremely dangerous to ride 2 wheelers in India and you are inches from becoming roadkill because nobody gives a crap about traffic laws at all. You need to watch yourself and cannot blame anyone else in any circumstances.
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Old 7th October 2015, 01:14   #18858
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It's no use, its extremely dangerous to ride 2 wheelers in India
You should visit New Jersey the worst place for Motorcycle riders. Many will vouch for it. In India its mostly an accident, and here in Jersey lot of accidents are simply because people hate motorcycles!!

I am not joking, you can see people cut you at 65+MPH, try to not give you the space you need and even try to intimidate you.

If you are weak hearted you will fall for their antics.
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Old 7th October 2015, 01:29   #18859
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by longhorn View Post
Overtaking from the left IS breaking the law.

Exactly. The only problem(s) here being the moron on the scooter was :-
(a) Trying to overtake from the left while traffic was moving at not less than 30 kph.
(b) Overtaking a vehicle in his OWN lane.

The Scooterist is the cause of this accident. The Swift driver missing the turn was only a contributing factor.
One really needs to study and understand the rules and laws much better than Indian drivers and riders (and traffic policemen) do at present, before interpreting this situation.

A wrong turn is to be prosecuted. Period.

Whether a scooter happens to be there (or that the crash happened) is inconsequential. If the car had not slowed down to make the illegal turn, but continued straight at the same speed as the rest of the traffic ahead of him (or taken the slip road to turn, as permitted), then the scooter rider would neither have come alongside the car, nor crashed.
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Old 7th October 2015, 10:24   #18860
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
You should visit New Jersey the worst place for Motorcycle riders.

What is common between India and NJ? just kidding!! But news to me, thanks.

Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
Whether a scooter happens to be there (or that the crash happened) is inconsequential. If the car had not slowed down to make the illegal turn, but continued straight at the same speed as the rest of the traffic ahead of him (or taken the slip road to turn, as permitted), then the scooter rider would neither have come alongside the car, nor crashed.
Same way one can argue if the scooterist was staying behind in the center of the lane OR overtaking from the right side, as it is supposed to be as per Indian rules, the same accident could have been averted inspite of the car guy breaking the law.

Another important factor is keeping the distance between vehicles (to accommodate mistakes like that done by the swift), world over same rule. Sorry exception being India lol

I really don't understand what is there to analyze, we are just plain stupid in general and there is NO right in two wrongs!!

Last edited by Jaggu : 7th October 2015 at 10:27.
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Old 7th October 2015, 10:39   #18861
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
If the car had not slowed down to make the illegal turn, but continued straight at the same speed as the rest of the traffic ahead of him (or taken the slip road to turn, as permitted), then the scooter rider would neither have come alongside the car, nor crashed.
Again, Wrong, and irresponsible, but NOT illegal. LIke right is , on this spot, and marked as well on the boards.
There is nothing in the legal code to support that it was illegal. In the moral code, yes.

Last edited by mayankk : 7th October 2015 at 10:40.
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Old 7th October 2015, 12:12   #18862
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Turbo_Torq View Post
Woah. That was a nasty tankslapper. I'm not the one to analyze this accident but I have much reason to believe that he could've avoided it:

1) By reining in his speed especially on a village road.
2) By landing on his rear tire instead of the front which had every factor contributing against it to lose traction.
Question as a biker noob - In such a situation, how would one force a landing on the rear wheel? Thanks

Originally Posted by Arjun Reddy View Post
Received on facebook team fiat moto club.
Apparently the Scorpio ran into this Nissan showroom at a place called Kottrakara in Koll district.
As a Nissan Sunny owner, I'm happy to see the cabin intact .

Originally Posted by quickdraw View Post
I always practise defensive riding on my bike....Most people on 2 wheelers in India think its the car drivers responsibility to watch out for them
Well said. If you can't change the world, it's better you change yourself.
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Old 7th October 2015, 12:52   #18863
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Captured this crash on my Car's Dashcam. The eRickshaw was going wrong side and crashed into a Swift, no one was injured just because the speed of both vehicles was slow. See how the Rickshaw driver is thrown upon the car.

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Old 7th October 2015, 13:46   #18864
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Question as a biker noob - In such a situation, how would one force a landing on the rear wheel? Thanks
You cannot, unless you are expecting the speed breaker.
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Old 7th October 2015, 13:55   #18865
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

A must read to understand the consequences of an accident, even if one is not driving. The condition of the car left me speechless and wondering how did the occupants even survive.

I screamed out in a way I never knew I could. I saw my left foot was completely gone and my right leg was broken three quarters of the way down my shin with both bones sticking out. At this point I could not stop yelling out in pain. It was all becoming too real.
Accident vicitm speaks of the experience

Hope it serves as an eye opener to at least a few
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Old 7th October 2015, 14:14   #18866
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by PatchyBoy View Post
A must read to understand the consequences of an accident, even if one is not driving.
Chilling narration, punctuated by very compelling pictures.

