Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 3794727)
I'm certainly not asking anybody to to go through 18,000-plus posts before adding to this thread, but I have an idea: when people notice a repeat, perhaps it could be reported to the mods who might take the decision to delete it?

Just an idea.

In this case, the repeat has new photo - front view of the accident.


Originally Posted by speedmiester (Post 3794550)
Street racing and biker stunts claims another victim in Bangalore.


I would not be sad if the biker had died instead of the innocent victim.
These bikers are an absolute nuisance and are a danger on our already pathetic roads.

This is becoming a menace across Bangalore. Lunatics have no sense when they perform such stupid things on road endangering others' lives as they have no respect for their own lives or others.

Some harsh (real harsh to hit them where it hurts) punishment should be introduced to cut this menace. :Frustrati


Originally Posted by speedmiester (Post 3794550)
Street racing and biker stunts claims another victim in Bangalore.


I would not be sad if the biker had died instead of the innocent victim.
These bikers are an absolute nuisance and are a danger on our already pathetic roads.

Really sad state of affairs. But what I don't understand is why would the police reject residents' claims of the offenders stunting! :Shockked:

From the source link:
Police officers rejected claims by residents that the bikers were wheeling. They said the speeding biker suddenly braked in front of the victim and collided into him.

One thing is for sure, these guys who do this stunt have a pattern of performing these acts on the roads. If I were a cop, I will know it in my veins, the issue is about the will to apprehend these goons and the issue of sensitivity associated with it on various lines.

Amazed that our 'responsible' media has not once mentioned that community elders can play a carrot and stick role and influence these behaviours. How much can the police do?


Originally Posted by HR-06 (Post 3794345)
Came across these pics on FB. Judging from the upload date, the accident seems to have taken place in the month of march:

Attachment 1410349

Attachment 1410351

Attachment 1410352

I think the law is the biggest culprit of rising accident death trend in India since
This in turn is a major cause of loss of lives of innocent people :deadhorse

I think you meant "under run protection bars"
Bull bars, on their own are capable of turning simple mishaps into major ones.


Originally Posted by technicalytuned (Post 3795059)
I think the law is the biggest culprit of rising accident death trend in India since[list]
[*]Bull bars and reflectors are seen on very few heavy vehicles

This in turn is a major cause of loss of lives of innocent people :deadhorse


Originally Posted by khoj (Post 3795576)
I think you meant "under run protection bars"
Bull bars, on their own are capable of turning simple mishaps into major ones.

Yes I meant "under run protection bar" and got a little confused with it. stupid:Thank You for correcting me.

The bus had proper reflective tapes. But they would come into play if the accident was at night AND driver was alert. In early morning (dawn) scenario a combination of tiredness and low efficacy of reflective tapes is problem scenario.
Old drivers would always say dawn and dusk are periods to slow down. Even if you are alert vision has low depth of field recognition and colour contrast becomes poor.

Ok, this is not an accident picture, but rather an accident waiting to happen. Let me explain: couple of us went for a breakfast ride via Hoskote to IPC this morning and while we were waiting for our orders to arrive, saw this bunch of kids (and some not so kids) standing around and cheering two nincompoops racing on the HYD highway on their Dukes. Later they all gathered around to take a group picture. Look where the photographers are standing - on the highway! Just waiting to get run over!

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-imageuploadedbyteambhp1441513695.137804.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-imageuploadedbyteambhp1441513718.137612.jpg

They called themselves Team GTB (Goldtown Bikers).

.....and that looks like a cop in mid foreground in the first picture!!!


Originally Posted by sudev (Post 3795759)
.....and that looks like a cop in mid foreground in the first picture!!!

That is the regular security guy hired by the outlet. He is no cop and doesn't have any right to police people. He can only request people to be careful.


Originally Posted by fiat_tarun (Post 3669632)
^^ My god, this is a scary. The strange part is, I do not see any tyre marks indicating hard braking, which means the driver must have slept and gone straight into the bus at a very high speed ...


