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Old 19th June 2014, 11:45   #15601
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Gotham_City View Post
I wonder what precautions one can take to avoid situations like these. Or is it fait accompli all the way while on road?
Almost all agencies involved in road safety recommend these steps in order, if you have to stop on the shoulder due to an emergency:

- Switch on hazard lights
- Leave the vehicle (via doors on opposite side of traffic)
- Retreat behind the road-edge barrier, if any. Else stay as far away from the road as possible
- Contact emergency services (Heh. In India.)
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Old 19th June 2014, 23:56   #15602
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My wife (walking) was hit from behind by a biker this morning. His excuse: it was her fault because she didn't go where he thought she was going to. Moron. She wasn't seriously hurt, and was no mood to argue the issue.

Yes, she's ok. Bruised and battered, and, at this moment, pain is keeping her from bed, but we have been to the doctor for check up. She's lucky: she was fully knocked down, but no broken bones, and not really any broken skin even.

She's an early riser/walker; I'm a late sleeper. She called a friend nearby to bring her home, and we went to the doc when I woke up.

It could have been so much worse: bikers, please try and keep your brain cells switched on. Any offence is intended

Last edited by manson : 21st June 2014 at 20:38. Reason: Office = offence, typo?
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Old 20th June 2014, 07:56   #15603
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Bangalore Mirror is reporting a horrible accident on the wee hours of yesterday morning at Banashankari:

While the cocktail they describe is definitely among the most potent, one should also take into account the deadly obsession Bangalore's powers-that-be has with speedbreakers.
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Old 20th June 2014, 08:43   #15604
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
My wife (walking) was hit from behind by a biker this morning. His excuse: it was her fault because she didn't go where he thought she was going to. Moron. She wasn't seriously hurt, and was no mood to argue the issue.
Similar incident but with a car, happened couple of months back at Trivandrum, when my wife and daughter was waiting at the road side when some idiot in a white Swift reversed and hit them from behind. Luckily no broken bones. The guy did not even bother to lower the filmed glass and show concern. My daughter confronted him but the guy drove off. She had the presence of mind to note down the car number and promptly informed police control room. Within 15 minutes the car was caught on the outskirts of the city. They were then with our consent warned and let off.

Last edited by rajeev k : 20th June 2014 at 08:48.
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Old 20th June 2014, 08:53   #15605
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Sad to hear about your wife being hit and glad that she is ok. This is one reason I recommend that when walking on our roads, walk against the traffic flow. That way you can see what is approaching you.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
My wife (walking) was hit from behind by a biker this morning. His excuse: it was her fault because she didn't go where he thought she was going to. Moron. She wasn't seriously hurt, and was no mood to argue the issue.

Yes, she's ok. Bruised and battered, and, at this moment, pain is keeping her from bed, but we have been to the doctor for check up. She's lucky: she was fully knocked down, but no broken bones, and not really any broken skin even.

She's an early riser/walker; I'm a late sleeper. She called a friend nearby to bring her home, and we went to the doc when I woke up.

It could have been so much worse: bikers, please try and keep your brain cells switched on. Any office is intended
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Old 20th June 2014, 09:31   #15606
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
My wife (walking) was hit from behind by a biker this morning. His excuse: it was her fault because she didn't go where he thought she was going to. Moron. She wasn't seriously hurt, and was no mood to argue the issue.

Yes, she's ok. Bruised and battered, and, at this moment, pain is keeping her from bed, but we have been to the doctor for check up. She's lucky: she was fully knocked down, but no broken bones, and not really any broken skin even.

She's an early riser/walker; I'm a late sleeper. She called a friend nearby to bring her home, and we went to the doc when I woke up.

It could have been so much worse: bikers, please try and keep your brain cells switched on. Any office is intended
Very sorry to hear this. Wishing your wife a speedy recovery. In the days to come, it looks like walking on the road will be a criminal offence courtesy these moronic riders.
As one of the members suggested, it is better if your wife walks against the direction of traffic flow so that she gets to know who is coming. If at all
some moron is approaching her fast, she will have the necessary time to react.
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Old 20th June 2014, 09:48   #15607
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
She's lucky: she was fully knocked down, but no broken bones, and not really any broken skin even.
Sorry to hear about the incident Thad. But please make sure that a thorough check up is done by the doctor to eliminate any possible hidden injuries. I may sound paranoid, but that is due to my memories of multiple people having these kind of small accidents resulting in unpleasant health issues later. The fall might be small, but if you have internal injuries which are left unnoticed, it can haunt you later. Just be safe
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Old 20th June 2014, 09:49   #15608
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Originally Posted by vikram_d View Post
Sad to hear about your wife being hit and glad that she is ok. This is one reason I recommend that when walking on our roads, walk against the traffic flow. That way you can see what is approaching you.

in chennai, you can still be hit from behind. Half the bikers consider the roads their open canvas and ride like they wish.