Originally Posted by PatchyBoy View Post
The condition of the car left me speechless and wondering how did the occupants even survive.
What's even more striking is how what feels to us like a solid and invincible car is shredded into pieces, and the trees seem to have just shrugged off a little bark/leaves, and are probably saying "Meh, I'll just grow it back".

What we believe to be normal physical behaviour in terms of solidity and strength changes tremendously when either speed or temperature are involved.

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Old 7th October 2015, 14:16   #18867
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by SS-Traveller View Post
In general, on most city streets across the world, bikers try not to occupy a whole lane, and ride along or close to lane markers. This makes for slightly more efficient use of available road space, especially when traffic is heavy.
Unfortunately, lanes are so narrow in India. I lived in the US for 2+ decades where the lanes are really broad. I've been in India for 9 years now, and driving on these narrow lanes still make me nervous, especially when a two-wheeler or cab snuggles up close to me on either side. Where there are 2 lanes, there are 3.5 lanes of traffic (3 x 4-wheelers, 1 x 2 & 3 wheelers). And where there are 3 lanes, there are actually 5 lanes of traffic!

I keep thinking I have to get horns fixed on my front left and front right to warn these guys there's a vehicle they're getting too close to. In this scenario, I'd rather they ride behind me or in front of me.

Originally Posted by aerohit View Post
1) CAR - if you do miss a turn go ahead and take a U-Turn. Never make abrupt maneuvers (especially without checking the side view mirror)
This is exactly what I do. Long, long ago I learned never to make abrupt moves on a public road. Unfortunately buses, trucks, autos and two-wheelers seem to specialize in just that.
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Old 7th October 2015, 14:48   #18868
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
You should visit New Jersey the worst place for Motorcycle riders. Many will vouch for it. In India its mostly an accident, and here in Jersey lot of accidents are simply because people hate motorcycles!!

I am not joking, you can see people cut you at 65+MPH, try to not give you the space you need and even try to intimidate you.

If you are weak hearted you will fall for their antics.
Sorry, don't want a confrontation but I do not agree to this. I have been in New Jersey and rode a motorcycle for 10 months and 15000 miles. I had never faced this issue of people hating motorcycles. Yes, I have been cut off a few times but then the people apologized as well.
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Old 7th October 2015, 15:03   #18869
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I've met innumerable people in my life (friends and family included) who smirk at (badly worded in India) road signs with "Speed Kills" messages on them.

They'll argue no end about how they're "always in control" and "a little speed never hurt anybody". One fine day, I asked a friend to slow down in dense traffic and he went "Relax dude, I'm barely touching 40kmph, won't kill anyone even if I rammed him". I asked him whether he would consider running as fast as he can straight into a wall or a standing truck. He was like "Are you insane? I would get hurt, pretty bad". My reaction: "So you're unwilling to run into something at low double digit speeds your legs can manage, but have no qualms saying ramming someone at 40 kmph won't kill?". He got off the throttle and we reached home in peace (and in one piece).

We're still friends and I've never had to ask him to slow down again!
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Old 7th October 2015, 16:23   #18870
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
You should visit New Jersey the worst place for Motorcycle riders. Many will vouch for it. In India its mostly an accident, and here in Jersey lot of accidents are simply because people hate motorcycles!!

I am not joking, you can see people cut you at 65+MPH, try to not give you the space you need and even try to intimidate you.

If you are weak hearted you will fall for their antics.

I've ridden abroad in Europe and America. It depends from place to place really, its only legal to split lanes in California (drive between two lanes on a motorcycle). People are just ignorant and careless drivers. You know the funniest thing you see about suburban drivers in america? They are usually eating/drinking something. You won't see that happen in our country for sure. Also a big reason that so many rear end collisions happen as-well.

And glorious germany where 60 year old uncles will overtake you in their 20 year old Porsche while you're doing 200km/h.

Its a mindset thing nothing else, how much you respect yours and others lives. Unfortunately people only realise this after a life altering accident occurs with them or something close to them, and then also they forget because we are surrounded by apathy and the status quo is no respect for human life.

Originally Posted by aerohit View Post
1) CAR - if you do miss a turn go ahead and take a U-Turn. Never make abrupt maneuvers (especially without checking the side view mirror)

2) BIKE - Never squeeze besides vehicles. Instead, stay behind the vehicle and occupy the space as if you were a car.
You obviously don't ride a motorcycle. The care has twice the amount of wheels and brakes to shave speed. Any sudden braking or direction change will result in biker becoming road kill. Best place for a biker to be is away for moving traffic (read cars, trucks buses etc.)

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