Originally Posted by suresh_gs (Post 3669677)
If that is the case, may be there would have been side impact. This is a perfect case of tailgating at very high speeds...


Originally Posted by sudev (Post 3794464)
...Looks like driver was sleeping behind the wheel.

I do not see any brakes marks. Looking at the depth "penetration" this is most likely cause.

Could ABS be the cause for this absence of brake marks even when driver applied brakes? Even if so I would have expected some angle to impact alignment as the driver tried steering "away" to save.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20150323wa0008.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img20150323wa0009.jpg

If not tyre marks, what are these patches? They do look like tyre marks to me.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are blissfully driving in the right lane (even within the prescribed speed limits of 60-80 kmph on major roads/highways), and a bus or a truck in the left lane decides to ignore your presence and your signals and your honks and decides to occupy the right lane for their own perverse reasons? We do not reduce speed till the last moment trying to discourage the heavy vehicle driver from entering the right lane - in most cases the driver backs off. Where he decides to be obstinate, this is what could happen. The bus is clearly at an angle to the right-most kerb, which indicates it may not have been going straight ahead of the car. It could be moving from the left lane to the right one and could have disregarded the warnings of the car driver. The car driver might not have anticipated this and carried on without braking, only to realize at the very end that the bus driver didn't intend to back off, and rammed into the bus. This is another possibility as against the driver having dozed off.

Once again, an appeal to all: We weren't there, we do not "know" what happened. Please desist from making comments such as "clear case of xyz" when we are only looking at photos of what happened. Some may claim that reconstructing an accident is an exact science but I am sure none of us practise it or can practise it without access to eyewitnesses, victims and other forensic data.


Originally Posted by architkarpe (Post 3669706)
... People taking a car for a wash in the beach. Trying to drive through water without knowing the depth. These are some of the picture i was able to capture. Seeing them happening is a different scene altogether...

I chuckled to see those photos, although the owners surely haven't! Can you explain the burning car, by the way? It seems just a bit weird to see a vehicle burning right by the sea shore.

Police have to deal with various reactions towards the Superbikers which definitely affects their morale.


Originally Posted by Divya Sharan (Post 3794919)
Really sad state of affairs. But what I don't understand is why would the police reject residents' claims of the offenders stunting! :Shockked:

From the source link:
Police officers rejected claims by residents that the bikers were wheeling. They said the speeding biker suddenly braked in front of the victim and collided into him.


Originally Posted by honeybee (Post 3795775)
Have you ever been in a situation where you are blissfully driving in the right lane (even within the prescribed speed limits of 60-80 kmph on major roads/highways), and a bus or a truck in the left lane decides to ignore your presence and your signals and your honks and decides to occupy the right lane for their own perverse reasons? We do not reduce speed till the last moment trying to discourage the heavy vehicle driver from entering the right lane

Doesn't sound very blissful to me!


- in most cases the driver backs off. Where he decides to be obstinate, this is what could happen. The bus is clearly at an angle to the right-most kerb, which indicates it may not have been going straight ahead of the car. It could be moving from the left lane to the right one and could have disregarded the warnings of the car driver. The car driver might not have anticipated this and carried on without braking ...
Is that a junction just ahead? The bus might have been turning right. Why is the car driver approaching the junction, at speed, in the right-hand lane?


Once again, an appeal to all: We weren't there, we do not "know" what happened. Please desist from making comments such as "clear case of xyz" when we are only looking at photos of what happened. Some may claim that reconstructing an accident is an exact science but I am sure none of us practise it or can practise it without access to eyewitnesses, victims and other forensic data.
It is, indeed all guesswork, although some cases, even from the photos, are more clear-cut than others.

I do agree that this thread sometimes becomes a thread where everybody has to air their own pet theory, and it is just wasted space of hot-air speculation. Maybe I, too, just did that!

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