Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Raccoon (Post 3751312)
^^^Very true. Also its difficult to gauge distances from video/photo... so I'd not draw any concrete conclusion from the screenshot posted above. A short driver would definitely make things worse. I guess all or at least most of us drivers know this to be an issue. That's why I used to be super careful when having my (low height) doggie with me on the street.

I agree, especially driving SUVs any object which is lower than the bonnet height cannot be spotted, more over if the object is near to the left hand front of the car.
What I always do is, when I spot a child, crippled beggar, dogs/cats ahead or crossing my SUV I always honk loudly and continuously, until I cross the object, or I can see that they have moved away from my car, its safe and sure.
Not sure why the driver in the video didn't do that? I am sure he didn't spot the child at all, carelessness on his part IMO


Originally Posted by aspire (Post 3750899)

This happened right in front of me, while returning from work, yesterday evening in Bangalore, the roads were wet after a downpour, It was shocking to see how less control the bikers have on such roads, if they have to brake hard.


Problem is three fold.
1. Over inflated tyres. Two wheelers hardly fill the manufacturer recommend pressure. Usually 36psi is filled at the rear which is very high even if you are riding with pillion
2. Absolute lack of knowledge on how to brake in wet in a disc brake equipped bike
3. Mileage oriented ,Ill maintained hard compound tyres. Many tyres these two wheeler commuter use are bald and they do not bother to replace it.


Originally Posted by CDM (Post 3751199)
A small child on the passenger side can be easily hidden from the driver's view, particularly if the driver is short


Originally Posted by Raccoon (Post 3751312)
^^^Very true. Also its difficult to gauge distances from video/photo.

Could be true, I do not think we can infer this from the video. But we know that a lady got into the car, a second before it started moving - which leads me to think the driver was not paying attention, that's all.

From the distance though, any decent sized driver could have seen the girl, there is still some distance to go. All this is conjecture though.

However, the parent is the biggest culprit here, how could she have been so ignorant :deadhorse

The driver should have seen the girl, at 00.09 and 00.10 the girl is quite far from the car. One may not spot her if she is close to the bumper, but the driver should have seen her when he was about to start moving. Then again he failed to stop after the front wheel went over her. The road surface was flat and you can see the car pitching as it goes over the girl.

The mother, well ... blissfully unaware of her child. God save such kids from their parents!

A gruesome accident in Godhra, GJ caught on CCTV. A speeding tanker mows down 4 people- bystanders. These people were not even by the side of the main carriageway. From the footage it seems they were stationary by the side of a service lane!

Video -

Screenshots from the video -

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-acc2.png

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-acc1.png

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Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-acc4.png

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-acc5.png

Accidents like these makes one wonder how unpredictable life is, more so, on our roads.

No amount of safety features can prevent mishaps like these. With the ever increasing speeds, the infrastructure needs to match up as well. Just having good tarmac is not the end of building a 'world class highway'. If you watch the footage, there is practically no guardrail separating the main carriageway and the service lane. If the guardrail was present, it could have prevented the mishap.

Second thing that can prevent such accidents is stricter licensing norms, but god only knows when that will happen here.:Frustrati

Really feel sad for the family that suffered such a huge loss for practically no fault of their own. My prayers are with the survivors.


Originally Posted by Dry Ice (Post 3752042)
A gruesome accident in Godhra, GJ caught on CCTV. A speeding tanker mows down 4 people- bystanders. These people were not even by the side of the main carriageway. From the footage it seems they were stationary by the side of a service lane!

That is uncertainty at its worst !

I see the biker was talking on a phone when the truck veered off its path and had he been a bit more attentive to the huge sound, the 2-3 second window would have enabled him to move off , though I see the pillion rider got off the bike and made the fatal mistake of moving along the path of the incoming truck in panic, it seems. :Shockked:

Though most probably, I think it was tough to escape from that type of "Cornered" situations, I feel a little bit of attention might have made the difference.

But this video will definitely carve a memory in my mind .


Originally Posted by poised2drive (Post 3752094)
That is uncertainty at its worst !