Good that your wife is okay. Such incidents really piss me off. At your ages, a single hit can take months to be solved. It is in cities like Delhi that I feel less sad about mob rage, because such douchebags who ride like this in a way deserve to get thrashed. I know of senior citizens who were bedridden for six months because of bikers who were speeding in small lanes. Or that incident in gurgaon where a toddler was run over by a speeding car driver inside an apartment complex in front of his grandparents.

There is no reason why we cannot respect our fellow citizens and drive at sane limits (10-15 kph in apartment complexes, below 30 in wider residential lanes).

Initially in a recent Aus visit, I was pretty bored seeing everyone go at ~100 on the highway. Then i realized how orderly the traffic was, and how nicely and easily everyone could drive. Here in India we have everything from a bullock cart in the right lane to a cabbie overtaking from the left at 100 kph.

The police should seize that moron's bike and license. He is a threat to the public the way he rides. That's what any civilized country would have done.
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Old 20th June 2014, 10:20   #15609
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Sorry to hear about that. That. Wishing your wife a quick recovery !!!
Originally Posted by vikram_d
This is one reason I recommend that when walking on our roads, walk against the traffic flow. That way you can see what is approaching you.
Yes, the safe approach when there are no elevated footpaths, which anyway don't exist in most roads of our country. But again, with motorcyclists encroaching on elevated footpaths also, what is the point ?

BTW, heard about a serious accident involving an auto and an Indica near the toll-booth at Chennai One. Apparently 3 fatalities - auto crushed badly. Anyone has more details ?
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Old 20th June 2014, 11:23   #15610
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Tram without driver hit 10 cars at Ballygunge Phari in Kolkata. It was a sheer callousness from the driver. While the tram was on its way a power cut took place and the tram stopped. The drive put it in gear and left the tram which he was not supposed to do. When the power came the tram suddenly suddenly started moving forward in full surge as it was left in gear. The driver less tram damaged 10 cars severely.

While it was moving ahead two locals guys acted as a hero and saved a lot more damage. They jumped into the running tram and put the gear to neutral which eventually halted the tram barring further damages.

The article on Times of India.

A video from youtube.

The pictures of the mangled cars from today's newspaper.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_2519.jpg

Last edited by Samba : 20th June 2014 at 11:28.
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Old 20th June 2014, 12:04   #15611
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Samba View Post
Tram without driver hit 10 cars at Ballygunge Phari in Kolkata. It was a sheer callousness from the driver. While the tram was on its way a power cut took place and the tram stopped. The drive put it in gear and left the tram which he was not supposed to do. When the power came the tram suddenly suddenly started moving forward in full surge as it was left in gear. The driver less tram damaged 10 cars severely.
All that i can say is

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Old 20th June 2014, 13:05   #15612
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I remembered the movie 'Unstoppable' even before opening the article. In the film, the driver gets down from the train to fix something and the train accelerates. Luckily here, it was a tram.

Was that really power cut or was there some technical problem? I thought trams get power supply all the time.

As usual, no coordination between various departments. If a runaway tram is found, wouldn't it be easy to cut power until the tram stops?
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Old 20th June 2014, 13:38   #15613
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Originally Posted by vikram_d View Post
...This is one reason I recommend that when walking on our roads, walk against the traffic flow. That way you can see what is approaching you.
Technically it's correct in a place where motorists obey traffic rules.

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post chennai, you can still be hit from behind. Half the bikers consider the roads their open canvas and ride like they wish...
+1. The other day I was walking in the opposite direction in a one way (so that I can see the traffic) and I was almost knocked down by a moron who came in the wrong side. I prefer walking on the foot path; with the man holes & damaged concrete slabs, some times that also is dangerous!
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Old 20th June 2014, 13:57   #15614
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Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
Technically it's correct in a place where motorists obey traffic rules.

+1. The other day I was walking in the opposite direction in a one way (so that I can see the traffic) and I was almost knocked down by a moron who came in the wrong side. I prefer walking on the foot path; with the man holes & damaged concrete slabs, some times that also is dangerous!
Even if you have to walk on damaged footpaths with holes, atleast the control is in your mind as to how we can avoid the holes but in the case of walking on the road against the traffic flow, one does not have any control over a moron who can knock you down.
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Old 20th June 2014, 14:16   #15615
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Originally Posted by rohanjf View Post
Was that really power cut or was there some technical problem? I thought trams get power supply all the time.
No its common, due to power supply failures trams do stop.

Originally Posted by rohanjf View Post
As usual, no coordination between various departments. If a runaway tram is found, wouldn't it be easy to cut power until the tram stops?
The place it occurred is a very busy area. The whole incident must have occurred with in a minute or so. With proper co-ordination and then putting the power supply off would have taken atleast 5 minutes. In 5 minutes it would have been disastrous in such a busy area.

Hats off to both the guys who jumped into the tram and stopped it saving further damages.
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