Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by extreme_torque (Post 1203568)
Now please c'mon... first we say there isnt any law in this country and when it is followed we give some reason or the other for not following it. The fact is whatever he was going was 'wrong' and because of it 3 people were killed. Its unfortunate alright but he should have been more careful.


Tell me in which profession and where exploitation is not there. Even in our college things are very bad. This is omni present in India. People extract work but wont pay, along with other mental torture.

But the real fact is that those humans in Verna had the courage to do something good for the country. Agreed there might be a little self interest too, but at the end of the day, they were doing good to society. And that Alto Guys were " not required on earth " people who managed to fly off.

Agreed that the present state of our country is because of our poor core mentality. Nothing else is responsible for this. And we are degrading fast. So IMHO, these guys who had the guts to so some thing correct, this must be forgiven and no case must be registered against anyone but the Alto driver and the other guys.

In fact the job of police was done by the humans in Verna so they have a right to take the law into their own hands.


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 1204185)
Saw this dumped in the bushes behind a church. Wonder how it happened - must have happened a long time ago!

I think the car rear ended a stationary truck or other commercial vehicle. Its looks like a nasty crash, and the entire car is bent. Very high speed impact I suppose.

I have seen it. The guy was ripping and overtook a tanker. He lost control and car swerved left and climbed over the inclined slope and crashed. I could see the lady had fatal injuries. Car was totally busted. I was not able to eat anything yesterday afternoon after that. Too shocking.

Both ambulance and Police reached the spot fast.

This is why i like TeamBHP ...we are everywhere:thumbs up

i think i passed by after few mins when people had gathered saw the cops but not ambulance. my wife could spot blood near the car....

Sad...hope the occupants are fine...


Originally Posted by laluks (Post 1206148)
I have seen it. The guy was ripping and overtook a tanker. He lost control and car swerved left and climbed over the inclined slope and crashed. I could see the lady had fatal injuries. Car was totally busted. I was not able to eat anything yesterday afternoon after that. Too shocking.

Both ambulance and Police reached the spot fast.


Originally Posted by lohithrao (Post 1206472)
This is why i like TeamBHP ...we are everywhere:thumbs up

i think i passed by after few mins when people had gathered saw the cops but not ambulance. my wife could spot blood near the car....

Sad...hope the occupants are fine...

He said 'fatal injuries' !!


Originally Posted by srishiva (Post 1206536)
He said 'fatal injuries' !!

OOps dint notice that....

Sad ...

This morning on my way to work i spotted a white swift which had crashed on to a tree , this was just before the "silk board signal"

Crash looked bad, might have rammed into the tree and a very high speed, could not take a pic...

Spotted at Dadri (outside Delhi) yesterday.

Front axle of the truck broken

I also noticed it. The crash was bad.


Originally Posted by lohithrao (Post 1209563)
This morning on my way to work i spotted a white swift which had crashed on to a tree , this was just before the "silk board signal"

Crash looked bad, might have rammed into the tree and a very high speed, could not take a pic...

Thats a fiesta and I dunno what happened , I just noticed the hr ALLOYS passed the test , is

I feel kinda sad for that truck :(

Holy cow!! What ever happened to the Fiesta? There's no front end left! Wonder who would survive such a crash.

EDIT: My bad, Benny. Thanks for pointing it out. Either ways, that's one end missing!


Originally Posted by Nitin (Post 1210615)
Holy cow!! What ever happened to the Fiesta? There's no front end left!

Err.. what you're looking at is the rear. Notice the taillamp in there.
Looks like some truck rear ended it at speed.

Found this truck somewhere in Uttarakhand last year. First, we look at the truck (athough I zoomed in and took this shot later)
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-aaa.jpg

and then let's look at how it happened.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-bbb.jpg

Ouch! Thats one nasty crash! The driver's cabin looks flattened!

Ohh! From the far off shot cant even make out its an accidental truck!
Seems completely flattened. Might be a case of overtaking gone wrong.

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