I see the biker was talking on a phone when the truck veered off its path and had he been a bit more attentive to the huge sound, the 2-3 second window would have enabled him to move off , though I see the pillion rider got off the bike and made the fatal mistake of moving along the path of the incoming truck in panic, it seems. :Shockked:

The biker didn't have any chance at all. If you see the clips, everything happened within 2 secs. It is highly unlikely that the biker would have escaped even if he was not on phone.
It was almost as if the "God of death" veered the tanker towards those people to take their lives.
Well, that said, I have seen that these heavy trucker drivers have a very weird method of overtaking. They will get very close to the vehicle in front and look to their side to see if there is any oncoming vehicles. If there is no vehicles in sight (note that they have huge blind spot because of the height of their RVMs), they will veer the steering wheel suddenly to the next lane.
I think, this tanker driver did not anticipate the speed of his vehicle and veered all of a sudden.
The pull of the heavy tanker could have caused him to step on his accelerator pedal, speeding the vehicle dangerously.

We, in India, are always living dangerously. Its a miracle that most of us survive here.


Originally Posted by aspire (Post 3750899)

This happened right in front of me, while returning from work, yesterday evening in Bangalore, the roads were wet after a downpour, It was shocking to see how less control the bikers have on such roads, if they have to brake hard.


Ouch! Panic braking with rear brake fully pressed down did him in. Must have been a real scraping of the palms! This is why people should ride ATGATT. But oh well....


Originally Posted by sukhoi30 (Post 3752243)

I think, this tanker driver did not anticipate the speed of his vehicle and veered all of a sudden.

The pull of the heavy tanker could have caused him to step on his accelerator pedal, speeding the vehicle dangerously.



Originally Posted by naveenroy (Post 3752263)
Ouch! Panic braking with rear brake fully pressed down did him in.....

The tanker rear-ended the stationary truck, and looking at the intensity of the hit, it seems the driver of the truck would have lost consciousness. What terrible fate that the youngsters had to be at that exact spot.
Shocked that the truck driver noticed too late that all the vehicles in front have stopped.


I see the biker was talking on a phone when the truck veered off its path and had he been a bit more attentive to the huge sound, the 2-3 second window would have enabled him to move off , though I see the pillion rider got off the bike and made the fatal mistake of moving along the path of the incoming truck in panic, it seems

Are you serious!!!. Do you really think if you were the biker who actually did the right thing of stopping his bike to take a phone call rather than while riding could have changed the fate in 2.5 seconds from the time of impact.

Ifs and but's are always discussed but to me this is rather extreme to say the guys in bike should have been more attentive and would have saved their life(i cant imagine any good news after seeing this video).

Its a freak accident and there was no way anyone stopped at the side probably switched of the engine had a chance to survive this accident.

My personal feeling is its a little insensitive to blame the guys in bike and their attention as a reason. 2.5 seconds is nothing. Try that in a planned take off in a R1, may be then there is a chance. But that requires so much planning and readiness.

My natural reaction to that noise is to turn around and there i lose 1 second to even get back to the bike and handle bars. Before i know the lorry will be over me.

I don't think anyone of us could have done anything if we were the biker, it was unsurvivable. Imagine anyone of us in the bikers place, we would have turned around to check what was the noise about and BANG. Rip to the people on the bike. Life is so unpredictable.

One of the most dangerous videos on accidents! Not sure what was exactly wrong with the tanker driver? If he did follow lane discipline and kept himself in the left lane, he would have at least crossed well past the car safely and in his own lane. I assume there was some obstruction where the CCTV camera is placed.

The 2-wheeler rider and those around him... well, purely purely unlucky. And think of the fact that there would be families who might be depending on them.


Originally Posted by sukhoi30 (Post 3752243)
The biker didn't have any chance at all. If you see the clips, everything happened within 2 secs. ..


Originally Posted by VW2010 (Post 3752567)
Are you serious!!!. Do you really think if you were the biker who actually did the right thing of stopping his bike to take a phone call rather than while riding could have changed the fate in 2.5 seconds from the time of impact.

On retrospection, I seem to have displayed a sense of optimism by sounding that victim might have some amount of control of the situation but I see that it seemed ridiculous . I don't deny that biker had little chance to escape, given the situation, but I hope I made my intentions clear!

Sorry for being Insanely Idealist !

If the tanker driver survived. Whip him to death. That is the seriousness of his offence. These morons feel invincible in their iron castles, four feet above all traffic. One must come out with new safety norms for heavy vehicles like trucks and buses, where in the driver cabin and position must be lower to the road, leading to good visibility and remove the driver from his invincible perch and make him feel that in any accident he will be killed first.
Also if possible remove the heavy metal cage around the cabin and replace it with glass, plexi glass and plastic, helping better pedestrian safety.

Shootout Outside a Major Gurgaon Mall Led to a 3 vehicle accident. Hoping the auto guy is safe.

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