Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Originally Posted by Auswechseln (Post 3692742)
This video had me in tears. I don't know how people can be so cruel.

Most probably the driver was a learner or one who did not realize that a dog was lying there.

Mate, the driver was driving fairly slow and with headlights on he should have been in a position to see the dog lying there. All that he should have done is to honk near the dog. It would have gone off.
I fail to understand how he could not see the dog.


Originally Posted by trek (Post 3691909)

This video shows us how insensitive, indifferent and pathetic we humans have become !

It is absolutely foolish to think that the driver didn't see the dog lying there unless he's blind or busy with his damn phone or something. I cannot even think of any other view that supports the driver...period :Frustrati

And the cops - Caring for a street dog, my foot huh !

what else can be expected from them !?


Originally Posted by poised2drive (Post 3692803)
And the cops - Caring for a street dog, my foot huh !

I have seen something even worse :

sometime in 2012, on the stretch of NH7 from thoppur to salem, I was driving in the left lane ~80kmph. It was around noon time. This was a relatively straight stretch. From far away itself I could see a few people and a car stationary in the left lane. There was a slow moving lorry on the right lane, approaching the place where the people were standing.

(This is what I came to know later : there had been an accident between a salem bound tata indigo and a maruti van fully laden with marriage party, which had turned right on a median opening, from the opposite side. The accident had occured sometime ago, as almost all of the victims had already been taken to some hospitals. Since many people were involved, multiple ambulances had reached the spot and taken the victims. Those present were the last few remaining onlookers, who, along with the 2 victim vehicles, were blocking the left lane)

I slowed down, but I could see in my IRVM, a rapidly approaching white fortuner with political flags and stickers, and he never bothered to slow down. He zoomed past me, went further ahead, seeing the lorry on right lane, swerved left, and went ahead. He must have stayed on the left lane for atleast 7-8 seconds (he is sure to have seen what I had seen a few seconds ago), and instead of braking (i never saw his rear light up) , this guy speeded up even more. He was looking to squeeze himself in front of the lorry, trying to avoid hitting the people+vehicles. But he was not successful. The fortuner's front left hit one person while squeezing into the right lane. The poor guy who got hit, was thrown away like a rag doll, into the opposite lanes. Thankfully, the thick bushes in the median slowed down his fall and the opposite lane had no traffic. Both myself and the lorry screeched to a halt. By the time I and the lorry driver ran to the spot, the 2-3 other people had reached him. Since a spare ambulance was at hand, he was immediately put in it (was bleeding like hell, from his hands, but no visible head injury) and rushed to hospital. (Even today, i dont know what happened to him).

The fortuner - never stopped. DID NOT EVEN SLOW DOWN. He just sped away. This is the highest level of inhuman nature i have personally witnessed.


Originally Posted by trek (Post 3691909)

I'm not justifying the driver involved here. But there's a chance that he did not see the dog. From the looks of it, the car seems to be climbing up an incline. If so, the driver's view of the immediate road ahead would have been obstructed by the car's dashboard. Had experienced something similar when I was taking my car out from a bank's underground parking lot. The victim here was fortunately the security guard's chair which was completely out of my visibility.

But whatever the circumstances, it is heart wrenching to see the poor animal die so agonizingly. RIP my canine friend.

I had that happen to me as well - in my case, a very friendly mutt that used to laze around near my apartment building. I was reversing a ritz (which has a very high stance) down the slope of my apartment building's gateway and the dog happened to be sleeping there.

I just couldn't see him in the rear view mirror - rather small dog and lying down. Also, he usually has the sense to move out of the way when he sees vehicles coming, but for some reason he left it till too late and had his side / leg bashed by my car bumper. Had him taken to the blue cross ASAP for treatment, and he is almost ok now, still limps a bit.

People who know me know that I like dogs a lot and they like me back. That hurt me almost as much as it hurt the dog, I can tell you.


Originally Posted by trek (Post 3691909)

Oh god... I shouldn't have watched that video. It's painful. Either the driver didn't watch the road or he had no visibility of the poor creature lying in front.

What hurts most is the pain it went through (R.I.P dear) and how people react.

Check the below post. Animal instincts are way above human.


Originally Posted by msdivy (Post 3691783)
Found this video on FB, really sorry for the girl.


Originally Posted by drivingme.crazy (Post 3692941)

Check the below post. Animal instincts are way above human.

Yeah, I saw this video a few days back and I couldn't my own eyes !
I know dogs can be friendly but this one was hurrying towards the girl to check upon [ just like a sensible human would do ] and it is quite shameful for us as we can see a couple of people at one corner just staring at the fallen girl complete indifferent to the situation :Frustrati

Generally dogs instincts make them run away from loud sounds and I am sure that falling Activa would have enough THUD to scare the mongrel away but surprisingly that DOG .... seems to be some sort of ANGEL .

Just look at how the dog approaches towards the Girl ... Mind boggling stuff clap:

I apologize if I seem to Romanticize the scene..


Originally Posted by trek (Post 3691909)

The driver stopped after he realized he ran over an animal. He probably didn't see the dog. When driving up the ramp, you can view the trees and the sky. One cannot see the flat road ahead. After he crossed the incline onto the flat road, the dog wouldn't have been visible, or he was looking out for the traffic. Without a doubt, whatever happened is unfortunate and the video is very sad.

Aston Martin Vantage crashed into a tree - to save a stray dog? I don't remember ever seeing stray dogs in that area!

Lose control of your high-speed car on a Sunday evening, hit a tree... and blame a dog. :)


Originally Posted by SS-Traveller (Post 3694498)
I don't remember ever seeing stray dogs in that area!


and on that stretch one tends to see people speeding all the time!

My friend sent me these pics of an accident happened in the Pala-Kottayam road in central Kerala

Seems the truck bore the brunt and not the Jag here.
Sad to see the beauty in this state!!

Seems a speedy car on a wet tarmac sort of accident.


Originally Posted by venkyhere (Post 3692876)
I have seen something even worse :

The fortuner - never stopped. DID NOT EVEN SLOW DOWN. He just sped away. This is the highest level of inhuman nature i have personally witnessed.

Majority of politicians ,from all states,are the most inhumans one can ever see. They do not have value for human life. Specially, if you happen to travel in Tamil Nadu,very often you can come across white SUVs with political flag fluttering, over speeding,never following traffic rules and the driver invariably cursing and using foul language when ever someone fail to give way/side.Let me add here that this behavior is prevalent in almost every state , lest our south Indian brothers would get offended!

I feel sorry for the poor house owner - the front gate (?) and the adjoining pillars are gone. Overtaking maneuver gone wrong?


Originally Posted by Joe M (Post 3696278)
My friend sent me these pics of an accident happened in the Pala-Kottayam road in central Kerala

It was painful to see these pics. But what's more important is the state of the jaguar post the accident & the truck.

"Worth every penny" must be the thought in the owners mind. lol:

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