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I saw the Bolero clip atleast 20 times to ascertain whom the actual blame lies on, IMO, I think both parties were at fault with the lady getting a little more blame than the Bolero guy because:

1) The Lady should have seen the Bolero and waited for the entire road to be clear before attempting such an escapade, BUT, let's put ourselves in the situation, if our mobile or purse fell down on the road like this, we would be a little 'out of our minds' too, some of us might take a stupid decision in the heat of the moment, some of us might just be patient. Her jumpiness was just human nature.

2) The Bolero was quite fast, but so was the Dzire which passed before that, So I believe this is a proper highway and people will drive fast here. His mistake was the lack of anticipation. I am sure he must have seen from quite afar the lady going to the center of the road, an indication for anyone to tap the brakes and start slowing down, from the video, we can see that he starts braking really hard quite late and at that speed, no way can a Bolero stop. In the same situation, I don't think the Dzire would have stopped too, maybe the superior handling of the Dzire would have given the driver an option of swerving on the other side at the last moment too, Bolero guy did not even try that, Maybe he froze or maybe his mind did not work to swerve during that time. Could happen to anyone of us.

I think its two human natures colluding to create a worst situation in this case leading to the loss of a human life. I believe with the impact that the video shows, its un survivable for anyone.

The turning back from the middle of the road will result in 99.99% of the cases in India as the driver is never taught about anticipating and slowing down just by seeing the pedestrian.
I don't want to sound biased but have generally seen females (irrespective of their education) and kids turning back or behaving unpredictably on the road. Considering that aspect the blame can be put on Bolero driver but IMO the Govt, the Lady and the Driver all are at fault.
This accident is a classic example of cause of high accident rate on Indian roads. The value of each life is 1/1.3 Billion i.e. Negligible.


I don't want to sound biased but have generally seen females (irrespective of their education) and kids turning back or behaving unpredictably on the road.
Unfortunately you do sound biased. Everyone is unpredictable. You and i are no different. Watching a video and then telling yourself that you would have done better in this situation is just consoling yourself but the fact that you and I would have done something even crazier.

I rode once into the back of a swift in my bullet. I was absolutely careless and unpredictable and i learnt from the incident. By whose grace i escaped with a minor ankle sprain is still lingering in my head. So i wouldnt go to the extent of gender biasing this incident or calling out education.

And my wife takes ages to cross a road and she is super careful and that doesnt mean being unpredictable. Its just situation which makes us feel it was unpredictable. Few pages back a lady and a kid was mowed down by a sumo i think driven by a male driver. Freaking unpredictable of all kind.

Anyway back to this thread, today we lost a colleague, a good singer, a very humble human being to a freak car accident. Initial report suggest tyre burst, hit the median and the car turned over. Head injuries the main reason he couldnt survive. I fear lack of seat belt.

Please wear your seat belts. These incidents are just gentle reminder of whats happening around you. They say life comes at your very fast, i say the opposite of life is sitting on top of your head waiting for you to make one stupid move....

A Swift Dzire car got sandwiched between two trailers near Jaipur. 2 people got died and in the hospital during treatment and other serioualy injured person is getting treated in the hospital.

Source : Bhaskar Hindi, Rajasthan. 25-06-2015


Originally Posted by tbppjpr (Post 3738563)
A Swift Dzire car got sandwiched between two trailers near Jaipur. 2 people got died and in the hospital during treatment and other serioualy injured person is getting treated in the hospital.

Source : Bhaskar Hindi, Rajasthan. 25-06-2015

Such a gruesome sight. The first picture shows the hand of a person. I presume he is dead. Correct me if i am wrong.


Originally Posted by suresh_gs (Post 3738564)
Such a gruesome sight. The first picture shows the hand of a person. I presume he is dead. Correct me if i am wrong.

According to news, no one was dead on the spot, all got seriously injured and got admitted to hospital where two of them died.

More details and pictures at here:

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-accident7_14351765101.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-accident10_1435177601.jpg


Originally Posted by paragsachania (Post 3737717)
The lady getting hit by the "Speeding and Rashly driven" Bolero;

Most of them anticipate that a pedestrian would walk ahead than start walking back from a point while crossing the road. Sans that purse/wallet, a driver would simply think of the pedestrian as someone who is trying to cross the road. The driver may have never seen her bending down and picking up that stuff from the road at all.

But she walked in one direction and started walking back even faster in the other direction and that is an absolutely confusing situation to play with a driver's mind that he can take remedial action to avoid a possible incident like this.

The way that black thing is getting tossed around on the road, I believe its a cap and not a wallet/purse. I doubt the lady was jaywalking on such a busy section of the road with high speeds. Most likely, the cap worn by a biker got tossed off his head and the unfortunate lady was a pillion rider who came back to pick up the cap. Indirectly, this accident is a side-effect of the biker not wearing a helmet and therefore the biker is equally responsible for the accident.

Very regular scenario (the cap part, not the accident) on our roads. Most sensible people, just forget the cap and ride on. A 50-100 Rs cap is hardly worth risking your life for on a busy road.

Regarding the Bolero Incident,
We can always try to put the blame on driver, but in reality and in today's world, pedestrians have to be extra cautious while crossing the road or when being on the road, especially when it comes to highway.

No one likes to run over the pedestrians. and, accidents don't happen without could be recklessness or carelessness of either or both parties and the driver can't always be blamed for the carelessness and recklessness of the pedestrian. In this incident, she is basically trying to cross between vehicles, the difference between the Dzire and Bolero is only 2-3 seconds and this is on a highway. In my opinion it was a suicidal attempt by that lady. Crossing between vehicles is something very dangerous, anytime.

In the context of that Bolero accident, my advice to pedestrians is:
1) Crossing the road on a zebra crossing is okay since vehicles are supposed to stop and make way for you but on a highway, there are no such rules.
2) Please assess the road traffic before you cross the road. Look at the typical speed of the vehicles on that highway and take a call because, no vehicle can come to a halt within a fraction of a second from 90-100 kmph speed.
3) For God's sake, look at both the sides of the road while crossing and ensure that no vehicle is rushing at you. (the lady in that video made this mistake while returning where she missed the bolero altogether).

I've cross-posted the Bolero video in another thread for discussion, as this has created 2 pages of opinions since I originally shared the video. Please continue the discussion here ->

and let this thread stick to the topic.


Originally Posted by humyum
His mistake was the lack of anticipation. I am sure he must have seen from quite afar the lady going to the center of the road, an indication for anyone to tap the brakes and start slowing down, from the video, we can see that he starts braking really hard quite late and at that speed, no way can a Bolero stop.

Exactly what I meant - could not have put it any better. :thumbs up

This is not a case where the lady just jumps in front of the Bolero giving the driver no reaction-time at all, forget braking time. So, the Bolero driver had the time to take action, which he/she did not do.

And while those suggesting that pedestrians should be careful are making a very valid point, it does not take away from us motorists the responsibility to look out for them and take evasive action as required to avoid hurting them.

It is one thing to ask pedestrians to wait, watch traffic on both sides and then cross the road, but in a real-life scenario where motorists hijack the zebra crossing and start moving even when the signal is green for pedestrians, there is only so much that they can do to avoid getting hit.

Loosing a life just for a cap? Just unable to digest.

The way the lady approached the center of the road makes me feel she was a sensible & responsible person and well aware of density of traffic and speeds. As soon as she picked up the cap, she totally let her guard down and had the mentality of rushing back to where she came from. If at all she had the same mind set to return back, things would have been different.

I too feel that the Bolero was around same speed as of other cars. Driver reacted and probably steered slightly left(assuming lady wont do a U turn) or the locking of brakes set that direction cannot be ascertained by the video. Also, it depends on whether it was a yellow board or white, how well the vehicle was maintained (brakes condition and tyre condition). Unless such parameters are known, one cannot determine how much fault the Bolero driver is at.

Accident in Ludhiana on the busy NH-1 which passes through the city & which is under construction. Reports say accident was caused due to brake failure of the bus which unfortunately resulted in 3 casualties & several people being injured.

For some reason, I don't feel this incident to be a suicide case. Presence of a petrol can in car can't be a justifying factor to say it was self initiated.
And here is an example of two different NEWS portraying a slightly different version of the same incident.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-1435285162711.jpg


This gruesome accident took place on the Chalisgaon Dhule 2 lane road, yesterday noon at around 2.15 pm.

A speeding container approaching Chalisgaon, in a failed attempt to overtake a biker, rammed into an oncoming State Transport bus, which was en route to Dhule. The container rammed into the first row of seats on the driver's side, just behind the driver cabin, and smashed the entire side completely. 21 people are reported to have died on the spot, including the container driver. The bus's driver somehow was saved. The biker's fate is unknown.

Want to attach picture, but could not water mark it.

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